The macho person – the extreme unbalanced human

For centuries humans look for a way to balance in order from that point of departure to develop further. On many times just a few individuals (awareness level 6-9) succeeded, while the mass continues with under-over situations (awareness level 1-6). One group wants to have a lot like money, property, devotee’s, while they do not allow the others to have anything and sometimes not even a crumb of bread from the bread that is to be divided.

It is not because these other persons lack knowledge, wisdom or vision or are not capable to act in a better positions, but because of the fact that they are not allowed. They become pushed to the lower levels of society.

In fact these macho persons lack inner strength and wisdom. All they can do is bullying others when no one is watching or keeping up appearances when the spotlight is turned on them (= Antisocial Personality Disorder). They conceal themselves behind grumpy taciturnity or destructive behavior and are inaccessible to others.

They keep up appearances by avoiding any conflict and play the ball towards each other. They show suppressive (conflicting) behavior to the ones in the lower ranks. All their suppressive and bullying behavior is an act of outer performance based on power and believes. It benefits only themselves and some of their sycophants and brown-nosers (figurative). It makes others and all on earth ill (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually) as their actions by which they conduct (in fact let others suffer) are not based upon wisdom or knowledge nor are these actions for the sake of all living.

These man and woman with their big smiles, easy access to proclaim their views and show their male suppression of the female aspect, whether women or men are in command. In fact they show this male suppression with their macho behavior (lack of inner force). By this they destroy their work or their environment and they achieve more unbalance. They lack knowledge about their female inner side, with which they could raise questions and use more of their brain and instinct. They have many ways of showing their mental compassion towards others. They act in the field of charity or the conduct of… by their support through mental or social nourishments but in fact they do not care. All they care for is to keep their hierarchical position by this keeping up appearances that is devoid of an open heart. They just want to be satisfied and pleased by society, it is an act of indulgence.

Often their behavior is due to the fact that they have not learned to cope with adversity, disappointment, lost opportunities, unfulfilled desire, emotions and they never learned to understand who they actually are. They believe in a picture, an image of what others desire them to be (suppression), but what they are not. They live with their poor surface, while their true Self is buried somewhere deep beneath, so they no longer have access to their Self.

They look for certainties that could fill in their emptiness and loneliness – from their hollow barrel that they became by lack of their inner Self – and once more look for this in their external world. They look for it in money, power, possession or fame. Many bystanders in society show them that this makes them a man or a woman, by which they become the toy (suppression) of that society. Once more they become even more disconnected from who they really are. Actually, this makes them a macho. A macho is a person in imbalance who lacks inner strength. Others use this strength, which make both powerless, as this abuse of energy gives them no inner strength. Society forces persons to keep up this keeping up appearances, this hypocrisy and enter false identifications by which more persons have even less inner strength.

These persons maintain themselves by defense mechanisms, by adoring an idol (leader). They are plagued by huge fears. Their defense mechanisms are hidden behind the mask of love. Often they are full of hate without even realizing it and have a relationship with the opposite sex which is in fact a hate relationship. (more on this subject can be found in the book:

They maintain themselves by reaction formation, manifested in things like exaggeration, extravagant behavior, promise too much, striking and artificial behavior. Caused by this are many persons with a psycho pathogen disorder like psychopath, narcistic or MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder).

Others fear society and this van take the form of strict obedience to social conventions. This submission is a reaction formation and behind the mask of conformism is defiance and antagonism. There are men who mask their feminine inner side, because they see it as a sign of weakness or effeminacy and the same counts vice versa for women. They rather prefer to hide behind a mask of an overly masculine or feminine appearance and thus become a macho or develop a disorder. This is due to the fact that society to not allow them to de-velop their Self. They have to act and show behavior that society wants them to show and thus even more macho’s exists that suppress even more persons. It is a continuing destructive downward spiral.

A macho is often disconnected from his inner Self, has just mental feelings, lacks a conscience and thus cannot act incorruptible. Their own being as a human, their own balance (between their inner female and male aspect) has not yet been discovered by them. It results in the fact that they are more a caricature of a man or a woman than that they are a man or a woman.

Reaction formation is an irrational defense against fear. It often manifests itself in the fact that they hate the other sex deep inside and thus oppress them.It is our own society that creates men haters (misandrist) and women haters (misogynist). Many humans still fear woman (gynephobia), because deep inside they still fear their origin, the wo-man.

After forty thousand years, the existing society still suffers by the fact that the balance of duality has yet been learned and that we still are unable to detach the cross (the agony).

More information at this moment is presented in the books:


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The paradox of seeing: seeing blind or seeing while blind

The senses are valuable tools, but it appears that in addition to this valuable aspect is also a huge disadvantage. By what you see or want to see, people are tempted to have a limited sight  of the totality which we can perceive. My personal observation is that people often have a better perception, when the eyes are no longer exposed to distractions. With eyes we communicate.  The inner eye, however, perceives far better than the physical eye ever can.

It appears that people who cannot see, experience/perceive “see” the truth far better than those who look with their physical eyes wide open. Their advantage is that they are less easily distracted by outer appearances. When you sight is reduced or when you are blind at your eyes, you develop another sense. Often even a sixth sense develops, by which you perceive inwardly what is to be noticed in the world.

As a result, people who are physically blind, like Lady Justice, are well suited to mediate in conflicts as they are less distracted and perceive more. Their perception can increase to great heights when this inner vision is accepted and developed. Because they are not distracted, they listen to the words, the intonation and the voice vibrations. They discover the hidden emotions and unspoken things. If they listen actively and ask deep questions, they give both parties a fair chance. They know by their limited or obstructed sight to perceive and observe even deeper and wider. They “see” more of the totality that appears in front of them.

With the eyes you see only a small part of the totality. A split second later you are already distracted and focus your attention on something else. This is what quantum physics explains to humans. By inner vision, you experience more of the totality and you “see” more of what can be observed with the physical senses. Then you can communicate with the  multiple layers of reality.

The physical senses like sight become an obstacle. The inner eye is then at last experienced as an inexhaustible resource that can be exploited and gives a deep understanding of Life.

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To enrich the inner knowledge or lose because of repetition

During the last cycle of 26,000 years, many persons did not wanted to accept the Natural Laws. They end now in a deadlock because of their believe in the words or teachings of others (religion). They believed they could make a makeable world and were appreciated with gold and idolization by their peers. Although the many life’s they had during this cycle, they were not able to adapt the reality of their Holy Books, nor were they able to accept their commitment to continue on their personal life path. By making many backwards decisions, they created many deviations. Humanity made many dysfunctional steps with their invented changes. These dysfunctional steps resulted in a lot of abnormalities and defects in our body and our food and as well in other creations of Mother Nature.

Like the pitcher will go to the well once too often, these deviations will continue until the problem is unmasked, unraveled or at least acknowledged. In the meantime, they have brought a lot of damage to the world. A destruction that takes decennia or centuries to heal. They do so as Believers are not willing to look inside themselves, as they believe they know it. They are still with their heads in the clouds, or putting it differently, they still live in the past of the cosmos where we all came from. They do not want to be seen in their real appearance as more advanced persons already observe them. They just continue with their group think and group pressure and the attached destructive behavior. They are really successful in masking this ill making behavior. They try with outer power to force this behavior on towards others or make them believe that this is normal behavior.

The persons that are occupied with “Office Politics” let others suffer from this behavior. The person able to unmask them becomes neglected. They try to extinguish this person’s consciousness on this subject. Therefore they start to mask their action, start to rationalize the issue or start to tell a lie. This person than suffers from this opposition can eventually become very frustrated when not conscious of the underlying reasons of his actions.

The Group just blacklist him in front of staff, coworkers or clients. Once more humanity crucifies another person who tries to reveal the truth. This behavior is repeated knowingly since the ancient Greek time. Whatever the person’s position, they act “From the Group” and that makes them powerful whatever their hierarchical status. In the meantime, they take care to soft-soap themselves in the eyes of others  around them and act sweet and smile throughout the day to whomever they want to show their mask. They control and influence not only their own group, but also the CEO who is often seeing blind for these actions, or supports this performance as it is convenient to maintain their hierarchical position in the short term. The influence of such persons makes others a marionette of their actions They pull the string and decide whatever is going to happen and when. They take every opportunity to convey this behavior and to increase their “below the belt influence”. It is the delusive mask they have put on, that gives them this destructive influence. They act like in the fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes”.

Every person who allows this person to act this way enlarges this power. It exists only by the fact that there is an enormous lack of wisdom and lack of inner force as they remain Believers. They cannot stand up or survive on their own inner force. Wherever several of these Believers are around, the ill making and destroying actions increase.

According to the rules of nature, this structure will not last forever as it lacks cohesion, light and structure. The seemingly structure is made of sand and collapses like a house of cards.

Persons that are placed in the saddle on a horse by their peers, have a kind of pipedream of themselves, as they have only learned to adjust their behavior to the group. They have not internalized any skills or experience and turned it into knowledge. They lack wisdom. They mimic the behavior of their teacher and lack an own grounding. They lack knowledge, insight, have no vision and they lack satellite view. Because of their hierarchical position, they just pull the strings and get just enough information from their clients or employees to have some helicopter view. What can they see from a helicopter? What can a person without vision perform when he is in fact just coping some ideas of another person or just has some book wisdom? What is the difference in leadership from a person who has gained wisdom by experience over the years and those who have just some book knowledge and imitates the acquired teachings?

Inner wisdom gives a person true vision, as it is gives a clear focus from all or most perspectives but this is just given to persons who really look deep inside themselves and dis-cover their Self. This takes however many years/lives.

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Wind Trading – Trade in hot air

Many traders, managers, politicians or ministers know to make use of the needs and fears of ordinary citizens. It’s like the Berlusconi effect. They smile a lot and spawn the opposite sex and know that they are appreciated by their male counterparts because they show how man knows how to make a female dependent. It is the negative male aspect in humans that suppresses the female aspect.

It is a form of deliberate manipulation in which they intentionally suppress woman because they demand her to give herself freely to man. The women are too easily twisted around the finger of the man and the macho man loves it when it happens. It is an imbalance between the male and female aspect.

The teachings that we need to balance has been repeated over many centuries as it is required to evolve as human beings because we need to step from the cross in order to be able to co-create. As long as we suppress each other, the mentioned actions in this story belong to the human who still lives in the first phase or first dimension as he has not yet learned to have equal and balanced actions.

The same is done by these persons who respond intentionally at the fears and needs of others. They create a shortage of food, housing and other things by deceiving other that we need to make another human being. To purposely “make” another human being, is purely for their own interest because they have more humans to command, suppress or who can work for them. It is a form of slavery. They just sell hot air.

Thus we create in the Western World cheap clothes and shoes because we exploit people on the other side of the world and let them work in appalling conditions (slave labor) because we do not want to pay the right price for an article. It is a deception from the first hour because man only needs to develop his own inner child (multiplication of energy as quantum physics shows).

The same happens to food that elsewhere becomes produced (we’re talking about animals) under “unnatural” conditions and which is consumed at the other side of the world. That animal disease (zoönosen) in humans increase is not surprising. That people become no longer fed by what they eat is also not surprising, as the so-called food technologists undermine food (less energy). They want to experiment without food and make better products without awareness of how nature works. They have no knowledge of the laws of nature. They further erode the nature. The ordinary people who buy these artificial products, become eventually ill and degenerate. They even pay too much for these food products.

Then there is the housing market. Houses are priced expensive as the soil because of property speculation has become unnecessarily expensive. Land (land that is prepared for construction of houses) is in some countries in Western Europe for sale for ca. € 50, – to € 141, – per m2 and in another country only 200 km further € 416, – per m2. The reason for this may lie in the trading of soil. The real winner is usually the speculator who earns millions. Then there is the government that earns a lot in these transactions either and the ordinary citizens, well they may pay the price by means of a huge mortgage.

The mortgage is then calculated by people who earn a lot of money for handling mortgages. It is not so much the problem to pay for a product. Only if there is a proportional gain and when governments or the European government watches how eventually the common man pays disproportionately for the service. The mortgage is in some countries 500% of what a bank has to borrow for the money. The mortgage broker earns per deal ca. € 5,000 – € 10,000 – for a few hours work per customer. The customer has to work hard for often no more than € 10 an hour.

Since ca. 1960 it is expected of the ordinary citizen to have a bank account. Without a bank account, no salaries are paid and you can hardly make a payment to another. The government can easily monitor the actions of citizens because of this bank account. The public also needs to perform more self-banking transactions through the internet. The banking system is almost entirely automatic. A visit to a bank is no more necessary. However, as a citizen you have to pay lots of money every year for having a bank account and you even need to pay for each transaction that is being done. If you have a lot of money on your bank account you get hardly paid some interest while the banks trades and speculates with this money and makes huge profits.

Banks are the pre eminently experts to devise economic formulas and tricks that are not based on natural laws. These actions make that only a few benefit at the expense of many others.

All these examples give very short-term profits to some and a long-term loss for all.

These are examples of the publicans (see the bible) of this time who let once more let people perish because of their greed for power, money and goods and their lack of inner knowledge. For more than 30 years we are aware that we are skating on thin ice and the turning point has already been reached.

For this exploitation they use the needs and fears of others. First they teach others by means of systematic incentives, to obey the system by stimulating certain issues and to know a lot about you and to punish those who do not participate in their artificial system. You can say its modern slavery, exploitation and oppression. Their only concern is that the ordinary men becomes a working machine for their egocentric concerns. It is of no interest of them that you enrich the soul by which the inner light can enlighten your path of life.

You as an ordinary person has relinquished commitment to yourself.

When have you sold your soul to the desire for such outside pleasures?

When do you stop this ongoing vicious circle of abuse and exploitation?

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Stepping out of a vicious circle (of 26,000 years) or remain stuck inside?

Whenever a highly sensitive person feels the inner pain he detaches some part of the stored energy and becomes energetic and alive. He gains more inner light and it sheds on others who still live in the dark. This does not happen intentional, but just happens because earth is the school of balance. He with light learns more from each experience as whoever has shall have more. Those in the dark are either frightened or start to project, rationalize, keeping up appearances ór observe the reflection and learns from what it teaches.

There is mounting evidence coming forth at the end of these thousands of year’s vicious circle that all get the teachings needed. Those willing to learn are enabled to step out of the vicious circle. Those not willing to learn have once more to repeat this long vicious circle.

For example: In a certain job situation there is a manager who has forced himself in this position by manipulating and by brown-nosing. He has risen by lack of weight. He shows all the symptoms of the Peter’s Principle. A Peter Principle is a person who has grown beyond his maximum level of capacity like a lieutenant who still acts likes a sergeant. This Manager suppressed his employees as that was his only management style. It resulted in the fact that his employees were often ill or disagreed with him. He could not dismiss them as they were all public servants. His female General Manager (CEO) defended and backed him. She acts this way, as he is the necessary accessory to her Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) tricks in order to remain in command. She is in fact a Peter’s Principle as well. Now that the problems between him and his employees had risen above his head, he was in need for a person who could be his “try-your-strength machine”. This person became the patsy who had to endure the behavior of this boss and the traps were he lingers. This person founded out about the tricks that were played. One day in a group meeting with the General Manager, each individual had to speak up and express their loyalty to the manager and the CEO. The question the employees had to answer to was as follows: “Do you trust and support this manager and trust and support the goal of the organization, yes or no?” This was a tricky NLP question. If they said “no” because of part one in this question they were facing difficult times ahead that would lead to another job. Thus they felt the need to say “yes” because of part two of this question. As a result they denied and betrayed themselves because of the first part of this question. This new employee experienced what was going on and told the audience that he notices two questions in one. He asked the General Manager to rephrase. This General Manager was not willing to make two questions out of it. She insisted on the fact that it was one question and they had to answer that one question. Thus all employees present said “yes”. Only the new employee dared to answer as follows: “no to the first part and yes to the second part.” He made his point, you cannot fool me.

With this action he stepped out of this cyclical process of betrayal, the spider web, and stepped forth according his own process. His inner strength and wisdom grew extensively.

Several years later he discovered that the CEO became neglected by her boss as well as by all her peers and employees. The other boss dug his own grave and became exposed and is now jobless.

We all live in a time of balancing and that means that the truth cannot be hidden.

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The endless search for humans to find their identity

Everyone tries to co-create a new lifetime on earth as we all are in the process of balancing. We are still a victim of imbalance due to our unbalanced actions.

For balanced actions it is necessary to reunite with the “wo-man”. Only then humanity experience s equality and then gender does not matter anymore. Pitfalls that you helped creating, make you wandering around on earth not knowing where to go to. This makes you suffer as you want to have what you have not. You feel pain as you do not understand the reason of life. As soon as a person has integrated the male and female parts and come into balance, you learn to observe the world in both ways. This means you can be rational, irrational, assertive, and receptive, under and above the water level and even male and female like. You turn down neither the one – nor the other aspect. There is no more judgment. You remain in balance.When you close the pitfalls you might speak about human dignity as you no longer suppress others, make them your slave, bully around show harassment, control or abuse others.

By gaining insight in yourself you eventually learn who you are and what your mission on earth is about. Then you are equal to all other living beingt. The only thing that is in between you and others is that you are then conscious about you and others still lack consciousness.

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books of Pauline Laumans and John van Trijp

available by November 19, 2010.

This Book “Freedom in Relationships: Have the right Identification” by Pauline Laumans deals with pathogenic identifications and is released by November 19, 2010.

Three books now available  in print, pdf or e-book.

Kindly I request you to pass the  information on to your own network.

If you choose to buy a book yourself it is of course a welcome idea.

They contain valuable information, beyond your belief.

With endorsements of well known persons:

  • Dick Bruna  (author of Miffy books and twice rewarded by the queen)
  • Yvonne Kroonenberg (author and psychologist)
  • Martin Gaus (TV host and author)
  • Dr. Caron Goode (U.S. NCC author)
  • Steve Rother (U.S. author)
  • Hermann Lammert (Teacher)
  • Frederic Colier (rewarded New York Filmer)

“Freedom in Relationships: Have the right Identification” by Pauline Laumans

“Freedom in Relationships: Have the right Identification” presents from multiple scientific angles a view on pathogenic human identifications. A false interpretation of the concepts “Child” and “Life” mislead us and result in creating false identifications. As a result we fail to identify with our true “Self” and start to listen (= identify) with a so-called “leader”. As we hand in our power we receive fear and suppression in return and makes us live in shame. As this happens very often it fills our society with wrong styles of behavior making our society pathogenic to men. This book describes causes and effects like depressions, destructive behavior, mental and physical illnesses causing many people to be afraid of Life.

This book “Freedom in Relationships” shows how this pathogenic process may be reversed. It creates insight how to free ourselves and start to live in harmony and peace on earth. Next we may step out of the vicious circles which entangle us. Pauline Laumans wrote from a joined effort combining relevant aspects from psychology, theory of evolution, religiare, quantum physics and last but not least daily life. It may be considered a psychological manual for those among us who want Live Alive by acquiring the right identification. As such the book is a must when one does not wish to support pathogenic behavior and destruction.

As many of us have identified our self with someone else we fail to develop our own identity, our Self. This book shows what path to take to reverse this process, have the right identification and create a new human society with endless possibilities.

  • Title:  Freedom in Relationships: Have the right Identification
  • Publisher: Libertas in Vivo v.o.f.
  • Author: Pauline Laumans
  • Price: Paperback € 26.00; E-book € 12.95 (VAT included)
  • Pages: 312
  • ISBN: 978-90-816233-6-0
  • Date of release: November 19, 2010
  • Print and place to order:
  • Website:
  • Endorsements: Frederic Colier rewarded New York filmer  and Steve Rother, U.S. author
  • Other books by the same author:
  • Your Choice: Living Alive or Living Dead   ISBN 978-90-816233-1-5
  • Karmic Reflections: Talking with Men and Nature   ISBN 978-90-816233-4-6

“Your Choice: Living Alive or Living Dead” by Pauline Laumans available by November 19, 2010.

This Book “Your Choice: Living Alive or Living Dead” is all about people who focus on money, control, power and extremely extrovert behavior which make them in fact Living Dead. The book is released by November 19, 2010.

Without realizing it people have started to hate themselves and others resulting in an increased focus on visible display. This increased focus on visible display contributes severely to the down turn of men and society. Instrumental is the idea of a “makeable society” which contributes to the mental and physical degeneration of men.

The book “Your Choice” shows how one can consciously choose to embrace Life by living. Hence, creating a balanced society with full knowledge of Life itself. Resulting in stopping the negative spiral of degeneration, greed and power with the ultimate possibility of extermination. Instead, by making the “right choice” one has the possibility of evolving into the future.

This book presents insights to support the reader to make the right choice “Your Choice”. Pauline Laumans discusses today’s essential questions on Life from multiple angles to provide the reader with all necessary information to make a sound judgment what choice(s) are relevant for Living Alive.

  • Title:  Your Choice: Living Alive or Living Dead
  • Publisher: Libertas in Vivo v.o.f.
  • Author: Pauline Laumans
  • Price: Paperback € 25.00; E-book € 12.95 (VAT included)
  • Pages: 233
  • ISBN: 978-90-816233-1-5
  • Date of release: November 19, 2010
  • Print and place to order:
  • Website:
  • Endorsements: Christiane Beerlandt, Steve Rother and Hermann Lammert and a wish of Paul van Vliet
  • Other books by the same author:
  • Freedom in Relationships: Have the right Identification   ISBN 978-90-816233-6-0
  • Karmic Reflections: Talking with Men and Nature   ISBN 978-90-816233-4-6

“Karmic Reflections: Talking with Men and Nature” by Pauline Laumans and John van Trijp available by November 19, 2010.

This Book “Karmic Reflections: Talking with Men and Nature” shows the reader the reality of the reflections from the Mirror of Life are not in sync with our fantasy: the Reality behind the Superficial Appearance. We like to think and believe, but know not. Only a few possess the inner knowledge which leads to Wisdom. Karmic Reflections points a light on the reality behind the Superficial Appearance.

This book leads the reader back into contact with one’s own essence of Life. The presented stories act like reflections from a mirror which show how to open up for reality in order to reach self-realization and subsequently enrich one’s Inner Strength.

The stories deal with the essence of Nature. Nature is able to teach and tutor us what we need to know. Pauline and John communicate with Nature by means of energy. This is done by posing questions and by listening to answers in silence. They enjoy Nature by communion without any prejudice. By doing so their own truth is complemented and supplemented with Nature’s Truth; the Truth of the World of Energy that lies nor fantasizes.

By reading Karmic Reflections one is provided a unique peeping hole into Life and is presented with the possibility to have a clear sight on one’s own Life.

  • Title:  Karmic Reflections: Talking with Men and Nature
  • Publisher: Libertas in Vivo v.o.f.
  • Author: Pauline Laumans and John van Trijp
  • Price: Paperback € 25.00; E-book € 12.95 (VAT included)
  • Pages: 220
  • ISBN: 978-90-816233-4-6
  • Date of release: November 19, 2010
  • Print and place to order:
  • Website:
  • Endorsements: Dr. Caron Goode (NCC author U.S.), Dick Bruna (miffy books), Yvonne Kroonenberg (psychologist and writer), Helly and Martin Gaus (TV-Host and author)
  • Other books by the same author:
  • Your Choice: Living Alive or Living Dead   ISBN 978-90-816233-1-5
  • Freedom in Relationships: Have the right Identification   ISBN 978-90-816233-6-0

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Balancing Emotions and Attitudes; Justice upon you

It all starts with knowing who you are and what it is you lack.  In you upraising you needed things you could not get. Now that you know what you lack you have to learn to give this to yourself. As your parents could not transfer it to you as they had not yet balanced it. Now you can let go of the Oedipus complex, wrong identifications and can start to balance these female and male emotions and attitudes.

To do so you have to step out your comfort zone and accept who the other is. It means you have to stand next to this person to see and experience what he or she senses. Now you are able to understand the others position and you can show the other yours. As when you both now each other’s experience and goal you can start to balance it. This does not mean one of you has to give in. Both of you need to gain and it should be a win-win situation as explained by Thomas Gordon or the Harvard Style of negotiation that was developed by the Harvard University.

For this you need both to listen actively. Active listening means you sit in front of each other without an interfering object such as a table. You have an open body posture, make eye contact and tempt to listen to all expressions of the other. You try to capture the reason and you even try to capture the message behind these expressions or words. You reflect the other and try to find out if you have understood the message.

Perhaps some emotions are involved. Emotions have been suppressed for ages by the paternalistic system. Now they have cumulated to such extremes that they cannot be uttered other than with force. Both man and woman have different ways to express emotions. The more they are allowed to show emotions the more these expressions are the same. We can only reacted in a balanced way as both negative and positive emotions or expressions are allowed. The reality is the combination of both and not the suppression of one of them.

To balance ourselves we need validation, appraisal and support on all actions that are an attempt to balance and we need positive feedback. This is an act of forgiveness and it allows us to improve who we are instead of gaining stigmata from the projections of others that nail us on the crucifix whenever we make a mistake. That is the greatest pitfall we meet in our lives; this repeating and suppressing vicious circle. Only by the act of understanding the female concept of the “wo-man” that both man and woman need to embrace we can step out of these vicious circles whenever a crossroad turns up in time.

Currently, due to the oppressive influence of paternalism and the Super Ego it is not possible to deal with this reality as described here. Many things at work and in court are therefore incorrectly assessed and handled. Lady Justice is well depicted with a blindfold and scales. Only modern man no longer knows what it means or how it works in practice. They just execute rules. Rules that are made by the paternalism and the Super Ego within mankind.


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Is a child allowed to develop its identity or does it need an identifation with his parents, the group or the community?

y A child that should keep its mouth shut constantly because adults and more grownups are talking does not understand when it is allowed to talk. What happens when a child continually gets permission to kick when he prefers to do so? What happens when a child does not allow other children to use the slide as he has set his mind on it? Such a child becomes too self-confident and becomes egocentric. It has not learned that there are limits to its behavior and that others can be self-confident as well and now their limits. A child, who became too self-confident and cannot play with others, knows all about dominating others. Such a child has failed to interact and does not know the meaning of “co-playing”.

Co-playing and co-operation means being in balance. If something is in balance it means that both parts can move up towards a new energy.

Another example is the child that is active in school and presents itself as the ringleader. It shows itself with courage and is appreciated. It gives such a child self-confidence and society responds to this child with confidence.

A child that has been run down because it is: squinting, too long, too thick, too small, too pretty, too clever, or too skinny can very easily get an inferiority complex. Its self-esteem is not strong enough and it is hard for this child to have an adequate communication with others. It has not learned to communicate in a direct, open, honest and clear way. If such initiatives are not rewarded, this child feels guilty as he believes he cannot meet the wishes of other persons. This child has the feeling that there is no room for him in life.

If you, as a High School student, are enabled to discover what life has to offer you, you are able to construct your own identity, ID. An identity independent of the identity of the family you come from. You succeed to do so if you show critical behavior, put critical notes to your own life, look into other social structures here and on other continents and become aware of the many societies and what dissenters may argue that enrich your life. You then step out of your comfort zone.

However, if you are allowed to do so you can be confused. This confusion makes that you derive your identity from your family’s identity. You do not develop your own identity. This confusion might bring even fear for other societies as you have never been able to become acquainted with the rules and norms of these other societies. You fear their rules and believe these to be inhumane.

When you are charged with fear you meet disapproval, blame and you do not know how to meet the expectations of society. You only meet the expectations of your own limited society. You show an attitude of sacrifice, reconciliation and devoted love. The many things that life has to offer you bring you fear. You fear it because you were not allowed to have your own identity.

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In the past there has been a lot of false love or non-love. Such a society tries often to protect and control too much.

Non-love makes people codependent and covers them in fear. Then humans cling to one another in attachment. They become lookalikes in clothing and social performances. We are so attached that we transform reality into something of our liking. Large groups of people do not understand themselves. Because of that fact, they transform all the other people around them to act and behave the same way as it is the only way they understand. You can even notice this happening to whole countries and continents. It is a result of fear and attachment. These people sink even deeper into the mud. They dig the grave themselves.

At present there is too much fear inside people. Much of this fear is purposely created by groups or countries. There is that much fear that we can hardly act independently. There is too much fear to face the truth and walk our own life path. Fear shuts our mouths and we say only what others like us to say. We have lost our freedom of heart to speak up for what we believe is the truth.

The truth is different for everyone when living in the outer layers around the essence. When all these different persons communicate together we have a better understanding of the truth, since the superficial truth has many faces and reality not. If we observe a vase with flowers from all sides, each of us describes it differently, but in essence we all notice the same. For truth it is the same way. The more perceptions we have of the truth, the better we understand truth in essence. Most just see what they need to see or want to see. Non-love leads to a state of codependence where people strive to save or protect others from harm. This means being out of balance as on another level these same people hate and destroy.

It is also shown in an environment where people kill each other for insignificant reasons. They kill or destroy everything they dislike, whether it is the neighbor’s dog, the unwilling husband or the car.

Around and in their house it is a mess as they do not care and have no discipline, structure or strategy. They live haphazardly, as they still have no inner awareness about who they are and what they are doing. They just act this destructive way.

In their environment they treat everything with hate. They do not care about driving over plants, animals or tearing down trees. They make their beautiful environment into a hell, as it is a hell inside of them. They are angry about everything around them, because they have not yet learned that they are hateful about themselves. When they are punished, they hate the outer world even more. They always blame the outer world, as they do not love themselves.

They think they are loved by reaching higher levels of income, bigger houses, and jet setting around the world. They think it equates freedom. This is non-love and non-freedom as it is attachment to money and material. It is attachment to what other people think about us, that is non-love.

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