Still there are people not aware of the fact that they are stuck in one or more of the seven deadly sins. They lack inner knowledge as they are trapped by the dogma’s of religion (lack of light and conscience). They have in this or their former lives not yet progressed enough. Thus they still wander around in the Tala, cannot continue to the Loka, cannot continue from the sevenfold path of the Loka to the eighth step, which is the moment when the earthly learning experience has ended and we no longer have to incarnate on Earth. We have then enough light power (high frequency) that we as an essence can continue elsewhere.
What are those main sins?
Pride, Laziness, Envy, Temper, Lust, Gluttony and Avarice.
Many people protected by an authority (Group, Church, boss, Government) know to cover these sins (masks). They are the hypocritical people who act spiritually but falls prey to these sins. They follow the Left Path and as such will not reach the final goal. They become inwardly cloven, caught in many diseases and lead multiple lives.
That is a great pity because by living within a physical body they can the learn the lessons of these sins and follow the path of the stars. Thereby they can set themselves free from whatever that keeps them Earthbound. Therefor some call Earth a kind of prison.
The choice is up to each person to choose the path you walk on, how long you want to suffer or that you finally take yourself by the hand and lead your own life.
Recovery is possible after deep personal insight, repentance and forgiveness to yourself and others and of course by acting accordingly.
- Pride
For example, there are people who by their progressive insight a high quality of life behave ’royal’ (with has lots of inner bright colors) (self-conscious, decisive (light shining on what is obscure, urges fellow man for walking their own path of life, are not looking for outer appearance or material wealth). They just serve others by being themselves. They strife to follow their inner path in order to achieve inner gold. More often they are likely to be poor compared to contemporary standards, as at present only externals like excessive money, goods or the presence in the media counts. He does not allow to become lived by the polluted dark fellow human beings. They have no followers, but are perhaps surrounded or connected with people who follow their inner path. They grow to more and more communication and conscious interaction with the energy that there is, so that they learn to experience and follow the true life (path).
The haughty man, on the other hand, is a liar and ambitious ((with many black and grey inner colors). You recognize them because if you ask them a straight question (honestly) they always have a vague story why something happened. They use their fellow man (they are from a group) and maintain themselves by using the grounding of their fellow man. Only by being a member of a group they can maintain themselves in the society. As individuals they are not powerful. Only with external power they can maintain themselves. That is why religion has arisen. They are preferably at the hierarchical top and that is why churches are high. They detest man who have a high quality of life and it makes them furious. They adorn themselves with externals and desirable behavior such as positivity. Their spiritual emptiness is covered with their vanity and outward appearances. They are just filled with cognitive knowledge, or only with the possibility to gabble religious texts. This theoretical spirituality is one big mask. They want no interference of another and not at all by anyone without such a sin.
To be continued…
Pauline Laumans
Aura and Chakra Reader/Healer, Naturopath/Therapist
+31 618541278