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Category Archives: awareness
Parasitic behavior is approaching its climax part 1.
The parasitic behavior is still increasing. In the movie “The Matrix” ever referred to as the virus Mr. Smith that became stuck by the Egyptian pyramid thinking and acting. Once it has started as when I have a little bit … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, illmaking, imbalance, parasite, suppression, temptation
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Biohacken is parasitizing on yourself or others
Yet another hype that is applied by followers in blind faith without thought to the consequences. They believe that they can free themselves with it and aware can be, but as I look at it they believe in something without … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, illmaking, imbalance, involution, parasite
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The difference between people, animals and plantswhen it comes to survival
Just like people animals and plants also have an afterlife. Also, they have a form of consciousness. Their form of consciousness and communication is different from that of man and not comparable. We, as people willing to communicate with animals … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, illmaking, imbalance, involution, knowledge, live and death
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Biohacken is parasitizing on yourself or others
Yet another hype that is applied in blind faith by followers without any thought to the consequences. They believe that they can free themselves with it and become more aware, but as I look at it, they believe in something … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, involution, knowledge
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undesired parasitic aid
In the time of the sinking of Atlantis many people chose for suicide. It brought much turmoil with it which we experience to this day. Not because suicide by definition would be bad for your follow-up life but much more … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, parasite, religion, suppression
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economy is a parasitic phenomenon
What a shame when Academic trained and obtained by that study a distorted image of reality. Well, that has been around for many decades the case for economists. They manipulate the mathematics (mathematics is based on natural laws) such as … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, parasite, sustainability
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just drop it society
Unfortunately, many people have become careless. Without thinking (without any form of grounding or being earthy) they leave their empty can or food rest on the street or throw it in the water or they throw it out of the … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, parasite, sustainability
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parasitic behavior in terminal care
Also in terminal care we find a lot of parasitic behavior. Take a client who has fallen seriously ill and suffers her whole life from the dominant yoke of her husband. A man who says that she needs to continue … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, illmaking, live and death, parasite
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Lack of economic integrity
If you are a writer you also might have written a book. Writing a book takes often more than a year. You like to share the content of that book and thus you have to publish it but that is … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, imbalance, parasite
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Living on the energy of others
Previously I have written how other people and organizations are parasitizing on you or me. These people or organizations want your energy and ideas but not give you a penny. Furthermore they want you to bleed as they want to … Continue reading
Posted in awareness, live and death
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