There is a time of coming and leaving and that counts as well for vicious circles. Many know the daily or monthly vicious circles; others know much more vicious circles, both small and large ones. To grow and become more aware, there is the repetition of a theme. When we understand this theme completely we can as soon as the circle re-continues to step out and step forward to another level. The point where stepping out of a vicious circles is possible is called a crossroad. It is a point where aware persons continue to another level and where unaware persons repeat the past vicious circle once more. The smaller the circle the smaller this point, the greater the vicious circle the longer this point takes.
Now at the end of the current large (26,000 years) vicious circle, there is a lot changing.
Many people recognize the moment when the division between one and the other group began to take clearer forms.
A large group went on to focus on numbers, monitoring, having money, property and prestige. It is known as the Super Ego identification of object / loss or target identification. As history teached us previously, these identifications lead us to the downfall of society. Even the psychologist Sigmund Freud and other world-renowned psychologists warned us for these events.
A smaller group went on to focus on what the Club of Rome, scientists and visionaries claimed. They wanted to be conscious and thus learn to make better choices. They began self development. For thousands of years this development is propagated or prescribed in holy books, by many philosophers and psychologists. This group of people tries to become aware and to behave accordingly. As awareness has in the eyes of this large group no a sexy image due to the fact that they cannot gain excessive amounts of money with this behavior, the persons on the path of self realization are put at the bottom of the labor market and society. History shows us that non-conformist persons provide building blocks to an alive society and that conformist impede the progress and the experience in life and thus create a dead society. It is exactly as what quantum physics teaches us!
The question to be asked is: What have we learned from history? Do we live in the here and now that so many claim?
The large group of people led by economic interests is still continuing with the suppression of man and society. Their focus is to name one-dimensional as their interests and vision does not proceed beyond an artificial way of producing desirable numbers and enrich themselves with earthly goods like money.
Managing a company is already a long time just a way how to create and handle money and it is no more about the product. Managers have even lost their interest in noticing which impact this has on the whole of society. Many do not even conduct an impact analysis or evaluate what they have been creating. The only thing many mangers do is trading money and sometimes even on the black market and suppressing their employees and clients by hoodwinking them. They themselves earn excessive amounts in just a couple of hours. It seems they have not yet learned that earth desires balance and thus when the balance scales are out of balance it will be balanced at a certain moment.
Their employees do the actual job. They have to work long hours in order to get a normal basic salary. Often they have to work with a lack of instruments to conduct the work properly and have to work under mental and physical strain. They are intimidated to neglect the Health and Safety Act and collective labor agreement in order for the manager to remain on its hierarchical post and score
Managers create opaque accounting systems and meeting minutes in order to remain in the saddle. They keep each other in the saddle by their rat behavior and they even write management books about it!
They suppress other by their created models that are not even based on natural laws. They know how to keep up appearances as the short term effects “seem” to be good. Many of these managers show the behavior of the first “I“period. They have not really been attending self-realization as this implies to go through the mirror of them. They lack more and more skills and competences and not to mention inner knowledge. They “demand” from their employees all kind of certificates, skills and competence and even instruments to conduct the work, but they cannot deliver any of these themselves.
Daily the media explains this lack of knowledge and skills many suffer from the above described behavior especially as they often have knowledge and skills but the people in command lack them.
Despite all the TV documentaries, films, books, scandals they continue with this ill making dead way of life…
The balance on earth is at stake. As a result of the law of communicating vessels this is up for change, especially now at the end of this vicious circle.
It should not take that much longer:
- The care of elderly, disabled and sick is one of arbitrariness, making mistakes, forgotten care, care which becomes not delivered or happens occasional as it lacks manpower, or time to spend or money to spend;
- The safety of citizens (public safety, security and peace) is given on paper, but practice shows that due to not enough manpower, time, money and resources it is almost not available;
- Inventing and designing a new vision or idea only happens because a company unilaterally determines the rules. Science and philosophy has become a mechanical design and implementation of what a client demands.
Society has turned into a colt, hard and still society where the focus is just on money, drugs and sex. Where do we know this phenomenon from? Is it not all the holy books that speak clearly about this kind of temptation? A temptation that is brought to us by false preachers of all kind of churches.
Contemporary society lacks insight and heart.
However, the latter – the oppressed – will be the first to understand the vicious circle and to learn enough to step out of this vicious circle and step forward to another (higher) level.
The large group that seems to be the first will likely without even noticing it continue the present vicious circle until they eventually understand and learn what it is they could or should understand.