Nowadays, man has aversion to natural life. Thus we kill many plants because they are not beautiful or inconveniently in our eyes. Not pretty because they finished blooming, have barren leaves or do not match with our interior. We dislike them as they have dead leaves; we need to take care of them as they are at a non-natural place or because they put a sticky substance on the car. Once a plant has finished blooming, we throw them away. We are so focused on materials that we forgot that a plant is a living organism. The same happens in the garden. Once new residents arrive, they remove the plants they dislike and treat them as rubbish. Do we handle us humans the same? This is a bad example of how to deal with life. Plants are nothing else than entities like ourselves, just in a different casing.
Especially in urban areas, we see this aversion towards natural life. Handling them this way is not sustainable. Often man plant them in wrong places, such as under electricity wires or close to a road that is going to be shifted in a few years, thus these trees have a short life.
In a city, you see only a small amount of plants and trees and rarely old trees. Trees easily become several centuries old, sometimes over 1000 years.
Many today do no longer know that we live in symbiosis with plants and trees. Especially where many people live, we are in greater need of them due to the fact we need oxygen. But also because plants can clean the air we pollute with our toxic exhaust gases.
It is therefore necessary that we become aware of the need of many plants instead of stones and concrete. Thus, we better turn lawns into a garden with perennials, so that more photosynthesis can take place, and we have more clean air. How aware are you of the necessity of plants? What is it you teach the next generations?
Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality. We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously. Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.