Deadly Labor due to a misleading society

There are organizations such as the Post, Home Care, Nursing and the hospitality industry but also several other professions that are ruled by a blueprint from the past. In earlier times, many had to do exactly what a boss told and they were not allowed to give a reply. It was a time when the worker had to work long hours or the work had to be carried out in their own time. A time when too many activities were imposed on the worker. All these activities are conducted at meager wages and had to be carried out under huge pressure. This work pressure equals top sports. It took place in past centuries.

In the next time period we learned other methods of conducting the work that should make the job easier. People were trained and became professionals. Working procedures clarified the work. Working conditions were improved. There came several consultative bodies such as the Participation Council and the Work Council. Councils and Ombudsmen were also created and there were Unions. The technology improved work procedures. Good attitude and performance were invented that gave less stress to the physical body. Examples include lifting techniques, how to put on elastic stockings, how to walk with a tray, which products to use for cleaning or how chemicals like paint should be handled. It is all in the Health and Safety Act.

The employers gained more insight, knowledge and even a vision. They even got opportunities to participate in policy making. They can even go to court or the European Court steps if they do not agree with circumstances.

Employers tried new ways to become less troubled by these insights and improved knowledge of their employees. Bosses derive their existence due to the fact they have employees. Employees who have increasingly more knowledge, but also opportunities to stand for their rights jeopardize the existence of bosses and managers. Actually it means that their positions have not changed accordingly. However they like to remain in their hierarchical position. They do this by conducting methods of the past as described above. Employers therefore introduce many veils, deceptive actions and contaminated identifications that belong to rat behavior as described in my blog on egocentrism. With these actions they try to maintain their dominant position, increase turnover and keep a tight hand on employees and customers.

Most executives and managers are actually common employees who got promoted without having the necessary qualifications. They lack internalized knowledge to perform this job. They only known how to command and bullying their employees and they know how to talk sweet to their boss (brownnosing). They get publically titles such as “the psychopath at work”, the “Peter Principle”, “balloon”, “airmouth” or “risen by lack of weight”.

Now in a time of money cuts due to the economic crisis, they see it as a time to exploit others. With high speed they turn down the improved circumstances we got after many decades of striving for these improvements.

The result is that:

  • Employees or customers are poorly informed
  • Persons do not get the required resources or aid
  • Employees perform bad due to lack of procedures
  • Employees are demotivated and start also to show rat behavior like their bosses
  • Employees that require information become disparaged or dismissed
  • Employees who are socially aware or have knowledge become demotivated by their boss or fired
  • Bosses do not know how to handle well educated employees
  • Bosses do not know how to handle assertiveness as they see it as aggressiveness of the employee, and thus it results in an unbalance
  • Bosses cannot cope with mature and competent employees
  • Bosses like to have only employees with sub assertive behavior and a docile attitude. They want employees who passively and obediently do what he imposes on to them. Employers call it flexibility. But it’s really a huge oppression of their employees
  • Bosses cannot communicate from men to men (horizontal communication)
  • Bosses project their fear to their employees and attract likewise persons as they fear skilled ones
  • Bosses help other bosses in the saddle in order not to become exposed
  • Bosses intimidate employees and it results in working around Collective Labor Agreements, Health and Safety Act with impossible work schedules, work pressure and the unavailability of means to conduct the work
  • Bosses lay all responsibility on the shoulders of employees or customers
    • Customers and employees are treated human unworthy and as just a product
    • Customers and employees are suppressed and thus create physical and mental illnesses and will therefore rely more on social resources in the future
    • Customers can not make use of a customer complaint systems as they exist on paper mainly or they are “customer impossible” to handle
    • Customers and employees who complain become gagged and get the associated repercussions
    • Employers are ineffectively controlled or even get the hand held above the head, because the other also do not want to make their incapacities public
    • Employers, governments and insurance companies for centuries demand that we trust them, but they betray it too often
    • Employers, governments and insurance companies have taken responsibility on themselves and are therefore exceedingly paid. But when it comes to their responsibility and tasks they hand it over to employees or customers. In fact they throw their work over the fence and lay their responsibility on the shoulders of others.

When we continue this way humans are just a product or slave that must obey and work until they become ill or end dead.

Persons contributing to this decline mainly work as politicians, decision makers within governments, multinationals and social organizations.

The current reality is that hardly anyone can bear the responsibility for them or is willing to pay the price.

At a time when Earth is recovering the balance even these unbalanced ways will not escape this rebalancing.

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One Response to Deadly Labor due to a misleading society

  1. Paulinewriter says:

    write in english

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