Due to the enormous wave of oppression, exploitation and greed that blows over all continents, it causes subversion of our present society.
After all even the extremely well educated ordinary employees are forced to work for the CEO as a serf and slave for only a simple salary. Only the CEO can afford himself several extravagant issues like an expansive car or house, multiple houses, new cloths or multiple vacations a year. The ordinary employee cannot afford himself such things or has to make a choice for only one of these extravagancies. If they decide for a house they cannot afford a car, furniture, cloths or holidays at the same time. They have to make a choice between these options and that isn’t easy or pleasant when their boss or the television shows them the whole time all these many extravancancies, while you get even less means to act in such a lifestyle as the bosses demand more means for themselves or squander a lot of money to megalomaniac projects.
A growing number of people can no longer afford to buy a house or buy luxurious goods or know how to maintain their surroundings. Due to lack of money in the large underlay (ca. 80% of the working population) there is hardly or no money for education, training or retraining. On many occasions only part of the people can participate in the many possibilities. Most people can only make one limited choice.
The present structure were our present society is built on will not last much longer. Like a house of cards it will collapse.
Meanwhile the once acquired knowledge has gone and the inner knowledge – where live is all about -has vanished for the majority (99%).
In the near future the oppressed people will in order to survive feel the need to steal food and goods to remain living. This is only the beginning of the dehumanization as through many centuries the inner self of people is no longer nurtured (see my blogs about abuse of power and religion). As such these “empty” humans have fallen back to a physical and mental human wreck. It is the result of believing in power of others and giving up your own inner wisdom.
Then inhuman behavior is a logical consequence. Regularly the first signs of this come to us in daily news. However, it is only just the beginning …
See our book “Karmic Reflections: Talking with Men and Nature” in which we already wrote about this among other things at the beginning of 2000.