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Category Archives: knowledge
The difference between people, animals and plantswhen it comes to survival
Just like people animals and plants also have an afterlife. Also, they have a form of consciousness. Their form of consciousness and communication is different from that of man and not comparable. We, as people willing to communicate with animals … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, illmaking, imbalance, involution, knowledge, live and death
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Biohacken is parasitizing on yourself or others
Yet another hype that is applied in blind faith by followers without any thought to the consequences. They believe that they can free themselves with it and become more aware, but as I look at it, they believe in something … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, involution, knowledge
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Are humans intelligent?
Humans always feel exalted about our fellow man, about animals, about plants, in respect of matter and all other life on earth or beyond. Are humans the dumbest being on earth as we as such became self-destructive? Did it hit … Continue reading
Danger of avoiding conflicts
The danger of not expressing yourself is mainly based on fear as a result of not being enough grounded and a bad function of your kidneys. As a result you avoid conflicts. Handling a conflict by saying what you see, … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, balance, illmaking, justice, knowledge, love, suppression
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Handling depression
Depression is a State where you have consumed a lot of energy for a very long time. It makes you run out, or have had a burn-out. In any case you arrived at the end of your abilities. Everything is … Continue reading
Passing the Ring of Saturn, now is the time Pauline Laumans
You know probably the year 1953. This year there was a great flood in Zealand (Netherlands) where many people drowned including myself. The story what matters is about believers who wanted remaining on top of their roof waiting for God … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, evolution, knowledge, love, temptation
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The power of Cogitality (comprehensive thought)
The sevenfold as the basis for our journey. In order to enable the divine vibration (the all-encompassing) to reach us. On Earth we have a choice which is called the “Circle of Abred” that can bring us further or can … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, evolution, justice, knowledge, love, nature conservation, sustainability
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The nerves and path of the sevenfold
The nerves are an organism between the physical and the etheric body through which the senses become stimulated. If you fall ill the perceptions of the senses change. The nervous system suffers from nasty things such as poison, tough issues … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, evolution, knowledge
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Patience part two
Lessons of patience keep coming but I am no longer bothered by them but go along with what is being asked. After all, no more will happen than I can handle in one day. So I enjoy the times when … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, knowledge, love, sustainability
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Patience a lesson from the sevenfold
part 5 You know the saying that patience is a clean task and that is right. My own experience with certain life lessons was that it was an endurance of lessons of patience and another lesson of patience etc. It … Continue reading