Abuse of power in allopathic healthcare due to belief

In early times there were pharmacist in monasteries and sometimes in castles. Often the medication contains from herbs. They had a great knowledge about it and transferred this knowledge from master to pupil. This continued for several ages.

Particularly in the middle ages there is rise of the so called surgeons. Well known is the painting of Rembrandt van Rijn from 1631 with the title “The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp”

Late 1800 during the industrial revolution slowly a turn in the thinking pattern of humans arose. They believed in a makeable world. They started to develop medicines or invent them. Like a medicine from the horn of the rhinoceros. They believed they could make better medicines than nature could. They disregarded the knowledge of centuries about plants and herbs as well as the treatment with energy, like transferring energy or acupuncture.

This started as the humans who do not develop their inner self, has no knowledge of the for him elusive and invisible world. This world shows itself only gradually for the humans who develop themselves(self-realization). Now at the end of a large vicious cycle also quantum physics made it clear that humans need to learn to embrace and understand this non visible energy world in order to be able to stay alive.

In particular the last thirty years the development of invented medication and devised methods to intervene in people, increased rapidly. As a result, the health costs correspondingly increased. However, humans become sicker due to the fact that many methods and medicines poison us (often cumulation), the medication contains too many peripheral products which destroy the applying of the medicine or cause a body overload or it are treatments that combat the symptoms not the cause. Known is that most medication relieves in the short term the symptoms but in the long term human the illness worsens for which the drug is taken. Even more worse is that many resources keep humans alive without healing them. Eventually after ten to fifteen years they become serious ill at different places.

The allopathic world understands nothing of the holistic (energetic) system from which everything in the world is constructed including humans, animals, plants etc.). As a result, they do not understand that they do only symptom control and only deliver fear and heavy often unnecessary treatments. Initially it seems you recovered but soon after the same or another disease shows up on a different place.

Humans have forgotten how to listen to the body. They have forgotten to listen to (to understand) the life process of the individual. This is caused due to the fact that almost all employees in health care have no self-knowledge. Without this inner knowledge one cannot understand quantum physics that just like several other knowledge sources explains and demonstrates that all that exists is a total in itself seizing system where humans take part of. Ignorant people (believers) who lack (inner) knowledge about this act disastrous and make humans, animals, plants and earth ill. Not only for this lifetime. We will for many lifetimes degenerate until we learn to listen to the energy that is.

The conscious man who practice self-development chooses in 99% for what is now called alternative treatment methods. They know that this fits with who they really are and that is supports their life theme instead of blocking it. They evolve further and will hardly or not duffer from degeneration. They regenerate whenever they can until they are able to generate and go along the path of evolution.

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Abuse of power food courts and agricultural universities

Several centuries ago most people could cultivate their own food in their backyard or allotment. Nowadays this is hardly possible as houses are built in such a way that there is no place for some animals in the back yard or a vegetable garden, not even on the roof.

The outcome is that humans buy their food in the food court. Store managers decided to use their power to decide what food they purchase and what they like people to eat. Many products from their own environment have disappeared. Although they are healthy and are natural products of the soil nearby. The whole year around you see the same products in the food courts. There is hardly difference in products tough there are seasonal products. The store managers just buy it in other continents. They have forgotten that this energy does not fit the constitution of them over here.

Or the vegetables and fruits are gathered far before the fruit is ripe and thus they ripe no more you can just throw them away. Or the products have a long trip and thus lost on quality or are taint already before entering the stores. That is why you have to eat a product as soon as you buy it. The more fresh the product the higher the frequency of energy. Such products are very tasteful and have a better quality than the quality superstores have to offer.

As the food offer is one-sidedness, the customer hardly knows what originally products are from their own environment. The food court likes a small monotonous choice.
The products that are not offered they tell customers that there is no demand for them and thus they do not offer it to clients.

The agricultural universities attempt to make more nutrition for human consumption available. Thus they split up a certain product and make several products from it. However each product has then less nutritional value. Examples of this are the grain of rice and the grain of wheat. When eating it a total grain It has nutritional value, when eating just a part certain ingredients are not available and thus you have difficulty digesting it. Your body can only partially use the necessary nutritional value. Nature made the food for a purpose this way, only humans do not understand nature and thus do not cooperate with nature.

The taken apart products have hardly nutritional value and become empty nutritional sources. Meaning they fill the stomach but your body can not use the nutritional value as described above.

More often you can notice that animal hairs, parts of insects, flowers and other products have been added to the food without you knowing it. You are not only fooled by the producers, you pay too much for these products and the worst is that you become allergic or ill.

Food and beverage without nutritional value makes humans fat. They do not nurture us. As a result humans fall ill, are tired, and become apathetic or aggressive. Due to bad food products their thinking and reaction ability decreases. In other words humans become more dump, ill, defective and pays a lot of money to become this way.

The above counts for both human consumption goods as for animal consumption goods.
The only persons who benefit are the ones high in the food chains who get a lot of money for it. Companies like Monsanto who almost directly produce dead, I do not speak now.

It is time to cultivate in your own environment food or to buy it from the local farmer. Thus you have some control over the food you eat. For centuries it has been proven that eating food from nearby (province, land or at least your own continent) and from the present season offers you the best nutrition and suits your constitution.

The smaller the food chain the better. Time that conscious aware humans take the lead and no longer are dependent on what food courts or agricultural universities like you to eat. Quantum physics has proven that we need to understand, respect and cooperate with nature, not intervene.
See also my book: Your Choice: Living Alive or Living Dead”.

4th blog about religion in our society

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Religion of present society

Humans have the tendency to walk the easy path through life (left path) and follow worm tongues and soft speakers how to obtain money and power over others. Long ago humans sold their soul to the devil with this qualification.

It started with the priest in church who liked to be worshipped and thus demand money for a beautiful constructed church and know how to earn their bread and butter by having an increasing amount of disciples. Disciples that are no longer to communicate with the essence of that what is, but have to allow to have this communication via this priest or church. Through the centuries this is why the message of the essence has been translated treacherous so that these institutes (churches) could seek their own advantage by maintaining or extending their amount of money and influence over others.

At the end of their life their soul fell apart by those who had sold their soul. They were no longer able to communicate with the essence and were no longer able to add to the life of their soul in order to realize themselves as a human. As a result more soul parts have to reincarnate on earth in an attempt to once follow the path of self-realization on earth (more inner knowledge). This splicing of the soul has happened more than once. Eventually humans can leave earth as soon as this earthly life and dead cycles has been completed through completion of inner knowledge.

More money and influence as well as control over others subsequently leaded to the fact that also other persons or companies followed this religious view.

During many centuries humans started as such to belief and think about a misconception about life and the hereafter. Their own inner wisdom has been deprived of them, as they are no longer allowed to communicate themselves with the essence (god). They are allowed to pray but the answer no longer comes directly to them. The priest will tell them what to do or not. As a consequence a hierarchical society started full of indoctrinations and wrong assumptions. Like putting lots of children on the world in order to become a soldier a slave or a sexual toy or as a kind of retirement pension. Thus sexuality no longer is an act of love but of outer pleasures. Only a hand full of humans still know how sexuality can bring inner growth. Through false assumptions freedom has been deprived to most humans. And what’s more, suppression and exploitation has increased.

Acquiring inner knowledge is what only some individuals do. They are peace loving and are only concerned about themselves unless another person has a question or they tell stories about the hindrances of the left path, they know how to communicate with the essence and assist others in learning to communicate with the essence once more.
Most people only know how to murmur text without these textures have been authenticated with their inner knowledge and experience. As a consequence more often conflicts arise about money, goods and power. It is the black power that governs over many as many lack inner force and inner knowledge. In daily life they can be rich and influential but from the inside they are poorly developed and are often on the lower levels on awareness.

As humans have from generation to generation lost sight of their inner self, they have polluted their inner self with wrong assumptions and thoughts. When through imbalance an illness arises the self-recovery with some plants from the neighborhood or with energy no longer possible as their body no longer accept this due to this self-indoctrination and self-pollution. Often they have created an auto-immune illness, a self-destruction disease.

They only allow indoctrination of those on higher hierarchical positions and are no longer able to listen to their own inner voice. They listen to what other people tell them they are. On their turn they believe this is the truth. As a consequence they eat not the right food their body desires and use all kinds of stopgaps in order to be as quick as possible once more a slave for others
Recovering or curing is not possible as they lost their power of self-healing. Their soul just becomes more polluted and falls apart. They allow themselves to be occupied by other entities with mental power or those in higher hierarchical positions. As a consequence they dance for the devil as they have abandoned their inner force and wisdom. Daily they allow others (media, managers, family, priests, and environment). To pollute them as they abandon their inner possibilities and strength.

At no point they realize they have given up on themselves. They never clean up their inner house. They do not experience that is inner house has become dirty over the years and has become a substratum for all kinds of diseases.
Humanity is once more in the process of breaking their soul part into more shivers. Due to religion they lost sight of their own path that would lead them to light and from earth.

What rests is suffering on earth and wandering around.
Until they become touched by this story.

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Abuse by International Companies

Companies that run well are increasingly being bought out by larger companies. Over time extremely large companies arose and still arise. It has become very difficult to figure out what the parent company of a certain company is. Original Dutch companies such as Shell, Esso, Aegon, Randstad, Hema, ABN, AMRO, ING, Nationale Nederlanden, Grolsch, etc. are now often in the hands of foreign companies. It is ever more unclear who is at the helm of a company and from what country the major shareholders come. It might be that the company overnight becomes owned by shareholders from Africa, U.S.A. or China. Yes, and then they control the company.

In fact, it is too silly for words that shareholders determine how the business should take place. It is also too silly for words that MBA’ ers act similar, as they lack product knowledge or lack awareness of the company. They only know how to control the money. It is not about the people working in such a company, it is not about the product they produce, it is not about the clients. No, it is just about excessive money making. As soon as such a company has money they start to buy another company in order to expand. Often the newly purchased company has much good knowledge. Buy up such a company often happens because the knowledge of such a new company is a threat to their market, because they have a better product, a product that last longer, is healthier, such a company considers social wellbeing for their employees, the product is healthier or better for people and the planet. And with this kind of affairs deal many large international companies only very limited.
They would rather have a large network of daughter companies that with their money buy up more companies, so they create a network of companies and invite the customer in their web.

Ordinary man but often Governments become increasingly dependent on the lobby and capital flow of such large companies. One religion, that dominates another religion.
Meanwhile people in Europe are extradited to our former “liberator” that bought up many companies in Europe and took away the capital and knowledge. Entire industries have been lost for the short-term profit. Governments fall for the lobby of large companies with a lot of money. Meanwhile we know that many just know how to dance for the devil.

Every Euro you as an unsuspecting citizen spend at large international companies such as McDonalds, Burger King, Starbucks, while you put in gasoline, buy a computer and/or use software from companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook etc. means that they expand, have more influence and have you trapped in their web. The U.S.A. and U.K. in particular have a great web with which they constantly trample personal freedom as they have insight in our computers, data traffic, bank accounts, know where we are and with whom we interact, what we write and say.
Our computers and software come from a source, which itself or one of their daughter companies causing bugs, making you in need of safety programs and updates to feel secure. So you buy this stuff from one of their companies. In fact you are caught in their web.

Likewise actions happen to the nutrition of humans and animals, with our energy supply, and even with our training courses. But the worst is the fact that banks prefer to go into business with mainly large international companies than to spend money on highly innovative companies that can make a good product.
Banks have with their lobby convinced Governments that every citizen needs to have a bank account. It allows the bank to act with your money how they like, and gives the Government insight in your doings. Now we know that they actually have squandered all the money. There is now mainly fictional money in circulation. Money is no longer based on gold or goods. In fact, the social system worldwide has been brought down by this conduct of large companies. Unfortunately that’s not the only thing…

Article 2 of …

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Abuse by religions

Belief has created the largest Institute that world-wide exists. It includes multiple religions who tell their believers stories depriving them knowledge.

Often eloquent men who smell power over others start preaching. They can enumerate entire texts from holy books such as the Koran, the Bible or the Torah. This awestruck ignorant man. Through fear and pyramid constructions they know to make people their serfs, who become brainwashed and indoctrinate voluntarily by their weekly messages. These believers are voluntarily under duress and spend much money to build a church, synagogue, temple or mosque for the predecessor and to give him a significant income and housing. Most believers themselves hardly know how to survive, but pay weekly for the sermons. They “worship” such predecessors as they argue that they are an emissary or extension of god.

The effects of submitting people to the will of a predecessor has shown to be disastrous in the course of centuries. People no longer realize themselves but degenerate. The consequence is that more and more physically- and mentally defective people exist on Earth, often with major flaws in their DNA structure. More and more people become mental or physical ill and can nothing but destroy and pollute whatever they encounter. This because they are suffering from less (more) dignity complexes, antisocial personality disorders, borderline or psychopathic disorders etc. Forcing them to assert themselves (waterbed effect) on hierarchical positions, gathering money and power, suppress others or prefer to start a war so they can suppress their so-called enemy.

They themselves are mentally ill and don’t realize they are their own worst enemy but also an enemy for all existence on Earth. The worst thing is that they make sure that man lingers in mortality of life because they lack inner knowledge of the right path and imitate it by showing the left path.

The suppression of such predecessors does not allow light (insight) for others. Equality is still not present. We have however to consider that each person experiences life in another class on this earthly school. In the end each person goes all classes. People are not taught by them that the concept of “god” is all there is. Each person therefore is co-responsible.
Over time, and even now they start a war. Supposedly to do well, save souls or give development aid. But wherever there is no question, this will never succeed history shows. People are then made dependent on or suppressed by fear regimes. Suppressors have invented borders where to this day the population cannot live by. Thus these populations start a war as they want to be recognized as a nation. They no longer want to be oppressed by people who do not understand them. They don’t want to live in an artificial country. They want to learn to be responsible for their own existence, by experience.

It resulted until today that most people cannot look after themselves and thus come and take it from those who have achieved it with inner strength. They cannot keep their own environment clean (lack of responsibility) thus paying more tax in order to do so. In their ignorance they destroy and contaminate land and water so that famines are inevitable. Even material goods become destroyed they need a little later. Religion has brought them no inner knowledge. Humans become more poor, unknowing and degenerate.
The more rigorous the doctrine the more people hate themselves and project it on others.

Every religion and nowadays in particular the Islam claims that life is supposed to obtain knowledge; that is true if one wants to walk the right path. However, all religions do the opposite. Enumerating texts without ever have discovered the inner path, means they have just cognitive knowledge. It is imitating another with lots of macho behavior. With such behavior they place themselves on a hierarchical position and force others to maintain and idolize them. They lack an own grounding. They become air balloons by lack of inner knowledge. This has made religion a dark power, which does not belong to human people but to animal like humans or diabolical forces in man.

The highest form of knowledge is to learn to communicate with your own soul/spirit/god’s part. This is called intuition or higher inner knowledge. Knowledge is not about guessing, associating, interpreting etc. it is knowing. With knowing the how and why can be made visible and understandable. This allows revealing of whatever is covered, as such, the truth about existence can be understood layer by layer. Inner knowledge has systematically be oppressed by religion. The word intuition is raped by many. As such many people without knowledge think it’s about feeling, a kind of gut feeling.

For some time now, the oppressive form of religion has been taken over by other institutions like Governments, multinationals, commercials or CEO’s. They attempt to keep people away from their inner truth, their existence. They deprive people their human right to get acquainted with who they really are. If it were up to these institutes, people have to comply with their image of mankind and remain a puppet or a slave. By responding on externals and anxiety, the naive man complies.

The worst scenario is that the lobby of these institutes and man becomes honored by the anxious naive citizen or Government official.

The many centuries of religious oppression, has not taught mankind the inside path.

It is time that man himself learns to communicate with the concept “god” and to make each of us accountable of their own responsibility.

article one of ….

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Insight in what is to come

The ignorance described in the blogs “Changes? and Up side world” have been noticed by us already some 30 years ago. An ignorance that still occurs as humanity remains to believe. They do not want to realize themselves in order to know. They do not have realization of the real life and how to obtain it. Thus when they do not live the real life at the end of a large vicious circle they return home to start all over again. Yes, humanity creates its own Matrix until they do understand.

Movies such as Cogitality-everything that is!, the Matrix, What the Bleep, Something Unknown, show you how life (God) works. These movies cannot teach you how to realize yourself and how to take the necessary steps in order to live that real life.
Only Masters can teach you how to find your way in it, how to let go, when to act and when not, how to make conscious choices, how to transforms and how you should support your physical body to be able to transform to new stages of consciousness. See our book “From Tadpole to Prince: To mega consciousness in 2016. The return to the metaphysical world”.

In order to become more conscious you need courage, perseverance and will power. The courage to face live with different eyes. And the will power and perseverance to go the real way, not the way society (religion) wants you to go.
The question is why humanity does not recognize all of the above. That’s because most (unconscious people) have a limited understanding of time. There understanding of time is often limited to their own present lives and part of the lives of their parents and children.

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Reverse World

At present we live in the last part of a large vicious circle, were wise men take their final steps on earth while many ignorant people as well as newcomers of the new cycle (starting all over again) allow this influence of unawareness and degeneration and start with their head in the clouds all over again. Newcomers on earth are there since ca. 1978. This creates a very confusing time in which we are constantly faced with the opposite life. Many values and standards are challenged and indiscriminately put overboard without realizing that they allow in less energetic values, low energetic ideas and low energetic nutrition.
In this end time many timelines are present. On top of that there is due to globalization even more distress as these people from different timelines live all mingled in their not original time zone. So the time line of America ca. 200 years back in time, the African time line that is even further back or the Middle East timeline that is ca.500 years back in time. All these timelines and values and norms intermingle. In addition, newcomers on earth on a certain spot do not understand the energy present and want to transform it to their comprehension.
Just look how the U.S.A. brings its products to countries all over the world in order to transform the people, products and customs in these countries to something they understand. Also they want to have power over those countries (imperialism). You can see it in the U.S.A. very well as from Alaska to Mexico each city, street, bank, food, advertising, film, TV etc. is the same. Sometimes the likeliness is even far into Central – and South America to be met. Now for about 60 years they influence Europe.
Meanwhile, other world powers start to act likewise.
In Europe you notice it to the fact that more and more frequently the same shopping malls/areas have the same often meaningless shops and TV entertainment is usually based on empty headed entertainment like sitcoms or movies from the U.S.A. The commercials for food, cosmetics, household and medication are increasingly coming from the U.S.A.. The effects have been known for years, such as fat people, increase in auto immune diseases, degeneration, less intelligence etc. and more profit for big international companies. With this profit they buy profitable little companies in the world and suck out the profit and leave these companies with often respectful honest products for dead behind.
Computers, software etc. all come from the U.S.A. are so on all sides we are looked after by Big Brother, influenced by them and indoctrinated.

When people are further in their development than the people around them, they will not be understood because the other persons still have to go through this phase of growth. As the intermediate steps cannot be skipped, it leaves a large gap with much misunderstanding and resistance by the people who still need to take these developing steps.
Conscious people who have become light themselves see the hurt and can only assist those willing to develop to gain more light as well. They guide you through the many necessary transformations and assist you in having an optimal physique condition as this is a prerequisite for growth/development. Those who have gained inner light and have increased it and let their light shine on the darkness on earth will at the end of this cycle leave these earthly lifetimes. That is their only consolation. They are with their inner knowing (= intuition) able to continue live at a higher level of vibration, than would ever been possible here on Earth.

Examples of the reverse world.

Back to Europe where you can notice big differences.

On one hand the indigenous population who is trying to hold on the old values and standards and on the other hand the immigrant population and newcomers on earth that come with completely different values and standards. The result is that you notice more and more litter in the streets and in houses, less well maintenance of the environment (within and outside houses), much becomes destroyed instead of properly used due to ignorance and unawareness and children stay up late resulting in poor school performance.
Especially in a country like the Netherlands people – easily without thinking about the consequences – go along with new trends.

First it were the Banks who lobbied at governments so that each individual had to have a bank account. Then they started to play with this money in order to enrich themselves and frittered away this money of others. Now insurance companies and supervisory companies in arm length of governments act likewise. The politics fritter away money each period they reign (ca. 4 years) due to unnecessary constructions at roads, megalomaniac projects, and the wrong software etc. Smaller companies and individuals start to act likewise in order to survive.
The (international) lobby machine makes it increasingly impossible national and international to produce honest food, drinks, homes and products. We have once more fallen for money and power.

Nowadays in many households children dominate. The parents toil on behalf of their children in order to follow their demands. Children sit in the bus and their parents stay; children no longer sit on their lap. Large bulldozers (baby carriages) next to three or more persons control public transport or the pavement. They do not take into account their fellow man.

In houses, gardens or in public transport people no longer talk but shout at each other. Normal conversation is rarely present. Each conversation has to be heard by all people around in a large field. Following the silly entertainment from mostly the U.S.A. increasingly starts screaming. While screaming is an expression of fear it is ridiculous. (Dominique Moïsi explains in his geopolitics of emotion that the people in the U.S.A. suffer from a lot of fear). Fear as they do not understand the present time and are unable to live by it, therefore impose their fear and lack of insight to others.

Children who demand certain foods. Their food choice is determined by the advertising on TV that comes mostly from the U.S.A. resulting in children who eat and drink poor energetic products, stay up late, watch silly or violent programs, and hardly move and in order to stay awake or perform the next day in school or sport they use drugs. As a result they degenerate, develop auto-immune illnesses, abnormalities etc.
Their consumption allows their physical and cognitive abilities to decline. Less movement means that children no longer walk properly, have difficulty climbing the stairs can no longer climb a tree or a climbing frame, no longer know how to fall without breaking their bones or know how to cycle etc. Nowadays children need to be taught how to fall, while in fact it is a basic instinct. Also children drown because they can’t swim, while even this is basic instinct.

Also parents and educators become increasingly unaware of what they do. Increasingly you can notice adults that seem to play with dolls (in fact children) instead of being able of the real dangers, their responsibility and their educational tasks. Everything should be nice and cozy and fairy tale wise and with a lot of fun, because setbacks or disappointments can no longer been handled by them. They fear a lot in this duality on earth and therefore hold tied to their fancy world. It will take a long time untill they become able to ground on earth with both feet and mange to cope earthly duality.

Children learn no longer to be clean (toiled trained) in a normal way, but may continue urinating in night trousers (diaper) until in length of years.

Children who know less and less. They pass exams on school but they do not remember what they have been taught and when. They cannot practice it as it has not become an integrated part of them. This in contrast to generations before who still know exactly what they have learned and in which class, whether at elementary – or high school. They have based their daily practice and further development on it as it became due to experience integrated and internalized knowledge. But most today graduates whether high school or University leave with a degree without integrated or internalized knowledge.

Year after year you can read in all kinds of media how we degenerate. People can no longer remember, have problems with simple mental arithmetic, cannot analyze or pars the language, words are misspelled or pronounced, no longer know f.i. where Portugal is on the map, and fail to know history. They lack understanding of simple words that are commonly used and thus they do not pass exams. Physical abilities decrease and more and more people need medication in order to participate in society. The same is also true for many people aged 20-40.

Even worse is that many of them think that belong on hierarchical positions and handle issues well. We have now a chain of Peter Principles.
Their lack of cognitive knowledge, experience, knowledge of themselves and thus other people and especially their lack of inner knowing and wisdom makes that in our current era we each day slip back in ignorance faster and faster.

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You can no longer deny it. More often you notice that certain common values and standards are being violated.
There are plenty of examples.

Russians who send special teams to parts of Ukraine trying to get a foothold.
Special teams that often have no idea of what they are doing, ignorant as they are they use equipment and damage more than they had in mind. In fact the shooting of MH17 was as shot at their own demise. The eyes of the world notice their disgrace.

The international community seeks obediently through diplomacy to solve the problem of flight MH 17, while the other party in this conflict defies all decent rules and impress others with gun power. They hung around on the site destroying in a boorish way bodies, equipment and personal belongings. This display of power was also once at Srebrenica. The Dutch are often too obedient and fearful when it comes to such brutal display of power.

Kind of same things happens in the Middle East on two fronts. On one hand IS who started a Caliphate and thus a war against their own (Muslim) people by suppressing them brutally. People in the Middle East live around 500 years back compared to Europe and are now going even further back in time due to IS.

On the other hand there is the violence between Israel and Hamas. Where Hamas is trying in a macho way to get their voice heard they make it unable for others to hear them. The counterparty Israel shows exponentially power and war force in an attempt to silence the Hamas. The consequence is that Jews in the world and especially those in Israel, obtain each day a more worse image.

Israel withholds Palestinians a State. However, they find it a natural thing that after WOII they got assigned a piece of soil that belonged to others. Now they seem to find it not enough and build their houses on the ground of Palestinians and forcing them to live in pour conditions on their own territorial and make them to their slaves. When they fail to be obedient to Israel they have to fear their brutal power.
In fact both parties have the same right to a State, soil, security, food and houses.

In the meantime The Arab Spring has lost its inner force and they are still struggling in those countries.

In fact it can hardly go in a different way. After all, the energy of many centuries of oppression is still in the soil, buildings and in people. Money, goods or power do not lift people to higher energetic beings. The energy of all their predecessors (Czars, Colonels, Dictators and Regents) is still in the soil, buildings etc.. The current people living there don’t realize that they still have this energy in them and are in fact occupied (possessed) by these energy. Thus the suppression will repeat itself.
Only once people learn to unchain themselves from this energy of others within themselves, their property, buildings and the soil they can turn the tide.

The same counts for Greece and Spain who still suffer from their ancestors and former Colonels. As well as England part of Great Britain that is still too proud of their British Commonwealth; still thinking they own the world including the U.S.A.

But also in the Netherlands the old energy has not stopped. For example, we currently suffer from Regents who with their oligarchy dictate what to do while they still have the mentality of a grocery. They still cannot think and act boldly and in the long term.
Many with the Bible under their arm still continue to try to win souls. They seem to have forgotten how much disaster and suppression they have brought to others in the past. However, increasingly this is no longer appreciated in the changing world.

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Are Easter Christmas swapped?

It is almost Easter according to the Christian tradition. This date is set a very long time ago. First around 325 and later in 525 after a customized calculation. At first it was echoing the Jewish Pesach, in which they celebrate the exodus from Egypt. An exodus that meant no longer a slave in Egypt, but it did not brought them the Promised Land due to greediness. The Promised Land comes when we notice reality.

With the Christian Easter we celebrate Jesus resurrection from dead. However, there is no one who wonders whether it is right to celebrate death and resurrection during spring and why we celebrate the birth of Jesus in the winter.

When you consider that everything in nature dies in winter and comes back to life in spring, it is strange that we also celebrate Easter, Ascension and Whitsunday. After all people who have had near death experiences or those who can read their energy have noticed an enormous light energy at the end of a tunnel. Light Festivals have been celebrated in winter in northern countries with their midwinter celebrations for thousands of years already.

The logical consequence would be that during spring – when offspring is born by humans and animals- we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is right that we use eggs and the yellow color that we see come in to the first bushes that bloom, as it is for a long time an egg is the symbol of rebirth, the germ for something new, something that changes. It announces the birth of a child, a new beginning. Multiple eggs suggest a greater prosperity and abundance. This is what was announced by the birth of Jesus.

Even the thousands of years old Runes shows it as in winter you have Isa. It means the winter of mental life which happens on your death bed followed by the blank Rune signifying complete trust with you destiny or death. Later on followed by the Rune Dagaz meaning you no longer can live life the usual way. Berkana is the Rune for rebirth, the arrival of a new child. Rebirth is necessary if we have not yet completed our earthly lessons.

Why decided the Church to celebrate it birth in winter and death in spring? Why have we never questioned ourselves whether it is correct?

That’s because the Church wants us to believe that they have the right to know and that only they have inner knowledge. We should follow them as serfs.

Meanwhile many know that churches and religion are pyramidal strongholds that purposely tell the believers lies so that they have a better life.
High time for every person to ask questions and not blindly follow the ready-made opinions.

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Seduction by religions

The religions that we came across during the last centuries are one big game of power and suppression. Only individual priests/ministers etc. have managed to remove themselves from religious control and have brought forth some truth such as Hildegard of Bingen 1098-1179 or Rudolf Steiner 1861-1925.

For centuries most priests/ministers etc. have been subject to the pyramid thinking and have committed sexual abuse, suppression, warfare and greed that make even the mafia pale. They abuse en seduce believers by spreading fear and tell you what life is about and what awaits you after this lifetime, without them knowing. As such they create many more believers. Many believers in turn think they can afford these excesses. This snowball effect has become reality.

Many religious wars have been conducted under the guise to win souls. In the meantime they conquered land, the goods were added to their property, and the inhabitants became suppressed. The believers had to and still have to give money in order for them to build churches, abbeys, palaces etc. and to decorate them with great pomp. In doing so these priests/ministers etc. feel secured by income and prestige.

A new Robin Hood is required in order to denounce this situation and give each his own place. Then there will be abundance for everyone. Then individuals learn to live without the disguise of hierarchy / pyramid thinking.

Whether it’s about the Islam, Christianity, Hindus, other beliefs or the present faith preachers, they have at least once been guilty to abuse and seduction of the believers and many are doing it until this day.
Under the guise of “to do well” they only act self-centered as they are only concerned about their own importance.

The consequence is that they forced believers to create as much children as possible. Children who became brainwashed even before they were actually born. They are the foot soldiers, the servants, the doormats of such hierarchies. Due to century long indoctrination they became used to hierarchical orders and became slaves of this artificial system. They sold their soul and inner child to people higher in hierarchy.

As a result humans suffer as they no longer realize their inner child. Many people no longer know that it is about themselves and remain giving birth to as much children as possible because they do not understand. Their soul continues to fall apart with each life they do not understand the meaning of living. As a result many no longer have income nor food or beverages. The soil is polluted; animals and the cattle are ill or dye. Humans degenerate instead of generate.
Hildegard of Bingen was a person who still understood what LIFE is about.

Living is about gaining inner knowledge and learn to realize yourself. That is an individual process. You do not need any religion. You need to learn to communicate with your inner self and what it is you came to do on earth. As a consequence you start to understand the life around you. You achieve inner force and wisdom as you detach form believing as you know now. Religion keeps you apart from this individual inner process.

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