Recently, someone uttered the phrase “Wild West Economics”. It is a cry that once uttered explains a lot.
We have seen it coming for years. Everything was more beautiful and bigger. Despite the many warnings of: the Club of Rome, many scientists who indicate what is wrong, and spiritual people who precisely are aware (know) what will go wrong in the near future, some people continue to increase economic pressure.
The economy has been developed by humans. It is even in scientific circles considered as not scientific as it is not based on natural concepts.
The building blocks on which it rests, are created by humans and have little to do with physical concepts such as those found in f.i. mathematics.
By pressure and influence of this group many started to follow the Business Administration program. In this training and in virtually any management training, students are taught how to influence others and how to move around with money to keep the company intact.
Some decades ago many were taught to make a good product, calculate the cost and market it while keeping your main working capital – your fellow humans – motivated.
All that is discarded under the influence of the Anglo-Saxon thinking. A model that reinvents the wheel over and over. Ruthlessly deals with everything they find in their way, and forcing everything to go according their wishes and demands. Is this the concept “wild west economy “?
Fact is that especially in countries who are hungry for money and power reigns “keeping up appearances”. However, behind the facade of appearances reality shows up.
The reality shows that bridges, roads, houses and buildings are poorly constructed and maintained, the security rules are bad and that many building waits until it collapses.
Ownership of utilities like gas, water pass from hand to hand and become even more expensive, while maintenance sucks and is constantly on the brink of sustainability.
The reality of food is that it becomes manipulated in order to have more crops. In reality it results in a less healthy product.
Similarly, the natural products become unraveled and every product sold separately so that it yields more. Notable examples are the grain and the grain of rice. It is a nutritious product when it is eaten as a whole. Industry, however, makes products out of it that harm our health over time.
Next we need to turn to the pharmaceutical industry that make some good products mainly develop drugs that make us ill with the disease for which the drug was intended. In some countries, people became almost entirely dependent on drugs and dietary supplements. It’s good for the food industry, pharmaceutical industry and hospitals. They take advantage of the fact that they made humans dependent and they mislead humans at the very beginning and now we use unnatural and unhealthy products that eventually make us degenerate and sick.
If you are sick you are not allowed to die as they earn more on a living human than on a dead one. They keep you alive as long as possible and make you suffer an unnaturally way by the hands of your fellow man.
In ancient times they calculated more than expected in a construction. The foundation was created according to certain principles so that it was resistant to water, there is an air space under the building to avoid the cold, the beams and walls were that thick that the building could carry and withstand natural disasters. Many of those houses have passed the tooth of time for centuries.
Now they calculate precisely how thick a layer can be to just keep to standard protocols for normal conditions. Every inch or every euro more is seen as a cost item. They cut back on security devices or they are omitted because the controllers and economists estimate the risk incorrectly. The result is that many of those buildings already catch fire before they open. In case of a disaster there are many casualties. The construction is depreciated already after several decennia as it was poorly built.
In some countries roads need to be repaired every year as they are constructed incorrectly or you drive on roads with large potholes. The old Roman roads that are found during excavations have still a better construction.
In former times, the public utilities were maintained and controlled by the government. They were well maintained because they knew the importance. Due to economic influences (influence MBA) and the so-called free market, they had to split them up and sell them.
It results in: competition, failing maintenance, higher prices and as soon as there is a setback the system fails. There are so few reserves built in that by a single setback the system is bankrupt and ordinary citizens are presented with the bill and need to solve the damage.
They are re-inventing the wheel once more as they have no sense of history anymore. With awareness of history they would know what a structure needs. Then they would now that constructing card houses is still a bad idea. Whether it concerns roads, buildings, public utilities, food or health, most persons believe the man at hierarchical height with his ideas, smooth talks, who sells the products while laughing. Humans step into this trap with open eyes. That’s because they do not know themselves, have no idea about their socialization process, do not want to learn from life and lack historical awareness.
Daily facts
The outcome is to be seen in many films and TV productions as managers bark at employees, treat them inhumanly or suppress them.
Managers not knowing how to show leadership, who do not know how to motivate their staff, but only show suppression with often extensively macho behavior.
Managers who are not capable of executing the duties of their subordinates because they do not know these tasks.
Managers who only know how to speculate with money in order to make profit, but who have no idea about the product they sell.
We let go of a good system and thus governments need an extra public controlling system, which drives prices up and the reliability gets another veil (Gordian knot).
Educated employees who are not allowed to decide and ask their boss at all times.
Managers who are not educated for difficult tasks such as a fire, traffic accident or disaster but act because of their hierarchical position.
The basic for this failure and the result
By wrong assumptions, mankind puts more humans in the world than earth can take, while in fact it is all about the inner child.
Man is by fear of not having enough looking for opportunities to suppress their fellow humans. Because of their fear they suppress others and make them slavish followers and the other becomes just an object or slave.
Still more and more children are put in the world by the fear that there would not be enough outlets, or not enough workers, not enough soldiers or not enough people to help them in their old age.
It is the fear – already described by Sigmund Freud and others – that occupies man and thereby destroys the world and themselves. The fear has triumphed over common sense, a balanced life, a life in the service of enriching the inner child and contributing to the welfare of the world.
Every week humans can see how infrastructure fails. Every week it is possible to notice how people earn exceedingly money to refurbish a house with palliatives of particle board and plastic slats. Every week there is a message from a company where the boss makes money like water and the employees find themselves unemployed or barely earn enough. Every week there is a message of a takeover of a business and then everybody knows that the company becomes turned down over time.
It looks great to work in a beautiful building, at a company with a huge image and dressed with the latest fashion but it is just about outer appearances. Many sell their soul for this outer appearance of power, money and other forms of egocentrism.
This Wild West economy is in its final years but still holds the world in its grip. Apparently many people wait until the curtain of keeping up appearances falls or until humanity perish.
Humans are busy destroying their own life without realizing it.
Humans lost contact with their original life purpose (the way to God / to the light).
We thank for the lessons of history and meeting greedy people who show dead living. Dead living means return to the very beginning. Learned life lessons allow to follow your destiny.