The power of Cogitality (comprehensive thought)

The sevenfold as the basis for our journey. In order to enable the divine vibration (the all-encompassing) to reach us.

On Earth we have a choice which is called the “Circle of Abred” that can bring us further or can stop us. If we want to add and become one with the light (the Pleroma) we should learn from Cogitality (comprehensive thought) and no longer from what we learned in school. One the cogitality adds, the other (cognitive thinking) breaks off. And if you know that the universe is influenced by thinking then you can conclude that it might become less nice on earth than we desire while using cognitive thinking. Because you and others have not learned to think from connectedness  but learned to think from our ego, wishful thoughts or are guided by dark forces who present us a false reality because they know our sorrows and desires and give us a desirable answer. They keep you trapped in the “Ring No Further (Ring van Saturnus)” “the Ain Soph Aur”.

Whatever we call it, there exists energies that try to limit or stop us with their make-believe world (dogmas). Also there are certain forms of anxiety, passed via our nervous system to our thinking process which paralyzes it. Fears, who cannot be reasoned, but nevertheless seems extremely real. Fears from the past, experiences that are forever registered in the cells and the nervous system. Impatient people cannot perceive events (energy) as their cognitive thinking is occupied by all kinds of impressions. Their gaze is volatile and thus they cannot have an inner sight of reality.

As a result many people became bitterly disappointed about life due to that make-believe

world and therefore turn off higher values. The nervous system gets frozen as the first of

the seven realities by this disappointment. And disbelief in themselves they reject all

other realities. They have become deeply hurt in this artificial world. Their soul remain

empty, tired. Their blood turns to ordinary things; their flesh will no longer listen to

spiritual sounds; their eyes close as they are exhausted for the things behind the outward

form; and their nerves are either sick or abused, or they inject a constant fear on the

thinking of mankind. They get caught in the nets of the seven Devils or the seven deadly

sins (the horrors we see daily in the media).


Only our own connection with our comprehensive thinking and our nerve ether makes that we are in contact with the spiritual sphere from which “happiness, life and glory” emanates. The really matured man acts, thinks and reacts only from his inner self and never by laws imposed from outside.

Cogitality, the comprehensive thinking, by the appropriate identification with yourself gives you wings with which you can break free from the limiting circles and cycles. When you learn to move upwards and have completed the previous parts of the sevenfold then you can feel and think with your heart. Without thinking and feeling from the heart we remain unfinished creatures. When we learn to think and feel from the heart the vibrational State and thinking is purer and more connected (deeper). The intelligence that soul and man connects, is seated in the heart which makes you feel connected with all parts in yourself, but also with all what is around you. This is called new thinking or the comprehensive thinking or Cogitality.

In order to make the inner rotation to Cogitality the old thinking needs to be broken down. That is all the learned thinking, taking over ideas, dogmas etc. of others. It is about detaching of all cognitive thinking and outward appearances. We need to stop linking cognitive thinking and will as it leads us to insane actions, pathogenic thoughts and soulless hearts.

It does mean to become in a state of inner peace and from there we go to a mind state of concentration and experience the connectedness with all parts of the body and with everything around us. Unfortunately, many are no longer as good to focus. The contemporary man nowadays first needs to learn Mindfulness, only then they can learn to meditate (Zen or TM), and only then are they able to go into true concentration to achieve deep inner thinking that then emerges all by itself. Only when we are empty of our ego and wants, we are able to create the peace for contemplation, thinking from all over our body in connection with everything around us. This is called thinking from the heart or comprehensive thinking or cogitality. It is the goal of our being.

Inner rest (or peace) refers to the outer and inner circumstances which harmonious work together (is giving in to your inner being and not to your ego or personality) in order for the divine game of giving and receiving and to know. Then there is the Cogitality the comprehensive thinking which provide us with a deep inner peace.

Comprehensive thinking (see the book Cogitaliteit by Ivomir Nikolov Dimchev) gives you wings. Your aura becomes luminous. Comprehensive thinking goes at the speed of intention as also described in the book “ Freedom in relationships: have the right Identification”. Both books can be ordered through



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