What does humanity need in order to live beyond the earthly cycle of life and death?

  1. Do we like sustainable lifestyles that create healthy communities?
    Do we like a community where each person experience is validated? Do we like nature-centered coaching and facilitation? Do we like to have a compassionate response to earth and all that lives in order to overcome the suffering we face? Do we like to fulfill our destiny or do we like to fill up our body?
  2. Do we intend to continue to try to shape the circumstances on earth to our needs and continue with contaminated behavior and neurotoxic actions that deaden life on Earth and in living organisms? Latest examples of this are the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement that limit us to express our free opinion or the iPED (integrated personalized electronic device) that in the not too far future is supposed to be placed subcutane (under the skin) to provide information about our health and what you should consume or do to meet health regulations. The health industry keeps us from healing (to really cure) as then their industry is hardly necessary. Other examples are the expanding rat behavior at the office or trying to stop revealing the truth.  One example of this is the dictionaries and reference works where words get no longer their actual meaning but a meaning the established dogmatic politics likes. This policy is then taught in schools. The food industry that alike the tobacco industry makes us depended of their products as they add ingredients or take them out in order to have more profit. They also make us depended as they control the market and have claimed their say in governments. All consumers are fed but no longer nourished.

What is your choice?

At present, we are object of the Pyramid System that forces people to obey the leader. This can be top-down or bottom-up. They demand humans to give up their own identity, wisdom, and path of life. To give up their own personal identity means, you no longer walk the path of self-realization. Thus, you will remain living in vicious circles. This means you remain in the lower dimensions on earth.

Veils to be lifted

Many institutions like churches and governments like to oppress man in order to: be acknowledged, reign over others, have many persons who work for them and have the largest piece of the cake. The dogmatic religions even forbade humans to use their inner sources linked with all that lives (nature). One of these inner sources is intuition. Intuition (higher Inner Knowledge) is a basic skill that due to Religious oppression became marginalized and thus unknown. Now it is on its way back as the Maya veil is falling down. Reality is showing more and more since end of 1980 and will proceed to do so. Everybody can learn to use this skill. Intuition can be developed in such a way that you learn to communicate with the energy that is. The intuition shows you what quantum physics teaches us. Direct communication through energy (intuition) is the communication of the present and future. It is honest and direct communication that is able to lift all veils around the essence and reveal the truth. Then humanity can progress on their path of live.

It means humans can once more communicate with ALL in nature. Then they know why they have become ill, lost their jobs. They understand the wise words, as their mind is able to catch the essence in the written lines or spoken words. It also means they will turn the other cheek in order to stop others using them for their purpose. They claim their birthright. They are able to transcend.  They will notice there is no need for greed or war. They even learn to heal themselves. A healthy body is necessary to proceed beyond the one-dimensional thinking, as many still have no clue what living in the second, third, fourth or even higher dimensions means.


If humanity finally proceeds with inner knowledge instead of only cognitive knowledge, humanity as a whole is able to proceed beyond the one-dimensional suppressive actions. Then humanity can start to finally stop the repeating cycles. It means we truly show we have understood why we life in a human body, with what reason and why.

To understand this we have to start to discriminate in a person the egocentric and egoistic part. I go beyond Freud as many persons still forget to discriminate the words egocentric (aggressive) and egoistic (assertive). We need to be taught in how the ID and Ego work together and how they can be used in such a way, that humans can develop. As we develop we will heal (mentally, physically and socially) as we are able to communicate with the energy inside and outside of us and Know (no longer guess) what to do. The egoistic part gives insight in us and our environment (assertive). The egocentric part gives insight in the veils around us (aggressive). An egoistic person is occupied finding his path of life and walk the path of his destiny (self-realization). This is the person who seeks the way to uncloak himself from the layers of karma (see the string model of men). The egocentric person claims he is all these layers and forces other people to submit to his macho (pyramid) behavior.

When humans become taught about their ego and Id – once we discriminate the words ego and super ego or egoistic and egocentric – and learn to develop both, humans will learn to become egoistic and start with the so badly needed self-realization (as quantum physics, psychology and main religions describe).

Self-realization needed to finally pass the one dimensional thinking /behavior level, which forces humanity to remain in vicious circles.
Only few have been able to think and act in multiple dimensions as is required to overcome all the suffering in the world. Suffering caused by man as they stuck in their self-fulfilling prophecy.

Humankind in common has no idea how to life in other dimensions on earth. They stagnate in the evolutionary development, as they are victim of the pyramid system. They have not transcended above the first dimension. Most of them are even our today’s leaders!

So what is your choice to meet living beyond the earthly cycle of life and death?

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Insurance policies against illness

Insurance policies are invented to help together as a community others to alleviate the damage if something happened. That is the basic concept of insurances. A typically Dutch invention, for which even Clinton went to the Netherlands this year.

Anyone who is afraid to lose his home or property to theft, fire or other sources, may take an insurance. You can also take an insurance in case you are liable for an act.

The attitude of the policyholder and the insurance provider have since changed considerably. It is the result of a change in the whole society. The fear is fed something might go wrong. The fear is fed that you can redeem this by an insurance or to meekly do what your doctor prescribes (indulgence). Self-care and self-responsibility (birthright) is taboo.

This had an effect on the customer that one can briefly describe as: “I pay premiums, so I pay less attention to my behavior. I pay premium thus the other is held responsible for my wellness. I pay premium, so I am entitled to be compensated. I pay premium so I don’t have anything to do.”

The system has become a system of repression due to fear and dependency. The system has become a buy off of own responsibility, instead of responsible adult behavior and self awareness. There is no intention left to act according normal rules to participate in social intercourse and bear responsibility for yourself and your immediate surroundings. There is only action < -> reaction, like doing what you yourself desire to do, as after all, you have paid for it. Rethinking, thinking ahead and acting as an adult is no more available for most.

Insurance companies like many other pyramid thinkers conceived the idea to insure more due to their appearance of trustworthiness that everything is possible and by damage you can be reimbursed. It aids to rise the profits substantially, while they keep up another appearance. Other players in the field have similar actions. They assure you that they help you to get rid of your illness or mental disorder one you take their medication (plaster) or show adaptive behavior (ape). Man has been made dependent on this system. It is the system of belief in me and I will save you.

Now on one hand, a large group of people who are no longer willing or capable to bear responsibility. On the other hand there are players in the field who make man believe in them. It results in exceeding dependency and products to take care for this dependency become increasingly expensive. Many can no longer afford to pay.

Insurance companies and medical industry have forced people to take off their products. The birthright is thus overruled. The soul is sold to the … Many people cannot pay their products and are in a downward spiral. All because they had their own insights in life and willpower to submit to the will of others.

How can your own responsibility and birthright be re established?

People who start the path of self realization, will be aware of the what, how and why of a disease. More and more people write about these subjects and give insights. The optimal form of “becoming whole” or “healing” is with mental abilities (“reading the energy”) dissolve blockages and assist a person in becoming self-reliant. Meanwhile, there are various treatment methods that use this skill. The advantage is that they need to be used only occasionally. They are the very most original healing methods.

They are not fully compensated because they ended in the box “alternative”. This due to the fact that today’s prevailing methods have invented an alternative to reality.

Meanwhile, there arose surrogate treatments that put a spoke in the wheel of the highest form of “healing” (read energy) and some other treatments. This is food for the establishment, who on the basis of new treatments or insurances led people “not to heal and take personal responsibility / self-realization”, but submit man to their products (suffering). They want to maintain at any cost their easy status and income – because government is on their side – even if it costs many lives directly and indirectly disrupt the life of people in the long run. The degeneration of mankind is remarkably present.

Many people need self-realization in order to fulfill their life path. Many people will not pay for products they do not wish to take. Many people do not like to pay for the negligence of others. Others want only a limited option in case they meet an accident. Others want no responsibility, and to hedge against all and any risks.

Society can offer customized choices, so that everyone can meet their own needs.

    Government may respond by offering a choice between several options:

• No mandatory health insurance. You won’t get help if you become “pathetic”. You have to pay yourself for any treatments, even if you have a chronic illness or become dependent

• A health insurance as of birth. You have to pay a minimum monthly payment during your life and can spend no more than € x. For example € 50, – per month, average age 80 years and a maximum amount of € 500,000, – in case something happens. In case you consume more you need to turn to option 1 or retrospectively to option 3.

• A comprehensive medical insurance as of birth. You pay monthly € 200, – (or more), but you get a more complete health insurance.

The insured will strive for different behavior, more often showing adult behavior and start with self-realization. Insurance companies and medical industries, will need to turn down their high profit margins and adjust their products.

Many of their products are now more sickening than the disease itself, causing degeneration or reduce the life force of man.

Another more original perspective on health and becoming whole, can return man on the road to evolution (higher vibration) instead to the road to involution, which many nowadays do.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality. We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of live consciously see www.libertasinvivo.com. Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books see www.c-t-u.com/shop

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The “life threatening” behavior of many politicians

As anyone else, most politicians at first glance appears to be a nice person. Well, what do expect of a man who hides behind many masks and veils. His real inner self is not visible. Or, would you seem to know him better when you join him if he points at his home or when he invites you to his cottage or to his exclusive Yacht?

This image resemblances the prototype of contemporary politicians. A human posing as a man of flesh and blood, but armed with a shield of masks and veils (curtains) he goes through life on high chairs in the pyramidal hierarchy. Here, they support each other to be or remain in the saddle. They want to sit on a throne, served and seen by others.
In politics, it is all about how many people you back up, play the ball to each other, keep each other in the saddle, perform lip service, and know how to throw difficult tasks over the fence and force citizens or staff to fulfill them without paying them as such. Politicians know how to exclude others on embarrassing moments when someone lifts a veil or mask. Even here, they back up each other.

Many of them do – not even close – meet the criteria that management books set for the manager or a leader. They comply however, with the criteria named in the comic cartoon of Spike and Suzy in the story “The Sound Tapper” by Willy Vandersteen. The story explains how employees are tested excessively on knowledge, skills and personality while people high in hierarchy all that counts is how many and whom they know!

Citizens expect a manager, leader or politician, to be a person who has besides cognitive knowledge, many skills, and a vision for multi-years which allow him to serve society and life. The citizen in common experience the opposite, as described in previous paragraphs.

Meanwhile for most citizens it is too outrageous for words. Citizens increasingly vote with their feet. The revulsion of this egocentric behavior, which allows politicians to stay on their position or helping each other too another hierarchical position after they failed, is great.

For decades, newspapers write about the incompetence of managers. This also applies to many politicians. Too often, they leave a trail of destruction as they like to pee on every corner (territorial behavior), create projects that seem to give them the right to sit on a throne or because they are allowed to play with the purse of citizens. A purse of which they squander too much of the content.

Any normal human being already had to bleed for such behavior, this ignorance. Politicians and administrators, however, back up for each other. This allows them as individuals to continue to play this game until they retire or die. Then there is a sigh of relief among the population. Unfortunately, only short-lived.

Many political parties do not search their own heart and do not learn from the teachings the public gives them. They keep repeating this blundering oppressive behavior because they do not understand the vicious circle in which they are trapped. They cannot because they live only with their outer performance while their inside remains unexplored terrain. Due to this, they cannot communicate with citizens on equal terms. Citizens who are more often “real” persons as they have less or no veils and masks.

It seemed and seems so nice this outer performance. Their inner side is beyond them; however, they are convinced they know themselves. They are masters at justifying their masks and veils. It is a disgrace for the political party. However, the party no longer knows and understands citizens and as such does not act on behalf of the voters. The democracy is at stake by the ignorant unaware acts of these self-centered politicians.

It is good when the veils /masks drop.

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The anguish of a dying woman

The grief is great
A great woman is dying
She truly lived, moved by deep experience
She has achieved great works
Now she suffers her last anguish
She desires to see her daughters and granddaughters all at once
To say farewell surrounded by her women
But they conclude that it will be too straining for her
Thus, only the daughters appear
They determine how to distribute the heritage
Oh how this lady was aching for
Walking through the arcade of her women
To celebrate that is allowed to depart earth
But  her women do not want to honor her
As fear weighs heavy on their mind

They fear that it is too much for her

How this mental judgment weighs on her

Is unnoticed as they are still too ignorant

The knowing woman must process in silence her grief

While she longed to celebrate impending transition.

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What influences you, the outer or the inner side?

Everywhere I hear people say: they look but do not buy a thing. Or, they walk around but do not notice nor perceive anything. What is the case?  What is going on that some people perceive it and others have no idea what influences them to act so “vacant”?

The outside

Recently on a fair even the words “gratis, it is for free” scared someone, while another listener and I laughed heartily about this reaction.  A Dutchman who is afraid of the term “free”, how on earth is that possible?

The question is: do people hear the words you just said? Or do they react on the sentences that occupy their head?  When I raise a question, many respond to their thoughts and not to my words. Only when I repeat what I said, there will be a different reaction mode.

Another question is: do people still see or are have they become seeing blind? They look at a piece of text (book fair) and if you ask them whether they like what they read they’ll respond that they cannot read without glasses. What have they been doing? Where was their attention?

Another example is that people walk passed a group of black ca. 2 m tall figures that normally are not around at this location, but they do not notice them. They just walk into them or encounter them, instead of walking around them. The same phenomenon you see on the street.  Persons that come from a shop and immediately run against you, as if they do not realize that there are other people on that street, who even have the right to prevail?

Even more remarkable are the traffic signs or traffic lights that people do not seem to notice and just ignore. You probably know the phenomenon that cyclists, moped riders and motorists are increasingly unable to estimate distances. Such persons confront others with the consequences of their actions.  Or even worse, they confront society with their “vacant” acts and the resulting costs.

Yet these are still things that are clearly issues on the outside as they are perceivable with their senses.

The inside

More difficult it is to experience things that are on the inside, like having a superficial observation of the inside of someone. Are they still able to experience if someone is beloved or sugary? Or cannot they experience the difference? Do they experience if someone speaks for himself and the other (assertive) or do they immediately experience someone who speaks as aggressive or sub assertive and respond immediately without thinking? Can they experience if someone is highly intellectual or cannot they perceive while looking into someone’s eyes? How do they know whether someone is a suitable partner if they can not perceive with the senses, for example the smell of the other or to see into the other person’s soul?

Fact is that (working) relationships come and go because many people in the selection group are no longer able to observe the inside. Possibly due to the fact they also have no understanding of their own inner side, their Self.
What remains is that both the interior and the exterior sides are increasingly perceived superficial. As the inner side is more difficult to observe, many are tempted to be influenced by the outside.

They do not suspect how many layers the outside has. They believe whatever they daily encounter, is good. They do not notice the harmful other side. Only when they are faced with harsh reality, they may see different faces, masks, or characters that have influenced them, but now it is often too late! (See my book: “Your Choice: Living Alive or Living Dead”)

In the meantime they have a (working) relationship that does not fit or is sickening.   Or was it their intention to have a relationship based on desired looks only?

There remain some questions “Can you still notice what is behind the many veils?”  “Can you experience the naked truth behind words, behavior and appearances?” “How do you experience the acting ability of modern humans?” How much do you occupy your body or are you “vacant”?”

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Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.  www.c-t-u.com/shop

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of live consciously. www.libertasinvivo.com

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Believing in: A Blessing or a Curse?

All of us we became submerged in believing in as a child. Believing in your parents, the people around you, teaching in school and in a religious concept.

To have a different opinion or ask a question, as I often did, was not an issue and was nipped in the bud. I was forced to keep my mouth shut, remain unnoticed and especially do what they desire and demand.

Because I was not allowed to be noticed, I spent many hours with other people and in nature. There I found answers to my inner questions. Once I started at the age of 17 to live in lodgings in another city, I could finally freely express myself and often discussed with all sorts of people on various topics.

I learned to step out of the comfort zone, although regularly my family managed to pull me back into their harness. The result was that I started to have physical problems and became ill. As I was as a toddler able to communicate with nature (energy) it resulted in the fact that now I had the urge to take a course though I did not knew which one. I started a course even though I did not knew what the word “Chakra” meant, the courses simply appealed to me.

There I learned to become more aware and raised the question why I felt pain while walking. I noticed it was because the energy of my family, who clung to the idea that according to church one should not divorce.

All by myself I discovered that when I became aware of their thoughts (=energy), the pain vanished. More often I read the energy when a pain arose (physically and mentally) and I learned what it meant.

By releasing mental oppression (what others say, think and demand) I managed to hold on to my own energy and increase it. This enabled further incarnation, made me increasingly aware of my roots and my mission in life.

Through the creation of religion or intervention of a priest it became almost impossible for persons to communicate directly with the energy that is (God). Through the interference of priests and their followers, it is increasingly difficult for an individual to walk the path of life. Many embrace the illusion that those who tell wonderful stories of something beyond them, but cannot perceive this energy and notice the deception at the end of their mortal life.

Perceiving energy means distinguish the appearance of energy, because there are forms of energy that tempt you to work for them (as slaves or as an extension), who like to observe or intervene (energy sucks at you), or those that provide choices. Whatever you choose determines whether you descend into energy (reduced vibration and condensed energy) or raise your energy (higher vibration). With the latter you do what you’ve agreed that you as a soul in a mortal body.

By detaching you become more yourself. You increase in awareness, sensitivity to imbalances and inaccuracies and you shed light to what is dark. You desire the assistance of someone who is advanced on the path of life in order to be protected from relapse and repetition, as you experienced in many previous lives.

Believing is as such transferred into questioning, perceiving answers and becoming a knower. You learn to understand the covered truths in many religions, but insert them in current time. You discover similarities where once only antagonistic were. The inner peace within you increases.

Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.  www.c-t-u.com/shop

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of live consciously. www.libertasinvivo.com

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Justice or Injustice in our Legal System?

In today’s society it is crucial to reflect on whether it is still justice to condemn a person to prison or to impose to mental treatment OR  to notice it’s time to learn from the action and counter action so that the individual – but also humanity as such – can achieve progress.

As a society, we are subject to influences that result in the fact that we walk en masse behind a concept and then condemn something without looking at the underlying causes. By facing the many causes and respond like Solomon without undue influence from social pressure, “Justice is spoken”. To speak justice means doing well to the act that was committed in the sense that it becomes clear what happened, how it started and how the balance can be restored with a greater understanding for both parties.

Some of these causes are related to the manner of upbringing by parents, school and society. As famous psychologists like Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Carl Rogers and I have already described, our society suffers strongly by fear and reacts with defensiveness and sickly behavior. Many persons response only reactive like a two year old child, without really thinking. Thinking is limited to “this is how we act and always will.” Man becomes more fearful for themselves and thus lapses into sickening behavior. The result is a society that becomes increasingly difficult to maintain and is subject to more suppression. Due to this every person that seems to differ and who is not willing to play up – to the enforced monomaniac group thought and group behavior – easily condemned. Thus mankind cannot realize themselves (generating). In fact the man is even degenerating! Self-realization is needed to allow man a future. A future beyond the many repetitions in which they are now trapped.

To punish man who has been raised with a distorted image – like for instance the popularization of extreme sex, drug use, radical expressions of faith, oppression and exploitation of others – creates even more persons who are out of balance.

Many of these persons try to restore the balance and act in an opposite way. Thus, the balance suddenly swings to the other side. A common example is 9 / 11 and the subsequent war.

At a time where we have to pay for our ability as an individual or a group to increase the energy (merge into a larger entity with greater vibration) many remain stuck in repetition due to  island politics and swinging back and forth between the ends of the balance without even obtaining insight into this. Humanity therefore slides faster into degeneration and tends to eliminate itself.

In order as an individual or as humanity to do justice to the concept of “decent” (worthy of human being) it is necessary to thoroughly understand the teaching aspect of the individual who (un)consciously is willing to proceed on the line of evolution. This will eventually restore the balance and help the person to realize his life theme. Without insight into the life theme, no recovery is possible and injustice will increase and lead to the path of involution. This is due to the law of communicating vessels. By increasing repression the bomb will eventually burst. This bomb has been created by a society in its naivety and ignorance.

It is time that deeper causes giving rise to an action are discussed and exposed. It is time that persons learn to ask deep questions and learn to experience the answer, resulting in more awareness leading to becoming a Knower.

Next healing can follow and man can stop repeating (in a different appearance or timeframe) the same concept over and over en has not need to decline further but can rise above their earthly existence.

This blog is linked to our previous blogs titled “Programmations” and “Balancing Emotions and Attitudes”.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

We offer  lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of live consciously. See also our books on www.c-t-u.com/shop.

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Maya Calendar – human dignity – restore balance

At the end of the Mayan calendar – which symbolizes illusion – many still have no insight into the fact that we have to act consciously in our lives by adding something in order to proceed. At the end of any era – and we live in a time where several cycles close, the truth will be revealed. For many the veil will be lifted over their keeping up appearances and they will be confronted with their denial of the reality. Their own responsibilities for their life mission has been denied in their many lifetimes and they will be confronted with increasing sever life conditions as they have too many layers around their consciousness to understand what has to be done.

Most have the illusion that life is about having in excess. They overeat, have many goods, a lot of money and demand much respect. This increase in outer appearances is in sharp contrast with the increase of inner wisdom due to live by reality that can lift their life on a higher plan.

Society – and particularly governments, religions, and many media – stand by it and watch and report “positive” messages and put the keeping up appearances in the spotlight. History – as it is recorded – repeats itself and mankind is blind, impaired and deaf. They applaud for the above mentioned illusion of life and applaud for their own naïve behavior that initiated their own destruction and sell it under the guise of “positivism” or “love”.

Again man forgot about his origin and mission in life. Why the individual does chose for involution instead for evolution?

Our origin started at the Big Bang from which particles loosened. As individuals in a group we agreed to add experience and then reconnect once the vibration of the experience had multiplied. We have agreed to learn from the experience and by that experience to multiply ourselves by raising our vibration.

We achieve a higher value or rise in vibration not by suppressing or domination, by work hard or say prayers and mantras and neither by creating war, killing others or exclude from society persons with disabilities, with other references or opinions or elder persons.

We do achieve a raise in vibration by becoming aware of what we do and experience. Awareness arises when you ask yourself why something happens or why you have the experience. Next comes the question when it arose for the first time, what are you learning and what are the possible outcomes.

As a human you then create a more objective and less colored view to what is happening. You step out of the illusion of “the picture book” and “sectarianism”. You become confronted with your real self and therefore you learn to know others. The learning aspect of all is recognized and acknowledged and thus the progress of the inner child becomes possible.

You take of veils that deprive the visibility on reality. How skeptical you are, at some point you discover that there do exist past lives, or parallel lives. You recognize them as there is still karma that has to be balanced.

How to balance past life experiences in the present? I present three examples from my own life.

1.In ancient Rome I was throw for the lions. This lifetime I met this man again. Now he was a director who cannot manage. He holds me responsible for the outcome of an investigation I performed on his instructions. An outcome that does not met his expectations but only those of his employees. It ends in his public fall as director. My benefit is achieving balance by turning my other cheek and no longer fear the judgment of those with just social hierarchy.

2. Once I was put at the stake and burned. Ten years ago I met this person again as he had to operate in my abdominal region. For this operation I needed also epidural anesthesia. It was not performed well and succeeded only at the fourth attempt, because I named what went wrong and stand up for my wellbeing. I could do so because of my knowledge of my past history with him.  It resulted in the fact that I did not became paralyzed or died. My action also spared him for making a medical mistake. The profit is the restoration of the balance by standing up and demanding equality.

3. In the house of our neighbors was much unrest which also had an impact on our lives. By looking at it we experienced something had happened in the past that daylight could not bear. A pregnant woman and her unborn baby were killed by her husband. In those days community covered it up. By noticing this story we were able to place it in the here and now. The energy of these wandering people can now relax in order for them to continue and they have no longer the need to remain so they can go around and no longer have ghosts and causing unrest in the district. They can relax now and no longer need to wander around as a spoke and cause a nasty energy in the neighborhood.

By becoming aware of what is happening and why we no longer need to judge or condemn. We are able to let go. No longer need we to go back and forth between the two extremes, but the balance becomes restored and we have less karma to bear. The challenge is find the passage and depart the cycle and to actually step through the passage!

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The extreme weather forecast: butterfly effect > to which we all contribute

We have all heard of the “butterfly effect”. The name is based on a metaphor that was used in 1961 by Edward Lorenz in his movie to indicate that the wings of a butterfly in Brazil turned out months later in a tornado in Texas.

The butterfly effect is a part of chaos theory as is the double pendulum, and many other so-called chaotic dynamical systems. However, these systems respond to characteristic features.
The sensitive dependence on initial conditions determines the effect. An effect that sometimes comes quickly – after months or years -, and sometimes longer – centuries or even longer.

As humans we are proud that we enforce something to nature, at least often we claim our human faculties in “Human Nature” series on television or other media.

The reality, however, shows something quite different.Earth and the natural growth of plants and trees create an environment in balance. A balance that determines the weather and ensure that there is enough sun, rain, wind and differences in temperature in order for all to have a change to LIVE.
Thus, in the past, there was a lot of fruit on all plants and trees from which people and animals could live in abundance. The gathering lasted all day and at a certain moment mankind started to kill other animals as it seemed much easier.

Humans did not stopped their greedy nature and started to build more, higher and massive houses, the gardens became paved, there is increasingly more asphalt, houses are higher and even skyscrapers are constructed, rivers become channeled, houses have a dark or white colored roof or topped with gravel (see previous blogs). Plants, animals and green are removed from the streets wherever possible.

The result is more and more buildings, asphalt and petrifaction that results in rainwater that cannot penetrate in the underground stream and becomes drained away without the change to provide nature or us with drinking water. We already have a great shortage of water!

The result of these constructions is that it becomes hotter. Murderous hot!
The effect of high buildings is that elsewhere the wind starts blowing. Excessive increase in wind!

Due to human development, pollution on earth and the layers we create around earth, is that the sunbeams not always nurture us, but the beams more often radiate deadly!

By putting our hand to the laws of nature (which we still do not understand) humans cause chaos in the weather system. The greater the disruption, the greater the correction has to be to return to balance.

The biggest disruption is caused by:

  • The story of the Tragedy of the Commons; the greed of humans
  • The belief that we realize ourselves by putting children in the world, while you can only achieve self-realization through increasing your inner child; higher frequency
  • The belief that children need to support their elderly parents
  • The belief that more people are needed to do all the work, or to send in war

With all this pyramid thinking, mankind disturbed the balance and digged her own pitfall; destruction.

The coming years the weather will therefore be wilder and exceeds to extremes as a result of our actions.
Due to this there are fewer opportunities for people, animals and plants.

Human interventions such as white roofs, black roofs, shingle roofs and lots of petrifaction are an example of how we are out of balance with nature.
Enough reason so to say for green roofs, other building constructions and more perm culture, as that is the present solution of nature itself.

The consequences of all these interventions that are not in line with nature are…
I do not mention them, but notice them and I can assure you they are not that pleasant (understatement)
If mankind would live in the “here and now” than they change their thinking and action to the laws of nature and will no longer continue with such devastating destruction of live.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

Libertas in Vivo gives lectures and offers personal consultation that gives you InSight and allows you to walk your path of Life consciously.


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