If you want to become an alive living human others talk about giving meaning or color to your life. But what does it actually mean?
Do you have to give your home a lick of paint? Is it expected to wear colorful clothes? Do you need a bunch of flowers in your house or have colorful images and objects in your house?
When you comply with these examples without knowing the impact you give not any color to your life. You just react dogmatic to what another dictates you to do. You willingly respond to a fad, like for example a certain color in your interior, or a certain color of clothing. Each week you have that bunch of flowers on the dining table because that’s how it is, is not it? It is in fact nothing more than being stuck in a picture book. Without any sense of your own choices you give in to the demands of others.
The other has for many centuries perhaps stated with such impact that others still follow them today. A good example is John Calvin, who lived from 1509-1564. His beliefs are based on faith and not on inner knowledge. His beliefs are still interwoven in today’s society. Even people who call themselves an atheist often use one or more of his convictions. In fact they act with a religious conviction. There are many more of such personalities the society follows or imitates. Sometimes it is about the books that one reads and others indiscriminately accept all content as true. Currently many take for granted what TV idols or pop idols say or sing. Another example of colorlessness is when people indiscriminately follow or copy issues on the internet without doing any research on the source of these issues.
The first question to be asked is whether the message that this person is preaching is based on faith or on inner knowing.
The second question to be asked is whether that message with the words and expressions of that time are still understood in modern times.
The third question to be asked is whether the people that write the words in the current language do understand the original text themselves or add consciously or unconsciously their own twist.
The fourth question is whether the faith of one another should be your faith. Cannot I better discover and define myself?
Fact is those uncritically emulate and imitate one another whether a preacher or an idol leads to colorless life. It is putting you at service of another person. You give your energy away and you actually life on the grounding of that other person. You have not longer an own face or an own life. The other person enjoys all the power and attention and often cannot help but parasites on the energy of other people. They are black and white thinkers who often determine on the hierarchical positions they have what others have to do. They are often people with a thick picture book who do not even possess the ability to live in the here and now. They hardly are alive living but more often live on the means of egocentrism. With self-centeredness is meant that they see themselves as center and give themselves every opportunity in life and thus for others remain no equivalent portion.
A person who starts to become a living person learns by experiences. He becomes conscious. Thus he is often labeled as selfish. With selfishness is meant a person who stands up for himself, who dares to choose for themselves and likewise gives others their space in life. In fact, such a person becomes colorful and from the black and white and various shades of gray color eventually colors emerge.
By socializing with many types of people, listening to the ideas about the lives of other people and by experiencing what it means to them, these people get a view of multiple perspectives. They go through those experiences and discoveries, and fill their toolbox. With more equipment in their toolbox they handle issues of life with more ease, flexibility, energy, creativity and become colorful.
However, their lives are often determined by those in hierarchical positions. Often these persons have not progressed further than the black and the cosmic color white. The cosmic color white is a white color from the past and is sometimes called polluted white. It is very difficult to stand on equal footing with them when the other has become colorful. One person has a dominant position and is still unconscious and has little inner strength. The other person is conscious and has a lot of inner strength but is not at a social dominance position.
Yet the person who has become more colorful and has gained more inner strength continuous his process on his own path of life and his own realization of life. He who has shall be given. Yet those who know are aware of balancing the balance scale. The other person receives the same. He is given more of his outer power and gets less inner strength. While they are unconscious they lose the balance. They show up for what they are and become “disempowered”.
The conscious human who enriches his inner knowledge (more rich) becomes equitable. This inner enrichment shows as the person emits more of a golden color. They have more skills than the person in the black and white stage who often keeps afloat by dominance. As the conscious human obtains more inner knowledge he emits a higher frequency of energy until they ultimately emit only light. This occurs when all colors come together in them. The people that reach this point are brothers and sisters to each other and live in peace and harmony. Then their life’s purpose on earth is attained.