Religious Abuse

For several years it is commonly known that many Catholic priests have sexually abused their followers. Meanwhile, the first trials have led to mental victory for the victims. It is only the tip of the iceberg. What still lays beneath the surface are for example the sexual abuse by nuns. Sexual abuse led to many more kinds of abuses in our society.

Gradually the curtain over this kind of abuse falls also in other faiths and becomes visible. For example, in the United States the first trials against Jewish predecessors have led to some mental victory. Reluctantly there are the first signs that also at Protestant religious groups there are the necessary abuses. The heavier the religion the more abuses are covered by the community or they buy it off. Well known are the stories of the Amish, Mormons, Jehovah’s and the Jewish religious community, in which the victims are ostracized. How far reaches the abuse at the not yet mentioned religious groups?

The root of it lies in Pyramid thinking that plays its tricks on humans and their environment for so long. It is about thinking that when one is higher on the ladder or at the top of the hierarchical ladder this person has certain privileges and is inviolable. This Pyramid thinking started long ago with the ancient Egyptian High Priests. This pyramid thinking will not last much longer. Since the end of the current vicious cycle started, malpractice and greed come ever more into the light. The canvas has been dropped. They can no longer cover the truth. Though there are several canvases that cover up the truth, they will be discovered and taken away one by one. The end of the cycle where I’m talking about began around 1987 and since the year 2000 is “the splicing” 1 becomes every day more clearly discernible, especially for those who have been able to achieve a higher consciousness.

Higher consciousness led you to better attuning you with your essence and what you came to do on Earth in the environment you live in. Higher consciousness is something you don’t achieve without an inner fight with your inner demons. Then you see through the matrix and the artificial world that we as humanity have created. Also you should stop running along with the merry-go-round of life. You need to become aware of the position you have, where it is important to work horizontally and no longer presume a hierarchical position.

The people who exploit others will expire and will be put at the beginning of the same vicious cycle. A cycle that lasts long. For your imagination just look at the movie “What dreams may come”. For those who amass enough consciousness and have found balance with the present and their past lives, they will leave the present cycle. They will at least start at a more enlightened path, with more love and equality for all that lives.
Most canvases on religious abuse still need to be discovered. The tip of the iceberg is in sight, but much abuse needs to be enlightened and thus be exposed to daylight.

1 This story is one of many stories in the book “Karmic Reflections: Talking with men and nature”, which were recorded after communication with the Earth, plants, animals and people.

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Display of deviation and inanimation

Many people by now know by the repeating force of cycles. At the end of a cycle you might step out of the cycle or lose awareness and repeat the cycle once more. There exist powers that like to trap mankind in a cycle. However, knowledge of these cycles and achieving higher consciousness allow humanity to free them of the dark power of Ahriman, as he was called long ago. He is one of the powers to keep mankind trapped in these cycles. These dark powers act as such as men who become conscious, attain gradually higher inner knowledge and inner wealth and finally become light. With this light they just illuminate and expose those who still live in the shade or darkness. The knowing man has set themselves free from the many dark entities. They are no longer subject to the power of oracles, entities, gods, angels, churches, religions or Governments. They are able to communicate nuanced with that what exists and determine themselves which path leads them to continue their realization on Earth and beyond. They feel blissfully happy with their higher inner knowledge which allows them to sense more reality by which they further enrich themselves.

However despite history, mankind remains subject to the power of Ahriman. Especially when a cycle reaches its end he knows how to submit the majority to his dark powers. After all at the end of a cycle part of humanity attained inner light and illuminates their environment. Something dark powers do not like. The dark power of Ahriman is not an isolated power. It is also known by names such as Baäl, Curúnir, Beelzebub, Zabulon , Bhûta, Eris, Djinn or Mayavi. They are entities with or without a body who enchain ordinary people. Especially those who fall for entertainment, keeping up appearance, money, delight, outer appearance, fear, drugs and dependence on an Idol, fall prey to their power. Such people become live encapsulated by them. They fall into a lower state of consciousness then the state they had when they started their learning process on earth. Compare it with scientific knowledge that you lose at once when you surrender to dark forces that destroy your conscious levels and leave you as a mindless, who rapes knowledge.

Even now this happens on a great scale. People become deceived by movies that display the Maya (illusion) of luck, wealth and prosperity. Mainly the romantic movies, sitcoms or one-sided told documentaries (twisted reality) make people dumber. But also the many books, magazines and websites that are written by absence of inner knowing. These cheap mass productions especially from certain world powers are viewed or read all over Earth. Especially by those who suffer from lethargy, lack of existence, fear and uncertainty. They open up to brainwashing and becoming possessed by entities whose existence they do not even are aware of.

These dark powers seduce people to sensory pleasures, whereby they lose finally all contact with inner growth and evolution thus indulging to involution, c.q. the downfall of man. These sensory experiences and pleasures fill mankind, but fulfill them not. It increasingly inanimates them and finally the come in the Gehenna.

Countries that make these productions are in turn influenced by countries that produce and/or trade in drugs. Complete war machines, border barriers and border controls are world-wide created in order to suppress it. It became a war between two dark parties who are both cursed with the dark power of greed, money, influence and oppression. Misery loves company. At this moment they eradicate each other and fall into decay to Prakritilaya(they lose their established individuality which is the destiny of the black magician, which forces him to start all over again at the very first cycle).

It is good fishing in troubled waters says the proverb. That will happen now as well as it happened in history before. The inner enriched man who became light will overcome this battle between the dark powers and continue with self realization. They are the examples that others follow to also attain higher levels of consciousness and ultimately see and feel darkness themselves. Darkness to which naive people were exposed for many cycles without even realizing it.

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Evolution or involution part 4

The people with those keys are able to overlook what is happening on Earth and how it is all interconnected and interrelated. However, they are rarely heard and imitated in this end-time. This is due to the fact that the mass of people continues with blind faith, greed and desire for power, because they are under heavy influence of religion. They are brainwashed and indoctrinated with many false pretenses.

Only people who have built up a rich inner life so that they have access to these keys, understand each other perfectly. They love on a world-embracing level. They support others to walk this same path, but only a few understand this window of opportunity and follow. They are downplayed by the peer pressure of the ignorant.

The ignorant are so greedy that Earth is annually deprived of what she created in thousands of years. We are aware that the resources on Earth are near ending, but we nevertheless continue on our rampage. We do not eschew to go robbing on other planets. We are so rapacious and greedy that we poison Earth elsewhere, so that we have here enough to eat. This is due to the fact that here the soil is already too much poisoned. That we poison life over there and erode the soil is what we do not like to hear and know. After all, we have had another day to eat.

We kill and poison animals and plants, chase away people in order to have more land for plantations that plunder the soil or for industry which is too outrageous for words. We even started to kill the first people due to lack of food and beverages, while others live in excesses.

Earth is so polluted that the first 100 meters in depth no healthy water is to be found. Consumable water should come from a deeper level. This water deep down has taken thousands of years to become drinking water, but also this water we consumer rapidly.  We pollute the air with our chemtrails, exhaust gases, and smoke from our addiction products. For more than 50 years already people and animals are born with serious defects and deformities. Just a few moments and we are dying en mass because of our greed.

Greed, initiated by religion, because predecessors wanted to have slaves who believed them blind, whereby they could master over others. This pyramid energy will not last much longer. Unfortunately it will end only after long periods of revolutions and misery as those greedy persons will not admit to be wrong and give up their power.

For those who have not yet built an inner live, it will become a most difficult time, which makes most even more greedy.

For those who have built up enough inner life, a period starts in which they have to face with empty eyes to what is happening.  They can only support those who in essence want to follow the inner path.

They however, obtain even more keys and insights so that they can go to a higher sphere when finished on earth.

last part of this fourfold blog

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Evolution or involution part 3

Persevering in the process of inner learning, allows your spiritual awareness to expand. Your inner self multiplies and that is exactly what is necessary.

However, religion tries to keep this truth from us and made us their physical slaves. We laid our soul, spirit and body in the hands of a guru or priest. By beginning to live with our own inner possibilities (unicity) we discover the true meaning of words that have once been written. The truth develops every step we live more with all our inner parts. As soon as we experience harmony with all that exists (duality) we recognize the paradoxes which are the basis for continuing to the trinity. In fact you are completely in balance (duality) and are able to add to it (trinity) One + one= 3.

By the Spirit of the Age in which we live, many persons continue to hang out in keeping up appearances, rationalization and limited thinking ability. They incorrectly call this limited thinking science. The original definition of science they have debunked. All those persons can and will not want unconditionally open up for their inner live.

They fear their real Self. Fearfully they hold on to their physical thinking ability, their rationalizations, their ” picture books” and other dogma’s that allow them to have a place between peers. They impoverish themselves with all this outward thinking and acting, because it does not come from deep inside, where wisdom and truth are located, waiting to be discovered (covers disappears).

Only with a rich inner life a man might be called ripe and wise. They can pass the gatekeeper as they possess the figurative keys of many ports that give access to what we call heaven. Keys that are not available for guru’s, priests, scientists, physicians and psychologists.

As these keys are not in general available for gurus, priests, scientists, psychiatrists and psychologists, but ordinary man obedient to these people high on the hierarchical ladder, we are blindfolded and deaf guided into the darkness of involution.

We notice this because our society has become so complex that we no longer know how something should or could be solved. We then need other companies or other people, but they often do not understand what we want or miss the essence. Or even worse they solve the problem by adding something to it; the so-called “plaster effect”. The problem seems fixed but in fact the problem is covered up. Or they sweep to the other side were they start all over again not understanding that this is the so-called “waterbed effect”.

Thus, managers and Governments are for many years able to “put on plasters” and create the waterbed effect, while they in fact just pass even more misery to their successors. A smart successor finds “skeletons in the closet”. This concept has been around for centuries as is known as the “Gordian knot”. For ordinary man this knot is inextricably, but not for the highly conscious persons, who possess the keys, as earlier mentioned.

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Evolution or involution part 2

Before books were written, much higher knowledge was transferred by mouth to the younger generation. However for over thousands of years books have been written about “life”. Now everyone can enrich his inner self with knowledge about our existence.  However, there were books written by others to undermine the higher knowledge. That is how polarity on earth works. For a human longing to discover higher knowledge a difficult task. How to realize what at a certain instant provides us with insight and knowledge, when we open up ourselves?

We learn this through experience and by reflection. Higher knowledge cannot be learned by a book. Books only show us the potential we can discover if we open up and stop with dogma’s, fixed  ideas, associations, interpretations. Such so called “picture books” prevent us from truly perceiving what is happening. These “picture books” made us living in an illusion, a matrix or fairyland. As such we only deal with our physical  body and externalities instead of an inner life were we find our true self. As a consequence we live in an artificial world where we degenerate our physical body and as a result over 60% of the humans is nowadays seriously ill. A sick body has limited access to higher knowledge.

You increasingly put yourself behind until you decide to open up to higher knowledge about who you in reality are. Often your essence occupies then only part of your aura. You have to let go lots of energy of other entities in order to fill up your body with your own essence energy. This is called “dropping into your body”. It is the start of accomplishing your earthly mission.

Learning to drop in your physical body you do by making aware choices and have experiences outside your comfort zone. By observing the thoughts you had at the beginning and looking at the impact of the experience, you start to learn. By considering what you have just experienced, it is important to focus on questions that arise inwardly in order to get an honest inner answer. That is what silence has to offer us. We reconnect with our own energy (essence) and stop the many disturbing influences of “picture books”.

This silence and concentration allows you to feel an inner life. You now discover that you in fact only live when you get acquainted with your soul and spirit. Acknowledge that you are more than a physical object!  For by concentration on questions that arise in you, it also allows you to perceive the reaction. Reactions that can come from different sources like the wind, an animal that shows itself suddenly, an inner image or an action of someone else. Do not interpret or associate these reactions, but raise questions. Questions like: what is happening here, why does it happens, what does it mean, who is involved, it is white or dark energy, are these entities with or without body, does it concern me, what is the next step, what does these entities show in reality when I focus on them an clean the colors?

This inner learning by experience causes you to discover your own inner spirit and to multiply it. Don’t confuse it with your thinking ability. This inner spirit force allows you to see, smell, taste, feel and hear without your physical senses. This observing goes beyond the limitations of your habitual thinking and senses. It’s like a deaf-mute who suddenly can see.

To be continued…

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Evolution or involution?

The world we live in seems to be evolving at a rate that gets faster and faster even as we speak

The world we know of is a combination of forces in an attempt to bring life to higher forms of consciousness. That occurs in cycles. These cycles are in fact a natural separation process.  There are cycles that last only short, like several minutes, hours or days. Other cycles exist for years or even thousands of years. When a cycle ends another cycle opens at the same time. We are now living in the end time of a cycle of about 27,000 years. This is especially noticeable since 2000 when acceleration started at a rate that gets faster and faster. This acceleration lasts until around 2050 when the old cycle is completely closed and the new cycle is completely open. Then almost all persons have no knowledge about what has happened. Only a handful of persons will try to help persons to start all over again.

If you are aware you have experienced these phases and read about it. It means that you are very aware and act precisely in order to adjust to the acceleration. This acceleration in this end time allows us in a short time frame to obtain higher understanding and awareness.  While during the cycle it is most difficult to obtain it. When you cannot adapt to this acceleration f.i. as you have not enough inner life than you silt up. This can happen as you have blind faith in church, government, and bosses (religion) and their entities occupy/ possess you. This means that your consciousness decreases. Consciousness also decreases by the layers we lay around earth with our technology (satellites, air pollution, and radiation). Is separates us from that what occurs elsewhere in the universe and what we need to feel in order to experience it and come to higher conscious choices.

Those who stepped into a physical life long before 2000 have often enough consciousness to adapt to this acceleration. Most of them are now older and their consciousness and wisdom is denied and ignored by an increasing amount of unaware persons. Others are asleep and let themselves be guided by the delusion of everyday life. Exterior values like pomp and circumstance, money, goods, events and belonging to the group, make them remain stuck in their self-created prison of the life and dead cycle on Earth.

Meanwhile, more than half the population suffers from an advanced stage of involution. It is noticeable as they act only rational and act from an (un) conscious fear that makes them greedier and suppressing others (religion). It is also noticeable as they lack inner life, cannot observe inwardly and their thinking and physical capacity decreases. They can no longer heal themselves, no longer moved their body properly or walk a staircase. They live by the grace of artificial medications and procedures. With their limited capability they get a job because of their counterparts. As a result, there are now too many ignorant and living dead people in key positions forcing others to suffer or to follow in blind faith. All abilities a human ever had are thus slowly falling away. Humans once again fall prey to greed and external behavior.

Cycles are meant to help us to access higher consciousness. Those who do not access in higher consciousness fall into involution. They might get a change in a new cycle where they have to start all over again in order to become a completely incarnated conscious person.

Since that time rotation in between these large cycles, there are many newborns who try to obtain higher insights and awareness during this “Window of Opportunity”. Also many newborns are just beginners in their developing path. They are completely unconscious and naive but meanwhile suppress as a group others. By means of this group force media, governments and leaders yielded and perish in the issues of the day.

Only a small amount of people full of inner strength and perseverance during these last decennia of this “Window of Opportunity” access higher insights and finally step out of the life and dead cycle on earth. An increasingly large amount of people with only outer force and lack of wisdom, insight and vision meanwhile start all over again.

They have to walk the path of life in order to completely incarnate (unicity) and from there on reach the duality and the trinity. Then also their life mission is completed and they experience the freedom they craved for.

Will be continued…

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Impact of keeping people Earthbound like Nelson Mandela

It is a fact that at some point people die. And yes, that is often very annoying for those who love and know this person. It is accompanied by much grief mainly because there is a void that cannot be filled in by someone else. How well other people are, no one can take the place of the one that is dying or is deceased.

This aspect of dying is part of Living Alive. It starts the moment the umbilical cord is cut and we must start to live independently. Yes, we must as we have chosen for a live in the flesh ourselves. Living Alive means to attach and detach in a continuing process. In doing so, we let go what no longer fits as we developed further and thus attach ourselves to newly acquired capabilities and experiences. That way we grow from the physical level to a soul and spirit level and thus we can also learn to develop higher spiritual faculties.

Quite annoying is it when someone suddenly steps out of life by accident or by murder. Then this process of detaching is much more difficult. Especially if we as an adult have not yet managed this process of attaching and detaching and thus stick to that what is transitory. We thus are Living Dead.

We are much more tenacious when we consider someone as a guru or idol. Then it is hard for us to let such a very ill person dye a natural death. By all means we keep that person alive, or rather we keep this person trapped in his earthly shell. The spirit or soul is, after all, has detached the body already and is only for a small part connected with the aura. By keeping a person alive this way we cause much suffer to him. Furthermore it is an act of disrespect. We do not honor and appreciate this person, but we hostage this person by keeping his physical body alive. We act as such as are not enough mature adults who can live independently on our own.  We cannot let go (detach). It is our psychological problem what we don’t like to face. We want to maintain our fairy tale about our concept of life. Therefore we do not allow this person to die and we do not grant him the right to die.

We love to capture others alive by encapsulating and commemorating.

Think of  Nelson Mandela, Diana Spencer Princess of Wales, Prince Friso of Orange-Nassau or the slain brothers Ruben and Julian that get a monument in Zeist. Also consider all who died at 11/9 or during war.

This way, those persons cannot continue properly their lives in a next lifetime. They cannot pass completely at that instant and thus cannot complete incarnate in a new body. They remain Earthbound to this body or this place. This happens as their cloths, goods, monument or headstone is still there.

When we love and respect these very ill persons and treatment forces us to make difficult choices, then there’s always the possibility of communicating, with the essence of that person. What does his essence want; proceed to the next world or linger in this world or hang between dimensions?
When we truly love a person we set him free and continue with our own inner life.

More information on this subject is in the following books:

  • Freedom in Relationships: Have the right Identification
  • Your Choice: Living Alive or Living Dead
  • Karmic Reflections: Talking with Man and Nature

These books are for sale amongst others at (in English)

The Zend Avesta – the holy book of the Parsi’s ca. 6000 B.C. explains the negative impact of such choices.

Libertas in Vivo offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously. Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books or at

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Egyptian revolution, end of an era?

We consider this Egyptian revolution to have happened early 2011. And yes, little by little it becomes in Egypt and surrounding countries, which we call the Middle East, evident. Suppression is no longer welcome. People no longer want to be approached and handled top down by Governments or managers. But us a revolution so easily achieved in practice?

The new vision in the Middle East is partly caused by the fact that people nowadays travel easily towards other countries. Also the fact that through internet and modern media people see and hear how others live in their country plays a role in this revolution.

The main cause lays in the fact that ca. 40,000 years old influence forced humanity to “believe”. Sometimes this period is called the time of the Egyptian high priests (both male and female). They made people subject to their power. This influence that once started in what we now call the Middle East is wide spread around the world. Everywhere people are subject to those who have learned by head the scriptures and are able to declaim well, without having themselves any deep inside or experience on the concept of life or the meaning of the words they exclaim. For many thousands of years people have been suppressed this way and have been completely brainwashed and it continues even today. As a consequence these believing humans are living dead and degenerate. In turn these degenerating humans undermine the environment. This creates a negative spiral, killing in a slow way all life including them (involution).

One of the most important causes is the fact that such people follow in a kind of trance what is being said and even are willing to combat it. Another major cause is that they put an unlimited amount of children in the world. This way they do not strive for self realization but for slow self-destruction. After all each person has to balance his inner duality in order to notice the Trinity and this is the multiplication as meant to be. It is an individual increase of each person’s consciousness.

Since Earth is a planet of duality it means that this suppression of thousands of years strives for a rotation. The conscious people choose a rotation to balance in order to jump to the concept of Trinity if the balance is maintained. But if unconscious people are in command with a lot of believers behind them, then the balance turns over to the other side and suppression repeats.

All in all it is a good sign that slowly a shift takes place at the end of a major cycle. More and more people become slightly conscious of the fact that they are just a slave or serf of some religious leaders, governments.

Bottom up is no more the answer as top down. Only equivalence after 40,000 years of worldwide suppression can be the answer to this worldwide suppression and this not only among Muslims. New leaders in Egypt and other countries will bring no change and step in old pitfalls as long as this old energy is still present in the soil. For the meaning of this see the story “The influence of the energy in the soil” part of the book Karmic Reflections ISBN 978-90-816233-4-6

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Wild West, psychological disorder in US

The term “Wild West” was once introduced after the new inhabitants of North America pulled over from the East Atlantic coast to the West to conquer new land. They often had left Europe or other continents due to extreme poverty. They had to choose between famine and a chance to survive in North America. When the East Coast of North America became crowded and thus offered fewer opportunities to have your own country side, they left for the West. Whoever claimed in the West a particular country side, was allowed to settle down there. In doing so, it resulted often in revenge as they were not eschewed to rob or kill each other. A lot of blood was shed.
We know the many cowboy stories where controversies were fought out. They did so seldom by speaking or good valid arguments, but mainly by fist, pistol or rifle.

This behavior has continued over the centuries. During this period many people were suppressed, shot or became someone’s cat’s-paw. This degrading behavior of mankind to exploit and oppress others or otherwise just to kill the other, has become a common phenomenon in North America. And many call this is about “Freedom”.

In fact it is a psychological disorder where to this day, they have not put their focus on.

As a result, it influenced from generation to generation the next generation and like the disease cancer it increased and penetrated everywhere in society. Erikson, Jung, Freud and Rogers would turn over in their graves as this morbid growth keeps on expanding although their scientific insights.

People shoot with extreme ease another death. The police are often so anxious or perturbing that they shoot first and then perhaps consider whether they had to raise a question. The gun lobby stimulates with fallacy and sophism to have even more arms. With their impressing outer power and lobby (money) at Governments, they overwhelm many who do not think and act on behalf of themselves. Governments are well known to fall for money and personal gain.

Meanwhile, North Americans hardly raise questions why the rest of the world shake their head, pucker their eyebrows and ridicules those North Americans who think and act as if they are the best in the world. While in reality North Americans live on the money of people from other countries who as such live in poverty. North Americans are often led by scientists who are flown in from overseas. In fact, they are rather just cuckoos that force others to be their cat’s-paw. This behavior is neither good nor Christian.

This Wild West behavior results now in the fact that the rest of the world are increasingly against this form of creeping oppression. North America has become a large war machine both internal (genes) and external (imperialism, influencing, war).

Fortunately, there is an increasing amount of North Americans that understand that they need to search their own heart and start to practice self realization. Meanwhile their country is slipping off into a kind of war state with the rest of the world. The balance turns strongly to one side and threatens to turn over to this extreme side with all its consequences (completely unbalanced).

Thus, time for many North Americans to look inside and notice their own anxiety deep inside and learn to know who they are. Time to turn the other cheek like the Bible mentions and start to act as a good Christian. After all, North Americans go en masse to one of the many churches and call themselves Christians! It is time to act as a Christian and not to live at the expense of others.
It is time to stop to shout “who is not with me is against me” i.e. the enemy. After all arguing with dissenters can enrich your life and give insight into the meaning of life.

The question is whether North Americans are capable to look inside themselves and massively go deep within these old traumas. Then they can start to solve these traumas as far as their gene lines can take them in the depth of their soul. Finally they might then start to learn to live in the “present”. Only then the “Wild West Trauma” can be halted and at long last, can they behave as true Christians. The enemy is not to be found abroad nor in all kinds of foreigners who live in North America. The enemy sleeps deep within themselves.

Fortunately, there are a few North Americans that do give the good example. Who is there to follow?

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Philanthropy a utility or suppression?

The Greek word “φιλάνθρωπος” consists of the word “φίλος” friend and the word “ἄνθρωπος” human. So the meaning of the word philanthropist has the meaning of “friend of humans”.  However, offer today’s philanthropist the need of the asker or do they suppress them or do not notice them?

It is of course most excellent to notice your fellow human beings as a friend and to offer them support and guidance in such a way that they not only become nourished, but also increase their conscious awareness, enlarge their standard of life,  and develop themselves in such a way that they become independent.

The question rises of these persons who call themselves philanthropists really guide their fellow humans to an increased consciousness awareness and self-support? Or do they with this “philanthropy model suppress their fellow humans in order to be respected by peers meanwhile gaining tax advantages and advantages through public respect?

First I thought, well they consider others and want to be connected with unknown people who need a helping hand. Philanthropists were acting as “noblesse oblige”. Meaning that if you arise above the average person in wealth, you need to give others whatever they need in order to get a higher living standard. Or as the Bible would say divide what you have, like for instance breaking bread or the Good Samaritan.

At present philanthropists like to entertain others by giving them food, some money and materials like a goat for example. Such philanthropists become famous and most respected by a large audience. However, is this what these poor people in essence need? Is this really a philanthropist or a philanthropic organization in the original meaning of the word?

Nowadays, philanthropist or philanthropic organizations have millions or billions to spend. For example in the Netherlands it is 5 Billion euro’s a year.  A large part of this amount is for the organization. Also such persons or organizations benefit from tax advantages. They benefit also from the travel arrangements that are considered business expenses paid in fact by the tax payer.

Many people consider these famous ridge philanthropists as benefactors. But are they really a benefactor? Some do. But what about most of these philanthropists?

Many people in demand for money, insight or goods have become dependent of such philanthropic persons and organizations and do not have any self esteem left. They just have learned to put up their hand. During the centuries philanthropists have become suppressors. They judge who gets something and who doesn’t.

They have no deep inner sight in whatever intrinsic need these persons have. They just act on the extrinsic situation and offer them life support often just for a moment. Such people in need then suffer even more and suffer longer. People in demand often become supplied with goods they do not need, goods that are almost spoiled or they get a goat. While a goat in a country where goats do not exists and eat all the remaining plants in order that such countries get more drought and thus also more cattle and people who starve from famine.

Philanthropists have become addicted to being adored and the gratitude that poor people show. They became addicted to their hierarchical position in society that offers them respect and money. Thus they like to continue as they gain money and prestige while acting as such. They act like a God and condemn the person who asks for what he really needs. Many philanthropists demand that they only give support for project X. Meaning the door is closed for people in need for help who do not fit in this tiny dogmatic frame.

Meanwhile huge rapports have appeared about the waist of money and the fact that poor people become suppressed and addicted to help.

A real philanthropist however, mingles with ordinary people and gives them what they need and likes to be unnoticed.  It are people who have learned what life means and like to help others to become living alive people with an increased conscious awareness.  This is the original altruistic meaning of the word philanthropist; completely unconditional and without judgment.

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