Every day employees suffer under the projections of employers who believe they have more insight. Often they act from their hierarchical position or it is about new people on earth who are just at the beginning of the road of experience. As Carl Rogers (psychologist) writes it, they are just in level 1.
When such persons meet others they notice only one facet of the other. This they broadly align and determine in a few seconds or minutes what the other may do or is allowed to do. This attitude is more and more noticed in the fast Anglo-Saxon Society that is focused on money and power. It happens in many organizations, in governments, in so called charities or businesses who want to earn quick money or persons or employers who feel the need to appropriate power. It is a form of fixed dogmatic thinking of an individual or group (Super Ego) that is made manifest by that group. Thus it becomes an ideology by which they decide what is good for others who only are allowed to take it with gratitude. This attitude ignores the inner strength and purpose of life of others. It is the ultimate way to deprive others their path of life and block them.
Many people who suffer from this attitude of society have the experience of down trodden and are now often at the bottom of this pyramid thinking. Due to many changes in society (caused by greed), they lost their jobs. They have had multiple little jobs and became flexible. It means that their résumé has become longer. After each rejection they reconsider themselves and look at what happened and learn from it. Therefore they grow above their original potency that is described in their résumé and develop multiple sides of themselves. Even that is a form of flexibility. Eventually they grow above the force of every model (like Enneagram, hats de bono etc.) and often become even the sum of all parts of the model.
Whatever side of themselves they show when applying for a job, they become rejected. Every time they focus on what happened and learn from it. The rejection is often based on some subjective information. Official diplomas or University degrees are not valued or unknown. Insight in humans and society seems more often a handicap for the employee than added value. Most employers rather have subordinates who they can model to their liking and will power. He likes best the persons who brainless act upon his demands or act like clones.
The interrogators (government employment offices, job agencies like Randstad and Manpower, personnel officer or manager) are often persons with lack of self insight and only focused on the outside world of keeping up appearances. They often have got no further in their development than the first step or the first three steps of the Model of Carl Rogers. They miss integral knowledge of humanity and society and lack all historical knowledge. Hence they are not capable to live in the here and now. They act by the frenzy of the day and lack the construction stones for a mature decision.
The person who judges the résumé is often not capable to read and understand it. They scan the résumé for one or more words and if these exact words are not found, the résumé ends up in the trash.
When it comes to a job interview most interviewers are uncertain. They often do not know what person they are looking for or ask impertinent questions as they are uncertain. They want the person to exactly meet their demands. If these demands are normal seems not to be the question. Often they look for a person who can act in more than one role and if in the end it is not of their liking, they compose some other roles and look for a person to fit in, while the first one is ostracized. They focus on one facet they notice at the other without questionizing whether this reflection is theirs and whose share is predominant. Often their share is the largest but they judge those who reflect 10% to them and stigmatize them for their own shortcomings as the reflection frightens them. They doubt due to their lack of self knowledge what happens and thus direct the focus on the other and remain themselves in the dark. They won’t be in the light as then they have to realize themselves and observe their part in the projection.
They give themselves no chance to learn from others. They actually do not want to encounter the other person but prefer to stay safe in their comfort zone and thereby close the door for this person. Through staying in their comfort zone they do not develop and grow to the next level. Their fear to release the safety and embrace the unknown – the other – and meet them and learn from each other seems too difficult for them.
They often seek in an interview for information they need, after which the aspirant worker is regarded. This obtained information is then used by them. In fact they exploit the knowledge and skills they met during the job interview and throw the other sucked out back and nail this person on the cross. It is the behavior of parasites that crush their host. It is the behavior of the student’s (employer) who abuses the teacher (employee). The employer does not learn, the prospective employee usually learns of such occurrences. Thus, the imbalance between employers and employees increases. It is thus a failure and collapse of present society.
Employers prefer to stay in their created positions and increasingly become empty balloons, raised by the lack of inner weight. They suffer from outdated perception, models and concepts. Often they have not successfully attended management classes or developed situational leadership. They only are on that position because they know how to suppress others and make them do the job. The outcome is demotivation and they do not lead others but make them suffer and in the end they ruin society.
As the most of their employees know more and are able to perform a lot, they shut the door for them in order to maintain their position. They determine (projection) for the other what is right.
The merging of knowledge and skills helps an organization to return to balance and improve. It is shown in many management courses, but in daily practice most throw the teached knowledge away – whether valuable and well thought over – as they lack the ability to handle it. Managers prefer to attract submissive and ignorant people because it frightens them to learn from more advances and mature others. These organizations grow crooked and become increasingly ignorant in respect to other companies. They maintain themselves in the guise of “keeping up appearances” ,many public campaigns and abuse the talent of others.
They nail the wise and more mature person on the cross as they are further in the personal development (further than level 4 of Rogers) en carry more inner light. With their projections they stigmatize the other who carries the inner light.
Ultimately, the person nailed to the cross is the one that continues learning and rise above others (ascension). They emerge above the darkness of those who nailed them to the cross. Their energy increases and thus becomes colorful and lighter and eventually becomes a golden color. Their purpose on earth is in sight.
They are able to choose whether to continue in a next vicious circle or step out of vicious circles and follow the path in another level/world.
For others – the employer in this story – the road prolongs and becomes an agony one. An agony created by themselves as they do not learn from what they encounter in other persons and situations.
It is a vicious circle that must and can be broken.
Over 2000 years ago, it was already explained in the story of Jesus and his crucifixion.
We hope this story gives insight in the present vicious circle and how it can be broken in order not to repeat the end days of Atlantis or Lemuria.
We thank all the people at the top of hierarchical levels for the insight they give upon their (lack of) power. By their suppression and lack of knowledge the inner strength and inner knowledge of the suppressed is enlarged.
“The last will be the first and the first will be the last.”