International akcnowledgment

On October, 24, 2010 I received a laureate for an essay competition with the title: “New Times, New Values, Better Insights…?” issued by the Willems Foundation in Belgium.

This is my First international acknowledgement as a writer!

The jury consisted of:

Els Goderis, Gilbert Raymaekers, Viviane Verleye en Hugo Verstraete.

Chair of this jury was Dirk Verhofstadt, author.

The essay I permitted was:

Constructing a maturing society

The difference between Egoism and Egocentrism

by Pauline Laumans

Sonja De Craemer presents the price

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Deadly Labor due to a misleading society

There are organizations such as the Post, Home Care, Nursing and the hospitality industry but also several other professions that are ruled by a blueprint from the past. In earlier times, many had to do exactly what a boss told and they were not allowed to give a reply. It was a time when the worker had to work long hours or the work had to be carried out in their own time. A time when too many activities were imposed on the worker. All these activities are conducted at meager wages and had to be carried out under huge pressure. This work pressure equals top sports. It took place in past centuries.

In the next time period we learned other methods of conducting the work that should make the job easier. People were trained and became professionals. Working procedures clarified the work. Working conditions were improved. There came several consultative bodies such as the Participation Council and the Work Council. Councils and Ombudsmen were also created and there were Unions. The technology improved work procedures. Good attitude and performance were invented that gave less stress to the physical body. Examples include lifting techniques, how to put on elastic stockings, how to walk with a tray, which products to use for cleaning or how chemicals like paint should be handled. It is all in the Health and Safety Act.

The employers gained more insight, knowledge and even a vision. They even got opportunities to participate in policy making. They can even go to court or the European Court steps if they do not agree with circumstances.

Employers tried new ways to become less troubled by these insights and improved knowledge of their employees. Bosses derive their existence due to the fact they have employees. Employees who have increasingly more knowledge, but also opportunities to stand for their rights jeopardize the existence of bosses and managers. Actually it means that their positions have not changed accordingly. However they like to remain in their hierarchical position. They do this by conducting methods of the past as described above. Employers therefore introduce many veils, deceptive actions and contaminated identifications that belong to rat behavior as described in my blog on egocentrism. With these actions they try to maintain their dominant position, increase turnover and keep a tight hand on employees and customers.

Most executives and managers are actually common employees who got promoted without having the necessary qualifications. They lack internalized knowledge to perform this job. They only known how to command and bullying their employees and they know how to talk sweet to their boss (brownnosing). They get publically titles such as “the psychopath at work”, the “Peter Principle”, “balloon”, “airmouth” or “risen by lack of weight”.

Now in a time of money cuts due to the economic crisis, they see it as a time to exploit others. With high speed they turn down the improved circumstances we got after many decades of striving for these improvements.

The result is that:

  • Employees or customers are poorly informed
  • Persons do not get the required resources or aid
  • Employees perform bad due to lack of procedures
  • Employees are demotivated and start also to show rat behavior like their bosses
  • Employees that require information become disparaged or dismissed
  • Employees who are socially aware or have knowledge become demotivated by their boss or fired
  • Bosses do not know how to handle well educated employees
  • Bosses do not know how to handle assertiveness as they see it as aggressiveness of the employee, and thus it results in an unbalance
  • Bosses cannot cope with mature and competent employees
  • Bosses like to have only employees with sub assertive behavior and a docile attitude. They want employees who passively and obediently do what he imposes on to them. Employers call it flexibility. But it’s really a huge oppression of their employees
  • Bosses cannot communicate from men to men (horizontal communication)
  • Bosses project their fear to their employees and attract likewise persons as they fear skilled ones
  • Bosses help other bosses in the saddle in order not to become exposed
  • Bosses intimidate employees and it results in working around Collective Labor Agreements, Health and Safety Act with impossible work schedules, work pressure and the unavailability of means to conduct the work
  • Bosses lay all responsibility on the shoulders of employees or customers
    • Customers and employees are treated human unworthy and as just a product
    • Customers and employees are suppressed and thus create physical and mental illnesses and will therefore rely more on social resources in the future
    • Customers can not make use of a customer complaint systems as they exist on paper mainly or they are “customer impossible” to handle
    • Customers and employees who complain become gagged and get the associated repercussions
    • Employers are ineffectively controlled or even get the hand held above the head, because the other also do not want to make their incapacities public
    • Employers, governments and insurance companies for centuries demand that we trust them, but they betray it too often
    • Employers, governments and insurance companies have taken responsibility on themselves and are therefore exceedingly paid. But when it comes to their responsibility and tasks they hand it over to employees or customers. In fact they throw their work over the fence and lay their responsibility on the shoulders of others.

When we continue this way humans are just a product or slave that must obey and work until they become ill or end dead.

Persons contributing to this decline mainly work as politicians, decision makers within governments, multinationals and social organizations.

The current reality is that hardly anyone can bear the responsibility for them or is willing to pay the price.

At a time when Earth is recovering the balance even these unbalanced ways will not escape this rebalancing.

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Reversing the balance – Oppressed will emerge

There is a time of coming and leaving and that counts as well for vicious circles. Many know the daily or monthly vicious circles; others know much more vicious circles, both small and large ones. To grow and become more aware, there is the repetition of a theme. When we understand this theme completely we can as soon as the circle re-continues to step out and step forward to another level. The point where stepping out of a vicious circles is possible is called a crossroad. It is a point where aware persons continue to another level and where unaware persons repeat the past vicious circle once more. The smaller the circle the smaller this point, the greater the vicious circle the longer this point takes.

Now at the end of the current large (26,000 years) vicious circle, there is a lot changing.

Many people recognize the moment when the division between one and the other group began to take clearer forms.

A large group went on to focus on numbers, monitoring, having money, property and prestige. It is known as the Super Ego identification of object / loss or target identification. As history teached us previously, these identifications lead us to the downfall of society. Even the psychologist Sigmund Freud and other world-renowned psychologists warned us for these events.

A smaller group went on to focus on what the Club of Rome, scientists and visionaries claimed. They wanted to be conscious and thus learn to make better choices. They began self development. For thousands of years this development is propagated or prescribed in holy books, by many philosophers and psychologists. This group of people tries to become aware and to behave accordingly. As awareness has in the eyes of this large group no a sexy image due to the fact that they cannot gain excessive amounts of money with this behavior, the persons on the path of self realization  are put at the bottom of the labor market and society. History shows us that non-conformist persons provide building blocks to an alive society and that conformist impede the progress and the experience in life and thus create a dead society. It is exactly as what quantum physics teaches us!

The question to be asked is: What have we learned from history? Do we live in the here and now that so many claim?

The large group of people led by economic interests is still continuing with the suppression of man and society. Their focus is to name one-dimensional as their interests and vision does not proceed beyond an artificial way of producing desirable numbers and enrich themselves with earthly goods like money.

Managing a company is already a long time just a way how to create and handle money and it is no more about the product. Managers have even lost their interest in noticing which impact this has on the whole of society. Many do not even conduct an impact analysis or evaluate what they have been creating.  The only thing many mangers do is trading money and sometimes even on the black market and suppressing their employees and clients by hoodwinking them. They themselves earn excessive amounts in just a couple of hours. It seems they have not yet learned that earth desires balance and thus when the balance scales are out of balance it will be balanced at a certain moment.

Their employees do the actual job. They have to work long hours in order to get a normal basic salary. Often they have to work with a lack of instruments to conduct the work properly and have to work under mental and physical strain. They are intimidated to neglect the Health and Safety Act and collective labor agreement in order for the manager to remain on its hierarchical post and score

Managers create opaque accounting systems and meeting minutes in order to remain in the saddle. They keep each other in the saddle by their rat behavior and they even write management books about it!

They suppress other by their created models that are not even based on natural laws. They know how to keep up appearances as the short term effects “seem” to be good.  Many of these managers show the behavior of the first “I“period. They have not really been attending self-realization as this implies to go through the mirror of them.  They lack more and more skills and competences and not to mention inner knowledge.  They “demand” from their employees all kind of certificates, skills and competence and even instruments to conduct the work, but they cannot deliver any of these themselves.

Daily the media explains this lack of knowledge and skills many suffer from the above described behavior especially as they often have knowledge and skills but the people in command lack them.

Despite all the TV documentaries, films, books, scandals they continue with this ill making dead way of life…

The balance on earth is at stake. As a result of the law of communicating vessels this is up for change, especially now at the end of this vicious circle.

It should not take that much longer:

  • The care of elderly, disabled and sick is one of arbitrariness, making mistakes, forgotten care, care which becomes not delivered or happens  occasional as it lacks manpower, or time to spend or money to spend;
  • The safety of citizens (public safety, security and peace) is given on paper, but practice shows that due to not enough manpower, time, money and resources it is almost not available;
  • Inventing and designing a new vision or idea only happens because a company unilaterally determines the rules. Science and philosophy has become a mechanical design and implementation of what a client demands.

Society has turned into a colt, hard and still society where the focus is just on money, drugs and sex. Where do we know this phenomenon from? Is it not all the holy books that speak clearly about this kind of temptation? A temptation that is brought to us by false preachers of all kind of churches.

Contemporary society lacks insight and heart.

However, the latter – the oppressed – will be the first to understand the vicious circle and to learn enough to step out of this vicious circle and step forward to another (higher) level.

The large group that seems to be the first will likely without even noticing it continue the present vicious circle until they eventually understand and learn what it is they could or should understand.

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Nature Films with incomprehensible comment

After one month of nature films on a new channel on television, I notice that I am troubled by the interfering comments and behavior of some humans in these films. Comment from people on Safari who are frightened by animals or whatever they discover in nature. Such people find it horrible when they see an animal catch its prey, killing and eating it.
Too often they project their human attitude to what they experience in nature without questioning what it is they notice or do.

Top down they condemn animals natural behavior.
They do not ask whether their own behavior and attitudes are natural.
They like to think that animals are like themselves; which is projection.
They want nature and animals to be makeable by humans and controlled by humans and that is the greatest human error.
They cannot in any way make contact (communicate) with the animals.

Such people act like supreme beings, while they (humans) are in fact the pupil; the apprentice of nature. The world is not feasible! We humans should learn from the world around us, the nature and not the other way!

People who act like supreme beings believe that nature is cruel! These people have never understood nature nor investigated it. Often they have no idea about their own life or that of others or felt what being alive living means. When they had they would experience that nature is not cruel at all but humans are! However, these people do not like to be confronted with the fact of life and therefore they themselves defy the laws of nature without understanding these laws. They make life impossible for themselves in the first place and also for plants, animals and ultimately deliver them eventually on top of that additional agony. These people are fleeing from reality.

So I really wonder why animals adapt to changing circumstances of nature and humans still don’t.  Humans are mentally and physically less and less capable of acting independently and stay on his two feet. The degeneration of the human species is daily news.

By projection and misidentifications man became the bloodiest and cruelest kind of specie and so self-absorbed that they are to eradicate themselves by degeneration, especially by poisoning and unnatural actions. These misidentifications are showed to us by psychologists like Freud, Jung, Rogers, Erikson, but also by for instance quantum physics and history.

I wonder why people visit nature and film nature if they dislike nature and are horrified by it. Why do they face nature with projection instead of facing reality? Do not they understand this is a reflection of them?
Why are humans afraid of living with reality of nature?
Why don’t they ask questions? Why don’t they listen to the answers and the insights that nature gives them?
Why it is that mankind wants to shape nature and life according to their demands and thus drift further and further from reality and a live able world?
Why are people so afraid of mud, falling leaves, sex, faces, other species, injury or death?

The answer is:

Humans still do not accept their purpose on earth!

Man lives it up in the well known darkness stat maturing and step forward to the light (development / self realization).


The commentary in nature films should make humans aware of their own (dis) abilities rather than telling all kind of projections…

Pauline has read over 1000 species their book of lives. She invites all humans to learn to communicate with their inner Self, in order to communicate with the Self of every other entity.

Comprehension and insight will then come forward. It makes room for wisdom!

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The sense and nonsense of disease

First a little lesson in physics / chemistry.

Once humans discovered everything contains cells. In these cells they discovered molecules and it was taught in school some 50 years ago. Subsequently they discovered that these molecules possess the chemical property of the original matter. Then they discovered an even smaller entity within; the discovery of atoms. This is the smallest chemical element. An atom is the smallest of any chemical element still recognizable as a building block. However, there are even smaller elementary particles which are made of atoms, such as quarks.
It also consists of protons (positively charged particles) and neutrons (negatively charged particles) surrounded by electrons. Almost all chemical and physical properties of common materials on earth are linked to the properties of atoms. It is therefore a key concept in these two sciences. Certain forces such as the electromagnetic force holding the electrons around the nucleus. When we split this we get subatomic particles.
Subatomic particles can be divided into elementary and composite particles.
The elementary particles are the building blocks of all matter. These are the components of the standard model of matter and forces.
We can divide the particles into bosons and fermions. Fermions are the particles of matter from which the universe is constructed, bosons have a temporary existence for transmitting forces (interactions, interactions) between the fermions. These two types of particles behave differently.
If you want further explanation, I refer to the appropriate literature in books or on the Internet.

What is quantum physics teaching us?

Quantum physics is known that by investigating the microcosm they successively investigate the macrocosm. Everything is built from the same laws. So even the tiniest particle we ever find we can find as well in larger objects like humans, the earth, the stars.

What use is quantum physics to life?

With this short explanation, I hope to convince the reader that even we are made up entirely of the same building blocks as everything else. Everything is recycled in nature because energy is converted into mass and mass into energy. But it should not mean that we may act without considering the consequences and change our chemical composition by eating, drinking, medicines or the air we breathe and just remain staining healthy. To stay healthy we need to know what is good for our personal compound. Everyone has a slightly different composition, as each person is unique. When our chemical composition becomes out of balance we become ill. Thus it is important to experience for example, if coffee or alcohol do you good or not. And if it does you well how much can you take before reaching your personal tolerance limit? Over the years, you will also have to adjust the tolerance rate as your body changes by the years.
Because we have never learned this, the chemical composition of our ancestors and parents has already changed and they have assigned it to us. It is up to us as conscious humans to return our body to a healthy chemical composition. Then our children are born once more with strong genes and more health.

In order not to get too far out of balance if we do not feel well it is important to eat and drink as natural as possible and use natural drugs only. Avoid not natural additives or substances if possible.
Furthermore it is necessary to think healthy and avoid excessive stress. To remain healthy we all need mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

By contributing ourselves to the whole we can co-create with nature and conscious act with who we are and live in a healthy as possible body.

Only a healthy body can help us to learn beyond dreams and ultimately to experience the infinite and become reconnected with it.

Pauline Laumans
Holistic life coach and author of psychological metaphysical books and articles

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Constructing a maturing society – The difference between Egoism and egocentrism

Many people react angrily to the “I” phenomenon.  Many started as a result a wrong identification once more. It started after the decennia when we were taught to speak about “us”. For example, we think so and so on. Speaking about us was seen as to hide you behind a group of unknown persons. There also was for some time the “you” period, but it is out of fashion again as to some it seemed as an accusation. The joint aspect in the “We” and “You” period was that the messenger was hiding behind the group (we) or pointing to the other (you).

Next came a more vulnerable time when we learned to talk about ourselves. The “I period”. In this “I” period we were taught the differences between aggressiveness, assertiveness and sub assertiveness. Whereby an assertive expression gives room to “I and the other”. In the two other forms there is only room for either “I” or “You”. In the “I era” we were also teached the “I-message”. The word “I” followed by the other persons behavior, your feelings and the consequence of the total action. We learned to express what a consequence the action has on someone else.


Many people have given proof in history that they do not (want to) understand the essence and by that showed us wrong examples and directions. Many have (were forced to) follow these guidelines. Even the above is misunderstood by many. Especially people who are stuck in the poisonous identification (Theory psychologist Sigmund Freud) of Oedipus identification, narcistic identification, targeted identification and the object loss identification.

Examples of these are the men that do not understand women and condemn them and vice versa (men haters and women haters), Persons who recommendate themselves having the underlying knowledge, persons who have on a mission to obtain money, goods and esteem while they lack inner knowledge and furthermore the lack of handling adversity, loss and mourning.

This group was and still is becoming very angry at people who speak from their own inner experience and who react assertive. They are angry for several reasons.
One reason is that the person who speaks from his own experiences reflects them and they do not like the reflection as they have (still) no notion of who they are. They want to be like others powerful and vulnerable, but that cannot (yet), and instead become angry at others who can (projection). Sometimes they are jealous because the other person has a connection with the inner Self and they want to be at that advanced spot and thus they to dispose the other from that place by spreading libel (fallacies put forward fallacies).

Persons who sense assertiveness as aggression are blaming others for their victim stance as they do not (yet) know how to express their needs or feelings. In fact they suffer a social disorder and blame others for it. As an adult we all have to heal whatever occurred and occurs in our life’s (theory Erik H. Erikson or Bert Hellinger).

Another obvious reason is that they like to continue dominating over others and thus continue to react from their egocentrism. It manifests itself in displaying other groups or that other person. Further it manifests itself in rat behavior.

Rat behavior is lip service, window dressing, helping each other in the saddle (Peter Principle), extrovert behavior (Mrs. Bucket), hiding behind a mask of false behavior such as only smiles and friendly words and furthermore authority predatory or oppressive behavior.

They steal knowledge, insights and words of others in order to show off and suppress society as all is build on delusory hopes stat on integral and inner knowledge (=wisdom) .

It are persons who manifest themselves with expressions like: I’m a guy so I’m better than a woman, I’m a guy so I can perform better than a woman, I am a woman so I can perform better than a man, I am on a higher public position thus I do not consider your communication or message, I’m a crying baby and MUST eat right now, I’m a tired child, but would stay up so I MUST get it my way, etc. It is very similar behavior as in the “two – I phases” I (toddler / adolescent) emerges. Too often we notice only adults who do not progress further than the toddler phase.
The egocentrism is the Super Ego or Über Ich as Sigmund Freud described it. It is the moral, religious part in us that searches for perfection by suppressing others in order to try to achieve their own perfection or to feel superior to others through extrovert behavior (keeping up appearances) like exceeding power/control, money and goods. It is not based on reality. This overriding moral behavior is inherited by the next generation or mandatory imposed on them. They create without having insight in the essence or knowledge of interrelations with the issue at hand.
N.B. Marginal note: It is about systematic behavior.

From generation to generation, we transfer this behavior over to the next generation because we do not dare or want to defend our birth rights. It is our personal birthright to walk our individual path through life!
We are all moving in and through life. That means that we must grow from egocentrism to a more balanced life and mature behavior. It is to be achieved only by trial and error. It means taking part in a group but not giving up your own identity. At one point in our life we are hold responsible and are individually accountable.

When we share experiences and insights we reflect our process of growth.  It does not mean aggressive behavior or showing off and it does not really hurt but it heals us as we notice other possibilities to handle issues. When we step out of the “Comfort Zone” it means we can experience more. Life offers us lots of possibilities to experience, to learn and to heal. Only Egocentrism (Super Ego) makes us suffer from life.

When our Egoism functions well we are balanced. Being in balance implicates being assertive as then you consider your own demands and those of others. A person in balance is consciously experiencing, learning and healing. Conscious persons stab their necks out where others dare not as they suffer many fears. Conscious persons contribute to society and bring society to a higher level of thinking, acting and knowing. Conscious persons seek and perform self-realization. They are persons who want to co-create. A co-creation is in conjunction with the essence of the other and leads to fertility; it is based on respect and love. Conscious person have sufficient money and goods but have not more than necessary. They rely on their inner strength.


Balanced Society
A balanced society promotes the learning ability of individuals and not the suppression of individuals or groups.
A balanced society encourages the adults to face false identifications and resolve or balance them (theory Erikson or Hellinger). A balanced society also encourages self-realization (Psychologists Maslow, Rogers, Jung, Freud, the teachings of Krya Yoga of Paramahansa Yogananda or the teachings from Intuitive Development or quantum mechanics).

Results of balancing the identifications:

Solving the Oedipus identification as an adult result in equality between male and female individuals with apparently different appearances.
Solving the narcissistic identification as an adult result in no more fear, anxiety, and frustration when meeting the other.

By releasing the target identification we no longer fear a person with success or are impressed by this person. We rather look at the qualities of others and ourselves. A person with quality is not always successful and socially successful can even be achieved by lack of quality. It is about noticing and acknowledging quality.
Solving the object loss identification as an adult means we no longer follow authorities without qualities and we are no longer afraid of their hostility or punishments. We dare to turn them the other cheek after which the power of such an authority (power is lack of inner strength) is broken.

As an adult we have the birthright to live our own lives and have ownership over our lives. This can only happen if we are willing to learn from the experiences and encounters with others and have self-reflection. Mistakes, misfortune and death are part of a balanced society and alive living. The elimination of all hazards by regulation is not part of a learning society but of a dead society. In a balanced society, there is life and death, there is the positive as well as the negative, there is an integration of both the male and female aspects, there is pain and joy, there is laughter and tears and the person is both introvert and extrovert.

In such a balanced society we learn from each other’s differences rather than to suppress them. Only allowing one of the outer sides of the balance scale belongs to a deathly oppressive society.


Therefore we need to teach ourselves and our children to dismantle our inner Self (Self Realization) by making visible our own identity.

Each of us has the same rights!

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Wild West Economics – downfall of the society

Recently, someone uttered the phrase “Wild West Economics”. It is a cry that once uttered explains a lot.

We have seen it coming for years. Everything was more beautiful and bigger. Despite the many warnings of: the Club of Rome, many scientists who indicate what is wrong, and spiritual people who precisely are aware (know) what will go wrong in the near future, some people continue to  increase economic pressure.
The economy has been developed by humans. It is even in scientific circles considered as not scientific as it is not based on natural concepts.
The building blocks on which it rests, are created by humans and have little to do with physical concepts such as those found in f.i. mathematics.
By pressure and influence of this group many started to follow the Business Administration program. In this training and in virtually any management training, students are taught how to influence others and how to move around with money to keep the company intact.

Some decades ago many were taught to make a good product, calculate the cost and market it while keeping your main working capital – your fellow humans – motivated.
All that is discarded under the influence of the Anglo-Saxon thinking. A model that reinvents the wheel over and over. Ruthlessly deals with everything they find in their way, and forcing everything to go according their wishes and demands. Is this the concept “wild west economy “?

Fact is that especially in countries who are hungry for money and power reigns “keeping up appearances”. However, behind the facade of appearances reality shows up.

The reality shows that bridges, roads, houses and buildings are poorly constructed and maintained, the security rules are bad and that many building waits until it collapses.
Ownership of utilities like gas, water pass from hand to hand and become even more expensive, while maintenance sucks and is constantly on the brink of sustainability.

The reality of food is that it becomes manipulated in order to have more crops. In reality it results in a less healthy product.

Similarly, the natural products become unraveled and every product sold separately so that it yields more. Notable examples are the grain and the grain of rice. It is a nutritious product when it is eaten as a whole. Industry, however, makes products out of it that harm our health over time.
Next we need to turn to the pharmaceutical industry that make some good products mainly develop drugs that make us ill with the disease for which the drug was intended. In some countries, people became almost entirely dependent on drugs and dietary supplements. It’s good for the food industry, pharmaceutical industry and hospitals. They take advantage of the fact that they made humans dependent and they mislead humans at the very beginning and now we use unnatural and unhealthy products that eventually make us degenerate and sick.
If you are sick you are not allowed to die as they earn more on a living human than on a dead one. They keep you alive as long as possible and make you suffer an unnaturally way by the hands of your fellow man.

In ancient times they calculated more than expected in a construction. The foundation was created according to certain principles so that it was resistant to water, there is an air space under the building to avoid the cold, the beams and walls were that thick that the building could carry and withstand natural disasters. Many of those houses have passed the tooth of time for centuries.
Now they calculate precisely how thick a layer can be to just keep to standard protocols for normal conditions. Every inch or every euro more is seen as a cost item. They cut back on security devices or they are omitted because the controllers and economists estimate the risk incorrectly. The result is that many of those buildings already catch fire before they open. In case of a disaster there are many casualties. The construction is depreciated already after several decennia as it was poorly built.

In some countries roads need to be repaired every year as they are constructed incorrectly or you drive on roads with large potholes. The old Roman roads that are found during excavations have still a better construction.

In former times, the public utilities were maintained and controlled by the government. They were well maintained because they knew the importance. Due to economic influences (influence MBA) and the so-called free market, they had to split them up and sell them.
It results in: competition, failing maintenance, higher prices and as soon as there is a setback the system fails. There are so few reserves built in that by a single setback the system is bankrupt and ordinary citizens are presented with the bill and need to solve the damage.

They are re-inventing the wheel once more as they have no sense of history anymore. With awareness of history they would know what a structure needs. Then they would now that constructing card houses is still a bad idea. Whether it concerns roads, buildings, public utilities, food or health, most persons believe the man at hierarchical height with his   ideas, smooth talks, who sells the products while laughing. Humans step into this trap with open eyes. That’s because they do not know themselves, have no idea about their socialization process, do not want to learn from life and lack historical awareness.

Daily facts

The outcome is to be seen in many films and TV productions as managers bark at employees, treat them inhumanly or suppress them.
Managers not knowing how to show leadership, who do not know how to motivate their staff, but only show suppression with often extensively macho behavior.
Managers who are not capable of executing the duties of their subordinates because they do not know these tasks.

Managers who only know how to speculate with money in order to make profit, but who have no idea about the product they sell.

We let go of a good system and thus governments need an extra public controlling system, which drives prices up and the reliability gets another veil (Gordian knot).
Educated employees who are not allowed to decide and ask their boss at all times.

Managers who are not educated for difficult tasks such as a fire, traffic accident or disaster but act because of their hierarchical position.

The basic for this failure and the result

By wrong assumptions, mankind puts more humans in the world than earth can take, while in fact it is all about the inner child.
Man is by fear of not having enough looking for opportunities to suppress their fellow humans. Because of their fear they suppress others and make them slavish followers and the other becomes just an object or slave.
Still more and more children are put in the world by the fear that there would not be enough outlets, or not enough workers, not enough soldiers or not enough people to help them in their old age.
It is the fear – already described by Sigmund Freud and others – that occupies man and thereby destroys the world and themselves. The fear has triumphed over common sense, a balanced life, a life in the service of enriching the inner child and contributing to the welfare of the world.

Every week humans can see how infrastructure fails. Every week it is possible to notice how people earn exceedingly money to refurbish a house with palliatives of particle board and plastic slats. Every week there is a message from a company where the boss makes money like water and the employees find themselves unemployed or barely earn enough. Every week there is a message of a takeover of a business and then everybody knows that the company becomes turned down over time.

It looks great to work in a beautiful building, at a company with a huge image and dressed with the latest fashion but it is just about outer appearances. Many sell their soul for this outer appearance of power, money and other forms of egocentrism.
This Wild West economy is in its final years but still holds the world in its grip. Apparently many people wait until the curtain of keeping up appearances falls or until humanity perish.

Humans are busy destroying their own life without realizing it.
Humans lost contact with their original life purpose (the way to God / to the light).

We thank for the lessons of history and meeting greedy people who show dead living. Dead living means return to the very beginning. Learned life lessons allow to follow your destiny.

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The suffering, the Cross and the stigmata Working life

Every day employees suffer under the projections of employers who believe they have more insight. Often they act from their hierarchical position or it is about new people on earth who are just at the beginning of the road of experience. As Carl Rogers (psychologist) writes it, they are just in level 1.

When such persons meet others they notice only one facet of the other. This they broadly align and determine in a few seconds or minutes what the other may do or is allowed to do. This attitude is more and more noticed in the fast Anglo-Saxon Society that is focused on money and power. It happens in many organizations, in governments, in so called charities or businesses who want to earn quick money or persons or employers who feel the need to appropriate power. It is a form of fixed dogmatic thinking of an individual or group (Super Ego) that is made manifest by that group. Thus it becomes an ideology by which they decide what is good for others who only are allowed to take it with gratitude. This attitude ignores the inner strength and purpose of life of others. It is the ultimate way to deprive others their path of life and block them.

Many people who suffer from this attitude of society have the experience of down trodden and are now often at the bottom of this pyramid thinking. Due to many changes in society (caused by greed), they lost their jobs. They have had multiple little jobs and became flexible. It means that their résumé has become longer. After each rejection they reconsider themselves and look at what happened and learn from it. Therefore they grow above their original potency that is described in their résumé and develop multiple sides of themselves. Even that is a form of flexibility. Eventually they grow above the force of every model (like Enneagram, hats de bono etc.) and often become even the sum of all parts of the model.

Whatever side of themselves they show when applying for a job, they become rejected. Every time they focus on what happened and learn from it. The rejection is often based on some subjective information. Official diplomas or University degrees are not valued or unknown. Insight in humans and society seems more often a handicap for the employee than added value. Most employers rather have subordinates who they can model to their liking and will power. He likes best the persons who brainless act upon his demands or act like clones.

The interrogators (government employment offices, job agencies like Randstad and Manpower, personnel officer or manager) are often persons with lack of self insight and only focused on the outside world of keeping up appearances. They often have got no further in their development than the first step or the first three steps of the Model of Carl Rogers. They miss integral knowledge of humanity and society and lack all historical knowledge. Hence they are not capable to live in the here and now. They act by the frenzy of the day and lack the construction stones for a mature decision.

The person who judges the résumé is often not capable to read and understand it. They scan the résumé for one or more words and if these exact words are not found, the résumé ends up in the trash.

When it comes to a job interview most interviewers are uncertain. They often do not know what person they are looking for or ask impertinent questions as they are uncertain. They want the person to exactly meet their demands. If these demands are normal seems not to be the question. Often they look for a person who can act in more than one role and if in the end it is not of their liking, they compose some other roles and look for a person to fit in, while the first one is ostracized. They focus on one facet they notice at the other without questionizing whether this reflection is theirs and whose share is predominant. Often their share is the largest but they judge those who reflect 10% to them and stigmatize them for their own shortcomings as the reflection frightens them. They doubt due to their lack of self knowledge what happens and thus direct the focus on the other and remain themselves in the dark. They won’t be in the light as then they have to realize themselves and observe their part in the projection.

They give themselves no chance to learn from others. They actually do not want to encounter the other person but prefer to stay safe in their comfort zone and thereby close the door for this person. Through staying in their comfort zone they do not develop and grow to the next level. Their fear to release the safety and embrace the unknown – the other – and meet them and learn from each other seems too difficult for them.

They often seek in an interview for information they need, after which the aspirant worker is regarded. This obtained information is then used by them. In fact they exploit the knowledge and skills they met during the job interview and throw the other sucked out back and nail this person on the cross. It is the behavior of parasites that crush their host. It is the behavior of the student’s (employer) who abuses the teacher (employee). The employer does not learn, the prospective employee usually learns of such occurrences. Thus, the imbalance between employers and employees increases. It is thus a failure and collapse of present society.

Employers prefer to stay in their created positions and increasingly become empty balloons, raised by the lack of inner weight. They suffer from outdated perception, models and concepts. Often they have not successfully attended management classes or developed situational leadership. They only are on that position because they know how to suppress others and make them do the job. The outcome is demotivation and they do not lead others but make them suffer and in the end they ruin society.

As the most of their employees know more and are able to perform a lot, they shut the door for them in order to maintain their position. They determine (projection) for the other what is right.

The merging of knowledge and skills helps an organization to return to balance and improve. It is shown in many management courses, but in daily practice most throw the teached knowledge away – whether valuable and well thought over – as they lack the ability to handle it. Managers prefer to attract submissive and ignorant people because it frightens them to learn from more advances and mature others. These organizations grow crooked and become increasingly ignorant in respect to other companies. They maintain themselves in the guise of “keeping up appearances” ,many public campaigns and abuse the talent of others.

They nail the wise and more mature person on the cross as they are further in the personal development (further than level 4 of Rogers) en carry more inner light. With their projections they stigmatize the other who carries the inner light.

Ultimately, the person nailed to the cross is the one that continues learning and rise above others (ascension). They emerge above the darkness of those who nailed them to the cross. Their energy increases and thus becomes colorful and lighter and eventually becomes a golden color. Their purpose on earth is in sight.

They are able to choose whether to continue in a next vicious circle or step out of vicious circles and follow the path in another level/world.

For others – the employer in this story – the road prolongs and becomes an agony one. An agony created by themselves as they do not learn from what they encounter in other persons and situations.

It is a vicious circle that must and can be broken.

Over 2000 years ago, it was already explained in the story of Jesus and his crucifixion.

We hope this story gives insight in the present vicious circle and how it can be broken in order not to repeat the end days of Atlantis or Lemuria.

We thank all the people at the top of hierarchical levels for the insight they give upon their (lack of) power. By their suppression and lack of knowledge the inner strength and inner knowledge of the suppressed is enlarged.

“The last will be the first and the first will be the last.”

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The birthright to heal yourself

Life is a constant stream of energy that changes shape. Energy is an ongoing conversion of mass into energy and energy back into mass (relativity theory). By continuing transformation light is emitted for example.

A characteristic of energy is that it is constantly in motion and transforms from one form to another form (conservation law). Continuously there are movements or transformations in the universe and therefore on our earth. Such transformations are called movements or energy. That energy is in macro available on earth and in micro as well. These transformations take also place in your physical body. It often takes off on a cellular level.

When energy is actually no more suited to who you are now, you discover that you suddenly become ill. On one hand you might become sick due to the fact that you do not live according to the process you agreed with yourself before you got in this lifetime. Alternatively, you can become sick by the fact that you do indeed live under the agreement with yourself, but the old energy has not yet been released. You must release these old cases, old energy and replace it with your own present energy. In both examples you do not feel well and sometimes you even feel quite ill.

In the course of several centuries, we became increasingly burdened by the pressure of an imaginary world. This manmade imaginary world is constantly a feasible world fed by the idea of religion. With religion is meant a fixed dogmatic thinking of an individual or individuals. Sometimes these thought patterns are fixed in time and made manifest through an institution like a church and propagated. A mental thought expressed by one person to which others must behave docile and obedient to. It is the ultimate way of keeping up appearances thus reality is taken from us. However, the ultimate life goal for each of us is to discover who we are and to reunite ourselves with the reality. Life is an ongoing flow of energy. The shape continuously transforms from one form to another form. Life as we perceive it takes place on Earth.

By the imaginary world we are oppressed and become frightened. This means that when we are feeling unwell, we fear the worst. We run with a question to the doctor or look in books or on the Internet as to see what we possibly could fail. It may also happen that we become afraid of the possible reason that we put our heads in the sand and pretend nothing stabbing going on. What action we choose it’s all an expression of hand over our knowledge to another. Our knowledge is a birthright.

The birthright means that we are entitled to take up our own lives and have ownership on our share of knowledge, expression, our heart, feelings, security, etc. Once we are sick we are easily tempted to hand over this birthright. This keeping up appearances for many centuries of oppression has scared us. As soon as a sickness or illness appears we immediately give up our birthrights. We lose at one blow our inner strength and our property over ourselves.

In one blow, we lose our purpose for being alive living. The goal in everyone’s life is mapped out whatever your life’s mission is and to prosecute this mission. It is not for others to judge your mission in life if they cannot read your energy or purpose in this lifetime. Each life path eventually leads to the same goal and that is Freedom and Love. It is described in the so-called holy books. A life path is mostly executed during several lifetimes.

When we develop our inner strengths and capabilities others with dogmatic thinking tend to fixe us unto manifest thoughts that make us sick.

When we are sick, we lose easily at one stroke our inner power and become frightened. It basically means that we are led into temptation by this keeping up appearances.

Often we do not intend to know what the core of the reason for the disease is. We will take all possible handles to consider a reason and think of what we might do. We are constantly looking for the answer at our outer world.

In fact, the outer world reflects us what is going on. In the core of our inner Self rests the reason for our illness.

Once we reach out to our deep inner Self and start to communicate with this inner Self we reclaim our birthright. Now we can heal ourselves and continue on our personal path of life.

Healing does not mean treating symptoms or suppress a disease.

Healing means becoming whole.

It is our birthright to heal ourselves.

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Applying for a job – Breaking down the knowledge and motivation society

Tracking multiple job position by persons looking for a job or following this group of persons gives a look behind the scenes of the current labor market. Add to this the reports in the newspapers and on Internet and you come to the conclusion that managers and staff do not know anymore what to do.

It is even described in the comic book of “Spike and Suzy” in the “Sounds Tapper” by Willy Vander teen. In the comic there is a conversation between Mr. Jones and Mr. Just about a possible available position. “Mr. Jones, do you have a position available for my son? Well there is a vacancy… no knowledge required salary 12,000 per month. Oh, but that’s too much Mr. Jones. Well then… um… there’s another job… really a job for a friend… there are no requirements… he can just start salary 10,000 per month. Mr. Jones, but that’s still too much. I want my son to start from the bottom. Oh well then he starts at the youngest entrant and begins with a salary of 1,500 per month, but then they he needs to have the right skills, experience and evidence and have to pass the exam.”

To perform a simple job a person needs to have that specific training and experience already, but where the novice person needs to obtain it becomes impossible. Someone with the right experience and diplomas becomes neglected.

A person with the diplomas en experience is called overqualified, too old, too young, missing the x factor, wrong sexe or wrong social background (positive discrimination?) not fitting in the team etc.
For example, someone for a secretary job must well accomplish in Marketing and IT, but get paid for a simple secretarial job.
You may also be too young because someone recently applied for a job at 65 + agency and was rejected or you are too old when you have more than 10 years of experience.
If you obtain a job for a few hours they require that you have a car. How to pay a car with only a couple of hours work?

Someone who drives disabled persons a few hours a day (other work beside this job becomes impossible) needs a van driving license, a taxi license and social skills as if he is a professional social worker. A postal employee who is allowed to work 20 hours must be in possession of a car he wants the job. Increasingly employers require absurd qualifications not contributing to better quality or finding a suitable person. To fill in any position with the use of common sense, motivation, similar knowledge and experience or more experience is not possible. It is nowadays the fear that reigns by employers. This fear seems to be based on a projection of them. They just run like a chicken behind the issues of the day. Diplomas and experience once obtained is neglected as in the meantime only one aspect has changed and thus they demand the employee to start from the bottom.  Formally and informaaly acquired competences certificate programms have a high treshold raised. Where is the common sense? Now many high skilled labours are turned down.

Is has been shown in the media for the last decade that almost every program or course that the young generation has followed is just on paper as they lack the knowledge of it. They have often only a limited focus based on book wisdom. These people, however, hold a position where they project this lack on to the other. The other has the expertise and often has deep and broad range of knowledge and experience. As they lack knowledge, lack of people skills, lack of life experience they assume the other cannot perform what he says.

Often they look for an employee to fit 100% within their rigid frameworks.  Frameworks that are consistent with who they are. This is a pathological atmosphere, while diversity in the workplace is healthier. It results in a sick working climate, where employers become sick, undermine the employer with rat behavior or where they look for another job in no time.

A manager is often appointed purely on whether this person has a college or university degree. If this person has leadership skills, now how to manage a business, to handle people’s emotional problems is not required. They do not even bother to look if this person can develop these skills nor is there the requirement that this person need to complete successfully management training. Often they just hire a person who commands and knows how to bully around especially when the CEO is not present.
In smaller companies, a person becomes manager because he executes exactly what the boss requires. When employees suffer from these unnatural leaders becomes pushed aside.
Persons who desire a top position or a post in government need only some friends or membership of a fraternity, club or political party. This resembles to nepotism. Others are excluded, disregarded or discriminated.

The story of Spike and Suzy as described above becomes every month worse.

Continuously there is a new trend how to apply for a job or what is required for a job. In the recent past one could obtain a job x with diploma y. Now it requires even v and z, but these make no sense. Sometimes the employee has the competences already. In other cases there is no small learning module available to teach the required competences. A complete new program is required but then the person who wants to learn is disqualified as too old or…

If direct application for a job is unsuccessful one turns to an agency or the official employment office. Most persons working there have no idea about the former education programs the diplomas. They lack work experience, lack knowledge of humans, have no sense of history and have not done any self realization. They still have no idea who they are in perspective to others but judge and project according to their limited skills and life wisdom. It is the blind that needs to guide the sighted but makes them suffering in the blind.

It seems to be a world turned upside down.

There was a time when it was considered as good to have a job for your whole life, but for several decennia you need to be flexible, but if you’ve changed a few times it is not good either at present. Once it was good to make a career change, now this person is presented the bill for this move. It has become very unreliable how to remain a desirable person for the job market especially if you developed yourself as was promoted and is still (Bible).

Now, a CV often becomes reviewed by computer program or an ordinary officer for suitability. The human ability to read between the lines or the human ability to notice the red wire, addresses no longer. Many prospective employees are therefore at this stage already put aside on no essential grounds.

When you face the selection committee is seems more rule than exception that the job text was just a vague job description or exaggerated because they have no idea what they are looking for or fear they might miss something. Often the Selection Committee turn the helm at the spot set other criteria or prefers someone with a different background, knowledge and skills than in the original job description. Too often employers allow applicants to meet them and use them to guide them to what they probably require, but still they have no idea themselves. Employers hire someone but often they quit this person as they still do not know what to search for or what it is they want. Often they obtain knowledge in an improper way by these actions that they use. It demotivates employees as they are abused too often, have to waste money and time are used and misled.

Most employees obtain by several jobs an arsenal of competences, skills and knowledge but it becomes even harder to obtain a job as employers fear this arsenal of integrated knowledge. Previously acquired skills are often disregarded as there is no diploma. Or employers ask the employee to sacrifice a huge amount of money to investigate these skills without the insurance that there is an output or without a job guarantee. Which employee will put his neck out and abused once more?

Many governments demand that persons keep working towards old age, but the persons that need to grant them a job do not give them a job as they lack all of the above experiences. Thus a lot of persons with knowledge and skills are sitting home and depend on social security after one year, while the jobs go to persons with book wisdom but who lack knowledge and insight and need to learn a lot. The new young employee becomes guided by the person who still needs to learn the job, while the person who knows it all is forced to stay home and has to face how knowledge and insight diminishes in society. Year after year media write about the diminishing of skills and knowledge but society is blind and does not react. They put even more skilled wise workers home. They state that the older employee (above 35) is inflexible but once more this is their own projection.

Forced by the government they are subjected to psychological models. Many of these models do not work for people who have done self-realization and became above the level of the novice employee. They can put on lots of hats or claim almost every competency, but only such tests cannot show this.
Methods that are somewhat adequate are not used because employers do not like a diversity of skills of a variety of sex or age. All this is based on their projection, based on their lack of (self) knowledge and skills.
This puts more people stuck as they are suppressed by the system. It is a vicious circle that must be broken.

The question rises if these managers and personnel officers are capable on their position?

Are they frightened that they might hire the wrong person? Are they frightened they hire someone who sheds light on their shortcomings? Are they afraid to face their own fears, their own personality?

Their gut feelings tell them something about themselves and have nothing to do with knowing (intuition).
They contribute with their projections and prejudices in ill making work spheres and demotivation which continues the downward spiral and causes even more rat behavior.
Do these employers take themselves seriously, have they developed themselves with so many skills and competences and knowledge acquisition and self-realization? Or do they project their own fears and inability on the prospective employee?

Increasingly it appears that decisions are made on projection and lack of insight and knowledge of life. They are based on egocentrism, lack of skills and the desire to boss others.

Besides the fact that much knowledge and capital is thereby lost, the whole of society thus is gradually destroyed. A society built up in centuries or decades becomes demolished in only a few years.
The society becomes demolished and left broke, instead of accumulating the society!

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