Does Europe loses its own face/values?

Europe is a continent that for centuries is infested by wars because of the many different population groups and economic interests. Adjacent to Asia and nearby Africa the continent came under pressure. After World War II especially Americans affected us as they did not want to comply with our values and practices (Guild). English has become the Latin of this time. The own language knowledge turned to become awfully bad. Furthermore, in the workplace we got a top down mentality where we remain in one position and we have lost our own empowerment. We are no able to contradict the boss even though it his demands are not responsible, illogical, dangerous or impairs  the environment. As a result, more and more fraudulent business arise, employees get a burned out and we create a disposable society for especially the subclasses. Nowadays we jump from one hype in the other. Just like English speaking persons we no longer think our selves or make a responsible choice. The effects show in traffic, during bad weather conditions or in a crisis. Thus the mass must be led within frameworks because they no longer know their accountability, values and standards.

In order to give our image a new impetus after World War II we allowed many foreigners to become inhabitants. There is nothing wrong with that except that these people do not wish to adjust to the values and standards in Europe. They only know to hit our Achilles tendon under the guise of words like discrimination and freedom of religion. They discriminate their new homeland and place themselves outside society by their own behavior.

Words like discrimination and freedom of religion are indiscriminately (mis) (ab) used in order to knock over the established order as we have no clear policy about how we can really let them integrate in our society and maintain a constructive society. We no longer want a degradation society as it has become the last 50 years. It all started with the headscarf discussion, the discussion about Black Knight of St. Nicolaas or the Nativity scene discussion. Now small ethnic children on the street talk already about the coming sharia law in Europe. How sad the wars in the Middle East are, it’s their problem because they have a culture of lying, cheating, temper, envy, vanity, laziness, jealousy and lust. As a result, they destroy what in their view does not fit. They have not inherited constructive inner values or enlarged them during the past centuries. Fighting, complaining and demanding is all the know, meanwhile destructing the society. Building a society is strange to them.

Aid workers learn that you must leave the problem where it is and fix it there. By allowing them to enter Europe they exhibit the above described behavior here. That is something that cannot be solved with a simple training.

Economic interests in Europe make that integration is barely coming off the ground. Conversely  Dolce & Gabbana starts a clothing line for covering clothing working on the integration by providing them with a clothing line with covering clothing because there is apparently much profit to be gained. However, it effects the integration, thus we get de-integration. Gone is the freedom. Gone is the emancipation, gone is the full human right for women, gone is emancipation, gone are values and standards, gone is a constructive Europe.

The affect of Europe as a continent of art, culture, high values and standards, rules, freedom, expression, cognitive knowledge and deep inner knowledge is waning.

Posted in awareness, balance, involution, justice, temptation | Leave a comment

Suffering through sins Stinginess

Continued …

This is the last part of the 7 deadly sins

Someone who suffers from this sin worries about the possibility to lose something. They have not yet the awareness that what you possess internally will never be lost. Only earthly externals can be lost.

On the other hand there is the “poverty thinking”. That’s thinking that you might have nothing left tomorrow and thus as a precaution you stuff your house with food, linens, food inventory, multiple cabinets with more than 1 Cookware set, more than 2 TVs etc.

On the other hand, it are people who have lots of insurance policies because they dare not to take any risk. Many years ago Religion intended with cooperatives to insure people as they wanted to do well to their fellow man. These have now become large insurance companies. Insurance companies or other authorities nowadays project fear on the unbalanced people and with their lobby and their foot in the door they know how to make excessive profits. Being the “Publican” of our time.

The stinginess  are also the companies that are ruled on mainly financial economic gain and no longer by the product they make or a responsible social contribution (environmental cleaning, keep people at work etc.). These companies turn over every penny because a penny time millions of products is much profit. This thinking was started by excessive capitalist thinking in which MBA ‘s had the say. Thus many companies with a good product, and loyal employees still become ruined and bankrupt. This is the kiss of death for life on Earth.

It is mainly conservative people who from a deep-seated fear cannot surrender to life as intended and therefore live a stingy life. They create people around them who are cut from the same wood. It is a massive religious movement in which the fear guards the assets.

They are individuals who do not dare to reveal their knowledge because another might take the knowledge with them. Their House is full of goods and the closets are jam-packed. They have a lot of insurance policies and they fear any change and project fear to one another.

Such companies are very calculating. The consequence is that nowadays more and more roads, bridges, viaducts and houses are so poorly and to the penny constructed, that by the slightes adjustments (more people, more traffic) or changing weather conditions (high winds, lots of rain)  they become destroyed. This is in contrast to products of ages ago that were thus well made that they stood the test of time, whatever happened.

Many large companies get their raw materials from areas where poor people want to have money. They still have no awareness to be responsible for their environment in the long run. Thus (Western) companies looking for excessive profit can violate the laws of the environment and mother nature. They also abuse the local employee who wants to work for a penny where another in the West would like to receive 10 cents. Most large companies are guilty of such practices. Yet many such companies a predicate environmentally friendly or responsibility. They do this by logging on to an organization which supposedly is changing such practices. In the meantime, they continue with pollution, poisoning of land, water and air, deforesting the world (less oxygen), killing animals because there is no habitat left for them.

The worst skinflints are those companies who manage to evade the tax in all sorts of countries and many of them are publicly traded. They earn up to billions or trillions but their first priority is to show off with a theory to the outside world which is based on half-truths, masking whatever they need to hide. They also serve many fallacies, window dressing, lip service, hidden diktat and groupthink and island formation. They work closely with other companies who also strive for profit maximization, have many commercials to convince citizens and lobby to the people in command /Governments in order to be able to dominate with their groupthink. Only the employees belonging to the Core of such a company and the shareholders benefit financially by their lust for power. Governments, other workers, air, water, Earth, plants and animals are the ones to suffer. It is a metaphor for Above Together and Together Above behavior and is also the Tale of the Emperor’s new clothes.

Nowadays it are often people/companies that contribute to degradation instead of building a society. It costs society (individual citizens) much (tax) money because the money is thrown in the well/ destroyed.

These deadly sins in this time elevate themselves as a kind of last cry before the mighty hand of judgment (at the end of this cycle) drops the external cloth and reality shows. It’s like a death cry/last action of those who still have not learned what self-realization (balance sheet) means.

Because of this profound anxiety/fear (imbalance) occupies them, they perform the sins even more violent. A unapproachable pride, fierce lust, vitriolic jealousy, laziness, flabby active drift, insatiable gluttony and fossilized stinginess are the result. The Psychiatry can no longer help so many twisted minds. The capital sins and the lack of understanding makes you as an individual that you become wearied by these negative vibrations. The nervous system is affected (burn out) and that is further aggravated by the hype of this time as meaningless hypes in TV-shows, radio programs, utterances in the press and the many often mindless social media expressions that demand your contribution (are you no longer in charge of yourself?)  The force of the group (Government, business, Church, faith) forces man to sin and degradation instead of understanding, building a society and self-realization.

The stinginess sees any interference as an attack and so they continue as a monstrosity full of distrust as they do not want to hand in their own external position.

They are the lowest among the lowest. They need still to walk the whole (self) development path before awareness will start to penetrate and then they learn what life is all about. They still have a long way to go before they understand love and freedom.

Pauline Laumans

Aura and Chakra Reader/Healer, Naturopath/Therapist

+31 618541278

Posted in awareness, believe, imbalance, involution, religion, suppression, sustainability, temptation | Leave a comment

Suffer through the sin Lust, desire, covetousness

Suffer through  the sin Lust, desire, covetousness

continued …

Once you try to ban lust, desire or covetousness or hide your body by wearing wide cloths, burkas, chadors, and headwear, the desire, lust will increase rather than decrease. Also corporal punishment as stoning or the more Western sadomasochistic subjugation put not effective. It results in a worsening because what is suppressed will rise to the top. That is the law of communicating vessels. Or as a proverb so beautiful describes “the pitcher goes underneath the  water until it bursts”.

Like with the other primal emotions/sins, they can only convert to other more balanced behavior especially by awareness and returning to the fine-matter middle of the balance.

Lust, desire has both the meaning of soul pleasure as of sensual pleasures. Soul and body are difficult to separate from each other, and as soon as the soul suffers the body suffers as well. However, people who developed a high awareness can experience that if you meet the right partner you have no gut feeling like butterflies in your belly (sensual pleasures) but rather the shout of all your chakras (spiritual enjoyment). You would then enter into a connection with this person and exchange as often as you can inner experiences. That’s something completely different than sexuality or Tantra.

In order to live (experience) we need experiences and balance next to becoming fed by mental and spiritual power.

It is not an indication that you might not come to a sexually peak (physical food). On the contrary. Every now and then it is necessary for the body to restore balance and for that we occasionally need an orgasm. Either by self-gratification or by a sexual act with another. Also you need spiritual food, insights, mystical experiences or learn to communicate with the energy that is like quantum physics scientifically reveals and which is described by several people. See also the book: Freedom  in Relationships: Have the right identification ( Such forms increase the contact with the soul and are therefore nourishing and healing. It enables you to come in peace with yourself, so you eventually have peace with others and your environment as well.

Sin as mentioned is about excesses. It is about people who can think of nothing else and come several times a day to deeds of carnal pleasure. This can be a sexual act, but also a killing, torment, or excessive eating and drinking. Also  wallowing in money and land is a lust, as well as your total surrender (extreme) to art or hobbies. These forms pollute the soul and with it the present life.

As a masquerade we give lust and desire a different name such as art, religion, inspiration, love, relaxation, or mystical ecstasy. Yes, it is about keeping up appearances. So look behind it and learn to see reality!

Such people are tragic figures who need a firm halt and should be given a compassionately (heat) new guidance to feed them mentally and spiritually because their soul is hungry (the desire for the love of father and mother or in other words the big bang billions of years ago). Their physical hunger needs a therapeutic remedy or can be bend by natural behavior.

To be continued …!

Pauline Laumans

Aura and Chakra Reader/Healer, Naturopath/Therapist

+31 618541278

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Suffer through sins Gluttony


This cardinal sin you might find especially at those who strive to belong to important people. They search for all possible ways to become overloaded with the temporary seemingly precious values (money, property, and respect) and surround themselves with the treasures of the Earth. They adorn themselves with cognitive knowledge, because they lack inner knowledge.  They surround themselves with wealth because deep inside they feel somewhat lost.

Gluttony proves itself by searching outside yourself. Those who are looking for knowledge and truth in the outside world have fallen prey to gluttony. For example, they read hundreds of books or do many studies, but failed that one study or the right book to internalize it. They may not apply the information in daily practice and continue to practice more of the same. They are looking to the search itself because they are not fed (internalize) by what they do.

They are often self-centered observers, politicians, media people, philosophers, writers or religious persons who believe that only their idea or religion is the right one. They remain unbalanced, while they already have seen the right knowledge and truth come by and has been mentioned but have not been able to apply it. They are the seeing blind and the hearing deaf, they do not taste the food but continue to cram.

Without the value to gauge they turn on something new that comes along. A new hype, a new book, a new garment, new trend in home or garden etc. They are a bottomless barrel (without grounding) that needs to be refilled because they  feel an inner hunger and  thus they put themselves full of teachings (they can trot out of the holy books), lectures and meetings such as in the churches. They believe that if they do so enough they become fed enough and then anointing or Salvation comes.

The glutton is joining the sloth because the glutton is still searching for new food, while the sloth wait for the food to come to him.

Gluttony is like the other deadly sins a form of deep craving. A craving for balance, equality, view of life, and an end to the repeating power of the life-and-death cycle on Earth.

When you get to know your character (know yourself) then you start to use your gifts and return to the fine-tuned balance in the middle and come to inner knowledge (power supply). To know yourself is described in all holy books but not applied. Just learning the texts out of your head or performing cognitive knowledge created by another is allowed. Then you become not nurtured but is simply gluttony.

To become fed there is the need for an intelligent, very aware, but relaxed interplay between your qualities (inner gifts). This makes you a rich person. This means that your character serves your soul (your being). Head and heart must work together c.q. the ratio (cognition) with the feeling. Self-criticism and self-knowledge is not enough, you should get fully committed to eradicate the dirt’s/ dust of the deadly sins out of your system, with all roots. On weak moments (when you are uninhibited) the primal sin (Devil as you want) is again lurking around to take possession of a piece of your, in thoughts, emotions, words or deeds.

An inner rich man seeks both outside himself as within. They feel at some point saturated of inner food. They make critical choices and are less and less attached to earthly goods. They know the value of worldly goods and therefore just act carefully with whatever material as they would act on behalf of their own body and mind.

By Temperance and control without coercion they start to eliminate the deadly sins (Tala) and begin with self-realization and to follow the way up through the Loka to the Pleroma, the light, the origin, the father and mother.

To be continued…

Pauline Laumans

Aura and Chakra Reader/Healer, Naturopath/Therapist

+31 618541278

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Suffer through sins Temper


4. Temper /  frenzy

People who experience the sin of temper meet high mountains and deep valleys. At times of temper an inner violent fire burns that is not easily to be extinguished. In order to make short work they jump on others or the subject. Their mind is not consulted and they show ruthless behavior. They can literally kill another to accomplish their goal. Thus, they afterwards regret this ‘ brash ‘ violent reaction. Their temper is often driven by jealousy. They have lost any control and all proportions. They will and have to be the master over the other. Obstacles, contradiction or opposition is not tolerated during this flurry of temper.

Temper rages as a hurricane through construction works already made by others and damages a lot.  It makes them also quickly tired and exhausted as it involves a huge effort followed by disillusionment.  It can tough the person and make him more sensitive to what’s going on and finally he can understand that he is looking for recognition. They are often the pioneers, the leader of a group that has to do something about that which is not good in their eyes. Many are in their frenzy and seekers temper either in blind optimism or petrified pessimism.

Their Ego (Super Ego) wants to be heard, but this is not rewarded. Their disappointment stems from the bitterness of many other deadly sins that their inner I cannot feed, causing the inner light not being fed. It is a deep wound that must be healed. Eventually the temper should be reversed because it does not work.

To heal (to become healed) they should sacrifice themselves. They must learn their responsibility and thus they have to fulfill a mythical hero’s role. They must, after all, face the seven-headed dragon. All by themselves they have to recognize the methods and attacks of the dragon (or other beings) and help himself and his fellow man to beat it. At first, this seems easy but the more he comes to the core (essence) the more courage is demanded to continue to face and beat this dragon Much confidence is needed. Only by sacrificing himself on this subject he becomes a free man and can fulfill his role. It is the crowning glory of freedom.

To be continued…

Pauline Laumans

Aura and Chakra Reader/Healer, Naturopath/Therapist

+31 618541278

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Suffering through the sin Jealousy

continued …

3. Jealousy

Jealousy is an inner struggle, a fight between the self, and the I from others, and between the ego and the soul. The often show as split souls. They want another to dominate over others or destroy their property in an attempt to get the power of the other person. Especially if there is a man with a high quality of life (see part 1) in their neighborhood. They are both jealous of the matter of another, but also because the other has amassed inner light. Only the presence of light makes them jealous. And a jealous person is looking for victims.

The jealous man glorified himself but above all he finds satisfaction in destroying the other. Known is the person who sucks energy out of another person.  We are often confronted with such persons at the end of one’s life as they have not or hardly lived and are now angry that they are dying. They are jealous of the living people (family and aid workers) around them. They suck out others people’s energy in an attempt to stay alive. They destroy one’s best gifts, insights or spiritual predisposition.

They are especially jealous of the “mother /father (educator) ”  who owns: inner knowledge, knowledge of the gnosis, knowledge of the heart and all that has been and will come. They resist people who have managed to walk most of their life path and thereby have become naturally wise.

Jealousy makes them an aggressive attacker. This cardinal sin frequently shows at the so-called positive-oriented people who end up surrounded with a field of gif, dead and wounded persons.

They are easy to poke for a blind attack method. He is fanatic. He maneuvers others in a situation and then in a flash destroys the work of the other. Jealousy can create an appearance of nobility and high morale but finally suddenly becomes the meanest poison on Earth; like a serpent that anywhere between sneaks by and then suddenly attacks. See for example the anti-social personality disorder. However, this apparent dominance brings him only disease, fatigue, disharmony and misery because he destroys whatever he needs.

The jealous man prays only for favors but would do nothing to obtain it. He has often self-pity, attracts attention and wants to win others for himself, if necessary, by elevating a play. He can hardly handle silence because as soon as the light in him is touched  from all sides jealous situations emerge.

Recovery is possible after personal insight. If he does not get attached to something he can detach from jealousy. None of the deadly sins is to be destroyed by a warrant, but they are to whittle down by taking away their force. Only in the silence of meditation can he in mind and sentiment detach from all forms of jealousy. The firepower of jealousy must be bend to focus on something else so that there no longer exists an inner fight in him, but he develops inner strength. He will have to accept that he is a ‘lonely’ an ‘individual’ is. Then there is no more room for the deadly sins!

To be continued…

Pauline Laumans

Aura and Chakra Reader/Healer, Naturopath/Therapist

+31 618541278

Posted in awareness, balance, knowledge, temptation | Leave a comment

Suffering from the sin Laziness

People with pride and laziness are living together in a kind of symbiosis because the lazy man like an authority figure or organization that he can follow. The authoritarian person likes to surround himself with servants/worshipers/yes-men.

By disclosure of the truth and the unmasking of the lie dominant positions/persons become affected. If we consider that we for thousands of years, weighed down by lies, it is not surprising that we have lost health, happiness and harmony because we lack re-ligio (connection with our origin). In particular readers and healers who can read past lives can give you a helping hand.

2. Laziness

Lazy people hand over themselves to whatever society requires of them, but they walking on the edges. They are not inspired to engage and certainly not as an individual. They show a continuous kind of resistance behavior and are not willing to act. They are not yet independent and do not yet have the ability to walk on both legs (grounded).

They prefer bobbing as a group on the waves of the sea of live. They surround themselves with supporters. They complain and hide behind the Group such as a Church (Group of people with the same thinking line), putting them in their laziness not having to think independently or acting.

Others think on their behalf. The group, religion or Government keep the mass under control. The persons handed in their own knowledge and feelings and as such are no longer able to experience the energy that is present (while their holy book says that they need to reach this inner knowledge).

They go under in the masses, have (figuratively) lost an own face or own voice. They speak alike the Group speaks because they are still not fed inwardly (see story good Samaritan). They serve themselves with externalities because they lack the ability so think adequately themselves, are soon feeling tired (lack of inspiration and inner fire), are not to be motivated or interested to act independently.

They can only complain or held up their hand as they feel victimized. That this is due to their own emptiness is hard to accept as they lack inner awareness. Also they do not liked to be ‘touched’ (figuratively)  or animated, but like to wallow in their group.

They suck the energy away from their fellow humans because they parasite on others. Especially at the end of life this is unfortunately often apparent. They dare not to let go of life because they do not have lived as it was intended. They have not gained inner knowledge. As a result, they feel the darkness that awaits them and therefor dare not to dye. With tooth and nail they fight against death. Another second opinion, still an organ transplant, another operation, even more people around you bed in order to (ab)use their energy in the hope you stay alive. The physical law of destruction, transformation and creation from which we all are derived (father and mother) they do not yet acknowledge.

The lazy man is easy in the hands of bogus gurus and their training courses that deceive them and make them servants surrounded with a fake light, but inner fire and not be awakened in such persons and they live with a false sense of security.

Recovery is possible after personal insight, consistently following the conscience and listen to your inner consultant, repentance and forgiveness to yourself and others and of course to act differently. So dare to come out of your comfort zone, do not strife for the top but strive for inner knowledge, to act as an individual (to be in the group but not from the group) and to allow others to ‘touch’ you.

To be continued…

Pauline Laumans

Aura and Chakra Reader/Healer, Naturopath/Therapist

+31 618541278

Posted in awareness, imbalance, suppression, temptation | Leave a comment

The suffering of the human species due to sins part 1

Still there are people not aware of the fact that they are stuck in one or more of the seven deadly sins. They lack inner knowledge as they are trapped by the dogma’s of religion (lack of light and conscience). They have in this or their former lives not yet progressed enough. Thus they still wander around in the Tala, cannot continue to the Loka, cannot continue from the sevenfold path of the Loka  to the eighth step, which is the moment when the earthly learning experience has ended and we no longer have to incarnate on Earth. We have then enough light power (high frequency) that we as an essence can continue  elsewhere.

What are those main sins?
Pride, Laziness, Envy, Temper, Lust, Gluttony and Avarice.

Many people protected by an authority (Group, Church, boss, Government) know to cover these sins (masks). They are the hypocritical people who act spiritually but falls prey to these sins. They follow the Left Path and as such will not reach the final goal. They become inwardly cloven, caught in many diseases and lead multiple lives.

That is a great pity because by living within a physical body they can the learn the lessons of these sins and follow the path of the stars. Thereby they can set themselves free from whatever that keeps them Earthbound. Therefor some call Earth a kind of prison.

The choice is up to each person to choose the path you walk on, how long you want to suffer or that you finally take yourself by the hand and lead your own life.

Recovery is possible after deep personal insight, repentance and forgiveness to yourself and others and of course by acting accordingly.

  1. Pride

For example, there are people who by their progressive insight a high quality of life behave ’royal’ (with has lots of inner bright colors) (self-conscious, decisive (light shining on what is obscure, urges fellow man for walking their own path of life, are not looking for outer appearance or material wealth). They just serve others by being themselves. They strife to follow their inner path in order to achieve inner gold. More often they are  likely to be poor compared to contemporary standards, as at present only externals like excessive money, goods or the presence in the media counts. He does not allow to become lived by the polluted dark fellow human beings. They have no followers, but are perhaps surrounded or connected with people who follow their inner path. They grow to more and more communication and conscious interaction with the energy that there is, so that they learn to experience and follow the true life (path).

The haughty man, on the other hand, is a liar and ambitious ((with many black and grey inner colors). You recognize them because if you ask them a straight question (honestly) they always have a vague story why something happened. They use their fellow man (they are from a group) and maintain themselves by using the grounding of their fellow man. Only by being a member of a group they can maintain themselves in the society. As individuals they are not powerful. Only with external power they can maintain themselves. That is why religion has arisen. They are preferably at the hierarchical top and that is why churches are high. They detest man who have a high quality of life and it makes them furious. They adorn themselves with externals and desirable behavior such as positivity. Their spiritual emptiness is covered with their vanity and outward appearances. They are just filled with cognitive knowledge, or only with the possibility to gabble religious texts. This theoretical spirituality is one big mask. They want no interference of another and not at all by anyone without such a sin.

To be continued…

Pauline Laumans

Aura and Chakra Reader/Healer, Naturopath/Therapist

+31 618541278

Posted in illmaking, religion, temptation | Leave a comment

The capitulation of Europe to U.S.A. & commonwealth

Europe is for many centuries by its diversity in population a source of inspiration, rich in culture, does still many discoveries, invents medical alternatives to the benefit of health and is excellent in art. On many levels.

Unfortunately, Europe due to this diversity lacks a general voice to the outside world, whereby this outside world easily can influence those parties that do not get involved with the majority. Sometimes however, those who do want to get involved with the majority have a clear view but are overruled by the majority. See here the Achilles’ heel of the European Union by flawed self-understanding and lack of historical insight.

After the wake-up call of World War Two Europe has not overcome but capitulated to the British Commonwealth and the United States. They are the actual winners. If two dogs (European countries and Germany) fight for a leg, the third (British Commonwealth and the United States = the Alliance) go along with the leg (bonus).
The consequence is that many insights, knowledge and money went to the pockets of Americans and Europe slowly becomes stripped from her own strength, self-knowledge and identity. Notice that The Alliance continued the bad practices they blamed the Germans for and where we fought for during WOII.

If it continues Europe will be squeezed like a citron and the profit goes to The Alliance who have managed to become exorbitantly rich and are very self-centered as a consequence. They know how to wrap up (mask) and sell their inner emptiness, lack of self-knowledge, lack of cognitive knowledge to the outside world. This outside world is left with the waste, bad machinery or products that make humans and animals sick. This is in contradiction with the health products that have been developed in China, Russia and Europe for many centuries.

Also they create wars by mingling with other people’s land and culture, whereby The Alliance gets richer, many people elsewhere get a trauma and are left in poverty. They make us fear for our other great neighbor Russia, which, however, is similar to The Alliance, not worse nor better

Meanwhile, other countries within Europe naïve as they are have fallen for the greed of The Alliance and want to share in this greed, with which they speed up their demise.
More domination over Europe is on pile if Europe signs up for the questionable TIPP Treaty. Again history will show in the future that The Alliance spins the yarn and Europe is left with polluting raw materials, bad (disease-causing) products, poverty and disease as a consequence. The tide can still be turned!

It is time for Europe to learn to stand on their own two feet. To worship their in long-term accumulated culture, and manage themselves in the still existing knowledge and many discoveries they still do, their inspiration, art and scientific feats.

The diversity can become an European force and allow us to stand on our own two feet and separate us from whatever tyrant.

Posted in awareness, imbalance, involution, knowledge, suppression, temptation | Leave a comment

War and hassle is often deadly life

If we look to the history we notice that many quarrels and wars are based on the interference in the life of the other. That person or country will after a while interfere with the other as well.

It is based on a natural law to come into balance by means of creation, transformation and destruction. Only most unaware people stick in one of these phases for a very long time. Meaning they are unaware of the fact that nature or other persons will intervene in a hard way in an attempt to restore the balance so that a large group (Monad) very conscious people no longer are being held back by their not aware fellow human beings.
What would you do if someone with other values and norms breaks down you interior and has demands about your way of life? This is what religion and also major world powers with their followers do to other countries.

However, many people become angry when they are faced with the ideas of another. They will ignore these ideas or at last will investigate inwardly the truth or value of it. Sometimes the confrontation is well meant, having you looking into your mirror. It is a way of being touched in order for you to understand what you are doing and what the effect is. Often the old effect is not what you intended and will notice it now. This form of touch is a helping hand to help you take a further step. For this, you have to understand that the other is not your enemy but on his own way provides you insight in order to make you more aware. If you can accept this and accept you can let go of the old way you now are able to take an innovative step.

If you hold on to what is in your head or stick to your inner fears you will fight back. You will be mad at the other, but in fact you’re mad about yourself. You can show macho behavior or become a dictator but in reality it is an expression of inner imbalance that you wish to camouflage. Why do you need so many masks? With masks on you cannot be fed! With masks you wear the wrong dress (aura) and you will be treated as such. You can then complain about discrimination or religious freedom or blame the other, but actually your inner essence created a learning lesson but you cognitive thinking or your self-centeredness is in your way. So you’re actually angry at yourself. Only when you understand this you can let go and take the next step.

This is how it works for individuals but also for all nations who let themselves stir up by a ‘democratic’ world power or a dictator who believes this other country has to be ruled in another way and thus sends his forces without the consent of this other country.

History since many thousands of years before Christ, shows that this always creates a negative backlash, either destruction of the land, the buildings and many human lives, either large refugee flows. Both are dislocations for many decades or centuries. It offers no time for mental and spiritual growth. Both parties do not want to learn from one another and so it’s an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Such religious influences force humanity to go from one side of the balance sheet to the other side of the balance sheet. It is only about outward power, excessive money, excessive goods and about the suppression of the other. This creates pressure in the communicating barrel and then it comes out at the other (not desired) side. This goes on for many thousands of years already without humanity to learn to come in balance and have real mental and spiritual growth.

Only once in a while there is a lawful war or because a country calls for order and peace. History shows this has only has the wishful effect if it last several generations. Sometimes there is a war as a balance needs to be created as humanity itself is not learning what it is supposed to learn.

Wise men with deep insight into the deeper underlying reason have written about it. However, many unconscious people do not want to understand the deeper truth and linger in becoming or remaining angry, resentful and start to repeat the hassle or war. They still have many life lessons to learn, but sometimes drag their own country and allied countries times in this mud.

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