At the end of a large vicious cycles there is a long transition period. The current transitional period began ca. 1978. This means that especially after 1978 many newcomers have started on Earth. However, this is not true for all infants who are born as there are also people born now which a high consciousness that want to step consciously through all levels of consciousness on earth now that these levels are so easily noticeable. Others who are really new on earth cannot see these dimensions, they have not the faintest idea what this is all about.
It is a hard time for those with a lot of consciousness who strife to end these last decades to finish their life cycle on earth for good. This is a result of the many newcomers who are naïf and as there are still many unconscious people living on earth. A lot of different stages of consciousness are present in society. Some will even pretend to be very consciously but are not.
A way to substantiate the level of consciousness is to look at the symbol that someone is carrying, for example, the color or the level or behavior. In the book “From Tadpole to Prince: Towards Meta conscious competence in 2016, the return to the metaphysical world, you can read how those consciousness layers look like and what you could do to
continue on the next level.
At this time there is especially a lot of keeping up appearances in the world as many do not understand why something exists or why something is made the way it is made. For example a staple remover or two doors at a public toilet area. Such people are not aware how to handle it. They often know do not know why taxes, fees or prices are so high because of the destructiveness, discard behavior or incompetent use of their ignorant fellows around. The consequence of this increasing ignorance is that currently many people make something, sell or trade leading to degeneration, poisoning or eventually in the killing of the man.
Examples of degeneration and poisoning are the fact that we all cut or curtail trees and shrubs, develop factory food for animals and humans leading to empty food, nutrient deficiency in the bodies and obesity, medications and treatment that are worse than the disease for which they are given, food waste as we throw the food away that nature provides us with or we pick them while they are still immature, we poison us voluntarily while we smoke or use drugs.
But the worst is that humanity has no consciousness of life as it was and is meant to be and as a consequence does no self-realization in order to come in balance. No, the mass remains in hate roaming on earth. For example to kill the murderer of your child, or reacts his anger for his own stupid behavior on the another person. Thus we react primitive from one side to the other side. Both sides are equally very worse and out of balance. But above all, acting as such we will never come a step further.
Man must learn to understand why he says something, what he thinks or why he acts and that he becomes aware of his actions, and gradually step by step, layer by layer finally comes in the middle of the balance. From there he can step through the different dimensions on Earth, by releasing and to observe slowly the hitherto invisible reality now that it reveals itself.
Unfortunately, there are at present many ignorant people in key places who prevent and forbid others to step through this consciousness process. Let this not stop you of becoming more consciously each day.