The power of Cogitality (comprehensive thought)

The sevenfold as the basis for our journey. In order to enable the divine vibration (the all-encompassing) to reach us.

On Earth we have a choice which is called the “Circle of Abred” that can bring us further or can stop us. If we want to add and become one with the light (the Pleroma) we should learn from Cogitality (comprehensive thought) and no longer from what we learned in school. One the cogitality adds, the other (cognitive thinking) breaks off. And if you know that the universe is influenced by thinking then you can conclude that it might become less nice on earth than we desire while using cognitive thinking. Because you and others have not learned to think from connectedness  but learned to think from our ego, wishful thoughts or are guided by dark forces who present us a false reality because they know our sorrows and desires and give us a desirable answer. They keep you trapped in the “Ring No Further (Ring van Saturnus)” “the Ain Soph Aur”.

Whatever we call it, there exists energies that try to limit or stop us with their make-believe world (dogmas). Also there are certain forms of anxiety, passed via our nervous system to our thinking process which paralyzes it. Fears, who cannot be reasoned, but nevertheless seems extremely real. Fears from the past, experiences that are forever registered in the cells and the nervous system. Impatient people cannot perceive events (energy) as their cognitive thinking is occupied by all kinds of impressions. Their gaze is volatile and thus they cannot have an inner sight of reality.

As a result many people became bitterly disappointed about life due to that make-believe

world and therefore turn off higher values. The nervous system gets frozen as the first of

the seven realities by this disappointment. And disbelief in themselves they reject all

other realities. They have become deeply hurt in this artificial world. Their soul remain

empty, tired. Their blood turns to ordinary things; their flesh will no longer listen to

spiritual sounds; their eyes close as they are exhausted for the things behind the outward

form; and their nerves are either sick or abused, or they inject a constant fear on the

thinking of mankind. They get caught in the nets of the seven Devils or the seven deadly

sins (the horrors we see daily in the media).


Only our own connection with our comprehensive thinking and our nerve ether makes that we are in contact with the spiritual sphere from which “happiness, life and glory” emanates. The really matured man acts, thinks and reacts only from his inner self and never by laws imposed from outside.

Cogitality, the comprehensive thinking, by the appropriate identification with yourself gives you wings with which you can break free from the limiting circles and cycles. When you learn to move upwards and have completed the previous parts of the sevenfold then you can feel and think with your heart. Without thinking and feeling from the heart we remain unfinished creatures. When we learn to think and feel from the heart the vibrational State and thinking is purer and more connected (deeper). The intelligence that soul and man connects, is seated in the heart which makes you feel connected with all parts in yourself, but also with all what is around you. This is called new thinking or the comprehensive thinking or Cogitality.

In order to make the inner rotation to Cogitality the old thinking needs to be broken down. That is all the learned thinking, taking over ideas, dogmas etc. of others. It is about detaching of all cognitive thinking and outward appearances. We need to stop linking cognitive thinking and will as it leads us to insane actions, pathogenic thoughts and soulless hearts.

It does mean to become in a state of inner peace and from there we go to a mind state of concentration and experience the connectedness with all parts of the body and with everything around us. Unfortunately, many are no longer as good to focus. The contemporary man nowadays first needs to learn Mindfulness, only then they can learn to meditate (Zen or TM), and only then are they able to go into true concentration to achieve deep inner thinking that then emerges all by itself. Only when we are empty of our ego and wants, we are able to create the peace for contemplation, thinking from all over our body in connection with everything around us. This is called thinking from the heart or comprehensive thinking or cogitality. It is the goal of our being.

Inner rest (or peace) refers to the outer and inner circumstances which harmonious work together (is giving in to your inner being and not to your ego or personality) in order for the divine game of giving and receiving and to know. Then there is the Cogitality the comprehensive thinking which provide us with a deep inner peace.

Comprehensive thinking (see the book Cogitaliteit by Ivomir Nikolov Dimchev) gives you wings. Your aura becomes luminous. Comprehensive thinking goes at the speed of intention as also described in the book “ Freedom in relationships: have the right Identification”. Both books can be ordered through



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The nerves and path of the sevenfold

The nerves are an organism between the physical and the etheric body through which the senses become stimulated. If you fall ill the perceptions of the senses change. The nervous system suffers from nasty things such as poison, tough issues physically or mentally.  You feel with the nerves. The heart is the organ where you receive incentives of the senses and feels whether it is right or wrong. Also the chakra’s react tot the incentives of the senses and make the distinction between evil or good. you react tense when anticipating a dangerous situation.

In order to maintain your nerves in a good condition they should regularly relax after an effort. The averaging function has indirectly to do with every spiritual Act and is by means of the nervous system passed to the other parts of the body.

The nervous system is ruined by any form of spiritualism, mediumship or magical practices.  once ruined then a higher form of consciousness is almost impossible. If you are sensitive you have a kind of antenna that registers every discordant and harmful frequency. This antenna also receives age-old messages, memories of past experiences (instinct), while you have at present no current knowledge of. Having knowledge of these  ancient messages means intuition. This means that you know the issues of interest of these ancient situation as if you are looking to a movie.

The continuous passage of impulses through the nerves refine and make them hypersensitive to harsh business such as cruelty, rock hard material interests and coarseness. The nervous system tolerates this no longer. As a result, in the current time where coarseness happens often and the nervous system becomes excessive stimulated (advertising, news, modern media) your nerves easily arch or you get a burn out. As a result you have no longer a connection with your higher self and with the world around you. all finer vibrations (high frequency), the thin messages are no longer received by you as your nervous system has become tired and insensitive.

As a reaction some persons become disappointed of the inner path because they were led by false prophets who only were out on their money and their gullibility. After all the man listens eagerly to desired messages. This is called the Aquarius psychosis.


The seven realities described in these columns close down due to the wrong incentives. Their soul remains empty (not nourish). They have become tired of the hard struggle without any results because they believed. Their eyes are shut down overtired for things behind the outer form. They are actually nerve wracked by the abuse or brainwashing or the empty hand that only tells you lies of love and prosperity without the reality that live means life lessons that are often hard but bring you insight and progress once the lesson is learned.

Any kind of fighting, arguing, lack of light, excessive tensions, compulsion, impure thoughts affects the nervous system. It destroys the connection (communication) with our outside world. I.e. the fellow man, the plants, trees, animals and things. this way man can not become ONE because a connection is needed and that takes only place souls on an equivalent vibration. Equivalent souls will always recognize each other. If you force people of another vibration to actions it calls for resistance/tension. When these tensions hold on for a certain period of time or when they become violent persons fall ill as the imbalance took a too long period. Such a person has acted against his nature life command.

A sensitive (not emotionally) man experiences the pain and the suffering of every living being in his environment. He recognises it before the other can start to talk about it. Similarly the massive violent death of animals, plants and people stirs us without that many of us are aware of it. The electromagnetic field degenerates due to so much violence and we experience tension without knowing the reason.  As a result we can hardly connect the energy of the cells with each other necessary to be aware. The energy no longer through the body and we become disconnected from earth. We no longer have any form of a grounding. It results in becoming immune to whatever takes place. Therefore, there is the saying: to be in command of the nerves.

A sensitive nervous system links easily the senses and refines the taste, smell, hearin, sight and the feeling. Once a nervous system is nerved intensively  the connecting link  between the physical and the etheric body becomes flawed or absent.

The scents of natural raised plants and trees stimulate us but the smell of artificial raised plants and trees or the spilled blood makes that we degenerate.


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Patience part two

Lessons of patience keep coming but I am no longer bothered by them but go along with what is being asked. After all, no more will happen than I can handle in one day. So I enjoy the times when I can come into action or may act in another field of life. I am less tense when at any given moment I am stopped. I look into the fact what I am facing at such a time in order to prevent me for other pitfalls. In the meantime I wait patiently for another opportunity to come in which I may proceed.

Sometimes it seems like the need to stop for the traffic light while there is no traffic and to continue when there is a lot of traffic. Behaving neatly according to traffic rules even though they seem to work against you, allows a large flow at other times. Neglecting or ignoring traffic rules means in daily practice that you cannot proceed with other issues. By having more patience on many levels it seems that the earthly and worldly boundaries vanish and life becomes one large universe. After all see the saying as above so bellow and so below so above.

Life becomes a fine-matter sensation where you can taste and smell to whatever passes your path of life while you carefully and patiently make your choices. You no longer allow others to put you into a certain direction. You choose yourself as consciously as you can. You feel free to go wherever you want.

To go along with these lessons of patience you learn to take tiny but consciously steps. It seems as though the time turns against you while the paradox is the truth.

Through living in the more subtlety matter you learn very quickly. The pathway of the terrestrial life school no longer needs to be repeated over and over in an attempt to make progress. No, you just proceed by this degree of consciousness.

By amassing higher consciousness you become a wiser man. You no longer fall for earthly gain. This inner knowledge can no one take away. Visionaries observe you with lighter colors. A wise man is also no longer afraid for any attacks by society. The attacks of society are being cashed without releasing the target.

Your bones remind you when your earthly life path is going to an end and you allow no one of your ignorant fellow human beings to put you in a pitfall / to interfere just before the end of your earthly live and death cycle. Thus you face all that is happening and observe what is going on and why but you are no longer stirred up by the issues of the day. This will take your development to even higher levels which take a lot of courage and wise further actions.

That is why Buddha said:” he who is strongest in exercising patience is a great man”. Patience brings light on your path of life.

Only the patience man take steps forward and smiles when the hardworking man is running past him overconfident without knowing wherefore, whereto or why. One day such persons will come against themselves and suffer the nasty conditions in their lives because they are ignorant of the goal and thus wander on earth. The patient man has lots of inner wisdom gained and observes behind the issues of the day sees what is really going on. He no longer participates in the merry-go-round of society demands.

Patience is eventually hard as a rock, unyielding and full of wisdom. Eventually, patience becomes your companion. You become quiet and at rest just like a lion in the prairie watchful waiting for the right time to come into action. Each problem you have to face turns out to become a gateway to a desirable solution.

Know that patience is the gateway to seven lights. In the meantime you become more receptive for all good issues in this lifetime that may fall to your share.

To be continued…

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Patience a lesson from the sevenfold

part 5

You know the saying that patience is a clean task and that is right. My own experience with certain life lessons was that it was an endurance of lessons of patience and another lesson of patience etc. It took a long time and it still continues. I have come to the point that I started to become used to it and that I cannot go as fast as I would like. The lessons of patience took many years and some friends asked me for which task I was prepared.


In the beginning it was nerve wracking because my ratio (cognitive thinking) wanted to proceed, my body wanted action but the life lessons kept me against it. The question was why? What did I had to face? What was I supposed to understand? Why could others continue (Rationally) where I was stopped? Did I had to choose a different attitude? Did I had to choose other pursuits? How could I give my body enough action without losing balance? Where could I speed up? Where and when did I had to take back gas? Many questions arose and step by step I learned to surrender and to deal with the lessons of patience and learned what was asked of me. The path of the ratio and cognitive thinking and action would have left me unconscious.


Patience is called one of the toughest trials. It has everything to do with the countenance of what is happening, but to keep your head elevated and patiently waiting for other times to come. Be tolerant with regard to the fellow man who has little or no awareness of your big steps towards more consciousness. Be patience with yourself if something fails.


Patience is needed as a basis for the pursuit to experiences on higher levels of consciousness. Without patience you end up with nothing while having work hard. With patience the toughest tests and tasks can be fulfilled, while others may think that laziness, indolence or drudgery is at stake. While in fact you act according to supreme acceptance to yourself, to serve your fellow man and the whole of nature. If you lack any insight in the lessons of patience you can easily step into the pitfalls of drudgery, obedience to others, giving up your individuality and initiative. Yes, so tight to each other lies the path of living alive and living dead.


These lessons of patience for me seem to have ended but in reality I am still confronted with them every day. Fortunately I am no longer concerned by these lessons but adore them as they bring me further on my path. After all no more will happen than I can handle in one day. And thus I enjoy the times when I am allowed to come into action or when I am supposed to act in something else. I proceed while being patience


To be continued…


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The (inner) smell is one of the seven basic skills how to learn to live

part 4b

The natural fragrances of trees and plants aim to the man his stay on Earth more pleasant, even him from time to time. Through the forest to smell you know that it is alive. A forest that no longer smells has lost its strength. The pure, precious flowers types created in man a higher desire, they unite him with his soul.

Are you looking at proverbs about scents then you see their importance. The smell of spilled blood also brings the human outside of sentences because his etheric body, the nervous system on a degenerating way is stimulated. Man yearns to more bloodshed, his conscience degenerates and he has no access to spiritual nobility.

The soul expresses itself with its own smell. It is a fragrance that is released when passing or on particular moments in life that you specify your ego orientation. It is the moment when you walk the path goes up. A deceased can you recognize to his scent as his being you subsequently visit.

See the book By Tadpole to Prince of Pauline Laumans ISBN 9,799,081,623,384 in which different stages of consciousness are described.

All ceremonies, which are accompanied by a certain smell-spreading, want to capture the soul, think outside your will and (inner). An intelligent, deceptive religious ceremony is characterized by: 1 deceivers enticing music or musical pronounced words that make you weak 2 a harmonious interplay between smell and sound, making the nervous system is stimulated not 3 Salazar and pauses to the resistance in you to eliminate 4 clean external forms to your eye to charm 5 a pervasive smell that your soul is misled 6 a color harmony that tempts the taste of the blood. As a man ends up your easy on the Left path. However, usually you discover this only on your deathbed when it is too late to walk the right path.


To be continued…

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The ( inner) smell is one of the seven basic skills how to learn to live part 4a

Whoever has fallen in love knows you are attracted by the smell of the other. Each person has a particular vibrational level (level of development) and souls smell (unconsciously) if the smell of the other suits or not. We know that it is good if the smell of the other (his blood) repels us.

Breathe in a pure environment gives the soul light, extension and removes a self-centered pressure. Such natural scents of wild herbs and plants accentuate the purity and give man an unreasoned (often unconsciously) sense of happiness.

Due to air pollution, artificial means and drugs are respiratory organs are over stimulated. It results in the fact that the olfactory mechanism degenerates.

The natural living conditions are so upset that the soul, which depends on the sense of smell, is being impeded by the disharmony within nature.

We inhale smells in degradation processes that serve death. Just think of the waste bin, the garbage mountain, or how farmers fertilize their country nowadays. They are all disease-causing odors. Other pathogenic scents are those of certain industries, perfumes and fragrance diffusers used in houses and on toilets.

Higher animal species rely exclusively on the sense of smell. Thus they recognize each other, danger, the road, sources etc. The current nurseries of plants and trees have released the natural way. As a result, plants look nice and healthy but are robbed of their initial vibrational State and are no longer smelling. Insects and animals avoid such plants and choose if possible the remaining plants and trees with a high vibrational State.

The first people could also rely on their sense of smell but meanwhile we lost our inner capabilities pretty much. Man prefers scents that came with his nature and type. There are scents that are misleading, intoxicating and provocative. A fragrance never misses its effect on humans.

The taste of certain herbs scents offers us health, calmness, life force or courage.

The surround you with fragrant smells is a (UN) conscious masquerade of the soul. The choice of a smell can determine the nature of a human being, such as the sounds and the belonging to him at his belonging colors him characteristics. The natural body odor never need to be unpleasant, but morbid conditions, span and disasters/neglect the smell.


To be continued…


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the (inner) sight and the light of life in our eyes as one of the seven basic skills how to learn to live

part 3

With our inner eyes we see most of what is to be seen. With the inner eye we see what really is important to us at that time as we “perceive” when focused. To be focused we learn during the ZEN meditation or the transcendental meditation. Those are the only two meditation forms that prepare you for the art of inner perception (higher inner knowing or intuition) that eventually teach you to become one with the energy (life) around you. Mindfulness and guided meditations are gentle infusions that apparently is needed for contemporary man because he has already degenerated and thus a preliminary step is needed for the preparation to the trajectory of his inner road before he can begin.

The eyes are the mirrors of the soul. They tell us something about your inner orientation (blood) that lets you in this lifetime. The sight of the eyes contains images from the distant past, whereby you can have the feeling that you’ve seen or already know something.

With  our physical eyes we notice a lot. However, we are not focused on that what we should see. The broadcast of “What the Bleep” shows that have over thousands of observations per second, but we notice only a few. usually e are managed by our conditioning. These include the externalities for which the mass falls like  the associations, interpretations, thinking, learned behavior, feeling, instinct and assumptions. So with the outer senses we do not perceive what is really important to us.

Many live in a harness partly due to our “culture of civilization” through which we hide ourselves behind a mask of tinsel, with lots of laughing and talking (externals) so that we act nobler than we actually are. The artificial world is currently for the “living death” man very important. However, it announces disaster.

A man who shows his authenticity/purity becomes emitted by the current “civilized world”. They are the ones who see what is happening with their perception and act accordingly.

To be continued…

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Hearing and listening is one of the sevenfold basic skills to learn to live part 2

This is the most important of all basic skills, comes next and then smell it…

Do we hear by vibrations. Not only do we hear with our ears but also with our skin and our internal organs and inner resonator. The vibrations not only reach the skin but also the cells in our bodies, the organs and the inner resonator. If there are a lot of low-frequency noise is going to even your inner resonator vibrate. You find because you nervous and your heart beat faster. However, you can hear beautiful sounds that naturally arose then feed you with life energy such sounds, you’ll be patient and see the greatness of life.

The hair on the skin have a receiving and a radiating function, which can protect the man. The question is why some people than their hair so incredibly short cut and negate themselves. A Hairdresser can quickly to your hair see if you are out of balance, are ill or depressed.

The aura around the head is partly maintained by the hair, the “healing herb” of man. A sighted man (inner observer) reacts on this aura. People with a rich spiritual past, have by their long patient experiences a sensitive antenna, which registers every discordant and harmful wave with a low frequency.

The simple skin contact is already a transfer of vibration. However, if your skin by chemical means (for example, medications) harmed the ability to listen with your skin decreases. That can also happen if you are unconscious or ignores very touch. There is then of you said you have a thick skin or a cheese lover. Usually these people also an unpleasant light in the eyes because they know you don’t want to or they don’t (more) be able to connect with another. They are blind and deaf because they have lost the first contact with the outside world.

You can also be contaminated by a touch. This includes a massage, or a medium that because they are not with your essence may energy of themselves or forward an unknown being in your body. Many people can no energy discharge. (this learning takes a lot of exercise and is not in one year to learn). Most have not learned to communicate with your essence/essence (to learn this takes a lot of practice and takes at least 5 years). If people then believe you have to give energy-how good intentions then it so often unwanted assistance because you are in most cases is contaminated with energy that is not add something to your defunct command and this earlier blocks.

As humans we tend to go off on something beautiful or positive. That is the chance to be tricked and fooled by the ignorance, ignorance and hypocrisy of others and of yourself. All this is due to our tendency to accept only with externals.

This is the inner strength that should lead the way through our lives, ignored. Because we do this for centuries is the “inner” by many replaced by the “outer”. Such people don’t want more “touched”. That is to note because especially in the current time (last 30 years) people flock are angry as they look in the mirror or a note. If they ever try to look inside some more than they wish a consult by someone with a magic wand. There should be a ready answer (appearance) and so they will not follow the path of inner again because it requires a lot of practice and patience is needed. Their nervous system is referred to by spiritualism, mediumship, reiki, therapeutic touch and some other magical practices affected. If your nervous system significantly once ruined, then a higher form of spirituality almost impossible. There are many who are bitterly disappointed after several attempts and turn away from (their) inner values.

Some call it the Aquarius psychosis which makes people be misled. To be continued …

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The sevenfold as the basis for our path of life

part 1

We are born in a body on earth for a purpose. With this vehicle (body, church) we can take steps in the earthly dimension, which steps are difficult to do at the other side of the curtain.

The human species is one with the Earth. However, as we tend to not being one with Earth we develop diseases and defects that need to be resolved. This can only be resolved when we turn deep within. There we learn to let go of what doesn’t fit and we can once more connected and become one.

To this end, we recognize in ourselves the sevenfold basics and start to use it. At present this (his deep inner essence) is for 99% of humanity a mystery. We no longer know the original structure and inner essence and therefore lost our connection with all other life. We become sick. The many creations we invent are often doomed to failure. A failure that we often only recognize on our deathbed when we discover that we do not evolve (higher vibrational State) but we devalue (lower vibrational state) as we have not understood what living means. Only when we learn to rediscover our inner Self (the simplicity of redemption) we can start at the beginning of the road that teach us to connect with our Essence and with the Essence of all life.

If on the other hand we focus on religion or externals we become thereof a slave.

The road starts for everyone with this seven realities. These realities lie in our body as senses.

These are:

hearing and listening with every cell of your skin and tissues;

(inner) seeing and the light of life in the eyes;

smelling with the nose but also with the soul;

patience that in many years of earthly patience lessons is taught and tested to allow us to rise above average human understanding of life. This allows the Zeitgeist to work more quickly because we incarnate less on earth and can finish the terrestrial school of life;

the nervous system that can sing on the vibration of comprehensive life, but can make us also sick;

thinking that allows us to wallow in dogmas but on the other side gives us wings if we learn to think comprehensive (see the book Cogitality of Ivomir Nikolov Dimchev). It then becomes a luminous aura. Comprehensive thinking goes with the speed of the intention;

the blood which is the seat of the taste of life. Originally it is pure. Breath, blood and soul are dependent on each other and together form the necessities for life on Earth. The soul is in the blood;


To be continued…

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Cold shiver in Western terminal care

Fortunately, aid workers who come professionally into contact with dying persons are able to follow a multi-day palliative course focused on their professional background.

Thus one day I followed a palliative course for nurses. Beside that there was more depth on nursing affairs in the last stage and how to write in accordance with the current guidelines also spirituality came up front.

Of course well-known personalities with their theories were named such as the five components in mourning by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, the mourning veils of Jan van den Bout, the core theory of Herman de Monnik and the Memoriebox such as which in John’s Hospice in Vleuten (Utrecht) started by recording nice life events and the assistance to mourning from Manu Keirse.

Issues that are especially important for dying persons who are not yet really aware of what life expected from them from the day they incarnated up to the point that they are going to die. They and their surroundings have some guidance to what the above offers.

For people with a different religion or for more conscious persons however, this is far from enough. Often they have more consciousness about what “Life” means. Often they know their life purpose in this life. Now they want to know if they have sufficiently worked at this life purpose. Often they know their past lives and the thread with which this lifetime is connected to former and future lives. They want to know if it is still enriching. Some of them want to be helped to consciously transform to a next life. Some want to work on the basis for the theme in that next life.

They want to be released after their physical death as complete as possible. Thus also no picture for years in a room or their ashes on the mantelpiece or a memorial service every year. They want however, that they are occasionally remembered in short thought. They cannot sufficiently incarnate in their new life but become withdrawn to this dimension. Their soul/essence should/may also be respected after their death!

The latter persons have lived life in a more conscious way. Meaning that many developments in their lives they are aware of why it happened, what the occasion was, what their share was and what they have learned (= release). They call it living in the here and now. It is life in Union with that there is. That is also called religiare (Henk and Mia Leene, Pauline Laumans). The affiliated to that what exists. The affiliated to all living things (humans, animals, plants, stars, planets, water, Earth, air, wind etc.) likewise quantum theory reveals.

They are missing that these aid workers cannot have a conversation on their level, hand-out to an astrologer to make the balance by making a birth chart up to now, or expert reader (at least trained to graduate = 6 years) leading to deep insight in the life-cycle through life times (present, past, future).

Now these dying persons have to keep their mouth shut because most aid workers still have little to none knowledge of “Life” and the life cycle; destruction, transformation, creation. Their inner rich possession cannot be shared with those who are far from them and that’s a huge cold for the dying person if such aid workers are present.

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