Love and the care for Middle East refugees

Seen from a religious point of view love for a refugee is a cognitive welcome (taught thinking and acting), a simple bed and food, possibly some basic medical care. It works as a kind of indulgence. Just look at me, do you notice what I’ve done for them? The European slavish submission to Church, Government or religion is an impediment to substantial assistance. Just as often, newcomers are (ab)used to work for lower wages, lower function profile or poorer working facilities than the original population. That happened to the people from the former colonies, the guest workers from around the Mediterranean and more recently to the people from Eastern Europe. Well educated people sometimes get work on a much lower level, most will not obtain (decent) work. Thus the question is do we offer them any rendition? Yes, the religion of Governments, groups of people or individuals know how to wrap their questionable help into a beautiful packaging.
If you look at REAL LOVE it means we need to touch the refugee. This means to make contact with their essence and see/experience what their essence needs. This contact on a spiritual level is a deep inner level contact that allows at once to hit the nail on the head and shows what is needed and why. Inwardly the other experiences this touch as being seen in what an hardly be explained by words. This inner knowing is what you have to follow as a human being, instead of obtaining fear, emotions, money or matter.
It all starts with the fact that everyone has had a reason why to be born on a specific location with certain parents. This is the basis for what you have to work out this lifetime. You might had to let your voice hear against the dictator? You might had to fight? You might had to die in order to start with renewed consciousness in another life? Why do you keep your hand on? What are you waiting for? Why should people from other countries fight your war? What are you learning in this life? What is your family theme in this life? How can others help you to understand it and get you on the right path for you?
Run away for your life theme because a war is so miserable or because you can be prosecuted or because you think others must see you as pathetic does not make any sense. Whatever you run away for continues to haunt you until you have learned the life theme and have put it in balance (takes sometimes many lives). You take the problems with you and it has to be solved in another country or continent , disturbing the balance there as well.
Living your live with raised head and insight into the how and why causes you to obtain high awareness (inner knowing) just like Mandela, Ghandi, Aung San Suu Kyi etc. Something that every religion says that you will some day in some lifetime have to do.
The mass of refugees not only needs safety, a bed and food as they had that in the surrounding countries in the refugee camps there. Their balance has been disturbed too long without any view on an improvement. Balance in life is needed to grow mentally and spiritually. So these refugees need a view to a normal life with their family or loved ones. They want to work, live in their own private safe place, where the children can go to school and where there is perspective.

Some very good ideas came to the surface now that these people are displaced for a number of years and there is no end to the war in their country to be foreseen. These ideas are for example about an empty area in Africa to be rent or on one or more Islands in the Mediterranean, where they could be provided with resources to build infrastructure, homes etc. This way they could start a community and have their own future in their own hands. In doing so, there must be a certain structure so that there are laws, precepts and a Board to be realized in a way that suits the population but also the region.
In their own region it is the best because there is a more or less equivalent cultural and spiritual life. As a result, this balance is not or hardly disturbed there. When going to other parts on Earth than the balance is also severely disrupted in these places.

For whatever reason they flew to Europe or other countries for more than 98% of them it will mean not only a nasty, costly and ridiculous trip as a regular asylum or emigration application request would be significantly simpler or cheaper and provide more certainty.

During their trip, they unfortunately show their inner nature and culture and that will not fit in most European countries. It will take many generations before their way of life and the way of life in their new home country are compatible. Thus they create for many decades an imbalance in their new homeland. Most countries in Europe will offer them something on the religious grounds described at the beginning as their own population is also looking for a work and living place and so just like the refugees they are looking for a meaningful existence.
Due to this forced imbalance sooner or later so much turmoil and dissension will arise that it is the fuel for serious unrest. The balance will continue to be disrupted because most refugees are male who soon will ask for family reunification. Where the balance has been disrupted there is no room for mental or spiritual growth. Refugees will put high demands, enforce business requirements, abuse the helping hand, quarreling and put their own values and standards at top. If this is not tolerated they shout the words discrimination or religious freedom. In fact, it only has to do with inner values, norms and behavior. Thus newcomers create the breeding ground for very large misery and unrest for many years or decades to come.
Only 2% will be able within a few years to show the first signs of integration in their new society, using their own values and standards only at their private home. They accept the values and standards of the new home country and learn the origin or need to understand these values as it is a way that every resident can live enjoyable. They behave like a guest would do.

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Dramatic changes Earth

Mother Earth is exposed to changes. Changes come partly by the gravitational pull of the planets around us, the universe that is expanding and the forces on Earth, whereby Islands disappear or arise, volcanoes erupt, the Earth plates change places, the Gulf Stream that changes etc.

On top of that, there are changes to Mother earth due to brainless mankind who still have no insight in what energy is. Just think of the deforestation causing major flooding and land erosion. The mining industry that causes damage to the substrate causing earthquakes or collapses of land or landslides may occur.

The many pavement and high buildings that affect the weather, leaving so much more wind and rain with destructive consequences. The subsidence of the soil through which water can no longer enter. In the end it is causing that we can no longer grow any food there because there is no natural life anymore in the soil. The excess of animal manure, has the same negative effect. Deforestation and the un-greening of earth as we continue cutting trees and whole forests but also curtail trees and shrub crops and plants away because we find that they bother us. The result is global warming, less oxygen, unbearable heat to about 60 degrees Celsius or beyond.

These and many more causes make life on Earth unbearable in the decades and centuries to come. A consolation is that we are at the end of a vicious cycle. That means that halfway through this century we will witness the end of one cycle. The end of that cycle started at the end of the seventies of the last century while at the same time another large cycle of several thousands of years started. Recognizable by the fact that many new people sine the seventies hardly have knowledge nor can they act adequately. Also the size of mankind on earth will reach halfway this century around the 10 billion. The tipping point has been described. There are many tipping points described and neglected. As a result humanity will be destroyed for the umpteenth time.

So will global warming melt the ice at the poles and this will force a change of the axis of the Earth that thereby will be upright again. You understand all this has many consequences for the people, animals and plants.

Just like the time of Atlantis and Lemuria pride goes before the fall of mankind. Life means nothing more than to understand the ‘greater live’ (quantum physics). However, technical development and the cognitive mind of humans have no message to the natural laws of energy. The people who have understood the ‘greater live’ will continue elsewhere.

A few will survive and his stories will go round as a legend or myth and listened to in disbelief. Massively humanity will go through one more through the cycle just like the Matrix and hopes for … in the belief that … because they refuse to go to their inner live and know what is happening on an energetic level.

See for more insight my books at

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Love and raising children

For most of us a wonderful understanding, however, most people immediately think about sex. That means they do not (yet) know the actual meaning of loving a child. Sexuality with a child is abuse of the other person’s body to satisfy your own sexual desires. Loving a child is offering the child whatever it needs to become a mature adult around the age of 18.

Like some of us might already know for several decennia, it are the children who choose where to be born. They choose the adequate circumstances for their learning theme. When this can be done in this country, in this place with these parents, they decide to incarnate there. That is the basis. Afterwards the situation can alter. There are lots of factors which cannot be taken into consideration at the moment of incarnation. Parents can be subject to change due to illness or a divorce. In both cases the situation changes. The question is whether the Present situation still fits your learning goals for this lifetime

Also the child can be subject to change due to a severe illness or accident. The child can have changed in such a way that it no longer feels at home. More often it happens that the child is unconscious of his choice and is not willing to accept his learning subject for which he has consciously and willingly chose before birth.

And thus you might have a child that protests against whatever happens. It happens at school or at home, because of bedtime, the food, friends, rules how to behave, going out, homework etc. It can escalate in such a way that parents no longer know how to cope with their child and ask for professional interference. It is often not the parent who fails but nevertheless they are blamed by society. The cause is the situation that no longer fits.

What is in the end better and more loving than to let go you child and let it raise in another family. Here your child has the change to learn what it originally wanted to learn this lifetime. If you continue persisting in the present nasty situation makes you both remain in a fight each day. A fight that causes physically, mentally, emotionally but also spiritually unbalance and/ or illness. That can never be the reason for a loving relationship between parents and a child.

Detach in order to allow your child to achieve whatever it needs to realize his live.

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Love… at the working place

For most of us a wonderful understanding, however, most people immediately think about sex. That means they do not (yet) know the actual meaning of love. Sexuality is very often only the (ab)use of the other person’s body to satisfy your own sexual desires. In spite of everything, it is often a one-way satisfaction for most. Furthermore it is often just about showing off with a partner in our present society.

Love is a selfless, altruistic whereby you do not (ab) use the other. It is about offering the other what is needed in order to complete his journey on earth, to reach self-realization. To accomplish this it is necessary to regularly make contact with your essence. It means that others help you to look inside and look into the mirror of life and discover about your inner self and your mission on earth.

For example, someone loses his job. A job that was not to your liking, but nevertheless provided for the necessary income. It is of course very uncertain how to proceed. You are pleased, though, that those nasty job has ended, but you have no longer income and the social security office already pants in your neck to get you back into the constraints of this society. In other words the little relief gives way to even more pressure from the outside world.

If there is a loving society or a loving someone nearby then they will look at your needs and what made the last job so unpleasant for you. Was it just the boss, the organizational structure, your colleagues, the building, the route to your work, the working hours, the customers, the product or the working pressure?

What daily activities with which you can maintain your independence, would be suitable for you? Why? Are there job opportunities? Do you need additional training? Can someone help you to start in such a job? Does the society or employer gives you the chance to start in this job for which you have little work experience? Can such an employer look past the end of his nose and notice you already have enough work experience, human experience, insight, and that you are motivated! In short, that a switch to another field of work have to be no problem at all because you can simply switch the matrix.

They do no longer need to live in the margin of society because that same heartless and only on appearance and money-oriented society does not value self-realization but (ab)uses man as puppets on a string or slaves.

Many people would in such a loving society being able to have a suitable job/pursuits that fits your inner the battle and more of it to can their own identity.

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Creation from love

Creation from love part 1
A creation from love is the only creation in which a constituent part is used. You could say there is ‘ unconscious ‘ or ‘ deliberately ‘ contact with the energy of the object.
Everything is energy. Any matter, every thought, every object, every idea. That’s sufficiently clear by now as quantum physics comes to the same conclusion and thus confirms the observations of intuitive operating people.

It is therefore not surprising that people on the spiritual path finally feels recognized when perceiving the messages of energy that one can communicate better with this energy than another. The better someone communicates on energy level with the energy present the easier he can tune in on the essential nature of what’s going on.

For example the Japanese Marie Kondo (Konmarie) that put socks in the wardrobe dide by side in order to breath and rest as socks already have a difficult life and are thus not put in each other. That is a very good way of perceiving also known as metaphysics. It is the basic essence for research.

It is the research of the being about material reality. Also it called the train of thought behind it what is not perceptible for the five senses. For example, you want to have a child and a baby being is around you and you feel this presence and make contact even before conception.

You want to learn to trust the bounty of mother earth and you have as an independent worker irregular income and sometimes no income. You can just look ahead some weeks or months. However, you learn to trust the energy and to make purchases and behave carefree, which finally makes your confidence grows. Important is that you at first must have learned how to be grounded and how you can be in line with the energy on Earth.

One of those lines with Mother Earth is the Law of Amra (Rosicrucians and ancient Egypt). A law that states that whatever you no longer need to give it away for free in order to perceive something you need for your next awareness step (usually from another sometimes unexpected source). This law is in fact about the circle of abundance.
To be continued

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Many new ignorant people

At the end of a large vicious cycles there is a long transition period. The current transitional period began ca. 1978. This means that especially after 1978 many newcomers have started on Earth. However, this is not true for all infants who are born as there are also people born now which a high consciousness that want to step consciously through all levels of consciousness on earth now that these levels are so easily noticeable. Others who are really new on earth cannot see these dimensions, they have not the faintest idea what this is all about.

It is a hard time for those with a lot of consciousness who strife to end these last decades to finish their life cycle on earth for good. This is a result of the many newcomers who are naïf and as there are still many unconscious people living on earth. A lot of different stages of consciousness are present in society. Some will even pretend to be very consciously but are not.

A way to substantiate the level of consciousness is to look at the symbol that someone is carrying, for example, the color or the level or behavior. In the book “From Tadpole to Prince: Towards Meta conscious competence in 2016, the return to the metaphysical world, you can read how those consciousness layers look like and what you could do to
continue on the next level.

At this time there is especially a lot of keeping up appearances in the world as many do not understand why something exists or why something is made the way it is made. For example a staple remover or two doors at a public toilet area. Such people are not aware how to handle it. They often know do not know why taxes, fees or prices are so high because of the destructiveness, discard behavior or incompetent use of their ignorant fellows around. The consequence of this increasing ignorance is that currently many people make something, sell or trade leading to degeneration, poisoning or eventually in the killing of the man.

Examples of degeneration and poisoning are the fact that we all cut or curtail trees and shrubs, develop factory food for animals and humans leading to empty food, nutrient deficiency in the bodies and obesity, medications and treatment that are worse than the disease for which they are given, food waste as we throw the food away that nature provides us with or we pick them while they are still immature, we poison us voluntarily while we smoke or use drugs.

But the worst is that humanity has no consciousness of life as it was and is meant to be and as a consequence does no self-realization in order to come in balance. No, the mass remains in hate roaming on earth. For example to kill the murderer of your child, or reacts his anger for his own stupid behavior on the another person. Thus we react primitive from one side to the other side. Both sides are equally very worse and out of balance. But above all, acting as such we will never come a step further.

Man must learn to understand why he says something, what he thinks or why he acts and that he becomes aware of his actions, and gradually step by step, layer by layer finally comes in the middle of the balance. From there he can step through the different dimensions on Earth, by releasing and to observe slowly the hitherto invisible reality now that it reveals itself.

Unfortunately, there are at present many ignorant people in key places who prevent and forbid others to step through this consciousness process. Let this not stop you of becoming more consciously each day.

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Deathly power initiated by English native speakers

The influence of the North Americans and other English-speaking countries has due to the end of WOII grown tremendously. Not that they won the war, only due to the fact that Russia was winning in the battle at the east front Europe became release from an occupier. Afterwards they used atomic bombs to make sure that also in South East Asia peace came. Next they have used this threat factor to put down their power in the world. They do this to this even today.

On one hand by working together and on the other hand by (ab)using the money of many citizens in the world who have come to “believe” in them. They do so by setting up large companies in the world with a to use for putting down large monopolies in the world who with their network and capital have impact on many other companies. This increases their influence and power in the world even further.

It began by selling their products to people who, at that time, wanted to become as prosperous as them after that nasty time of two world wars in half a century. The movie industry (Hollywood) made losts of propaganda movies. The language that they used was and still is often at a simple level so that movies can easily be understood by outsiders.

The food industry started with companies such as Burger king, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken started to conquer the world, but their products are not as good as they made us believe they would. Also Staples (office supplies), coffee distributers like Star Bucks, computer companies like Microsoft and Apple and many other companies (games, security software) embarked on their advance to influence the rest of the world. The last decennium the indoctrination on internet (apps, games, chat programs etc.).) and through television (o.a. Netflix) has grown enormous.

How can a company in a short while grow so big and has so many influence?

With the money they earn or more often with borrowed money they buy shares of successful companies anywhere in the world. They use the money of that foreign company and their success formula and leave this foreign company bleed to death. The employees are left to their own devices. The inhabitants of that country have to absorb the financial suffering of such a bankrupt company. And once more high-quality knowledge is alienated (stolen) from such a country.

So it continued even with many big banks who driven by pride and madness went bust . The whole world had to bleed for their stupid mistakes and yield money! The stupid mistakes were a.o. mortgages without sufficient collateral and most artificial contrivances for financial products. The consequence were two major crises, a housing crisis and a financial crisis. But whether that all this were not enough banks, insurance companies and every one with money they still continue.

Monsanto has the idea to genetically manipulate food in order to be able to sell and supposedly to combat hunger in the world. It has already been proven deadly but governments still continue.

Manufacturers of medicines make more often products that make people sicker in the long term but suppress the disease in the short term.

Food industries erode the natural food sources and make food products that fills human and animal stomachs but does not nourish us. This due to the fact that they make up products.

The same goes for the game and film industries who create an increasing number of products where the brain is not stimulated to think, but only to compete (battle) or to view the life of another.

Energy (oil, gas, coil) comes from pernicious sources with which humans devastate the soil for many hundreds of years. For example oil extraction tar sands is booming business but an environmental disaster or plants used for biogas by which the soil can no longer be fertilized in a natural way.

We pollute due to the fact that we have not learned to be responsible for the outcome. How to deal with the laws of nature and how they work is no longer being taught. Wherever you look, you see that most are busy money grabbing and looking for prestige and act only egocentric. They deprive other people, animals and plants and all life on Earth and raison d ‘ être. Living dead it is called. Humans increasingly live in an artificial world towards their death. Per second humans become dumber, physically we can very little compared to the past, we degenerate. We have handed us over to believing in….

Only the infidel who directs his own life knows to live healthy and make conscious choices. He knows that life for many is fatal and wishes not to participate. America has become a continent full of people who are in some sort of competition. It are greedy persons with lack of creativity. It are the publicans from days gone by who have settled down there trying to be at the top of the pyramid while suppressing others in order for them to have money, goods and hierarchy over others.

Currently (since 1978) many newborns are new on earth, meaning not before incarnated as a human. Some others have stepped out of a former life and are still angry and want to assert their control over others. Every now and then some mature humans are born (for example, indigo children) who still want to complete their life mission now all doors are open at the end of a large cycle.

Regrettably, the mass consists more and more of people who have little or no consciousness. They persist in an increasingly going artificial world where soon there will be no place left for humans, animals and plants. It will be a desert-like Earth where robots control our lives.

Unfortunately, many people anywhere in the world have taken the above as an example and continue to do so.

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Ambivalence of governments

Governments and other authorities often show ambivalence. On one side they are concerned over the future of earth after they have been warned lately by the inconvenient truth of Al Gore. On the other hand they issue licenses to companies that produce pollutant goods. These companies are even allowed to advertise their pollutant goods and ill making products by radio, TV, magazines, newspapers etc. On one side governments know the importance of trees and bushes that can capture of CO2 and deliver us O2, but at the same time these Governments cut down healthy trees and bushes as if they hate them.

These contrarieties are alarming. It seems as if these authorities are weak and chime in with the lobby of others. Thus they show spineless. Governments and authorities just think about their own welfare (egocentric behavior), the short term for their company (money and satisfying the shareholders) and tend to forget about their offspring and the future or earth and all its inhabitants.

With the outer power they have been given, they could show their spine and assist innovating companies to have their share on the market. Often these new innovative companies make healthy contemporary products. These companies have hardly the skill and network to lobby. They want to establish on their own grounding and not on the grounding of the often illmaking “old boys network”.

This is good behavior as often this lobby circuit is nothing else than bootlickering, playing each other the ball, informed beforehand on tenders, taking care that your own peers stay at work whether they perform well or not. This gives rise to more Peter Principals who by lack of inner knowledge and cognitive knowledge cause mental and physical damaged to humans, animals and earth. However they are high on the hierarchic ladder, as if that is of any importance.

Time to question these governments and authorities closely. This will have to come forth by ordinary people as most journalists have become slavish followers of these governments. Partly as governments spent a lot on one-sided information (300 instead of 3600) to keep us uninformed. The dirty tricks of individuals becomes widely exposed, the dirty tricks and crimes of governments and authorities become silenced as soon as possible.

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subversion of our present society and dehumanization

Due to the enormous wave of oppression, exploitation and greed that blows over all continents, it causes subversion of our present society.

After all even the extremely well educated ordinary employees are forced to work for the CEO as a serf and slave for only a simple salary. Only the CEO can afford himself several extravagant issues like an expansive car or house, multiple houses, new cloths or multiple vacations a year. The ordinary employee cannot afford himself such things or has to make a choice for only one of these extravagancies. If they decide for a house they cannot afford a car, furniture, cloths or holidays at the same time. They have to make a choice between these options and that isn’t easy or pleasant when their boss or the television shows them the whole time all these many extravancancies, while you get even less means to act in such a lifestyle as the bosses demand more means for themselves or squander a lot of money to megalomaniac projects.

A growing number of people can no longer afford to buy a house or buy luxurious goods or know how to maintain their surroundings. Due to lack of money in the large underlay (ca. 80% of the working population) there is hardly or no money for education, training or retraining. On many occasions only part of the people can participate in the many possibilities. Most people can only make one limited choice.

The present structure were our present society is built on will not last much longer. Like a house of cards it will collapse.

Meanwhile the once acquired knowledge has gone and the inner knowledge – where live is all about -has vanished for the majority (99%).

In the near future the oppressed people will in order to survive feel the need to steal food and goods to remain living. This is only the beginning of the dehumanization as through many centuries the inner self of people is no longer nurtured (see my blogs about abuse of power and religion). As such these “empty” humans have fallen back to a physical and mental human wreck. It is the result of believing in power of others and giving up your own inner wisdom.

Then inhuman behavior is a logical consequence. Regularly the first signs of this come to us in daily news. However, it is only just the beginning …

See our book “Karmic Reflections: Talking with Men and Nature” in which we already wrote about this among other things at the beginning of 2000.

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Living on the grounding of another

A good example of someone who does not stand on his own feet in his own shoes is the following story.

It concerns a man who comes from the periphery of the Netherlands from a family who was rather poor. In this Protestant family in which he grew up, he noted that this is not a life for fun. Thus, he decided to do it differently for himself.
But that was difficult considering the fact that he had not had too much education. He did learned the outward rules of conduct of his faith like public showing you do (supposedly) good for others and, above all, always walk around with the mask of laughter.

Internally he remained a little child who was a much wronged person when he didn’t got what he desired.

He worked in a simple job and lived very primitive in order to save money. He found a woman to share his life with who started to act likewise.

Because this life reminded him to his poor childhood he longed for the day to earn lots of money in an easy way. He taught himself to teach others on coaching level. He did so by asking an experienced trainer to give teachings to him and a group of students. Then he would slowly take over the baton. He would customize the instructional content. Some of his first students he could turn into trainers so he could mainly stick to the role of Director.

It thus happened that others worked for him for a low salary and he had an easy life.
After several year as Director of this company he could afford to buy an expensive house in an expensive area and to make it even tax-deductible.

However, he hardly understood his own training as he could understand only cognitive and could not internalize it. In his head he was looking for his own method what resulted in chaos thinking. Though he gave his teachers often preposterous commands coming from this chaos thinking.

Students and the employees who met him slowly discovered that he himself was a problem. Strange that such a man desired to teach others something. Because of his conduct there were fewer students in his training courses and he was struggling to keep his head up.

Looking at him on energy level you see that he sits in a wheelchair and moves forward by the effort of his teachers and students. He hardly has a grounding and if present it is through others. This person creates lot of karma and still has many lives to life before he reaches the level of some of his students.

He is no exception in its kind.

So always look for a teacher who is mentally and physically well, otherwise it will turn out for the worse.

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