Many people talk about the fact that man should live in the here and now. These same persons however repeat old behavior they used in the past or anxiously try to avoid links with the past.
They do not intend to know about history nor the future. They do not want to know the impact of issues of the past or future possibilities. They have no insight in their socialization process. Now they again want to invent the wheel as now is the balance of the past and the future. If the paradox is understood they act quickly and consciously based on integrated knowledge of the past and future. If one does not act to the energy present it means a waste of energy, effort and money for themselves and their environment.
In fact they do not know why they act the way they do as they have no idea who they are or what to accomplish on earth. They believe they do but do not know. Whoever they are at this precise moment is something none knows as this has to be discovered and once discovered it is already a few seconds or hours old.
They have no view on the possibilities of the future. The future becomes visible for those who view the past. To view the past one has to know the socialization process, history and the impact of those. Focus on all possible perspectives as more perspectives reflect a larger part of you. The process of socialization formed you. It gives you insight in the person you became or what it is you like to change or adapt to. It is the duty of the adult to establish what is not feeling well.
Indeed, earth teaches balance or dualism. The two sides of the whole must be learned to discover the delicate balance of reality, next we can turn into the trinity. We all like to progress to the light and thus we need these teachings.
In order to live in the here and now it is important to have knowledge of the past. The more internalized knowledge of the past; there is more visibility on the future. Where past and future are in balance there will be equilibrium. When that fine tuned piece of balance is reached we act and live in the here and now.
Being in the here and now means being aware of whom you are and why you act the way you do. Sometimes you slightly act more to the left side of the balance scale and sometimes more to the right side. It does not mean you are ambivalent, uncertain or unfounded. You pick the time, as energy that is stationary means decline. You constantly attune how and why you will act with the energy present as detailed in my story of the picture book. You have managed to act in the refined center of the balance scale.