Jumping to all sides or…

Some decades ago, scientists warned for turbulent times ahead in which nothing remains the same. This can also be explained from the viewpoint of a.o. history, geology, astrology and of course intuitive insight.

Humans once more challenge their own destiny. They just repeat history while they belief that they proceed and are more worth than their ancestors or other species. This is haughtily thinking and acting. I call such people “thinking-acting people”.

They are people who do not know history (of many thousands of years) and who repeat it with open eyes, without any sense of who they are. They pride themselves on their hierarchical position with their buzzwords such as renewable, green thinking or as benefactor.

They just create another verisimilitude for future generations, as the butterfly effect for the future is already visible. Despite their joint action, it is not an action of co-creation. Co-creation is an action from your essence with you; your soul energy with your ratio.

Just being guided by their ratio, they allow to be guided by their outside world and know no grounding. A grounding means that energy of your soul parts is merged and fills your body. Searching for salvation in the outside world allows other entities to lead and occupy them. Such people still remain in the “pyramid behavior” where other entities affect them.

It is high time that this unjustified behavior – arising from religion – stops. Men needs reconnect his soul parts and learn to know themselves. Only then can the word “progress” have meaning. As long as humans are not familiar with their soul parts (previous lives) and remain “thinking-acting”, there is involution and degeneration. Humans remain jumping to all sides and are afraid of Self.

To be continued…

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously. www.libertasinvivo.com

Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.  www.c-t-u.com/shop

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Human life depending on sufficient plants

Nowadays, man has aversion to natural life. Thus we kill many plants because they are not beautiful or inconveniently in our eyes. Not pretty because they finished blooming, have barren leaves or do not match with our interior. We dislike them as they have dead leaves; we need to take care of them as they are at a non-natural place or because they put a sticky substance on the car. Once a plant has finished blooming, we throw them away. We are so focused on materials that we forgot that a plant is a living organism. The same happens in the garden. Once new residents arrive, they remove the plants they dislike and treat them as rubbish. Do we handle us humans the same?  This is a bad example of how to deal with life. Plants are nothing else than entities like ourselves, just in a different casing.

Especially in urban areas, we see this aversion towards natural life. Handling them this way is not sustainable. Often man plant them in wrong places, such as under electricity wires or close to a road that is going to be shifted in a few years, thus these trees have a short life.

In a city, you see only a small amount of plants and trees and rarely old trees. Trees easily become several centuries old, sometimes over 1000 years.

Many today do no longer know that we live in symbiosis with plants and trees. Especially where many people live, we are in greater need of them due to the fact we need oxygen. But also because plants can clean the air we pollute with our toxic exhaust gases.

It is therefore necessary that we become aware of the need of many plants instead of stones and concrete. Thus, we better turn lawns into a garden with perennials, so that more photosynthesis can take place, and we have more clean air. How aware are you of the necessity of plants? What is it you teach the next generations?


Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.  We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously. www.libertasinvivo.com Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.  www.c-t-u.com/shop

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Eagles Flight false and greedy pretentions

There is a new phenomenon in the Benelux that presents itself around as innovative. This obsolete training model From North America presents itself in a game form and presents itself with much tam-tam. But to say it is innovative?

The company – with the name of a bird of prey – claims to be a progressive leading organization in the development and implementation of practical training programs for the business market. It claims it is about learning by experience. They refer to a list of big companies and Governments who probably have used this training model.

The first acquaintance was a free training offer about authenticity. A concept that did not returned.

It is a game of which you might think it is fun as it is presented in a new form, a game. At first sight not an unpleasant game, were it not that it is a management tool to only maximize profit. The goal is not about the experience, but about how to win. After all, they stress the importance of the fact to end with the most gold at any cost.

Now that that most are fed up with this top-down or bottom-up pyramid structure for decades already, they drop this obsolete idea once more in the form of a game. The greed and oppression is a repetition of history where everyone has had enough of, but what is in this model cheerfully presented as a new management tool.

The training started with a long list of instructions which were orally explained during many minutes. That surprised me because it is known that people first take unto themselves kinesiologically, next visually  and then orally. Soon it was noticed that the attendees became stirred up with many neurotic behavior to act excited and comfortable to this game.  A game with names like  desert, rattle or promise. This reminded me after a couple of minutes to the movie “Die Welle” or “The Third Wave”. The game is played as a group against other groups. Before you start, they pressure on time and to pursuit the goal. A typical Anglo-Saxon model what disrupts the world as we now know off.

The game mentions it is about cooperation, but it is the strongest and most convincing person who determines and the other members follow. The latest keep silent due to time pressure, lack of value etc… It is not about individual knowledge and equal participation, but about Group Demand. Inner knowledge is than subject to Group Demand. In this game, you scrupulously pursuit the goal and take risky decisions. History has shown that such decisions often lead to bankruptcy of a company, because decisions are not made with common sense, but due to currents fads and fancies of public opinion. In the game you can use the recurring weather forecasts, while we now life in a time where we no longer can rely on such data. This game is pure about short-term profit, without taking into account individuals or the sustainable society.

Learning by experience is only superficially present. Everybody can mention learning aspects when one asks for it. Training persons in learning by experience is a process associated with deep open questions, which are built up in a certain way, whereby persons are confronted to (painful) internal bottlenecks that need to be solved.

CEO’s who use this alongside other similar models can indoctrinate their employees to show wishful behavior. The naïve employee believes in it. Such models are for the unconscious “sleeping” man, who continues to repeat history. It turns people into a slave of the model, and not in a self-thinking and self-steering individual. Independent people are inwardly conscious and skilled employees who represent the interests of the company in conjunction with a sustainable society. This is not to the liking of the company or government as their personal role is to be questioned and this they cannot handle.

This game turns people into robots – a Barbie or Ken – and let them think that this game and their actions are progressive. Overall, an expensive method to give employees a new illusion and turn them into a willing slave. It has nothing to do with inner learning and certainly not with authenticity.

Such models only contribute to involution. It keeps humankind in a straitjacket.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality. We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously. www.libertasinvivo.com Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.  www.c-t-u.com/shop

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Tree day in March a deceptive mask of sustainability

On the third Wednesday in March we nationwide celebrate the tree holiday in the Netherlands. Great indeed, you might say as wise men honor trees because:

  • Trees give life to animals and humans because LARGE mature trees give oxygen, small young trees can hardly do the same.
  • Trees give shelter against the bright sun in the summer, so it is pleasant to be outside and we do not need climate control.
  • Trees give housing and protection for insects and other animals.
  • Trees give fruits.
  • Trees contain wisdom and this often centuries-old wisdom can pass to intuitive people (those who have learned to communicate with energy)
  • Trees can keep the ecosystem in balance and thus make life possible. They protect against too much drought or too much water.
  • Trees provide social security and mental rest.
  • Trees can reduce the amount of particle dust.
  • Trees are a mirror for man because they show that after the winter (death) another spring (life) starts.  Trees thus remind humans of their own life cycle and mission.

Unfortunately, due to ignorance of humans trees suffer and die.

So-called experts plants trees in fruitless soil, with a scoop black ground. The roots which need to find their way out, comes moments later in poor fruitless soil. Humans desire trees to survive but without additional supply of water and nutrition, while man plant them in unnatural circumstances. People even take away the leaves and twigs that serve as nutrition and protection for trees and plants. Gosh, how do trees get sick?!

Municipalities sometimes plants trees that do not belong in a given area. Thus, trees do not feel home and dye, often from loneliness. Trees all have another function/role just like people. For some trees it applies that they are better off in a group. Trees are obstacles for unnatural living humans. So when some people complain about the sticky juice or the pollen, the Government cut the trees. Or roads be built according the script on the table and adult trees need to be cut, while just beside there is an empty field.

The past few weeks, as well as in the autumn, many healthy trees along highways, provincial roads, bike paths, parks etc. are stripped of from many healthy branches or just harvested. They do not even get balm on the cut. So the tree can get sick and then they have a reason cut the entire tree. The government who sits behind a desk and give these commands, have no internalized knowledge and their employees slavishly and brainless execute these commands (like “command is command”).  Many Governments have a so-called “tree plan” and what it states is somewhat sacred.

Trees are planted without people realize how old (hundreds of years) they become and thus if they are planted at the right spot. Mature trees in the Netherlands but as well in Canada and other countries become rare. (we do not kill a child either when it turns into an adult  do we?)

The realization that trees are living organisms, with which we need to live in symbiosis, becomes more into oblivion.

Many people have a phobia against trees and nature in general. A phobia stemming from fear. Fear that something may happen, that one might become sick due to pollen (no one faces the cause deep inside the human), become dirty, or because the tree stands in the way.

That man blocks sustainability is now – after over 60 years of global knowledge transfer – well known. Alarming is the fact that Central Government, provinces and municipalities make the task of trees impossible, and their right to be living. It is all about money $$$ and not about sustainability for present and future generations.

Governments deliberately head for “Easter Island” in their country. As cognitive knowledge is widely available, but is pushed aside for financial or ego interests. The law should protect trees, instead of the predatory man.

Will tree day be a holiday? Not for the trees, they are the harbinger for what people start to suffer now.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality. We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously. www.libertasinvivo.com Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.  www.c-t-u.com/shop

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The Dutch proposal for law “harnessing and harvesting” makes Easter Island from the Netherlands

Undoubtedly have you heard of Easter Island, because of those Hugh stone images of people that are to be found there. It is a subtropical island where remains of a beautiful ecoculture have been discovered.

Through the combined efforts of people, this all is vanished. Men cut the trees, without planting any new ones. They brought animals to the island that turned the ecosystem out of balance. They killed all the animals because they used them. It’s become a barren island, where once by nature itself many plants and animals lived in a beautiful setting, until humans arrived there. After they turned it into barren land, man disappeared.

It’s been described often how this island is the prelude for what man will face and thus at present can learn to understand.

Nevertheless, humankind reiterates this while they are cognitively aware. With open eyes, they take a next part of nature to once more build a city or a factory district. Older trees which often lived only at 1/3 of their life cycle are knocked down because it might happen that a branch might fall off on a human. It is the fear that reigns for nature.

Another recent example is the Indoor Park in New York. A park where everything is artificial. Many people find it beautiful because they don’t suffer from any animals. Animals that might crawl over them or fly along, sit on the floor or try to take a piece of their food.  Even here, it is the fear of nature and the natural produces.

In the Netherlands, they are at the brink of laws that allow it to transform the Netherlands in a new Easter Island. This due to economic financial reasons and ongoing egocentric behavior. Behavior of dead living. Apparently, there is no longer the ability for humans to share with other beings. To live together with other beings and allow each other the light in the eyes (right of existence), is for many humans no longer possible.

No, humankind rather likes to put everything to their will in an attempt to feel important and they show this by dominating over and thinking on behalf of others. The actual existential reason of all these living animals and people, is for most people (still) unknown despite what has been written in holy books, history or discovered in science. Humankind who themselves are part of the nature thus also negate their own existence.

Humankind is with increasing speed copying the disrupting of nature of what in Easter Island already became reality. Nothing is spared where man asserts his pretentions. Even the hardest lessons give humankind no insight. How blind and deaf is humanity? How hard should the confrontation be this time in this repeating history? How often need humankind be confronted with this lesson? Is humankind still dignified or has humankind lost all their worth when they with open ears and eyes create such an environment? Which country does not have similar actions?

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality. We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously. www.libertasinvivo.com Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.  www.c-t-u.com/shop

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Dutch nature conservation policy, nature has to pay the debt

The not beloved State Secretary Mr. Bleker asserted that the provinces do what he demands; to accept the heavy cuts in nature policy. Provinces that at first loudly protested about pulling the plug out the nature conservation policy and the failure of the government to comply with international agreements are suddenly caved. Suddenly it seems the financial factors are clear now and for provinces and it seems their concern is no longer about nature, but the fuss was all about money.

Still the concept of a well executed (inter) national nature policy and nature conservation that is essential for humans as well, does not seem to penetrate to the human brains and activity. Without an ecological system of plants and animals, there is after all no right for existence for humans.

Men, who shows by this weak policy that humanity – leaded by their Governments – controls everything and force plants, animals and human to have less resistance and finally makes them sick. Government policy that continues with their shortsighted thinking that we can put everything to our hand and thus act in the delusion/the illusion.

The provinces are yielded to the economic side of the story; c.q. the temptation. The political pressure is that forceful that one might call it oppressive games where financial gain is to win, than that we speak of responsible long-term governance policies for humans, animals and plants.

Humanity knows it, but does not act on it. Humanity continues with their back to the future and prefers to have their face to their purse. The first that have to pay the debt are the animals and plants.

When does it penetrate to the Government that they lead their inhabitants to their own demise?

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality. We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously. www.libertasinvivo.com Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.  www.c-t-u.com/shop

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Employers want to influence (sick) employees.

Employers are fed up with employees who are constantly ill. Personally, I do understand. Of course, it is difficult for the continuity of the business if someone is not present. Furthermore, it is expensive to replace that person. In the current economic recession, it is a spanner in the wheel for many companies.

The other side is the employee who falls sick. Is it a disease that affects you unconsciously causing you to be absent or involves it other absenteeism?

Absenteeism is however a signal and everyone, also for employers and workers, but to the cause we do not search deep enough. To bent illness to one’s will, creates even more absenteeism. History has already proven that men must learn from life and cannot force life to the will of men. Still both try to do this in this blog post. One by noticing men as a machine that you switch of if he becomes redundant. The other by not willing to work at his inner self and attain a higher energy frequency.

Many people are unaware and unwilling. They rather do nothing more than easy living by stuffing themselves with wrong food instead of nourishing food, drinking tonic drinks or use stimulant drugs and medications. All this makes them sick. One becomes also sick of oppression, rat behavior or stress. It is different for the person who becomes aware, and desires on the road to heeling to put straight old diseases. For this person it is necessary that the employer shows a tolerant attitude.

Many employers show compelling force on healthy behaviors. The question is whether they live life in a healthy way or offer work in a healthy atmosphere? It is also the question whether they should intervene in the learning process of men, without knowledge of this learning process? After all this suppresses humanity even more!

It is a tendency to see humans as a production unit, where economic gain is to win. Thus, it increases the unconsciousness, the tension and involution of humans. It results in degenerating humans (sicker) and eliminates himself in the universe. This is due to the fact that men likes to remain unaware and do not want to detach what doesn’t fit (entities), in order to achieve a higher frequency. Rarely do we see humans as a being that need to fulfill their life commitment.

Workers and employers rather live unconsciously and think only about money and fun. Thus, they create karma and allow willingly many entities (possession) with pathogenic effects as a result.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously. www.libertasinvivo.com Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.  www.c-t-u.com/shop

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Justified or unjustified fuss about the latest virus detected on animals

There is once more a new fuss at farmers who keep animals. The latest virus called the Schmallenbergvirus has caused havoc to several farmers who keep sheep or goats. The animals get deformed offspring. If the messages are correct, there is also a case known to a farmer who keeps cattle.  In their case, the cows suffer for a few days fever, diarrhea, weakness and reduced milk production. It is a virus where no remedy is against until now. A real misery for the livestock industry.

But, do these farmers wonder what the deeper cause actually is? Does the farmer association and all those other organizations involved question themselves what their own contribution to the emergence of these problems is?

It is clear that when a virus is around, only the not completely healthy persons or animals are affected.  History lessons are an example of this when they confront us with likewise stories about the diseases in the middle ages. The question is whether we – farmers and people who deal with animals – have learned of the circumstances that caused large outbreaks in the middle ages. More recently are the several large outbreaks of other animal diseases with major consequences such as mad cow disease, foot-and-mouth disease, scrapies, dioxin chickens, swine fever, or pig cholera.

Still it is about the unnatural generation and unnatural living conditions of animals.

– It begins with an unnatural reproduction. The male and female body may no longer get together and thus the body is not encouraged for receipt of the fetus. The insemination is clinical.

– Next most get the wrong nutrition. Nutrition that they themselves would not choose. It is food that is artificially created and quickly fills and manures the animals, but whether it has sufficient nutrition that their body can use is another thing.

– Another important cause I would like to mention, are the unnatural living conditions. These are conditions with too many animals in a small space and often with too little daylight. Many animals are no longer admitted to be continuous outside in conditions where they are able to find their own food and beverage and are able to find their own shelter against cold or heat. We let them spend their lives too often in unnatural (stables or meadows without facilities) places.  It is not surprising that all these unnatural living conditions have probably already introduced a form of inbreeding.

– In any case, one thing is particularly clear. People and animals that live an unnatural life become ill. The people and animals that live completely natural life, are not or barely susceptible to diseases. Animals that live near people and are not held naturally are susceptible to diseases. These animals are therefore dealt with many medications. Many of these medications reduce on their turn their resilience and even make them sicker. It goes from one generation to the next generation and the animals become less vital and degenerate with every generation.

The food industry gains a lot of money with keeping animals this way. For them it they are a product and no longer living creatures like themselves. Even if they themselves become seriously sick because the disease affect humans (zoonosis) – as recently the Q-fever who made many people seriously ill or killed them, they cheerfully continue. The money is indeed of more importance to them. About the thousands of animals that have become the victim of this human misconduct they keep a conveniently silence.

The question is whether it is justified or unjustified fuss when a new disease manifests. Are we humans who eat animals or keep animals not contributing to it and thus also guilty?

Is in particular the food and animal feed industry remaining blind to the consequences of their own actions and the impact on nature and humans?

This is part of the book “Your Choice: Living Alive or Living Dead” ISBN 978-90-81233-1-5 E-pub or Hardcover

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To Fill or Fulfill yourself?

To Fill or Fulfill yourself, what does it mean you wonder. That is precisely what it is all about. Many people want to fulfill themselves; practice however, shows they are filling themselves. It is a social trap, in which we are entangled for thousands of years.

We all long deep inside that our life has meaning, that we contribute to society or that we are at least personally happy. That concept we call fulfillment.

It is the intrinsic motivation of us as humans to mean something. For some, this means that they are commemorated by their family members and are in the Centre of their interest. For others it means that they are at work creating career and for others that they will not easily be forgotten in history, they have achieved the press or the publicity. The question is whether this fulfillment.

For ages fulfillment means that you know your personal path in life and bring it to expression. That is something else than just being in the spotlight of your surroundings. Fulfillment means that you within enrich yourself.  Enrich means you become energetically powerful, beam light and wisdom. Wisdom is inner force and not just the availability of cognitive knowledge. You will need to make your own choice. Not always a choice that is taken in gratitude by those that surround you. You have taken your own direction as you are convinced that this is your life. That this choice does not always make you loved gives you social status or leave you with lots of money and goods, doesn’t really bother you. You know you should go this way, if you want to realize yourself. You no longer like to linger in the maelstrom of the society. You transcend as each time you meet the paradoxes you notice the parallels and you transcend both. You continue noticing paradoxes and parallel’s and transcend them until you are completely in balance and fulfilled with your life purpose. You know that this is the goal of everyone, but you’re really fulfilling this objective. That fulfillment is from within.

That you might have the need to say NO to many questions/requirements of society you take for granted.

To Fill

Questions of the society that fill are amongst others: falsifying data because the boss claims it, stealing an object because everyone else does, polluting your environment because you pay tax to clean it, participate in a war that has been provoked by another or eating the food that society  dish up.

To Fill in fact means nothing else than do whatever is easy. Do what the boss or the prevailing ideas of ask of you. You yourself make you no real inner choice. The boss fills his wallet or becomes respected for his act and you want to benefit by willingly do what he desires. May be you become noticed by him and get a promotion or at least keep your job. In fact, you are only concerned with filling. Another way of filling can be seen in people who grow to enormous proportions that are very exceptional, which make them to move with difficulty. Also, the motherhood can mean to fill you if they get a child because it is the idea/demand of society.

These people all have in common that they have no own life purpose from within. They are empty inside. The only thing they desire is to participate socially and become recognized. A purpose that is understandable. However, the downside is that they contribute and keep alive a sick civil system that is still in the first dimension and repeating itself. The people in this system keep each other imprisoned.

They only fill their body and their material objectives such as the bank account or a house full of goods. They thus comply with the outer societal demands of more, bigger and better. They completely lost sight of their intrinsic value. They remain participating as a willing slave in this system believing it provides them fulfillment. In reality, it gives them only a short-lived pleasure. As a blind person following this path, they descend in the spiral. While the person who really becomes fulfilled, liberates himself from the spiral. They are an example for humanity on their way to a multiple dimension.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality. We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously. www.libertasinvivo.com Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.  www.c-t-u.com/shop

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The annual disturbance of the life of animals

It is almost New Years Eve. It is the moment in the year that in many countries they celebrate the transition from one year to the next when they let of Fireworks. In some countries, it is customary to have many fireworks by individuals. The use of Fireworks holds the mystical meaning to curb evil spirits by the huge sound and light scene.

That huge sound and light scene is what attracts many people. They set fire for hours in the Fireworks and fearlessly shoot fireworks in addition to ornamental use like carbide, avalanche flares or emergency arrows.

The same phenomenon occurs even at other times during the year when the so-called music or dance festivals are held in the open air.

The public organizing or attending these festivals find it’s great to do. They don’t realize how much they limit the living space of animals thereby. Also, they do not realize how far the sound carries. They only base their festivals on the legal standards there exist. Standards that do not take into account all factors that play a role. The sound and light penetrates unsolicited and undesired deep into the environment of the animals. The living environment of humans demands increasingly more space at the expense of the area of animals as humans fill the space with roads, houses and their intrusive presence by which they invade others space.

The excessive sound and Light humans promote because they do not take into consideration all aspects. Some of these aspects are the sensory organs of animals are not impaired as they have to humankind. Another aspect is that the long streets that carry the sounds far away. The houses and stony environment work as speaker cabinets. Many large trees and shrubs do not stop the sound, because man minimizes their presence.

Animals crawl frightened under banks or cabinets due to the excessive sound and light nuisance. Some animals are traumatized for many days. The birds are suddenly nowhere to see. For animals is this excessive degree of sound and light a harbinger of impending doom like a disaster.

Actually indeed a disaster happens by this prolonged and excessive noise and light pollution. It causes hearing loss and probably also sight damage, making the animals disoriented if they remain in this pollution. It causes stress. Stress turn into disease. Much more disturbing is the dumb down it causes due to the negative impact on the brain. On one hand, this comes by long-term exposure to excessive sounds and light nuisance, on the other hand, by the unnatural sounds. In addition to animals, also people suffer under the same consequences. People are a far cry from the consequences of their actions and of their feelings, so the impact hits them when it is often too late.

This prolonged sound- and light nuisance does not curb spirits, but call them forth to show themselves. Annually there is an increasing tangible and intangible damage, such as diseases after such events. Such events are no festival for animals and conscious people. The question is for how many people this is a festivity.

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