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Category Archives: illmaking
Parasitic behavior is approaching its climax part 1.
The parasitic behavior is still increasing. In the movie “The Matrix” ever referred to as the virus Mr. Smith that became stuck by the Egyptian pyramid thinking and acting. Once it has started as when I have a little bit … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, illmaking, imbalance, parasite, suppression, temptation
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Biohacken is parasitizing on yourself or others
Yet another hype that is applied by followers in blind faith without thought to the consequences. They believe that they can free themselves with it and aware can be, but as I look at it they believe in something without … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, illmaking, imbalance, involution, parasite
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The difference between people, animals and plantswhen it comes to survival
Just like people animals and plants also have an afterlife. Also, they have a form of consciousness. Their form of consciousness and communication is different from that of man and not comparable. We, as people willing to communicate with animals … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, illmaking, imbalance, involution, knowledge, live and death
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parasitic behavior in terminal care
Also in terminal care we find a lot of parasitic behavior. Take a client who has fallen seriously ill and suffers her whole life from the dominant yoke of her husband. A man who says that she needs to continue … Continue reading
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More disadvantages than advantages of large scale agriculture
For many years the Dutch Government has the policy to apply to large-scale agriculture with many fertilizers and chemical pesticides (f.i. Monsanto). As a result we produce tons of products on a small surface what we export and thus earn … Continue reading
Posted in illmaking, imbalance, live and death, nature conservation, parasite, sustainability
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Danger of avoiding conflicts
The danger of not expressing yourself is mainly based on fear as a result of not being enough grounded and a bad function of your kidneys. As a result you avoid conflicts. Handling a conflict by saying what you see, … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, balance, illmaking, justice, knowledge, love, suppression
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Handling depression
Depression is a State where you have consumed a lot of energy for a very long time. It makes you run out, or have had a burn-out. In any case you arrived at the end of your abilities. Everything is … Continue reading
Suffer through sins Temper
Continuing… 4. Temper / frenzy People who experience the sin of temper meet high mountains and deep valleys. At times of temper an inner violent fire burns that is not easily to be extinguished. In order to make short work … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, illmaking, temptation
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The suffering of the human species due to sins part 1
Still there are people not aware of the fact that they are stuck in one or more of the seven deadly sins. They lack inner knowledge as they are trapped by the dogma’s of religion (lack of light and conscience). … Continue reading
Posted in illmaking, religion, temptation
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War and hassle is often deadly life
If we look to the history we notice that many quarrels and wars are based on the interference in the life of the other. That person or country will after a while interfere with the other as well. It is … Continue reading