Europe is a continent that for centuries is infested by wars because of the many different population groups and economic interests. Adjacent to Asia and nearby Africa the continent came under pressure. After World War II especially Americans affected us as they did not want to comply with our values and practices (Guild). English has become the Latin of this time. The own language knowledge turned to become awfully bad. Furthermore, in the workplace we got a top down mentality where we remain in one position and we have lost our own empowerment. We are no able to contradict the boss even though it his demands are not responsible, illogical, dangerous or impairs the environment. As a result, more and more fraudulent business arise, employees get a burned out and we create a disposable society for especially the subclasses. Nowadays we jump from one hype in the other. Just like English speaking persons we no longer think our selves or make a responsible choice. The effects show in traffic, during bad weather conditions or in a crisis. Thus the mass must be led within frameworks because they no longer know their accountability, values and standards.
In order to give our image a new impetus after World War II we allowed many foreigners to become inhabitants. There is nothing wrong with that except that these people do not wish to adjust to the values and standards in Europe. They only know to hit our Achilles tendon under the guise of words like discrimination and freedom of religion. They discriminate their new homeland and place themselves outside society by their own behavior.
Words like discrimination and freedom of religion are indiscriminately (mis) (ab) used in order to knock over the established order as we have no clear policy about how we can really let them integrate in our society and maintain a constructive society. We no longer want a degradation society as it has become the last 50 years. It all started with the headscarf discussion, the discussion about Black Knight of St. Nicolaas or the Nativity scene discussion. Now small ethnic children on the street talk already about the coming sharia law in Europe. How sad the wars in the Middle East are, it’s their problem because they have a culture of lying, cheating, temper, envy, vanity, laziness, jealousy and lust. As a result, they destroy what in their view does not fit. They have not inherited constructive inner values or enlarged them during the past centuries. Fighting, complaining and demanding is all the know, meanwhile destructing the society. Building a society is strange to them.
Aid workers learn that you must leave the problem where it is and fix it there. By allowing them to enter Europe they exhibit the above described behavior here. That is something that cannot be solved with a simple training.
Economic interests in Europe make that integration is barely coming off the ground. Conversely Dolce & Gabbana starts a clothing line for covering clothing working on the integration by providing them with a clothing line with covering clothing because there is apparently much profit to be gained. However, it effects the integration, thus we get de-integration. Gone is the freedom. Gone is the emancipation, gone is the full human right for women, gone is emancipation, gone are values and standards, gone is a constructive Europe.
The affect of Europe as a continent of art, culture, high values and standards, rules, freedom, expression, cognitive knowledge and deep inner knowledge is waning.