Oppression and occupation by society, the group part 2


Over time, people are brainwashed. They became occupied by thoughts, ideas and concepts that have nothing to do with life. Life as quantum physics or psychology or the original doctrine teaches.

The thoughts, ideas and concepts are forced upon us otherwise we will be treated as undesired or cannot get work. Only if we agree to the concept of the occupier (religion, government, manufacturer), we get a piece of the cake and join society so it seems. This occupation (religion, government, manufacturer) does often not consciously know in turn and believes he acts the best he can to … Yes, what is it he really does? As even they are indoctrinated with the poisonous idea that life is about money, property and power by using and abusing others as Sigmund Freud and others showed.

More than thousands of years we are warned for this abuse. Each next generation becomes contaminated with this concept. Meanwhile, 1 on 5 persons is mentally ill and the number of physically healthy people is decreasing (figures AMA American Medical Association). Mankind has forgotten his origin and does not remember his mission in. Thus some persons live it up with their Super Ego. The Super Ego is about egocentrism and is not about egoism.

Daily we notice more persons that are unaware of what they are doing and why. Language, mathematics, rethinking, remembering or internalizing has become an exception. The physical body can hardly move. Mankind is getting sicker by substances which doesn’t nourish or heal the body, but suppress our body and make us ill. This we pass on to our descendants, the people around us, but also to all other life.

The only thing left is a shell. In this shell many entities parasite on us as we have surrendered to these influences of others. We no longer are or occupy entirely that physical shell.

Originally the essence that entered a physical body had insight, intuition, bisexuality, lived in the present, thought of themselves and their purpose in connection with all other life and were not afraid of life or death. They had a lot of heart energy, could co-create, were androgen, were founded and living alive.
They learned of the lessons of life, gained more insight and inner strength because they recognized parallels and paradoxes and achieved the balance quickly. As a result they managed to depart the earthly life and death cycle and could continue at a different level.

The other group of persons wanted power – and started to brainwash and slowly suppressing others in a way they hardly notice- in order for the other persons to forget their origin and mission in life. Many persons do not even remember their past lives and consequently have no knowledge of the future and thus cannot live conscious in the present. They are forced to surrender to the occupation and oppression by society, group and the need to believe in something outside them.

They brainwash themselves and others by their actions as they never start to dis-cover reality. They assume they are right and create with every new idea or generation more veils around essence. They never attempt to dis-cover their inner Self, their authenticity.

These veils have become their reality, by which they entirely meet the expectations of…

They became tempted, have denied their Self and became stained / sinful. They deny their Self, Life, Evolution or what they call God.

Mankind became a willing slave. Mankind stands there and looks unresisting to what is happening.



Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

Libertas in Vivo gives lectures and offers personal consultation that gives you InSight and allows you to walk your path of Life consciously.

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Oppression and occupation by society, the group by Pauline laumans

For centuries, man looking for self-realization and fulfillment of its original mission. A mission which we stray further and further, while other beings – who have chosen for a different material envelope – continue on their path of evolution.

Humans glorify their own species and feel superior by this deceptive mask. A mask they are often unconscious unaware of. Humans do their utmost to suppress each other and other species and destroy life as they are afraid of their inner original Self and thus also afraid of real Life. A fear that is increasingly fueled by oppression, inner and outer occupation by others, and sticking in naively behavior. Naivety as humans lack historic notion, remain believing in something outside themselves and by focusing on only one side, the positive side.

Because of this oppression, it becomes harder and almost impossible for humans to be re-connected with their inner Self and to fulfill the mission; to increase the inner knowledge. Thus, individuals cannot accomplish their evolutionary path. Humans start to accomplish themselves with a different concept; the occupation, as Sigmund Freud already explained in detail.

With an increasing number of persons, humans become a toy or an instrument for others (story of the Tragedy of the Commons). Others abuse the inner “sacred” path of the other, by occupying them with their appearance of positivism, glamour and persuading proposals. The other becomes the willing “slave” of the system. A system that is completely out of balance; far beyond the reality of the truth.

We celebrate yearly that we ever have freed ourselves from an occupier and made peace with this alleged enemy. Several decades later, however, we are friends with the former enemy and at the mercy of the former liberator. A liberator who acts the same way as the former enemy, who by influencing our thinking and acting is only less visible and act more exquisite but is now allowed to do so by his former actions (liberator). The question is whether we are liberated?

Another occupant is: by “believing in something outside of us” we are at the mercy of the ideas, translation and interpretation of these so-called holy books. Sacred books – from whatever religion – warn us of many false preachers. Also all these holy books tell essentially the same; do not put the other to whatever you do not want; provide yourself with more inner knowledge and understanding. In other words, learn to realize your inner self. Once a person does you know your first origin and understand all the “Sacred” words as they are meant to be and that is never literally!

The goal is to merge with increasing energy, by which the vibration rises, and we can co-vibrate with earth – that enters the fifth dimension -. It is in line with evolution.

Increasing energy allows us to detach vicious circles and no longer roam on earth, but proceed. To do so respect for all living things is beneficially.

Contradictionary to our origin and mission, we surrender to something outside of us (a being with or without a body as we surrender us to whatever…) While we originally have chosen to learn in a body on earth.
Many people feel increasingly insecure and prefer to hide in groupthink. Whether that thought expresses their deep individuality they do not even consider. It just matches with their outer layer of adapted behavior. They have surrendered to the group and become dependent of the groupthink.  They dare no longer to be autonomous, authentic, have their own knowledge, insights, sexuality, and health and thus are entirely in the hands of something else!

We happily allow to be led to suffering!

As we believe in only the keeping up appearances of the positive side and persist in one dimensional thinking and acting.

Suffering because we were taught to obey to something outside of us … Suffering because we adapted (forced upon) behavior that teached us to bear a cross.

While in reality our Self is connected to All and we need to realize that. We need to detach the burden and overcome the dead and live cycles on earth as amongst others Jesus showed us.

This forced upon us behavior and increasingly thickening of the layers around the inner Self has led us into temptation.

We no longer lead our own lives, our mission.

We have handed over our own knowledge, our own thinking, our inner security, our feelings, our sexuality, our …

In the meantime the DNA of humans is in decay and we even cause that on animals and plants. Humanity causes its own destruction!

To be continued.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

Libertas in Vivo gives lectures and offers personal consultation that gives you InSight and allows you to walk your path of Life consciously.

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White roofs good or bad? The Thinking > Acting Tale.

Well-meaning people believe something and act upon it. Scientists who do not know how natural laws work but nevertheless invent something like a pig with a mouse gene. These are just some examples of Thinking> Acting. It is about action > reaction.

Historical sense of more than thousand years, or our personal history – once we have gained insight in our inner Self – gives plenty of sight why this thinking >acting is so disruptive. If man would next to this inner knowledge also would have inner knowledge of quantum physics, one would certainly would not be acting like a thinking> acting person.’

Yet many persons without inner knowledge repeat the many mistakes of the past that lead all of us to less energetic.  Some of them even dare to call themselves conscious!  While the common goal of all life is to generate a more energy, to become more energetic.

The believing men create without sight of the consequences. Their first concern is to have power, acknowledgement and money. Their actions give the society a short term relief and the opposite in the long term. LIFE becomes by such action even more excavated!

Their interest is not at all altruistic; their interests are pure egocentric. Even now than everyone knows that earthly resources are exhausted, they remain repeating their thinking > acting.

Take thought, considering or reflecting is not possible for them. To re-member (to be a member once more) the past is denied by them. They are eliminated of their inner Self. Because of not acknowledging their inner Self they put another layer of keeping up appearances over it in order for other persons to bow for them. Our bearing power has been stretched too long and we became weak.  Our own knowledge, sensing and thinking has been handed over to those in hierarchical positions. They demanded that only persons at the top know “it”.

The persons without inner knowledge at the hierarchical top have in the meantime manipulated and suppressed our food (plants and animals) that they hardly nurture us anymore. The food has become energetically empty. On top of that comes the effect of our shame, fear and defense systems that we transfer from generation to the next generation and creating more ill persons. This ill making behavior and actions we still pass on to our children.

Because of this unconscious behavior humans repeat this thinking > acting.

A good example is the creation of white roofs to have a cooler home in summer.  While humans are in need of green roofs to generate food for animals and humans.  Green roofs even foster a natural cooling down and the so necessary rain. Rain refers to love and growth.

These white roofs cause elsewhere that it rains or heats up. Excesses are the result. This is the butterfly effect. This is part of the chaos theory; insiders know this theory has regularity.

Only… mankind creates chaos. Mankind is destructive as they do not acknowledge natural laws.

Mankind has allowed that we are so obviously degenerating, although we are warned for thousands of years.

Mankind has intruded the ecological biological cycle that caused erosion to all present forms of life.

What remains is a human that is stripped of knowledge, inner perception, co-creation, safety and health.

Present humans have become unconscious, deformed and aimless and even try to impose this on to animals.

Humans have become mental and physical ill beings (figures American Government) where take thought, considering or reflecting and act conform natural laws is no longer possible.

Humans crack of doom is caused by their own thinking > acting.

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The way to your inner self or just an extra outer layer?

Many so-called “spiritual” people believe that by behaving different they convince others of their good intentions and believe they are themselves and “ARE”. They repeat the wise words of others without inner knowledge of the content of those word or the life lessons. They believe they work very hard on their inner self and that they are intuitive. While they cannot answer any deeper question. (Intuition is higher inner knowledge. Knowledge means one can answer all tough questions. It is the highest path we can walk on earth, after having detach the inner Self from all energy of others. Thus no more disguising veils around you). They keep stabbing in thinking / doing, in believing, in becoming a clone and copy the desired behavior. They get angry if someone touches them mentally and put the finger on the sore spot for them to heal. The hardened outer layer (energy of others) hurts and they rather put an extra layer around themselves (outward appearance and behavior) than turning inward and follow the path of discover (take cover away) that the other person has walked for many years.

Indeed, they work very hard, but repeat what they have done for centuries and step not further. They put another layer / a veil over their essence. Their interior becomes even less visible than before. (See also the YouTube story of Pinocchio, soon to appear).

They fulfill the expectations of the group – the company or their faith – that prescribes how humans should behave. The group / society / religion expect you meet their criteria. At present it is very important – at least that is what they try to convince you – to have lots of outer appearance. For example to have no wrinkles or pimples. Only make-up for woman and not for men. Men who must wear trousers and who are not allowed to wear skirts. Women are allowed to wear both. Women who are in some cultures just hidden behind thick layers of cloths or veils. Society loves women with long hair. Hairs are the symbol of wisdom, but men may not have long hair. Now, women must wear a bra with stuffing / scales, allowing their breasts to appear larger; their nipple is not visible anymore. What are we hiding for? Men wear trousers with an uncomfortable cross that hangs halfway through their legs in order to obstruct moving freely. Why do men hide their legs and the size of their genitals? Are we ashamed? What are they afraid of? Who determines this deadly picture book? Where is the balance? Where is the emancipation?

Another imposed expectation is that we have to smile, look happy, talk smoothly and to have neat manners, by always be positive and spawn the other. Do you understand how this outwits yourself and others? This behavior is false and shows no realness, honesty or authenticity! It forces us (top down) not to want to be touched. We brainwash each other (voluntary indoctrination) and show even more ill-making (rat behavior) behavior. This we transfer to our descendants and the people around us. 1 on 5 persons is already mentally ill and many more are physical ill. (figures AMA, American Medical Association)

Society prefers to makes us soldiers, slaves or followers carrying out their work. They do so with ostentation, smiling, positives and other out of the balance actions. It is the concept of the pyramid that suppresses life and let man degenerate.

This ostentation and this thoughtless and unbalanced outer behavior taints mankind and leads them into temptation.

We need to detach all these fake outer layers and take responsibility. We need to detach from the energy of others and regain our own energy. This means stepping out of “the picture book”.

For more information see other blogs, books or lectures.

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Continuation… how emotions can block you and allow illness

If you often have your attention and energy directed to others you are not really in touch with your Self. Then you are insensitive to what happens to your inside. Other entities will then easily occupy you. You do not feel what occurs and you do not notice what it is your body needs. Eventually you fall ill. When you fall ill you tend to stick to this sickening energy instead of solving the problem that caused it. You become entangled in the spider web known as the Super Ego. You accumulate in your body much pathogenic energy of entities, which do not belong in your body. Ultimately, this is too much for your body and your body takes different forms, defects or becomes seriously ill. It appears that for a long period you missed the signals of your body and that you lost to maintain balance. You continued to make other people’s problems yours until a serious illness or dead knocks on your door. You cannot distinguish theirs and your issues and you easily judge and often condemn.

Because you are focused outwards and no longer experience whatever happens to your life or the world, you develop a fear of reality or fear of a particular object. This tension cumulates in your body in the internal organs. Many fears develop in childhood because your parents project their fear onto you or because they do not teach you how to face issues and handle them adequately. They don’t offer many possibilities. They do not teach you that after a choice you yourself are held responsible for the choice you made. To experience something is almost obstructed by today’s society. Society fears that an experience may cause an accident or kill someone, while this is just part of being alive and the teachings/experiences of life. Many of today’s parents suffer from neurotic anxiety because they have no own identity or suffer from moral anxiety caused by their egocentricity. They don’t teach their children how to cope with certain things life throws at them but instead teach their children to be afraid, avoid issues or suppress issues by self-centered behavior.

The more you depend on an environment that determines how you must feel, the stronger the tendency to deny certain emotions or distort the experience. The result is a huge gap between experience and observation. This makes it difficult to act effectively. If there is agreement between experience and observation, you act faster, are more productive, efficient and respond effective. In order to achieve balance, you need appreciation, reward and support in all actions that are an attempt to restore balance. For balance sincere (positive and negative) feedback is needed. As a human you need to become touched by others in order to become more conscious. After that do not remain in the emotion but continue life and forgive all as then you can improve. Do not place the person who touches you in a stigma of many projections and do not crucify the other as this person only gave you insight in the layers you need to release.

That’s the biggest trap we encounter in our lives –  saying only honey tongued words, crucify another or killing the messenger – as the other person’ s life demands another route we are (still) unwilling to notice or the other just touches an outer layer which hardly contains your energy in order to give you directions that you need to let go of that energy of others. That is why humans continue the vicious circle. Only skilled intuitives can read the book of life of that what lives and notice when there is agreement between experience and observation.

Anxiety, shame and conflict avoidant behavior results in ambivalent behavior.

If you do not change this behavior you have no longer the awareness of good or bad, right or wrong. You only reason mentally and tend to maintain the rules of society by judging and being judgmental. You have lost the contact with yourself and your identity. The open-mindedness became obstructed by your egocentric behavior. Your experiences are just rational and not based on inner feelings like emotions. You become the victim of brain waving due to extreme influences from your parents, partner, religion or society. A deep self-esteem and self-love is hard to sense. You no longer live in your body as other entities took over most of it. You are a living dead person and it results in “prosperity” illnesses:

  • Mental illnesses such as a Psychotic disorder, Neurosis or Depressions
  • Physical illnesses such as Rheumatism, Cancer, Overfeeding or Underfeeding
  • Social illnesses such as Underestimation, Overvaluing, Victimization or Abuse

Maybe emotions are involved. Emotions that are sometimes suppressed for ages by the paternalistic system. Now these emotions have piled up and you can only express them with much extreme force. Man and woman have a different way to handle emotions at first sight but when they are allowed to express those emotions more often, they act in fact the same.

You can only react in a balanced way as all negative and positive emotions or expressions are allowed. Reality is a combination of both and not the suppression of one of them. If you also notice the paradoxes you surrender to Living Alive. You then experience many more possibilities as you have less dead weight to carry and as a result new unprecedented possibilities become possible.

For more information on this issue I am giving lectures.

To register us for a keynote speech:

Phone: (+31) 618541278

By E-mail: e-mail Libertas Invivo 

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Emotions: a prelude to truth and freedom

It is amongst others proven by Daniel Goleman that by developing the EQ, self-knowledge, self-confidence, self-control and empathy increases. The EQ is strongly improves by self realization by development of the intuition (higher inner knowledge). Do not confuse it with instinct, feeling, thinking, interpretation, assumption or association. Intuition is pure wisdom and is about communication with the energy that is present.

Only if you know your own feelings and have your identification with your Essence, you can place yourself in the shoes of the other and live and work in an open and effective way.

Without emotions most rational decision cannot be taken. Without emotions there are many monologues, but there is rarely a dialogue. It ends in mistrust, sub-assertivity and you avoid strong bonding in any relationship with others or change it in suppressing the other. By considering your thoughts and notice them, difficult emotions become the source of strength and vitality. It’s like walking; you need two legs to go forward.

The biggest problem lies in whether you experience emotions that belong to you or emotions you have inherited from the family, your partner or group to which you belong. Another factor you need to distinguish is whether the emotions you feel are from a present or past experience. Everyone knows the example you have during a funeral when you cry because there is still some unresolved grief. Actually you do not weep for the person who is currently buried.

Everyone experiences emotions during a particular action in certain circumstances. Intelligence is the mental adjustment to changing circumstances. It differs from instinct and habits. It is about conscious dealing with what life throws at you and continually adapt through conscious choices and learning from the consequences.

If you become acquainted with your emotions you can learn to distinguish them from other influences. Influences that are covering up the truth are: subjectivity, perception through the senses, associations, instinct, interpretation, assumptions, thoughts and emotions. The truth can only be found when one liberates himself from the energy and ignorance of others and a good contact with the own Self/Essence). This only works if you stop with contaminating identifications like the identification with the idea of the need to have a child, narcistic identification, targeted identification, object loss identification and the Oedipus identification.

It only works if you start to balance the inner female and male side, notice the paradoxes and next remember you are a member of the “wo-man” which is the origin of “All”. The wo-man is explained in a story of the Runes and included in the book “Freedom in Relationships: Have the right Identification”.

As soon as you dismantled your Essence and have re-gained your naked Self, you know the truth as you are liberated from all other influences. As long as you are in one of the layers you notice a different truth than those in another layer.

The reality is a combination of both and not a suppression of one of them. If you also learn to understand the paradox of them you can surrender to living alive.

It ultimately means that you completely understand why you have that emotion, and why it was blocked before and what you now can accomplish with that emotion. It feels like a relief when you can just have an emotion as it comes.

You then experience more possibilities as you have less dead weight and thus unprecedented new possibilities are possible.

Anaïs Nin said: “We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are”. “We can learn to see things as they exist.”

I’m not talking here about emotions that you express by will, like others laugh and so do you or you smile because others desire you to do so. These are emotions that can easily block you. More in this subject in the next blog.

More on this subject is to be found in our books www.c-t-u.com

To be continued …

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The family secret

Each house has its cross to bear. The result is that a family that apparently seems to do well also appears to have several problems, charges or impurities to bear. This is also the case in the family described below. A family that continued to keep up appearances to the outside world well after the death of both parents.

The marriage of these parents is an arranged marriage in which family five children are born. It is a family who had the dear wish to do whatever to keep up appearances. An appearance many observed and made ridiculous. It resulted in a negative relationship with the outside world. Someone who sheds light on the keeping up appearances will get the blame (the messenger is blamed instead of the causer). The mask falls and the apparent energy of individuals is decreasing because that energy was never theirs. In fact, they do what they say one should not, as all religious persons do, since during many centuries they have been taught this under pressure. Keeping up appearances belongs to those who willfully are seeing blind or hearing deaf for the facts. They are living dead persons while in a body.

As is usual in a religious family, one after another child was born. What to do with these kids, or how to guide them to adulthood, was not addressed. The only thing that mattered was the pressure from church, which required the toll of obedience to the requirements of this institution. After three children these parents, so they were already in love, drifted apart. For several days a week this family had a housekeeper to enable the mother to pursue her hobbies like playing tennis, playing bridge and cooking. The food, however, was biased and not always healthy. Together with the psychological pressure this made her children and husband sick or weakened them.

Yet a fourth child was born. The child was not a child of both parents. The mother had responded to the coercion of another man and as a result of that action this child was born. This child had a minor deviation because she squinted. The father in this family had to recognize this child to the outside world, but his heart could not longer be with his wife or this child.

However, when finally another child of his own came, he cherished this child. This child was for him a wanted child. The mother, however, hated this youngest already when she wore it in her belly. After giving birth to this child, she gave it just the necessary attention. She downtrodden, maligned, misguided, ignored, suppressed and deceived this child. This happened because once she herself was raped and she held this child responsible. The child did not grow with love and attention of both parents. As the years passed, the youngest became increasingly a favorite of her father because she understood him very well. Her mother was very jealous because she got less attention from her husband. She give rein to her passion of jealousy by denying her youngest any love or attention. To the outside world, everything seemed amiss, but at home the atmosphere was sometimes hard to bear.

At one point, one daughter met an accident and had a fractured skull. Her mother always deprived this daughter her own space to live in freedom and individuality. Since the mother had not learned to cope with adversity, she pressed her body over her daughter’s face and smothered her, although doctors and nurses had instructed her not to touch the body. When she heard steps, she became afraid because of this action and tried by violently shaking her daughter to reach her again. This violent shaking and touch, made her daughter’s body reacting violently to these actions of her mother. It was too much for her physical body and she died. In fact the mother had contributed to the death of her own daughter.

This made the rupture between the father and mother even wider and the mother had everyone believing that her husband had caused this rupture. She therefore started to pamper the child of that other man even more. Her brother who was a psychiatrist, confronted her with this sickly and symbiotic behavior, but she refused to listen. This child felt less worthy, because it was in essence aware that she was an illegitimate child, but for the outside world it was reflected that is was because of her squinting eyes, her diminished desire to learn and that her father by that imperfection loved her less. Her mother kept her away from any pressure or reflection of the outside world. Thus the youngest was often the blame for her sister’s behavior or had to do her homework. By this inferiority complex and this raising of her mother, this fourth child started to tell many lies about her father. Some of the lies were about that he was ill or even dead. She started to steal because of her mother’s influence. This fourth child was only the willing executor of her mother. Because the family wanted to keep up appearances, she was sent to boarding school. However, her behavior continued and the nuns sent her back home. The parents were looking for another solution for this daughter in another place for the lasting duration of her schooling. Next she went on living by herself.

Six years after the accident and the death of one daughter, the youngest met a similar accident. It happened because she was forced to take over the role of her dead sister and it went as far as that she met a similar accident. She could barely get the necessary surgery. For several days she lay unconscious in a separate room. She had a boyfriend at the other side of the country. Her mother was jealous about male/female relationships. Since this was her chance (alone in a room with an unconscious daughter) she went to investigate and examined her daughter’s vagina to see if she was still virgin. She also shook violently this daughter and as a result even to this day this daughter experiences difficulty in remembering names and figures. After two weeks she went home to recover and after only a few months she left home to live all by herself, with her father’s permission, as he noticed she was no longer happy at home. Her mother had informed her that the wrong daughter had died.

The father and mother were at about the same time moving due to pension. Because of the hypocrisy of the mother and her continued opposition to her husband, he became even more ill due to these psychological pressures. He tried to relieve his wife by willing to buy good stuff for the new house and the household but she refused it. He wanted to relieve her daily by eating outdoors, but she refused it. She did not made it easy for him to live with. Partly because of this, he liked to be with his youngest who at least understood him and had a good taste. She had just as he and the deceased daughter, the commitment in this life to learn from Life. He had purified many issues in his life and transformed into wealth (inwardly enriched himself). He had a great sense of equality, despite age or origin of the other person. He had a warm heart. He showed the love from his being, not from his physical body (sex). When he finally died it was therefore this daughter who found him dead and proved the last respects by closing his eyes. During the funeral, she knew that her father had come true with most of his commitments in this lifetime and therefore was able to be present in church and watched from above his own funeral. He had died consciously. This experience the daughter could share with her mother, because her mother had a likewise experience during church service.

The mother, now living all by herself, started even more outdoor activities where she forced her help and presence on to others. Often undesirable help and presence because she was still not mature but reacted childish. She was nevertheless tolerated. If this attitude could not be exercised, she tried this attitude on to her children or nephews or nieces or persons from her neighborhood who had experienced something unpleasant. If you were pathetic in her eyes, you were strangled in her devote love (love from the head not from the heart). Your own life was taken from you; it had to be by her rules. Through her actions, she escaped each inner reflection. She dared not and resisted even to look in the mirror. The result was that her Essence became less powerful and other entities started to possess her even more.

When the youngest divorced, the veil of self-deception pierced. The hypocrisy of the family was dishonored in her eyes. Without mentioning it, she disinherited her daughter. She chuckled about the disinheritance behind her daughters back, together with her other children. She unsolicited and unwanted involved into her daughters household and the raising of her daughters children. This daughter got less money, where her brothers and sisters got two or three fold of their mother. She instigate others against her daughter (ex-husband, brother, sister, family, children and friends). The relationship of this daughter with her own children was deliberately denied by the family. The mother put a spoke in the wheel of her daughter’s own family and exacerbated the situation in her daughter’s life. When this mother was unable to do so, she managed to carry it out by means of her other daughter or the ex-husband. The family of her youngest daughter was therefore highly disturbed, because the parent was not supported, but played out. The family even started to play off the children against their mother. Eventually this resulted in very negative behavior of her grandchildren, especially when her youngest daughter met a new partner. Eventually this daughter had to let go of her kids to allow them to get the necessary upbringing elsewhere. The father was not willing to raise his children. This youngest was no more able to do so. She had done everything she could, but was no match against the terror of the family.

The family continued and cherished the keeping up appearances of the family where they originally emanate from. They went to church, showed extremely devout behavior and prayed much for others. These brother and sister of this youngest and their children are still naïf and belief in the fairy tale this mother showed them. The youngest daughter however, learned a lot about the family from uncles and aunts. Also her professional education gave her insight in this family facade, this deception. Also a friend of her deceased sister, who had worked as senior psychologist at the Mental Health Organization, gave her insight into this pathologic family.

The mother of this family glorified herself with her devout behavior. However, she did not realized she exceeded more than ten years her lifetime as she refused to cross over. On the other hand, she had all kinds of persons around her including her beloved children, who exerted influence on her to keep her in her body so they she could continue to use her energy. Eventually this mother was pressed out of her physical body and died. In all these years she would not accepted the outstretched hand of her youngest daughter to learn from Life. Also she did not wanted to tell her daughter about her socialization in order to enlighten things of her past. The eldest sister of the youngest forbade her even to contact this mother on such issues. The Akasha Chronicles however provide a solution. Meanwhile the father had to wait for his wife to die before he could incarnate again. When this mother finally died at old age, the youngest had for many years left the family as she no longer desired to take part in this story. When this mother died the body showed an unrecognizable shell, nothing more than an ugly bag that showed the exact reflection of who she really was.

The latest façade was that this mother was buried in a white coffin and that many present at the funeral did not noticed this keeping up appearances. This mother did not went to heaven, while the father who was maligned by this family, had gone to heaven. This mother went into a deep layer of hell, because she had refused the many opportunities she got to learn from Life. In the middle of the night this was clearly shown to her youngest daughter. To this day the brother and sisters play off the children of the youngest daughter against their mother and keep up appearances as this is their way of surviving while in fact it is not living. They are still black/white thinkers. The children of the youngest daughter of this family still suffer considerably by this family secret and their façade.

The youngest, who had to bear this family cross, has exposed this façade by her bravery, courage and cœur (heart). She has because of that, internalized her life lessons and became wise. Next to cognitive knowledge she has gained a wealth of inner knowledge, because she also understands the paradoxes of life. Her son shows his family that he despite their laughter, he choose for himself and is able to act on his own and is happy.  He walks his own path that is a gift for his mother. Her daughter started to assert herself and lives her own life. By enduring the pain and the discomfort this youngest became a Light worker who recognizes and acknowledges many others and assist them in their life lessons. Many are happy to have met her, because she is capable of finishing the terrestrial life cycle and interpret their life cycle. Her family still maligns her just as they did to their father as they do not understand Life.


 Bert Hellinger – Family Constellations – says the following: It requires a great discipline to pull yourself out of systemic entanglements and detach from all that should be terminated. If the current system needs a scapegoat it means the previous generation had a scapegoat and it can be useful to look for that person. When a legitimate member is excluded it is usually someone who has gone through great suffering or is the victim of another injustice. Often someone from a later generation has to pay for the injustice by suffering from a similar injustice. The person recruited for this task is not choosing this destiny and cannot defend himself. They experience this destiny again and recreate the experience of the excluded person, complete with the guilt, innocence and all other feelings that belong to that experience. What is suppressed in a family, tends to take possession of those who can least defend themselves. In a family that the children and grandchildren. To this identification comes an end when the person who repeats the destiny of a former person realizes where the problem lies.

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Animal Friendly or Parasitism? By John van Trijp and Pauline Laumans

In present time, we are bombarded with numerous claims of organizations or individuals who abuse the environment but also the quality of life of animals. The stories are all sad. Stories which need occasional an action.

Since the first persons ever consciously killed and eat animals, those persons have smelled blood. Like all other animals do, they want to repeat this temptation. They kill other species with a preconceived opinion, because they became bloodthirsty. On the other hand it is the adrenaline kick that makes the killing important to them, because it strokes their selfishness, their macho behavior. Another important factor for killing another being is because it seemed easier than eating plant foods. The short-term thinking prevailed over the long term thinking. The sustainable food, which helps man towards higher energy compounds, became thus restricted for many persons. Eating other animals, made man a macho, who can only exist by external force as increasingly less inner strength remains. It is a compound with lower energy, which eventually – sometimes after generations – translates itself into degeneration of the human body and mind.

Eating plant foods makes persons relaxed and peaceful, more humane and their potency remains guaranteed. It also keeps the body in a healthy condition, which is necessary for spiritual evolution. Evolution means displaying increasingly higher energetic compounds. It is meant with the words “go and multiply”.

But many persons started to kill other animals and eat their flesh. They celebrate their repressed feelings onto animals, by killing them without animals attacking them. Without asking the man enters the living space of animals or even tears their home down. Humans look at other species while they reproduce, or sometimes humans exceed as far as, that they unleash their lust on animals. They kick or punch an animal because they are angry or frustrated because of their own imperfections. They caress and cuddle animals because they lack self-love, and they still have not learned to provide in this themselves. These favorite animals are therefore unable to be an animal or an individual. These animals must show alternate behavior to fill in the gap of the imperfect human behavior. These animals become thus an object for man, an instrument. For example we abuse them, to test medications or interventions, that humans do no not like to test on their own species.

Persons, who kill and eat animals, become increasingly greedy. By eating the flesh of other species, humans become dominant over others, including animals. Meanwhile, partly caused by the humans, other species become eradicated and to date humans remain undisturbed so it seems. In fact we slowly kill each other by means of this degeneration. If this does not suffice to decrease the amount of man and make them conscious of what LIFE means, then there is nothing else to live by in the very near future.

Humans eradicate other species, because we do not allow them any space to live. We take away their habitat, their own identity and their right on self-determination. We take animals in our homes, because we see it as fun, trendy or because of the fact that we will give them a place to live, often not realizing that we thereby deprive them of their rights. The man determines when an animal can have sex and how. Usually we only allow them abstinence and inseminate animals artificially because man wants to determine. Humans prefer to determine by influencing, for example through breeding and artificial insemination. The natural evolution is thus nullified. We keep animals in unnatural conditions, because this is convenient for us humans – parasitic behavior. Parasitic behavior is within reach, if we enforce them to produce more milk, to continue milking them (= milk dry), or when we kill them because we want to eat their flesh. We can easily make money on pets by keeping them in cages and kill them for their fur, which persons in other countries – where it is not even cold – make a good impression while wearing these animal skins. There are jackets with fur collar sold, without the buyer requests it, but just because a market is created on the other side of the world, in order for them to earn money by keeping and killing these animals.

Man hunts animals because some have started to think / believe in the so-called virtues of animal body parts. The real effective drugs, however, come from the world of plants (and fungi) and not from animals. However, persons kill and exploit animals for aforementioned egocentric reasons, including the idea that from certain animal parts, potency enhancers can be made. These egocentric persons believe they need these resources, because their energy levels have decreased by living in an unnatural way. They lower their energy levels even more by the above described behavior. A placebo or even better inner development (Self-realization), would certainly contribute to a higher energy level!

We humans, cause this to as well to our own species, man.

We humans not only exhibit parasitic behavior on animals, but sometimes even on other persons, because we no longer cure them, but just patch them up again, in order to be of economical use (slave). We suppress them by teaching them acquired behavior or suppress their undesirable characteristics or commitment for this lifetime by improper food, imposed work or medicines.

Humans no longer evolve (generate) along the line of evolution, but degenerate. A line of live or evolution that now allows conscious persons to step forward to level nine – mega intuitively aware – or even further. The above described persons will unfortunately stop continuing. They remain in the repetition of unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence to conscious competence and unconscious incompetence. These persons have not yet evolved, but dominate other entities and species. Man cannot regenerate and not at all generate and as a consequence degenerates.

As long as man is unable to “develop” his own Self and thus allow him and other their own commitment in this lifetime, humans continue showing off with their parasitic behavior and degenerate as the specie human. Only rarely is there an exception.

It is an abstract from the book “Karmic Reflections: Talking with Men and Nature”

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The female (aspect) put on a wrong track: Group indoctrination

How liberated is a woman in today’s society to realize her Self? Can a woman in present times go through life as a real independent woman? The first thing that this question raises is another question like “Who determines the choice when a woman thinks or acts?”

Many men and women believe that they themselves think and act, but in essence they are already so indoctrinated by society that they think and act according to the norms of the group that manifests itself in a Super Ego. That they act according to a group thought, is expressed when after a crisis these persons attend psychotherapy or opt for a personal development training. Only then do they discover that they themselves were not acting or thinking, but that they were acting according to the directions and thinking of others.

It is an ancient concept that humans as a group, lose the path towards the inner Self and are hand down to group thought or to religion. The religion of institutions like the church, has many different expression forms and this institute has become a commonplace in society. Religion has entered a misidentification, as it is the desire to dominate others. It is a concept of the masculine, paternalistic frozen energy which leads to greed and competition, by which they suppress maternalisme, the feminine aspect. They deny the universal transformation laws and thus their own faith. They think they understand themselves and have no real interest in the other. At present woman copy this Super Ego behavior as they like some men want to dominate.

This domination can only be sustained by controlling others, suppress their rights and keep them away from their (birth)rights. They fear losing their exterior power because they lack inner strength. They maintain this outward power, this mask, because they have nothing else to offer. They have no internalized knowledge, wisdom, but do want to keep up appearances and maintain their dominance. Because they lack inner wisdom, they do not allow others to develop this inner strength.

This development means that the cover around your Self is wrapped of and that your inner Self, the source of light becomes naked and that this light shines on whatever is dark. That inner source has to do with the ancient “Wo-man”, from which all things were created and to which every individual must add. By experiencing what LIFE means, you add and obtain more colors, by which you ultimately become a source of light. Light is a combination of colors, it is the path of evolution. This path is kept away from humans because of group thought. Instead humans degenerates because of contaminated  identifications, which make us all ill.

For centuries, humans are afraid of the light and prefer to stay in the familiar old, the darkness, and continue wandering instead of proceed their way to inner wisdom, more colorful in order to become a source of light (Ascension). Everything in the world is transforming from mass to energy and vice versa, but why the humans like to remain unchanged, is a mystery!

Humans rather displace the painful experience of oppression and let themselves be seduced by the desire for power, property and money. This led humans to suffer and come to a standstill. Because of this standstill humans become ignorant and fear increases. By this oppressive behavior they keep others away of their commitment in life. Their oppressive behavior gets them servile followers who believe in what the authority believes. They do not ask themselves the question “what is it I as a woman want and what do I need to accomplish this?” The own identity is denied. They have become living dead persons, who do nothing else than passively watch and apply what someone else dictates.

Imitating others means you’re a prisoner of the system. You’re a puppet on a chain, repeating what others are doing or demand you to do. What you want as a person is not included. You live in a fixed pattern that looks like a spider web, as you live in the illusion of appearances. It is an image, a “picture” of someone else. An picture is a created image of something of importance for another person and it’s not who you are. They love an idea, “a picture” that you are not and that not even exists. You have insight into this “picture” but not in yourself. Who you are, is unknown to you. You do not know how you should deal with yourself and what you want to achieve. You follow the path of this “picture” that is created by others. You are then just a product, a slave or serf of another person’s “picture”. It is therefore impossible to notice your intrinsic motivation, your commitment with which you started this life. Only with your intrinsic motivation for this lifetime,  you can learn what it means to proceed  independently through life and continue on your path. You then live according to your grounding, your own blueprint which allows you to increase your awareness. You will claim the right to live as an individual with equal rights and opportunities. It means that you no longer identify yourself to another person, but to your inner Self. That is your birthright. You discover your own right as any other life in the universe has the same right. Only then you start living alive.

Living alive means to add to life. You become then enriched. It means to multiply your Self, and you become colorful. By enriching yourself with both cognitive knowledge and experience what life is about, you start developing. Only then you enrich your inner knowledge and become wise. Then you see the path through life that you as an individual need to walk to proceed to what some call God. Only then a human becomes a child. A child that freely and without withdrawal dares to face life as it is. Then there is much to experience and the link between past, future and present is noticed. By experience you learn  how to act in the here and now in line with your Essence, even if it means you do not meet the needs of your society. However, you follow the holy path, “holos”.

You examine your current relationships on positive and negative experiences. It allows you to connect  unconscious impulses to neurophysiologic aspects. These aspects allow you to be an open, sensitive, and patient person, without restraint. You now have liberated yourself. You’re no longer a shadow of darkness, but you started to become a light that starts living alive now that you understand eternity.

You experience the liberation without ostentation, without masks, shame, fear, judge, detention or darkness. You are now your own naked truth. Why were you afraid to discover your true self? Why would you be afraid to run your own life? The dark road will lead you back into the vicious circle in order to keep wandering on earth. By enriching your internal knowledge you multiply yourself (energetically). You become Alive and that’s liberating. You leave darkness behind.

Now you can understand the paradox of eating the apple of knowledge that is offered by the “Tree of Life”. It is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You do not have to hide your nakedness. Like Jesus and other ancestors, you too will be able to embrace the dark. This happens when you step off the cross. You can get off of the cross or transcend this ”earthly vale of tears” (made by mankind), when you understand the lessons of duality. The most important lesson is to balance the masculine and feminine aspects within us. This lesson shows you that life extends beyond your ancestors ever thought possible. You have reached the highest level of energy that living life on earth can give. You have accepted the sacrifice of life.

All religions claim that everyone must realize himself, but in reality they forbid you to actually act on it. It is being stuck in a vicious circle because the paradox is not recognized. Thus the reality cannot be faced that is present in each of us, in our inner core. When another person determines what you can or cannot, it has become the ultimate way to become lead into temptation. The person who believes in those provisions of others, is the losing player in the game of life. Only when you step out of the vicious circle and surrender to the “Wo-man”, the origin of life  or God, then you develop your inner Self. You feel connected to one another and that is the true meaning of religion. Then men and women are “one in equality”.

Note: About how to develop your inner Self completely see our books, see www.c-t-u.com (four languages) as we have proceed all nine levels/dimensions…

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The imbalanced person

Life is a continual flow of energy and transformations of shape from one form into another form. Life as we know it from our perception takes place on earth. The earth is a dimension of balance, also called the school of balance or paradoxes. The earth is a dimension where the balance between two opposites is to be found. Not a balance at the outer end of that balance scale but a balance around the center of the balance scale, where the highest frequencies are and where the movement is hardly noticeable. Moving around this balance is the highest purpose on earth that can be learned.  There you will be enlightened and enter a neutral balance between the two extremes as you where willing to face them, met the paradox and have risen above it. Only when you make a conscious choice, your energy level increases further. The following story can be checked when you consult the Akasha records.

Below, the sad story of imbalance …

Balance scale A: I want to feel at home, nobody knows or cares about me. Balance scale B: We have given you an income and you live in a house. Balance scale A: I want to feel at home, nobody knows or cares about me. Balance scale B: How can we help this person? We do not understand what she means? Balance scale A: You have to take away my debts and offer me a better house as I am originally of noble birth! Balance scale B: Whatever past, you have not played your personal role on the game board. You have made these incredible high debts. You have never worked for your money. You were that submissive that you met a dominant man who gave you two children unwillingly. By this unwilling submissive attitude you asked for balance and thus you met this dominant person. By spending too much money the balance scale collapsed and turned completely the other way! Balance scale A: You are blaming me? See what this man has made me do! I am the victim. Balance scale B: Yes you are a victim but not of him but of yourself. You are a victim of yourself by not noticing the teachings of earth. We have mercy, thus you live in a house. You even get your monthly social security allowance. However you need to make it a home for yourself. Balance scale A: You also make me a victim! You must help me…

She was not willing to learn to come in balance with the earthly lessons. She even forgets nobles oblige. If she does not balance she is not returning to earth by any means now that this large vicious circle of 26,000 years is closing.

She went on the run for her inner Self, as she does not dare to be confronted by her mother, her brother or her spouse from which she received a twin some thirteen years ago.  This flight behavior and conflict avoidant behavior makes her to face the imbalance and repeatedly shows that she cannot be left alone as she cannot take care of herself. Each reached out helping hand (from friends, acquaintances and all social services in this world city) seems to be apparently understood by her, but after several months she shows the opposite. Her conflict with herself is denied by her and thus her dark side increases. She runs against the reality of life, because she refuses to Life. She looks always for others to bear her weakness and she enticed them with her language skills, deep reflections and her aristocratic performance.

This woman (A), mother of two beautiful daughters, knows with her cosmic powers to attract rich and influential persons to bear her life. In fact she stands in the grounding of those persons. What those persons do not realize, is that she does not help them with her cosmic powers, but uses them for her purposes. She uses their energy. These persons are therefore not able to increase their energy (= Life). Mrs. A ultimately cannot perform on the energy of others as it is not her own energy. It slips through her, what light is becomes black because it is stolen energy and does not sink in. Whatever she experiences by other persons, she does not look at what it has to say. She does not internalize her life lessons, but is still on the run for her commitment. This makes her obsolete faster and faster, because the energy she has, is not hers and does not approves neither her essence nor her body.

More and more entities start to live in her body because she does not increase her energy / vibration levels but rather reduce them further: she becomes blacker and blacker. Her own being occupies even less space. With her cosmic forces she occasionally still materializes things on earth. It is however a dark power that she uses and by which the casual viewer believes she is a Light worker but in fact she shows a murky world. Those who expose her, acquaintances, caretakers, clinicians and gradually her teenage children, get the most horrible form of cosmic forces (= black demon) over them. It is her final attempt to force these persons back into her sphere of influence to be available for her and to (continue to) feed her (it looks like the legend of Ahasverus, the Wandering Jew). Like a parasite she uses others to worship her because she falls for power instead of inner “en-richment” and inner force. She does not want to recognize this dark power nor wants to learn from it in order to come into balance and develop inner strength. She is so much out of balance that there are literally parasites in the house on their body, their head, in the pillows, curtains, etc. Even this hard lesson is not yet strong enough for her to get out of her ground position. She keeps trying to win persons for her, by supposedly helping them, but this aid is only provided to benefit from them. It is not altruistic service, as a Light worker would provide aid to those who ask for help from their inner heart. A Light worker do not use the power of another, they remain in balance with the other.

The ultimate act of love (compassion) to this lady can be given by denying access to your own (light) energy. This way she is maximum challenged and it demands her to “de-velop” her own (golden) light. Only this light can be internalized to take on the journey through Life, as it represents a model of subtle movement around the center of the balance.

For more information about LIFE you register us for a key note speech or you can read one of our books, see www.c-t-u.com (multiple languages)

  • Freedom in Relationships: Have the right Identification
  • Your Choice: Living Alive or Living Dead
  • Karmic Reflections: Talking with Men and Nature
  • From Tadpole to Prince: towards mega conscious  competence in 2016 – the return to a metaphysical world

Unresolved issues from the past manifest themselves in later relationships in the form of impulsive behavior, acting out of place and inappropriate intense feelings. Identification with another person has the quality feeling of “I just was not myself” or “something came over me.” When someone exhibits unusually strong emotions or behaviors that cannot be explained by the current situation, then one can assume that there is a systematic entanglement. This also applies when someone inexplicably has difficulty when communicating with someone else or reacts in an inexplicable way as if controlled by invisible fears and conflicts.

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