You know probably the year 1953. This year there was a great flood in Zealand (Netherlands) where many people drowned including myself. The story what matters is about believers who wanted remaining on top of their roof waiting for God to rescue them. There passed many boats with enough space aboard to bring them to dry soils. But despite that the water continued rising they persisted in waiting for God to rescue them. After their death they knocked on the Pearly Gates but were not allowed in because God had sent many helpers but they rejected them.
Repeatedly the same thing continues to happen. People who realize that we are on the eve of great changes. They appoint that live becomes splendid and much love will be around. And of course to reach that state you don’t have to do anything just wait. As if there is an existing God who just gives everything for free. So you don’t have to do anything to move to a next class, you just can walk and skip steps, because God is love. That’s the story of people from the first development stages on Earth.
People who have become more aware know the way of breaking through the glass ceiling of the fourfold path from “unconsciously incompetent and consciously competent” and continue to the five-fold path the “Pico consciousness”. Here they gain knowledge and insight. In the six-fold path askes to release the fear from your legs and feet. Next you choose between going back or moving forward to the sevenfold path and be aware of the mind and spirit within you. You now know that you are in an union with all that is. It requires a large painful sacrifice to let go of what no longer fits and continue. This is also called your personal Stations of the Cross. What does not fit are all old jackets, your past, your ego, old emotions, fanaticism, imagination, deceptive manoeuvre’s, masquerades, and the wrong identification. (see also the book “Freedom in relationships: having the right Identification”).
Next comes the leap in the dark in order to move forward. It is the Ring of Saturn you must pass and courage is needed. If you are not ready for it you fall prey to the many parasites ((human) creatures with and without body). After all, in each stage the group force is high and tries to dissuade you of your path to the LIGHT. Opponents ignore you or stop you dead. Knowing Persons illuminate Freedoms and Truths although it is often “pearls for swines”.
Succeeding passing the Ring of Saturn means leaving behind all those who are in the Tala. You are still sometimes in their group, but will never be one of their group as you can no longer be with a mask or in a play. If you still like to flee in masquerades, excuses, reasoning, apologies and play you become blocked and return to a no man’s land of suffering and ignorance.
To continue you the proper identification is required (see the book above) and then you experience the reward and you see the beauty that lies ahead. You feel you’re connected with the light that you desire. If all is well you have a supporter on your way or you can get the help of someone who knows the path. Because no one who enters this path together will fail or be lost! Even in the Loka phases are disappointments and bitter experiences. The further get and the brighter you become the more you are attacked by creatures that wants to keep the light from you and for you to fall back to the darkness (the groups force).
Purposeful you go further and let all religion behind. After many phases you have tasted all religions. They can’t help any further. The higher trails are invisible. Only a few have walked and described them.
Only those who have made great progress on the path will enter those wonderful new loving world. So it goes each time at the end of a cycle. A final phase (cycle) began at the end of 1970 and lasts up to about 2050. A final phase also includes a kind of Big Flood in order to separate the wheat from the chaff and one group to provide transit and the others give a chance to start afresh to discover the path. So don’t become distracted from your path through the increasing power of the dark and those who still stay in the Tala phases, but continue in the Loka phases.
All phases are described in the book “from Tadpole to Prince: to Mega Awareness in 2016”