Sense and nonsense of Business Boot camp/Open Circles

What attracts so many people to such events? What is going on? Why? With such questions and an open mind I went to this Business Boot camp of Open Circles Academy. This is what I as an energy reader discovered.

The room was well filled with ca. 1300 people. But what a deafening noise at the entrance. A sickening welcome. The cabinets in the body went heavily vibrating. A sign that the sound has a pathetic high volume with too much bass. Fortunately is stopped after a while as the program started. He has a “torrent of speech” with many repetitions. His style is one of bloated stories interwoven with some simple humor. Very American is his imperative behavior to force you to do what he says and by clapping  your hands and by shouting when he commands it as otherwise you could not integrate what he tells. It is a brainwashing like the movie “The Wave“. It works because the mass does what he commands  this day and the next day exactly as he likes it and are thus very excited.

He promises you to share all his knowledge but the days are merely filled with the commercialization of his own products and trainings. Products he sells very expensive during the break. He is a commercial talent, who sells tiny insights for a high price. His trainings become cheaper if you advertise his products and company. You can do so by giving positive comments on his website. A kind of corporate incest.

The training  is razor thin and super superficial. A question on the internet already delivers deeper knowledge. Even these two days he contradicts himself. Furthermore, he lives in the Netherlands since 1995 (now we have 2013) but lacks still command of the Dutch language and talks about Holland while we live in the Netherlands. This attitude is disdainful for the Netherlands and its inhabitants.

Of course it is nice to be taught how to do business in a pleasant way and earn enough to have a living, but her they pursuit excessive ways that mankind finds revolting. He let his audience believe that the universe offers abundance for everyone to be a millionaire. Abundance however,  only means that everyone gets what he needs in order to fulfill his learning path. He does not realize that mass and energy is the same. It is a constant that does not grow. In other words, if someone has a lot, there is less for the others (theft). So everyone can claim its own space, but no more than that.

As an observer of energy I uncovered the following. The whole is filled with black energy. That is energy of men that we describe as frogspawn still not ripe to become a tadpole. Let alone walk the difficult personal development path of self realization to become a Prince, King or further. See the book “From Tadpole to Frog: Towards Mega Conscious Awareness in 2016”.  When I looked at what happened to the people in the room, I saw that the top of their brains were in a wave motion showing a complete brainwashing. The black energy is entirely Astral (= past). It means it are humans who have not yet made a connection with Earth. They still live and dream  in their past. The people he knows to win for his personal comfort are still “Dormant” people who enthusiastically surrender to this wolf in sheep’s clothing. They are “Believers” who fall for someone who speaks English and knows how to surround himself with his audience. It is their own “picture book” (dogma) where the fell in, as large numbers of people or a lot of money says nothing about the quality. The question is why these people have not learnt what he offers in elementary school, high school or have learned in their working lives where it already passed several times. How much repetition do these “sleeping” people need to wake up somewhat? The majority of the audience is well over the 30 or 40 years old.

He transfers many dogma’s. For example  that you only learn when there is fun. Another dogma is that if you notice errors, you are poor in spirit and limited in your thinking. According to him you should only see possibilities and not the mistakes. Such North American dogma’s made them to no longer be able to “perceive” but just run after empty targets. In many English-speaking countries you will find websites full of slyness nonsense that offer  the naive customs golden mountains. Yet less than 2% is rich. The others are often as poor as a church rat. They show the world of the “Believers” their “Keeping up appearances“, especially in movies, sitcoms and commercials on TV. The middle class has almost gone and that is the bankruptcy of these countries. As this kind of calculated business now longer works they  try it in other parts of the world or in emerging economies. We already know that when we follow the Anglo-Saxon method, we destroy everything on earth and we all become poor and flawed. It is very North-American to train or write books that they themselves do not practice.

He teaches tricks which he tries to anchor. Thus, it is not integrated knowledge. Men allows to become cluttered with entities (obsessed by). If they ever go into therapy  they have a hard job detaching from these entities as it blocks them to explore their inner Self in order to achieve Self-realization.

The European, African, and also the Asian Market pursuit the North-Americans and allow to be corrupt and hand themselves over to gurus who are cursed with money and profit pursuit. It shows that many people are still living in the astral world (past) and thus remain believing in fairy tales and keeping up appearances. The pursuit of money, goods and other forms of greed belongs in addition to creating (many) children to the biggest sins. There is enough explained in many holy books and we repeat it again – in this end time of this vicious cycle – as we are still ignorant people for the umpteenth time. We have just lamented about the greed of banks and many managers but we are just repeating it because of our fear, greed, inferiority complex or whatever.

We hand in our intellect and inner growth (self realization) as soon as we allow power, greed, outer values and worship others or money.

Evil is spread on earth by men like such guru’s and followers. Attachment to only extrinsic values and externals such as money, goods, attention or prestige makes men living dead. As such people are still  “dormant” and “ignorant” of their individual aim on Earth. This evil put them far back on their lifeline and contributes to the degeneration of man and eventually the end of humankind.

Some people even dare to explain that having excessive money can be given away when they have more than their excessive share already. This in indulgence. Also they like to hire staff in order to have a lot of spare time. They demand that others work for free or for little wages for them. They don’t realize that they deprive others their “birthright“. A present time of slavery.  It is also the repetition of the story of “The Commons” that tells the story of the downfall of men and all on Earth. Even charities and philanthropists make the same mistake and have deprived the original meaning of the word.

Such trainings and their students is all about “Believing” or about the pyramid men who oppresses or likes to be oppressed. They are not even close at the beginning of awareness, as conscious awareness starts only when you yourself experience  your past lives.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously at

Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books see

To watch several consultations see at TV programm “Helder Hart”.

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In this era we fall once more massively for darkness and temptation 2/2

Although we know the stories from the Bible in the Western world. Stories like Moses and his  trip through the desert. A trip in which most of his fellow men were entice/seduced by gold (=  only matter). They didn’t wanted to learn from the hardships and temptations on their path. They did not wanted to be touched by those around them with more light and insight. They didn’t wanted to step out of their comfort zone. Therefore the right to enter the promised land was denied to them.

Even the story of the prodigal son many still do not understand. It is the story of a father who shared his property and demanded his children to do something with it. One son stayed at home and saved all his money. The other son started traveling and stepped out of his comfort zone, spent all his money but returned home full of stories and insights. The father was very happy on the return of this son. The other son however, was angry and jealous about the fact that his father praised his brother who came home broke. The jealous son did not wanted to notice the fact that he had not learned any additional thing, while his brother had learned and internalized a lot (go forth and multiply).

While we praise Jesus most still do not understand his teachings about love and freedom.. Jesus showed us the path to the fourth dimension. He did so by showing us how to end our suffering which enables us to walk our own path through life. Still we use the cross of suffering with great pleasure.

We are seeing blind and hearing deaf and repeat once more these above mentioned aspects. We act as such as all our pursuits are focused on matter. As such we remain in the phase of the “Sleeping” human. Thus a human that has not yet awakened and live consciously.

We are “Sleeping” in regard to our eating habits in regard to plants and how we keep, use or eat animals, but also in regard to how we act to our fellow man. Still we are not allowed to show emotions, we hide the truth and we live up to the standard of keeping up appearances with magic words like “positivity, calculable, durable”. While we still do not want to see reality.

So we focus on whatever is apart from our inner self, focus on whatever is “pathetic” and like to spent money to all kinds of charities. Especially at the end of the year or at the end of our lives we like to buy off our conscience (indulgence). We act like “Sleeping” persons as we  don’t want to get insights and are not willing to know what is our share. We do not like to be held responsible for our own life. We have no intention to live our life as Jesus showed us which leads us out of suffering (repeating)into freedom.

Meanwhile Earth is engaged in a attempt to go into the fifth dimension, while a few people already have entered already further dimensions as they are focused on understanding and internalize all life lessons in order to detach the earthly life-and-death-cycle.

The persons who do not like to look in their own reflection and not willing to step out of their comfort zone and learn the lessons of life, will continue in the new (repeating) vicious cycle. Such a person is again immersed in ignorance and lives as a “Sleeping” person who believe in the coming of a Savior. The many saviors that crossed their path until now they have ignored.

The fact that each individual needs to become a “Knower” and a “Light Worker” is still unknown to them. They like to remain “Sleeping” and care for all kind of  matter (candy, humbugs, money, goods and indulgence as they do not yet have the intention to become awake and conscious what life means. Their urge of avoidance makes their lives to an agony, for many lifetimes until they awake one day and start living through all these dimensions on earth.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously at

Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books see

To watch several consultations see at TV programm “Helder Hart”.

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In this era, we fall en mass for darkness and temptation 1/2

You probable have followed the fearful messages about the end of the Mayan calendar. Maya is another word for temptation.

On the other hand, there are messages that we face a new era with a new Earth full of light and love. These latest messages make us belief in a better times. It is the same belief that suppresses us already 40,000 years in a top down hierarchy (pyramid energy). This belief let humans belief in symbols, ideals and hierarchy. This believing in symbols (candles, forms, feathers, gemstones and gold) also occurs outside Churches and fellowships. Symbols are only necessary if you have no internalized knowledge. People have than special attributes, which they belief they cannot do without, like amulets, pouches, telephones, television, radio’s etc. Without media, they belief they miss what is happening in the world. They also belief that media or another person should entertain them.

The question is why people no longer can amuse themselves. Why does people do not raise the question why they have lost their inner knowledge to sense what is happening elsewhere?

The question is why people allow to be suppressed and as such let themselves possessed voluntarily by other entities. Yes, the majority of people are possessed.

Also, most have no insight in their own identity. They faithfully belief the many course gurus who supposedly help them to get authenticity. It is however the same as described above. In fact, they only learn to use a box full of tricks and thus are even more handed over at the mercy of others. Many of them belief the person who helps others, but when such a person has not realized himself how can he help others? They belief in energies that come from outside, but do not know how much those energies like taken possession over the earthly man. This because these entities themselves have no longer a physical body. On the other hand, it is because these entities like it to let another take the chestnuts out of the fire, so they do not burn themselves. Or because entities with a body parasitize the people in their environment by occupying them.

All these believing people become even more possessed. They cannot make a distinction between their energy and the energy of another entity. They were not taught to detach them from other entities in order to increase their own energy (go forth and multiply). They do not choose the path of self-realization (real authenticity) but continue to think and belief in what others present them (dependence). They walk the shadow path and imitate others. They are guided by their drives and instinct which they call intuition. This as they do not know yet the meaning of intuition. They have no memory of themselves (past lives) and lack awake awareness, and as such cannot be in contact with their Self. They remain “dormant” in repeating cycles and threaten to do this once more.

Now at this so important crossroad between two large cycles, also they have all the possibilities to escape during several decades (ca. 80 years).

The question is are they awake and willing enough?

The light and the real love are only available for those who have walked the path of self-realization. The path through the way of the “hermit” and the “temperance” and become part of the “universe”. Such persons live life in an altruistic way. They are one with all life around them and understand others on essence level. Then there is light and love. Then they understand higher inner knowledge which intuition is. This path is now available for everyone willing. It is the right path.

For those who belief that light and love will come without effort, there will be only more darkness, lack of raw materials, more natural disasters and lack of nutrition, because they did not wanted to understand life and take part in life. They do not know themselves and therefore do not understand others. They remain believing in their picture book (fixed concepts and ideas) and are thus a clone of their ideal image (dogma).

They have once more materialized everything. Like an animal that they notice as just a product, belief that it is normal to kill or harm others, belief it is normal to cut trees or manipulate plants and manipulate and exploit their fellow human beings on a daily bases. This egocentrism destroys for the umpteenth time in history LIFE. Humankind undermines this way their right to exist.

Due to their belief they are blind, deaf and remain dormant. They fall massively for the appearances of their irrationality and rationality. Reality is unknown to them.

History has shown us frequently that each individual only by intensively looking deep inside,  gains insight and is able to walk the path. Eventually such a person becomes light and shines light on that what is still dark.

Only then will they see reality. Then they are completely awake, seeing and hearing. To walk this path is what we wish for all.

To be continued…

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12-21-2012 The loss of inner knowledge and human dignity

Just like you, on the midst of a crossroad between large vicious circles I am happy to be a human, but what is that anyway?

To be a human and have human dignity is about our consciousness of our being. It is about the acknowledgment that we need to make choices in order to learn from what has been, and take a continuing step. This allows us to eventually become a consciously living creature.

However, the fact that we do so much violence to ourselves and walk the  other way which results in descending in the vortex, is what only a few know. Yet, about this topic is already written in the story of “the splicing” in the book “Karmic Reflections: talking with Men and Nature”.

Since the technological and information age we unlearn, forget our past and many other issues, than that we gain. Many no longer are able to think themselves, but adopt the cognitive knowledge of others. Adopting cognitive knowledge is not the same as inner knowledge. If we lose the possibility to internalize knowledge, we just imitate others without any knowledge about why, what or the impact of the things we do.

Nowadays people need many instruments as the physical body no longer can handle many things as we no longer train our body and mind. As a result, the body is running down and degenerates. Thus, we need a.o. escalators, elevators, cars and memory games. Our muscles diminish and our brain activity and blood circulation decline.

It means that over the years we gradually become dumber and can do less – without us even noticing it. We hardly do physical or mental labor and do not understand that past generations could do so much. We use instead just some materialistic ways and mimic others. This to make our life as easy and enjoyable as possible.

That we physically and mentally have fallen into senile decay, we only realize when it is too late. Then it takes many generations to get back to a reasonable level of inner knowledge and human dignity. This crossroad has happened before. Then some continued on a higher level of consciousness while for others it took many thousands of years to return on the level of inner knowledge and human dignity.

Returning to a previous level is only possible if our descendants are aware of the decay of their ancestors. As many are already accustomed to this reduced capability. They already find it weird when other people think something over, know the history and still know what they have learned in elementary school and high school and are able to apply and add to this knowledge. They find it weird that someone has mastered so much inner knowledge and on so many situations.

Such persons react from their own capability, which is their norm. Their norm has become that they live for their fun. They just learn tricks and mimic others. That they fall into an even deeper decay is unknown to them.

If humanity continues the way of unconsciously living, they eventually have lost all inner knowledge and human dignity. Then humanity has just become a carnal creature that is overtaken by other species.

more information:

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance by showing reality. We offer lectures and personal consultations that give INSIGHT and allow you to walk your path of life consciously.

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Noise Pollution; impact on health men, animals and plants

You probably already know that since some decades the produced sound increases. And not only because there are more people, traffic and machinery. We stopped talking as humans but instead shout more often or start screaming (fear). In addition, machines produce more sound than is technically necessary.

However, we become ill due so much sound. Too high noise levels – even during a short time – damage the hearing, disrupt the sleep, decrease the learning performance, increase depression, diabetes, elevate the blood pressure and decrease resistance, unhealthy weight and raise cardiovascular diseases and epilepsy.

This happens more often than you do think, especially when you visit the cinema, a party or a festival. Especially the low-frequency tones spread far, especially in certain weather conditions and petrifaction of the environment (residential places).  Consequently, a whole city area suffers from these excessive sounds during hours.

The effects of noise pollution need a long period to disappear, because the body senses the after effect and stresses by the idea of a following interference of the living circumstances.

To settle the incident as “oh but we have festivals only a few times a year”, is throwing it over the fence and roll of the impact of the problem on others, while they do not take their responsibility (from psychology standpoint this is antisocial or aggressive behavior).

Excessive sound has negative health effects to humans, animals and plants. It is often allowed by authorities, which thus contribute to more illness in society (unsustainable). This is due to misleading information allowing people in command to be deaf for the proven facts.

Even the fact that there is an upper limit to sound levels established, the maximum exemption value that the noise on a house may not cross, not even when a derogation is granted, the Government just violates it.

More information on:

(translate the websites by clicking the right Mouse button and choose translate with Bing)…/10%20geluid-sophie%20v2.pps

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Noise pollution

It is a beautiful hot summer evening. Finally, the temperature is cooler and outside it is more pleasant to be than inside the house. We open the doors and want to enjoy this beautiful summer evening like all others with a bite and a drink and enjoy.

This moment is only short lived. Suddenly the sound of music from a far distance expands. What is happening? Is there somewhere a private party or is there somewhere a music festival where we have no knowledge about? Fact is that the sound of this music increase with gusts. To enjoy this summer evening undisturbed – The Netherlands does not have that many of such splendid summer evenings – is no longer possible. We have to close the windows, doors and even the ventilation grills. We turn on the TV in an attempt to give this evening some purpose. Unfortunately, we have to turn the sound of the TV much louder than usually in order to hear some of what is said. We hope it doesn’t bother our neighbors.

Even with the earplugs in the sound of the music is hardly to bear. The bass sounds penetrate the house all over. The pleasure we hoped to have has completely gone. Everything in the house rumbles as if all works as an acoustic box. Even in our bodies, we feel the trembling of the sounds.

What turns to be the problem? The city of Utrecht declares that a part of several hundred meters between two parts of the city is lying outside the city and as such got a license for the festival. The amount of dB is measured by someone of the festival and not by a public officer. The city do not take into consideration in their permission that the sound of the basses carries far especially when temperatures are high or when there are certain air currents. In those cases, the sound can easily exceed the dB norm. Also, modern equipment (possible line-array system) is not available or not well installed.

They could take an example of the foreign cities in the following pdf:

Hearing problems arise when someone is exposed for more than 30 minutes to sounds above 80dB. The last decennia the amount of mainly young person’s has increased enormously. In addition, many people get due to noise nuisance all kinds of other health problems. page 25. WHO stated in 1999 that the limit is at 50 dB(A).

Time for Utrecht and other cities to adjust their legislation in order to contribute no longer to harmful health effects on its citizens.

To be continued…

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Imbalance at the workplace

There are countries where they have factories where all the employees are equal and motivated. A well-known example is Mondragón Cooperative Corporation in Spain.

In the Netherlands, however, we started to apply the Anglo-Saxon model. A model that consists about being happy to have a job even if it is for next to nothing and that you should not whine about the labor conditions. In addition, unsolicited actions or a response of you about a decision of your boss is rewarded with dismissal. The employee who wants to climb the hierarchical ladder, can only achieve this with nepotism, and scraping up themselves. Once he himself is in a higher position, he also starts to suppress and squeeze the subordinates. This system is known as the pyramid model. A system that especially in those days starts to resemble suspiciously as the front stage for a totalitarian system. The ordinary man is exploited and oppressed and is offered a job as flex worker or as a self-employed person without staff for a meager wage without social security, while the managers and the core staff receive excessive salaries  so that they can drop a powerful and large consortium, preferably worldwide. That they are inflicting much injustice to others and the environment does not count for them. They repeat history over and over, while all find this history so miserable.

Where is the balance? Where are the human rights? Why are there still political parties who want to suppress human rights even further, with more mental and physical diseases as a result?

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously.

Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.

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In demand for Educators…

After a period of walking behind every hype and remaining positive, the balance has finally turned over to the other side. The result is that many parents have no more awareness how to educate their children.

It begins with irresponsible behavior before the moment to become pregnant or even during the pregnancy, as they do not like to give up the life known to them. When the children are born, they just continue. From day one, their children must participate in the rhythm of the parents. It results in children that only go to bed as their parents go to bed and they are taken anywhere the parents go. That means they go late, very late into bed. Other examples are parents who lose their lost children on the beach as they are to much occupied with themselves or their smartphone or children who have to go to an event or a music festival. Such children become almost instantly neurotic of such behavior and everything is nice behavior. Many of them get almost everything they demand, as their parents dislike nagging children. Such parents do not teach their children how to deal with disappointments or loss because that is a challenge they themselves (hardly) do not master. The children get as a result many sweet foods. Everything should be fun while they are under pressure and as a result, many children start to hyper, or become addicted to alcohol or drugs. On its turn, this neurotic behavior is treated as an ADHD case.

Such parents do not understand that they should customize their life the first eighteen years and have a balanced, consistent and responsible policy in order to create healthy responsible new adults.

Currently many children exhibit neurotic behavior. They scream, have no patience and show physical shortcomings and learning difficulties. All this because their parents do not educate of hardly their children and pass their own imbalance on to their offspring who as such deteriorate even further.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously.

Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.

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Jumping to all sides 3/3

…Continuation Jumping to all sides 3/3

Those who walk the path of consciousness, know how difficult it is to not be seduced. We support in particular this group of people in order for them to finish this earthly cycle.

Daily they notice the temptation around them. Like the many people who under the semblance of durability, sustainability or beneficial to …, once more step in the trap of pity or keeping up appearances. A keeping up appearances as many believe it is not that bad or that scientists will find technical solutions for the problems ahead. This group of people disregard their path of life by and their own responsibility. They continue to unload their responsibility to their outside world.

In contradiction to them Conscious People become even more aware of the enrichment and far-reaching of their responsibility and no longer wish to avoid their responsibility. They realize that on this crossroad between two vicious cycles it is NOW the moment to realize themselves  for once and for all. They continue on their path and shine light on what is dark. They reach out to those who still have a glimmer of light inside that reflects. They wish to give them sufficient awareness in order for them to accomplish the earthly lifecycle. They do not feel elevated above others, but have sympathy, because they know that real LIFE starts after this earthly school.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously.

Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.

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…Continuation Jumping to all sides 2/3

Everyone-who jumps to all sides and follow every whim or hype-leaping, feels unrest deep inside.

The unrest or discomfort that arises because their essence let them feel they do not act according to their once made commitment. Thus their ratio show them all corners and apparent possibilities in order not to  listen to their inner being. Those apparent possibilities allow them to continue their verisimilitude, their self-created matrix.

They remain positive in their persistent “thinking acting attitude” and have not even the conscience that the door of a large cycle is closing. If they do not change enough, they soon will repeat it all in a similar cycle without any awareness thereof.

Their soul has then once more split further. It then becomes increasingly difficult to realize themselves and to merge their soul parts and descend in a physical body. Meanwhile, there are more people on Earth who should be fed, who wish to live, enjoy, a house etc.

That in a changing climate on Earth, with a shortage of raw materials, food shortages, lack of jobs etc. See for yourself what then might happen! We have already written about this in our book “Karmic Reflections: Talking to Men and Nature”.

Fortunately, there are also people who have absorbed the path of awareness. We wish them NOW enough perseverance to reach the highest level of consciousness on Earth as described in “From Tadpole to Prince: Towards Mega Conscious Awareness in 2016”.

To be continued …

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality. We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously. Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.

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