Suffering through sins Stinginess

Continued …

This is the last part of the 7 deadly sins

Someone who suffers from this sin worries about the possibility to lose something. They have not yet the awareness that what you possess internally will never be lost. Only earthly externals can be lost.

On the other hand there is the “poverty thinking”. That’s thinking that you might have nothing left tomorrow and thus as a precaution you stuff your house with food, linens, food inventory, multiple cabinets with more than 1 Cookware set, more than 2 TVs etc.

On the other hand, it are people who have lots of insurance policies because they dare not to take any risk. Many years ago Religion intended with cooperatives to insure people as they wanted to do well to their fellow man. These have now become large insurance companies. Insurance companies or other authorities nowadays project fear on the unbalanced people and with their lobby and their foot in the door they know how to make excessive profits. Being the “Publican” of our time.

The stinginess  are also the companies that are ruled on mainly financial economic gain and no longer by the product they make or a responsible social contribution (environmental cleaning, keep people at work etc.). These companies turn over every penny because a penny time millions of products is much profit. This thinking was started by excessive capitalist thinking in which MBA ‘s had the say. Thus many companies with a good product, and loyal employees still become ruined and bankrupt. This is the kiss of death for life on Earth.

It is mainly conservative people who from a deep-seated fear cannot surrender to life as intended and therefore live a stingy life. They create people around them who are cut from the same wood. It is a massive religious movement in which the fear guards the assets.

They are individuals who do not dare to reveal their knowledge because another might take the knowledge with them. Their House is full of goods and the closets are jam-packed. They have a lot of insurance policies and they fear any change and project fear to one another.

Such companies are very calculating. The consequence is that nowadays more and more roads, bridges, viaducts and houses are so poorly and to the penny constructed, that by the slightes adjustments (more people, more traffic) or changing weather conditions (high winds, lots of rain)  they become destroyed. This is in contrast to products of ages ago that were thus well made that they stood the test of time, whatever happened.

Many large companies get their raw materials from areas where poor people want to have money. They still have no awareness to be responsible for their environment in the long run. Thus (Western) companies looking for excessive profit can violate the laws of the environment and mother nature. They also abuse the local employee who wants to work for a penny where another in the West would like to receive 10 cents. Most large companies are guilty of such practices. Yet many such companies a predicate environmentally friendly or responsibility. They do this by logging on to an organization which supposedly is changing such practices. In the meantime, they continue with pollution, poisoning of land, water and air, deforesting the world (less oxygen), killing animals because there is no habitat left for them.

The worst skinflints are those companies who manage to evade the tax in all sorts of countries and many of them are publicly traded. They earn up to billions or trillions but their first priority is to show off with a theory to the outside world which is based on half-truths, masking whatever they need to hide. They also serve many fallacies, window dressing, lip service, hidden diktat and groupthink and island formation. They work closely with other companies who also strive for profit maximization, have many commercials to convince citizens and lobby to the people in command /Governments in order to be able to dominate with their groupthink. Only the employees belonging to the Core of such a company and the shareholders benefit financially by their lust for power. Governments, other workers, air, water, Earth, plants and animals are the ones to suffer. It is a metaphor for Above Together and Together Above behavior and is also the Tale of the Emperor’s new clothes.

Nowadays it are often people/companies that contribute to degradation instead of building a society. It costs society (individual citizens) much (tax) money because the money is thrown in the well/ destroyed.

These deadly sins in this time elevate themselves as a kind of last cry before the mighty hand of judgment (at the end of this cycle) drops the external cloth and reality shows. It’s like a death cry/last action of those who still have not learned what self-realization (balance sheet) means.

Because of this profound anxiety/fear (imbalance) occupies them, they perform the sins even more violent. A unapproachable pride, fierce lust, vitriolic jealousy, laziness, flabby active drift, insatiable gluttony and fossilized stinginess are the result. The Psychiatry can no longer help so many twisted minds. The capital sins and the lack of understanding makes you as an individual that you become wearied by these negative vibrations. The nervous system is affected (burn out) and that is further aggravated by the hype of this time as meaningless hypes in TV-shows, radio programs, utterances in the press and the many often mindless social media expressions that demand your contribution (are you no longer in charge of yourself?)  The force of the group (Government, business, Church, faith) forces man to sin and degradation instead of understanding, building a society and self-realization.

The stinginess sees any interference as an attack and so they continue as a monstrosity full of distrust as they do not want to hand in their own external position.

They are the lowest among the lowest. They need still to walk the whole (self) development path before awareness will start to penetrate and then they learn what life is all about. They still have a long way to go before they understand love and freedom.

Pauline Laumans

Aura and Chakra Reader/Healer, Naturopath/Therapist

+31 618541278

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