The nerves and path of the sevenfold

The nerves are an organism between the physical and the etheric body through which the senses become stimulated. If you fall ill the perceptions of the senses change. The nervous system suffers from nasty things such as poison, tough issues physically or mentally.  You feel with the nerves. The heart is the organ where you receive incentives of the senses and feels whether it is right or wrong. Also the chakra’s react tot the incentives of the senses and make the distinction between evil or good. you react tense when anticipating a dangerous situation.

In order to maintain your nerves in a good condition they should regularly relax after an effort. The averaging function has indirectly to do with every spiritual Act and is by means of the nervous system passed to the other parts of the body.

The nervous system is ruined by any form of spiritualism, mediumship or magical practices.  once ruined then a higher form of consciousness is almost impossible. If you are sensitive you have a kind of antenna that registers every discordant and harmful frequency. This antenna also receives age-old messages, memories of past experiences (instinct), while you have at present no current knowledge of. Having knowledge of these  ancient messages means intuition. This means that you know the issues of interest of these ancient situation as if you are looking to a movie.

The continuous passage of impulses through the nerves refine and make them hypersensitive to harsh business such as cruelty, rock hard material interests and coarseness. The nervous system tolerates this no longer. As a result, in the current time where coarseness happens often and the nervous system becomes excessive stimulated (advertising, news, modern media) your nerves easily arch or you get a burn out. As a result you have no longer a connection with your higher self and with the world around you. all finer vibrations (high frequency), the thin messages are no longer received by you as your nervous system has become tired and insensitive.

As a reaction some persons become disappointed of the inner path because they were led by false prophets who only were out on their money and their gullibility. After all the man listens eagerly to desired messages. This is called the Aquarius psychosis.


The seven realities described in these columns close down due to the wrong incentives. Their soul remains empty (not nourish). They have become tired of the hard struggle without any results because they believed. Their eyes are shut down overtired for things behind the outer form. They are actually nerve wracked by the abuse or brainwashing or the empty hand that only tells you lies of love and prosperity without the reality that live means life lessons that are often hard but bring you insight and progress once the lesson is learned.

Any kind of fighting, arguing, lack of light, excessive tensions, compulsion, impure thoughts affects the nervous system. It destroys the connection (communication) with our outside world. I.e. the fellow man, the plants, trees, animals and things. this way man can not become ONE because a connection is needed and that takes only place souls on an equivalent vibration. Equivalent souls will always recognize each other. If you force people of another vibration to actions it calls for resistance/tension. When these tensions hold on for a certain period of time or when they become violent persons fall ill as the imbalance took a too long period. Such a person has acted against his nature life command.

A sensitive (not emotionally) man experiences the pain and the suffering of every living being in his environment. He recognises it before the other can start to talk about it. Similarly the massive violent death of animals, plants and people stirs us without that many of us are aware of it. The electromagnetic field degenerates due to so much violence and we experience tension without knowing the reason.  As a result we can hardly connect the energy of the cells with each other necessary to be aware. The energy no longer through the body and we become disconnected from earth. We no longer have any form of a grounding. It results in becoming immune to whatever takes place. Therefore, there is the saying: to be in command of the nerves.

A sensitive nervous system links easily the senses and refines the taste, smell, hearin, sight and the feeling. Once a nervous system is nerved intensively  the connecting link  between the physical and the etheric body becomes flawed or absent.

The scents of natural raised plants and trees stimulate us but the smell of artificial raised plants and trees or the spilled blood makes that we degenerate.


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