Tracking multiple job position by persons looking for a job or following this group of persons gives a look behind the scenes of the current labor market. Add to this the reports in the newspapers and on Internet and you come to the conclusion that managers and staff do not know anymore what to do.
It is even described in the comic book of “Spike and Suzy” in the “Sounds Tapper” by Willy Vander teen. In the comic there is a conversation between Mr. Jones and Mr. Just about a possible available position. “Mr. Jones, do you have a position available for my son? Well there is a vacancy… no knowledge required salary 12,000 per month. Oh, but that’s too much Mr. Jones. Well then… um… there’s another job… really a job for a friend… there are no requirements… he can just start salary 10,000 per month. Mr. Jones, but that’s still too much. I want my son to start from the bottom. Oh well then he starts at the youngest entrant and begins with a salary of 1,500 per month, but then they he needs to have the right skills, experience and evidence and have to pass the exam.”
To perform a simple job a person needs to have that specific training and experience already, but where the novice person needs to obtain it becomes impossible. Someone with the right experience and diplomas becomes neglected.
A person with the diplomas en experience is called overqualified, too old, too young, missing the x factor, wrong sexe or wrong social background (positive discrimination?) not fitting in the team etc.
For example, someone for a secretary job must well accomplish in Marketing and IT, but get paid for a simple secretarial job.
You may also be too young because someone recently applied for a job at 65 + agency and was rejected or you are too old when you have more than 10 years of experience.
If you obtain a job for a few hours they require that you have a car. How to pay a car with only a couple of hours work?
Someone who drives disabled persons a few hours a day (other work beside this job becomes impossible) needs a van driving license, a taxi license and social skills as if he is a professional social worker. A postal employee who is allowed to work 20 hours must be in possession of a car he wants the job. Increasingly employers require absurd qualifications not contributing to better quality or finding a suitable person. To fill in any position with the use of common sense, motivation, similar knowledge and experience or more experience is not possible. It is nowadays the fear that reigns by employers. This fear seems to be based on a projection of them. They just run like a chicken behind the issues of the day. Diplomas and experience once obtained is neglected as in the meantime only one aspect has changed and thus they demand the employee to start from the bottom. Formally and informaaly acquired competences certificate programms have a high treshold raised. Where is the common sense? Now many high skilled labours are turned down.
Is has been shown in the media for the last decade that almost every program or course that the young generation has followed is just on paper as they lack the knowledge of it. They have often only a limited focus based on book wisdom. These people, however, hold a position where they project this lack on to the other. The other has the expertise and often has deep and broad range of knowledge and experience. As they lack knowledge, lack of people skills, lack of life experience they assume the other cannot perform what he says.
Often they look for an employee to fit 100% within their rigid frameworks. Frameworks that are consistent with who they are. This is a pathological atmosphere, while diversity in the workplace is healthier. It results in a sick working climate, where employers become sick, undermine the employer with rat behavior or where they look for another job in no time.
A manager is often appointed purely on whether this person has a college or university degree. If this person has leadership skills, now how to manage a business, to handle people’s emotional problems is not required. They do not even bother to look if this person can develop these skills nor is there the requirement that this person need to complete successfully management training. Often they just hire a person who commands and knows how to bully around especially when the CEO is not present.
In smaller companies, a person becomes manager because he executes exactly what the boss requires. When employees suffer from these unnatural leaders becomes pushed aside.
Persons who desire a top position or a post in government need only some friends or membership of a fraternity, club or political party. This resembles to nepotism. Others are excluded, disregarded or discriminated.
The story of Spike and Suzy as described above becomes every month worse.
Continuously there is a new trend how to apply for a job or what is required for a job. In the recent past one could obtain a job x with diploma y. Now it requires even v and z, but these make no sense. Sometimes the employee has the competences already. In other cases there is no small learning module available to teach the required competences. A complete new program is required but then the person who wants to learn is disqualified as too old or…
If direct application for a job is unsuccessful one turns to an agency or the official employment office. Most persons working there have no idea about the former education programs the diplomas. They lack work experience, lack knowledge of humans, have no sense of history and have not done any self realization. They still have no idea who they are in perspective to others but judge and project according to their limited skills and life wisdom. It is the blind that needs to guide the sighted but makes them suffering in the blind.
It seems to be a world turned upside down.
There was a time when it was considered as good to have a job for your whole life, but for several decennia you need to be flexible, but if you’ve changed a few times it is not good either at present. Once it was good to make a career change, now this person is presented the bill for this move. It has become very unreliable how to remain a desirable person for the job market especially if you developed yourself as was promoted and is still (Bible).
Now, a CV often becomes reviewed by computer program or an ordinary officer for suitability. The human ability to read between the lines or the human ability to notice the red wire, addresses no longer. Many prospective employees are therefore at this stage already put aside on no essential grounds.
When you face the selection committee is seems more rule than exception that the job text was just a vague job description or exaggerated because they have no idea what they are looking for or fear they might miss something. Often the Selection Committee turn the helm at the spot set other criteria or prefers someone with a different background, knowledge and skills than in the original job description. Too often employers allow applicants to meet them and use them to guide them to what they probably require, but still they have no idea themselves. Employers hire someone but often they quit this person as they still do not know what to search for or what it is they want. Often they obtain knowledge in an improper way by these actions that they use. It demotivates employees as they are abused too often, have to waste money and time are used and misled.
Most employees obtain by several jobs an arsenal of competences, skills and knowledge but it becomes even harder to obtain a job as employers fear this arsenal of integrated knowledge. Previously acquired skills are often disregarded as there is no diploma. Or employers ask the employee to sacrifice a huge amount of money to investigate these skills without the insurance that there is an output or without a job guarantee. Which employee will put his neck out and abused once more?
Many governments demand that persons keep working towards old age, but the persons that need to grant them a job do not give them a job as they lack all of the above experiences. Thus a lot of persons with knowledge and skills are sitting home and depend on social security after one year, while the jobs go to persons with book wisdom but who lack knowledge and insight and need to learn a lot. The new young employee becomes guided by the person who still needs to learn the job, while the person who knows it all is forced to stay home and has to face how knowledge and insight diminishes in society. Year after year media write about the diminishing of skills and knowledge but society is blind and does not react. They put even more skilled wise workers home. They state that the older employee (above 35) is inflexible but once more this is their own projection.
Forced by the government they are subjected to psychological models. Many of these models do not work for people who have done self-realization and became above the level of the novice employee. They can put on lots of hats or claim almost every competency, but only such tests cannot show this.
Methods that are somewhat adequate are not used because employers do not like a diversity of skills of a variety of sex or age. All this is based on their projection, based on their lack of (self) knowledge and skills.
This puts more people stuck as they are suppressed by the system. It is a vicious circle that must be broken.
The question rises if these managers and personnel officers are capable on their position?
Are they frightened that they might hire the wrong person? Are they frightened they hire someone who sheds light on their shortcomings? Are they afraid to face their own fears, their own personality?
Their gut feelings tell them something about themselves and have nothing to do with knowing (intuition).
They contribute with their projections and prejudices in ill making work spheres and demotivation which continues the downward spiral and causes even more rat behavior.
Do these employers take themselves seriously, have they developed themselves with so many skills and competences and knowledge acquisition and self-realization? Or do they project their own fears and inability on the prospective employee?
Increasingly it appears that decisions are made on projection and lack of insight and knowledge of life. They are based on egocentrism, lack of skills and the desire to boss others.
Besides the fact that much knowledge and capital is thereby lost, the whole of society thus is gradually destroyed. A society built up in centuries or decades becomes demolished in only a few years.
The society becomes demolished and left broke, instead of accumulating the society!