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Category Archives: unsustainable
Many new ignorant people
At the end of a large vicious cycles there is a long transition period. The current transitional period began ca. 1978. This means that especially after 1978 many newcomers have started on Earth. However, this is not true for all … Continue reading
Deathly power initiated by English native speakers
The influence of the North Americans and other English-speaking countries has due to the end of WOII grown tremendously. Not that they won the war, only due to the fact that Russia was winning in the battle at the east … Continue reading
subversion of our present society and dehumanization
Due to the enormous wave of oppression, exploitation and greed that blows over all continents, it causes subversion of our present society. After all even the extremely well educated ordinary employees are forced to work for the CEO as a … Continue reading
Posted in involution, suppression, temptation, unsustainable
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Evolution or involution part 4
The people with those keys are able to overlook what is happening on Earth and how it is all interconnected and interrelated. However, they are rarely heard and imitated in this end-time. This is due to the fact that the … Continue reading
Posted in evolution, illmaking, imbalance, involution, sustainability, temptation, unsustainable
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Evolution or involution part 3
Persevering in the process of inner learning, allows your spiritual awareness to expand. Your inner self multiplies and that is exactly what is necessary. However, religion tries to keep this truth from us and made us their physical slaves. We … Continue reading
Posted in evolution, imbalance, involution, temptation, unsustainable
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Evolution or involution part 2
Before books were written, much higher knowledge was transferred by mouth to the younger generation. However for over thousands of years books have been written about “life”. Now everyone can enrich his inner self with knowledge about our existence. However, … Continue reading
Posted in evolution, illmaking, imbalance, involution, sustainability, temptation, unsustainable
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Evolution or involution?
The world we live in seems to be evolving at a rate that gets faster and faster even as we speak The world we know of is a combination of forces in an attempt to bring life to higher forms … Continue reading
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Philanthropy a utility or suppression?
The Greek word “φιλάνθρωπος” consists of the word “φίλος” friend and the word “ἄνθρωπος” human. So the meaning of the word philanthropist has the meaning of “friend of humans”. However, offer today’s philanthropist the need of the asker or do … Continue reading
Posted in imbalance, onbalans, suppression, unsustainable
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Noise Pollution; impact on health men, animals and plants
You probably already know that since some decades the produced sound increases. And not only because there are more people, traffic and machinery. We stopped talking as humans but instead shout more often or start screaming (fear). In addition, machines … Continue reading
Posted in imbalance, involution, suppression, sustainability, unsustainable
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…Continuation Jumping to all sides 2/3
Everyone-who jumps to all sides and follow every whim or hype-leaping, feels unrest deep inside. The unrest or discomfort that arises because their essence let them feel they do not act according to their once made commitment. Thus their ratio … Continue reading
Posted in involution, temptation, unsustainable
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