The denial of the inner child – Contaminated identifications

Short version with at the bottom the complete version

Because of the denial through the ages of the inner child people are now in the end of this era on the search to find balance. Young and old search outwards in order to balance their inner child.
This is reflected by the fact that many gays come forward as they seek equality in their relationships where they balance the gender aspects as well. In many heterogeneous relationships this becomes near impossible as one of them acts too dominant. Another manifestation is the pedosexual who has been sexually abused and wants to heal by loving other children. The underlying reason is that their own inner child needs to be acknowledged, healed and expressed. Finally there are the children who no longer want to grow up in present social imbalance. They do anything to leave home. They are all looking for their inner balance, recognition of their humanity and look for their connection with the multiple light, they want to become enlightened.

It is urgent for the society to pay attention to the fact what causes (underlying reason) so many child abuse; why there exist each year more and more so-called gay’s, pedo’s and autisms’. The phenomenon also occurs in some populations with a strong focus on children and those who still believe they should put even more children on the world, when all the evidence indicates that it is about the inner child that has to be multiplied.

Persons who focus on children react to their bad experiments during their upbringing and have not been able as an adult to put things straight and right as the theory of Hellinger or Erikson explains to us. It is an act of maturity to balance bad experienced parts of your life in order not to pass it on to the next generation. For many centuries religion teaches us that children can come to God. Once it was meant the “Inner Child” and not young humans. The religious persons have translated it into “the child” as they perceive a child as innocent. Through their incomprehension they translated it wrongly and by that act they put humanity off the scent.

The inner child experiences diligently life and becomes enriched by the multiple light (more colorful= light).
The inner child is open, patient, discovers, curious, sympathetic and is linked with the inner feelings in the region of the abdomen and heart. This makes it easier to feel connected to all other lives on earth. It allows them to link the subconscious impulses and neurophysiologic aspects. This makes it possible to be open to new experiences, sensitive, patient and sympathetic. The results are to balance which helps us in the end to become a nuanced person who walks more often neutral through life.

The result of this error is that from the first sob of a child all space is given to the child to develop the Super Ego. We made poisonous identifications that are unparalleled. One of these poisonous identifications is to condemn and suppress the right of the inner child.

The condemnation and supersession of the right of the inner child has throughout history led humanity to all sorts of other errors and causes indiscriminate expressions.
Some people have recently warned us for these contaminated effects such as the psychologists (Freud, Jung, Erikson, Hellinger, Rogers).

Freud describes it as the defense mechanism “reaction” that is caused by contaminated identification with irrational issues. Feelings of hate are hidden behind the mask of love.

Freud explains extensively the result of the Super Ego behavior and the contaminated identifications such as Oedipus, narcistic, targeted, object loss identification.

We do not teach our children to cherish and nurture their inner child. As long as we keep the inner development away we are kept in a vicious circle and diminish. Many people cannot develop further than the stadium of a toddler while in an adult body. It is a growing tumor and an insidious trap.

People who want to break away and look for opportunities to develop their inner self become prosecuted by the ones on top as they lack insight and remain in dark motives caused by an erroneous identification.

We can only heal this tumor by returning to the cause and start to develop the inner child. Much of the Gordian Knot that makes society suffer from all kinds of discrimination can then be resolved.
Pauline Laumans can include greater insight into the issues referred to above.

Complete version

Because of the denial through the ages of the inner child people are now in the end of the era of 26,000 years on the search to find balance. Young and old search outwards in order to balance their inner child.
This is reflected by the fact that more and more gays come forward as they seek equality in their relationships where they balance the gender aspects as well. In many heterogeneous relationships it has become almost impossible to balance the gender aspects as it is prevented as one of them is dominant. Another manifestation is the pedosexual who has been sexually abused and wants to heal by loving other children, while the underlying reason is that their own inner child needs to be acknowledged, healed and expressed. Finally there are the children who no longer want to grow up in the social imbalance and would do anything to have to leave home. They are all looking for their inner balance, recognition of their humanity and look for their connection with the multiple light, they want to become enlightened.

It is urgent for the society to pay attention to the fact what causes (underlying reason) so many child abuse; why there exist each year more and more so-called gay’s and pedo’s. Why are some people – often men and priests- focused on children? The phenomenon also occurs in some populations with a strong focus on children and those who still believe they should put even more children on the world, when all the evidence indicates that it is about the inner child that has to be multiplied.

Most people who focus on children act according the fact that they got a bad example during their development /education and have not been able as an adult to put things straight and right as the theory of Hellinger or Erikson explains to us. It is an act of maturity to balance bad experienced parts of your life in order not to pass it on to the next generation. For many centuries religion teaches us that children can come to God. Once it was meant the “Inner Child” and not young humans. The religious persons have translated it into “the child” as they perceive a child as innocent. Through their incomprehension they translated it wrongly and by that act they put humanity off the scent.

However, it is all about the inner child that diligently experiences life and becomes enriched by the multiple light (more colorful= light).
The inner child is open, patient, discovers, curious, sympathetic and is linked with the inner feelings in the region of the abdomen and heart. This makes it easier to be able to experience /feel the relationship with other lives on earth. It allows them to link the subconscious impulses and neurophysiologic aspects. This makes it possible to be open to new experiences, sensitive, patient and sympathetic. The results are to balance which helps us in the end to become a nuanced person who walks more often neutral through life.

The result of this error is that from the first sob of a child all space is given to the child to develop the Super Ego. We made poisonous identifications that are unparalleled. One of these poisonous identifications is to condemn and suppress the right of the inner child.

The condemnation and supersession of the right of the inner child has throughout history led humanity to all sorts of other errors and causes indiscriminate expressions.
Some people have recently warned us for these contaminated effects such as the psychologists (Freud, Jung, Erikson, Hellinger, Rogers).

Freud describes it as the defense mechanism “reaction” that is caused by contaminated identification with irrational issues. Feelings of hate are hidden behind the mask of love. This mechanism is called “Reaction Formation”. It manifests itself in features such as exaggeration, outrageous behavior, much promise, striking and artificial behavior. It manifests itself in society in features such as strictly obedience to the rules and social conventions of that group. This submission is a reaction formation and behind the mask of conformism lays rebellion and antagonism. There are also men who hide their feminine aspects behind their mask as they see it as a sign of weakness or effeminacy. They would rather hide behind a mask of an overly tough and masculine appearance and hence act as a macho. A macho is the outward show of force that hides the lack of inner strength. Their humanity, their own balance (between the inner masculine and feminine aspect) they have not managed to discover. The result is that he acts more like a caricature of a man, than as a man. Or a mother who is afraid to admit that she has distaste for her children. Under social pressure she got children. She hides her displeasure by an excessive daily concern for her children. By so overly interfering with the children, her excessive mothering becomes a form of punishment for the children. The response to this excessive behavior of men and women with such masquerades is the reaction formation. Reaction formation is an irrational fear of resistance. It manifests itself they hate the opposite deep inside and suppress them.

Finally it is our own society who creates these men and woman haters.
Both men and women can only blossom if they can make contact with the creative origin called the primeval woman or the “wo-man” (runes). Both masculine and feminine aspects are represented in our creation. By recognizing those aspects and use when needed, we come into balance and act more balanced. The more become balanced the easier we can see dark or shadow sides and replace them. Because we that we are willing to unite with the light (more colors makes light). Then we learn and enrich our inner self with knowledge stat believing. Then we no longer believe the false identifications imposed upon us as if life is a fairy tale.

A relationship with a man hater is characterized by little respect for or hardly knowledge of her own masculine aspects. In her youth she has been represented a bad example of the male / female relationships. Her parents and grandparents have not used their right as adults to heal themselves and balance. Thus they passed it on to their descendants. These women follow in the footsteps of the parents and ancestors and thus also become humiliated as women and start to hate men. As a result she experiences humiliation, contempt or becomes treated as incompetent. In the worst cases, she becomes mentally or sexually abused and this causes even serious diseases. Through the examples of her youth (identification) she starts to use and abuse men. Such women wind the male at their finger and next belittle them or make them dependent.
They focus not only on men but also on women who express masculine aspects.

A relationship with a woman hater is characterized by the fact that he feels soon ignored and hurt and likes a lot of prestige. These men have little respect for or no knowledge of their feminine aspects. He like his sister feels abandoned (mentally) and hurt in his youth and is possibly also the victim of abuse and mistreat. He was not taught to negotiate, to compromise or to stand entirely on his own two feet. He constantly criticizes others and wants everything done as he demands. Preferably he gives orders to the opposite sex. The woman must resolve all his inner pain and mask his inability by her activities. He expects so much of her that she actually always will fail. Deep inside him, he fears her and her skills. He is also afraid that she leaves him like his mother once did (Oedipus complex) and so he sets many conditions. Just like he is still angry at his father and mother as they abandoned him, but he is still very dependent on them (still wants their love and approval).

As a woman you go into a relationship with such a man as you like to be depended. In many other situations she compensates it with independent behavior. When the burden of these desperate dependent women becomes too much of a burden for him, he leaves her (mentally and sometimes if allowed also physically when they divorce). What these women often come across as unfair and cruel and leave a deep wound.

We do not teach our children to cherish and nurture their inner child and develop it. We are not taught to develop our own uniqueness and authenticity as all the holy books mention we should do. At least if we are willing to come from the single light to the multiple light (colorful). As this development is kept from us – adults and children – we are kept stupid and insecure and act as toddlers.

If there are still many uncertainties in you and you are very dependent, you need a relationship with women’s or men haters to compensate. It masks your imbalance. Both male and females have not yet learned to look at this pattern and the origin of this. Thus they have not released it. This keeps the pattern to repeat and it is a growing tumor.

It is an insidious trap. People who are still stuck in the concept of men haters and women haters (stereotype) or who remain stuck in contaminated identifications, point out to groups who wish to break away. The group that wants to break away often does not understand the underlying cause (balance, equality, the right to experience the path of life) themselves.
Due to the fact that the first point out to those who start an alternative route the perpetrator may be disregarded and remain out of sight of the light and proceed into the dark motives. Motives caused by an erroneous identification.

We can only heal this tumor by returning to the cause and start to develop the inner child. Much of the Gordian Knot that makes society suffer can then be resolved.
Pauline Laumans can include greater insight into the issues referred to above.

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The rights of a child

It surprises me that so many people talk about the rights of the child or love for a child but who have hardly an idea what it is about and what really matters.

Every child that is born in this world is entitled to the so-called “birth rights”. This is a right to equality that begins on the day a child is created, and not only starts when a child reaches adulthood. One such native right is that everyone is entitled to grow up to become an independent individual in society who is able to function on its own merits. This means that the inner sources available in a child should be encouraged or at least not be discouraged because the parents do not like these skills or competences. Living in a physical body means to discover and go through life experiences and become enriched.
Many parents, however, act from their own interests and from their projections. They have no eye for the interests of the child. Most parents just copy the actions from the programming / projection of their own parents. They too are the victims of misidentifications and suffer of this imposed behavior. Has the indoctrination of society made them so softened that they forgot? Do they suffer under the pressure of religion and false identifications? Why don’t these adults release themselves of these projections and oppression as Hellinger and Erikson explain in our time? Why is the repression and projection once more passed on to the next generation?

Many of these parents mention they will do anything to benefit their child and with the same speed they punish their children and tell them what they cannot do. They often forget to tell their child what it is allowed to do. Most of these children squirm in an attempt to get a piece of the cake of love and attention. These children just want to be rewarded or allowed to partake in a certain situation. Most parents and other children do not allow them their birthright. They give the other not an equal share or negotiate to have a win-win situation for all the members as even parents and the other children have as many rights. Thus, sometimes it is necessary to negotiate so that all can have an equal share and live their own path of life.

In most cases, parents act out of their own position, react to their own fear, react from their own inability to act independently or think independently. Many persons with the age of an adult project their own fears and inability to others and thus oppress the other.

As an adult, they have not used their right to become aware and notice why they are in a physical body, why they live or what life really means. They blindly follow the path occurred by others or the path that is imposed to them. None of these paths is their personal path of life that enables them to become enlightened. Without a single question they are the willing victims of others as they believe to be once at the top of the hierarchy, obtaining exceeding money, prestige and power. In fact they want nothing other than their birthright that is about love and to have a place on earth. They want to experience life through the path of power and repression. They require other adults and children to obey them so that they can be happy in their hierarchical position. The adults (or should I say children) deprive others their birthright.

Birthright means to have equal opportunities and equal rights. These opportunities and rights may not be determined top down (vertical). Birth rights by definition are equivalent and horizontally. A birthright is a right to live life to the fullest.

Being alive means doing whatever is needed to continue the personal path of life or path of development.  Often this path is through several lifetimes. Every individual should be guided on this path in order not to continue to emit at the extremes. Each individual must be accompanied them to freely follow the route of the multiple light.
Life does not mean depriving others of their birthright, which regrettably occurs all around us.


In practice this means that some people die early, choose a particular profession, a certain sexual preference, an accident or a disease.
Many people react to them imposed from identifications (often defined by religion) and take away others right to life and development at the light (religiare).

So many people are projecting their terror on others and especially on children. They do not teach them to deal with the dangers and opportunities of life. Adults who feel they have to die earlier than their child and thus ignore the fact that the theme of the child is to die at an early age.
They tell a child what to do or not to do but sometimes their child is the teacher of the parents as it is a more experienced person on earth.
They forbid a child to travel independently or sail round the world while in reality this individual child is up to it and more mature then most parents.
They provide for others that your family should be around to comfort you while the child may already be in a position to be one with its own shadow side.
They find that a child must complete school in the presence of other children, while the child might learn more from the earthly school than the (imposed) school invented by humans.
They provide that an individual next activity w and x cannot do as well y and z, because they themselves could not, while the person they forbid to act like such can perform even more.

The projections are derived from the fact that they suffer a lot of fear. They suffer fear as they do not know their own lives and thus live in the darkness of that what seems familiar and keep on wandering around in the dark.
The darkness that makes it impossible for them to follow the path of the single light to the multiple light.

Many adults are afraid of the reality of multiple light. Thus they make it impossible for themselves and others to live. The paradox of life is not understood and these pretended adults remain hanging in the repetition of oppression.

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Near-death experiences

In my practice, I frequently met people who proudly said they had had a near death experience. Some felt that they were the chosen ones to experience this. They felt very special and wanted to tell the whole world about their experience. Others experienced it as a fact that they had not been able to find as yet the right way. They experienced it as a second chance to get to the right way. They thus become humble and are willing to experience the teachings of earth and become aware.

This story is about these second changes. It is about the understanding a person gets when their physical body is malfunctioning. It is about understanding one gets when lying down in an “Egyptian tomb” or other energetic place or experience a retirement from the physical body to the area behind the “veil” or the other side.

If people get such an insight it is because they should be aware of what they have done so far. For many it is an announcement to be more grounded, more consciously competent and to deal with what needs to be done. Whatever should be done, has been self-determine by you before you started this lifetime. A reading can provide insight into it again. When you do not respond to this “notice” or “shot across the bow” it might make you returning to back after dead and not being able to return to participate to the earthly school. That is literally “death”. You are no longer allowed to transform from one physical body into another physical body or a transition to another dimension. No, it means literally remain where you are until you ever become aware and are offered another chance.

For those not familiar with the earthly school: it is the “easiest” way to understand life and to learn what it is to let go. Detach yourself of the obscuring layers or shells around your Self or Essence. Fill these layers with your own energy. Then you are able to proceed without a masks and naked on the evolutionary path through life through all kinds of dimensions.

No longer walking around with your head in the clouds, no longer affect business by sweeping issues under the carpet. No longer showing wanted “positive” actions, but learn to find the balance between one side (negative) and the other (positive) of an issue and experience the balanced reality. This experience is painful because we are faced with the fact to let go of something we want to keep. Life confronts us with something that we still have not changed. Others have confronted us with this issue but we have not yet been giving in.

The experience of the reality shows us that we must learn to loosen issues, to detach. By releasing we create room and new opportunities and insights. Detaching means that we should look at old behaviors and practicing new behavior needs. This is done by not repeating old behavior but to replace it with new behavior even when you do not know how this new behavior will turn out. It is about unleashing the control over your actions and be willing to make mistakes. A baby also learns to walk by trial and error. This counts as well for releasing old inveterate behavior and practicing new behavior. Many people repeat the history because they do not want to know. They make thus the same mistake over and over consciously.

It is all about detaching from issues and to observe issues from a distance. Then there is more clarity to whatever needs to be done and when to execute. It is the Chinese proverb “A man in a hurry sits”.

The moment you become consciously aware you will proceed on your true path of life.

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Color to your life

If you want to become an alive living human others talk about giving meaning or color to your life. But what does it actually mean?

Do you have to give your home a lick of paint? Is it expected to wear colorful clothes? Do you need a bunch of flowers in your house or have colorful images and objects in your house?

When you comply with these examples without knowing the impact you give not any color to your life. You just react dogmatic to what another dictates you to do. You willingly respond to a fad, like for example a certain color in your interior, or a certain color of clothing. Each week you have that bunch of flowers on the dining table because that’s how it is, is not it? It is in fact nothing more than being stuck in a picture book. Without any sense of your own choices you give in to the demands of others.

The other has for many centuries perhaps stated with such impact that others still follow them today. A good example is John Calvin, who lived from 1509-1564. His beliefs are based on faith and not on inner knowledge. His beliefs are still interwoven in today’s society. Even people who call themselves an atheist often use one or more of his convictions. In fact they act with a religious conviction. There are many more of such personalities the society follows or imitates. Sometimes it is about the books that one reads and others indiscriminately accept all content as true. Currently many take for granted what TV idols or pop idols say or sing. Another example of colorlessness is when people indiscriminately follow or copy issues on the internet without doing any research on the source of these issues.

The first question to be asked is whether the message that this person is preaching is based on faith or on inner knowing.

The second question to be asked is whether that message with the words and expressions of that time are still understood in modern times.

The third question to be asked is whether the people that write the words in the current language do understand the original text themselves or add  consciously or unconsciously their own twist.

The fourth question is whether the faith of one another should be your faith. Cannot I better discover and define myself?

Fact is those uncritically emulate and imitate one another whether a preacher or an idol leads to colorless life. It is putting you at service of another person. You give your energy away and you actually life on the grounding of that other person. You have not longer an own face or an own life. The other person enjoys all the power and attention and often cannot help but parasites on the energy of other people. They are black and white thinkers who often determine on the hierarchical positions they have what others have to do. They are often people with a thick picture book who do not even possess the ability to live in the here and now. They hardly are alive living but more often live on the means of egocentrism. With self-centeredness is meant that they see themselves as center and give themselves every opportunity in life and thus for others remain no equivalent portion.

A person who starts to become a living person learns by experiences. He becomes conscious. Thus he is often labeled as selfish. With selfishness is meant a person who stands up for himself, who dares to choose for themselves and likewise gives others their space in life. In fact, such a person becomes colorful and from the black and white and various shades of gray color eventually colors emerge.

By socializing with many types of people, listening to the ideas about the lives of other people and by experiencing what it means to them, these people get a view of multiple perspectives. They go through those experiences and discoveries, and fill their toolbox. With more equipment in their toolbox they handle issues of life with more ease, flexibility, energy, creativity and become colorful.

However, their lives are often determined by those in hierarchical positions. Often these persons have not progressed further than the black and the cosmic color white. The cosmic color white is a white color from the past and is sometimes called polluted white. It is very difficult to stand on equal footing with them when the other has become colorful. One person has a dominant position and is still unconscious and has little inner strength. The other person is conscious and has a lot of inner strength but is not at a social dominance position.

Yet the person who has become more colorful and has gained more inner strength continuous his process on his own path of life and his own realization of life. He who has shall be given. Yet those who know are aware of balancing the balance scale. The other person receives the same. He is given more of his outer power and gets less inner strength. While they are unconscious they lose the balance. They show up for what they are and become “disempowered”.

The conscious human who enriches his inner knowledge (more rich) becomes equitable. This inner enrichment shows as the person emits more of a golden color. They have more skills than the person in the black and white stage who often keeps afloat by dominance. As the conscious human obtains more inner knowledge he emits a higher frequency of energy until they ultimately emit only light. This occurs when all colors come together in them. The people that reach this point are brothers and sisters to each other and live in peace and harmony. Then their life’s purpose on earth is attained.

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Living in the here and now

Many people talk about the fact that man should live in the here and now. These same persons however repeat old behavior they used in the past or anxiously try to avoid links with the past.

They do not intend to know about history nor the future. They do not want to know the impact of issues of the past or future possibilities. They have no insight in their socialization process. Now they again want to invent the wheel as now is the balance of the past and the future. If the paradox is understood they act quickly and consciously based on integrated knowledge of the past and future. If one does not act to the energy present it means a waste of energy, effort and money for themselves and their environment.

In fact they do not know why they act the way they do as they have no idea who they are or what to accomplish on earth. They believe they do but do not know. Whoever they are at this precise moment is something none knows as this has to be discovered and once discovered it is already a few seconds or hours old.

They have no view on the possibilities of the future. The future becomes visible for those who view the past. To view the past one has to know the socialization process, history and the impact of those. Focus on all possible perspectives as more perspectives reflect a larger part of you. The process of socialization formed you. It gives you insight in the person you became or what it is you like to change or adapt to. It is the duty of the adult to establish what is not feeling well.

Indeed, earth teaches balance or dualism. The two sides of the whole must be learned to discover the delicate balance of reality, next we can turn into the trinity. We all like to progress to the light and thus we need these teachings.

In order to live in the here and now it is important to have knowledge of the past. The more internalized knowledge of the past; there is more visibility on the future. Where past and future are in balance there will be equilibrium. When that fine tuned piece of balance is reached we act and live in the here and now.

Being in the here and now means being aware of whom you are and why you act the way you do. Sometimes you slightly act more to the left side of the balance scale  and sometimes more to the right side. It does not mean you are ambivalent, uncertain or unfounded. You pick the time, as energy that is stationary means decline. You constantly attune how and why you will act with the energy present as detailed in my story of the picture book. You have managed to act in the refined center of the balance scale.

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The picture book

Some of us have during the past 40 years become familiar with the word “pictures”. The word has various expressions from photograph to an image in ones head. This is about the images in your head that you once made. You can blow these images or pictures, look at them or have your book of pictures. Most of these pictures keep you from living freely.

A picture means a fixed idea or a stuck concept. To get stuck means it has become manifest and it is not in motion; it does not flow. It was recorded at the time of emergence and remained unchanged since then. Ideas are a form of energy and energy never stops changing and moving. Energy is constantly changing as are history, events, knowledge and skills.

It is therefore good to regularly check the pictures that have been made and whether they are still valid. By valid we mean that if you think about it for a while of if it is still valid for you or whether you should adjust it. If all goes well, you yourself are in a constant state of ongoing change; you learn and adjust to whatever life throws at you.

Only so-called gray mice or black and white thinkers will not or never adjust their ideas or concepts.

This adjustment means that you have to know the parts of the old concept that are no longer valid and what should be in place. Therefore first it has to be noticed what exactly does not fit and why. If this is sufficiently clear than the picture can be blown up. It is returned in his old energy form. It is literally blowup with a sign or within your thoughts.

Then the new image can be modeled. Indeed, the more something is in the here and now the better.

A picture book means there are a few or sometimes many stuck thoughts, ideas or concepts.

Some examples are:

– That is the right way

– Men may not have long hair, a skirt, make-up or show themselves in all their grace as only women are allowed as such

–  Only women are allowed to wear men clothes but not vice versa

– Men are weird, women are incomprehensible

– Sunday must be the holy day

– Saturdays one has to do the shopping

– Wednesday one eats minced meat with …

– People who beg you must give something

– Only a doctor can cure you

These are some examples.

The people who believe they are living in the here and now and feel are not dogmatic will have little to no effect as they have a different outlook on life.

They will always ask questions like:

– Who decides that?

– Why is it so bad?

– Who decides that it is not allowed?

– Does it serve an understandable target?

– What can I do or contribute?

– How do I handle it?

– How to I handle it?

– How do I deal with it?

– How do I act neatly?

By asking questions, they will increasingly show a more flexible attitude towards what live offers and react to thought out.

Such people have no burden of too many pictures, only a few. They constantly are adjusting to the energy that is without losing their own values.

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Conditioned life

Recently on an evening after dinner we walked outside because it was cooler outside than inside. It was already for days a sultry summer, more of a scorching heat that remains hanging in the house especially when there is no wind blowing.

The walk at around half past seven was therefore wonderful to do and brought the necessary refreshment. The football (soccer) World Cup had  not yet started as that was meant for only several weeks later. A good reason thus to walk for more than an hour or two outside or to sit on one of the many benches or just in the grass.

We were amazed that during these walks we hardly encounter other people. Even if we walk along the flats or houses with a large balcony, only a few of the habitants are on the balcony or in their garden. The open windows show they are at home. Even the many parked cars in the street show that the people are back home again.

One of the people who were outside was a woman with her daughter and a friend of them. It was shown that they were not very well off. They probably lived therefore in a smaller house.

Yet these three men enjoyed their evening picnic in the grass. It was then that we greeted them. They were enjoying their time there in the grass. They were alive living.

Yet they could not escape the compassionate gaze of other people. The facial expression of several people passing them spoke volumes. What are these poor people doing? Who would sit on the grass? Eating has to be done at a table. You definitely have to sit on a chair and not on the ground.

These rueful glances of these passing people made us to rethink about the fact that we saw so few people outside. It is great weather to play badminton, table tennis on one of the ping-pong tables that the municipality has placed. To play football or volleyball, walk fish or just sit on a bench or in the grass.

With only a few exceptions, however, you do not see people outside. In ancient times, many persons were to find outside on such summer evenings. They had a nice chat with the neighbors, were eating outside on the balcony or their garden or developed sportsmanship. Today it seems like everyone sits down in their house and stays there.

Following on their work in a hot office at such a hot summer day these people puffing home in a hot train or a hot car. Only a few use the bike to go to work as its gives some relieve and coolness. Once home, they keep acting according strict rules. First they eat and next they watch television, and then go to bed and tomorrow they hope to rise healthy once more.

The latter is the question if they suffer such a programmed life (sorry live). A life filled with projections about the behavior of others and full of limitations for their own lives. Everything must take place according the same settled values. Even if the weather is very hot. Performing for once some deviant behavior and adjust to the energy of that day seems not possible. They live monotonous and like a monomaniac and do not consider what they are doing.

It seems that many people are afraid to show different behavior on a hot summer day and adapt to circumstances.

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