The influence of the North Americans and other English-speaking countries has due to the end of WOII grown tremendously. Not that they won the war, only due to the fact that Russia was winning in the battle at the east front Europe became release from an occupier. Afterwards they used atomic bombs to make sure that also in South East Asia peace came. Next they have used this threat factor to put down their power in the world. They do this to this even today.
On one hand by working together and on the other hand by (ab)using the money of many citizens in the world who have come to “believe” in them. They do so by setting up large companies in the world with a to use for putting down large monopolies in the world who with their network and capital have impact on many other companies. This increases their influence and power in the world even further.
It began by selling their products to people who, at that time, wanted to become as prosperous as them after that nasty time of two world wars in half a century. The movie industry (Hollywood) made losts of propaganda movies. The language that they used was and still is often at a simple level so that movies can easily be understood by outsiders.
The food industry started with companies such as Burger king, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken started to conquer the world, but their products are not as good as they made us believe they would. Also Staples (office supplies), coffee distributers like Star Bucks, computer companies like Microsoft and Apple and many other companies (games, security software) embarked on their advance to influence the rest of the world. The last decennium the indoctrination on internet (apps, games, chat programs etc.).) and through television (o.a. Netflix) has grown enormous.
How can a company in a short while grow so big and has so many influence?
With the money they earn or more often with borrowed money they buy shares of successful companies anywhere in the world. They use the money of that foreign company and their success formula and leave this foreign company bleed to death. The employees are left to their own devices. The inhabitants of that country have to absorb the financial suffering of such a bankrupt company. And once more high-quality knowledge is alienated (stolen) from such a country.
So it continued even with many big banks who driven by pride and madness went bust . The whole world had to bleed for their stupid mistakes and yield money! The stupid mistakes were a.o. mortgages without sufficient collateral and most artificial contrivances for financial products. The consequence were two major crises, a housing crisis and a financial crisis. But whether that all this were not enough banks, insurance companies and every one with money they still continue.
Monsanto has the idea to genetically manipulate food in order to be able to sell and supposedly to combat hunger in the world. It has already been proven deadly but governments still continue.
Manufacturers of medicines make more often products that make people sicker in the long term but suppress the disease in the short term.
Food industries erode the natural food sources and make food products that fills human and animal stomachs but does not nourish us. This due to the fact that they make up products.
The same goes for the game and film industries who create an increasing number of products where the brain is not stimulated to think, but only to compete (battle) or to view the life of another.
Energy (oil, gas, coil) comes from pernicious sources with which humans devastate the soil for many hundreds of years. For example oil extraction tar sands is booming business but an environmental disaster or plants used for biogas by which the soil can no longer be fertilized in a natural way.
We pollute due to the fact that we have not learned to be responsible for the outcome. How to deal with the laws of nature and how they work is no longer being taught. Wherever you look, you see that most are busy money grabbing and looking for prestige and act only egocentric. They deprive other people, animals and plants and all life on Earth and raison d ‘ être. Living dead it is called. Humans increasingly live in an artificial world towards their death. Per second humans become dumber, physically we can very little compared to the past, we degenerate. We have handed us over to believing in….
Only the infidel who directs his own life knows to live healthy and make conscious choices. He knows that life for many is fatal and wishes not to participate. America has become a continent full of people who are in some sort of competition. It are greedy persons with lack of creativity. It are the publicans from days gone by who have settled down there trying to be at the top of the pyramid while suppressing others in order for them to have money, goods and hierarchy over others.
Currently (since 1978) many newborns are new on earth, meaning not before incarnated as a human. Some others have stepped out of a former life and are still angry and want to assert their control over others. Every now and then some mature humans are born (for example, indigo children) who still want to complete their life mission now all doors are open at the end of a large cycle.
Regrettably, the mass consists more and more of people who have little or no consciousness. They persist in an increasingly going artificial world where soon there will be no place left for humans, animals and plants. It will be a desert-like Earth where robots control our lives.
Unfortunately, many people anywhere in the world have taken the above as an example and continue to do so.