It is amongst others proven by Daniel Goleman that by developing the EQ, self-knowledge, self-confidence, self-control and empathy increases. The EQ is strongly improves by self realization by development of the intuition (higher inner knowledge). Do not confuse it with instinct, feeling, thinking, interpretation, assumption or association. Intuition is pure wisdom and is about communication with the energy that is present.
Only if you know your own feelings and have your identification with your Essence, you can place yourself in the shoes of the other and live and work in an open and effective way.
Without emotions most rational decision cannot be taken. Without emotions there are many monologues, but there is rarely a dialogue. It ends in mistrust, sub-assertivity and you avoid strong bonding in any relationship with others or change it in suppressing the other. By considering your thoughts and notice them, difficult emotions become the source of strength and vitality. It’s like walking; you need two legs to go forward.
The biggest problem lies in whether you experience emotions that belong to you or emotions you have inherited from the family, your partner or group to which you belong. Another factor you need to distinguish is whether the emotions you feel are from a present or past experience. Everyone knows the example you have during a funeral when you cry because there is still some unresolved grief. Actually you do not weep for the person who is currently buried.
Everyone experiences emotions during a particular action in certain circumstances. Intelligence is the mental adjustment to changing circumstances. It differs from instinct and habits. It is about conscious dealing with what life throws at you and continually adapt through conscious choices and learning from the consequences.
If you become acquainted with your emotions you can learn to distinguish them from other influences. Influences that are covering up the truth are: subjectivity, perception through the senses, associations, instinct, interpretation, assumptions, thoughts and emotions. The truth can only be found when one liberates himself from the energy and ignorance of others and a good contact with the own Self/Essence). This only works if you stop with contaminating identifications like the identification with the idea of the need to have a child, narcistic identification, targeted identification, object loss identification and the Oedipus identification.
It only works if you start to balance the inner female and male side, notice the paradoxes and next remember you are a member of the “wo-man” which is the origin of “All”. The wo-man is explained in a story of the Runes and included in the book “Freedom in Relationships: Have the right Identification”.
As soon as you dismantled your Essence and have re-gained your naked Self, you know the truth as you are liberated from all other influences. As long as you are in one of the layers you notice a different truth than those in another layer.
The reality is a combination of both and not a suppression of one of them. If you also learn to understand the paradox of them you can surrender to living alive.
It ultimately means that you completely understand why you have that emotion, and why it was blocked before and what you now can accomplish with that emotion. It feels like a relief when you can just have an emotion as it comes.
You then experience more possibilities as you have less dead weight and thus unprecedented new possibilities are possible.
Anaïs Nin said: “We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are”. “We can learn to see things as they exist.”
I’m not talking here about emotions that you express by will, like others laugh and so do you or you smile because others desire you to do so. These are emotions that can easily block you. More in this subject in the next blog.
More on this subject is to be found in our books
To be continued …